Endless Debt.

Chapter 637 The Blade of Order

Chapter 637 The Blade of Order
When Burlogo returned to Lebius' office, the others had already left, and only Lebius was still in the office, as if waiting for Burlogo.

Noticing that Bologo was back, Lebius raised his head slightly, showing no intention of stopping the work at hand.

"It seems that you have met him, how?"

Burrog shook his head, moved a chair and sat down, "It's not pleasant, he always tries to seduce me and get my soul."

"But I got something useful out of him," Borrog hesitated. "I don't know if it's some kind of conspiracy."

"Tell me."

"This is a bet, a bet with the ownership of Irwin's soul as a condition of victory," Burrog repeated the information he had received, "If Belphegor wins, he will unconditionally form an alliance with Asmodeus , if Asmodeus wins, she will have a truce with Belphegor... I think it’s not just a truce, but with that devil’s evil taste, she will only make Belphegor pay a more painful price.”


Lebius pondered for a few seconds. He did not comment too much on the information Bologo had obtained. Instead, he brought the topic to Bologo.

"You're getting more and more professional, Bologo, especially when it comes to dealing with demons."

Lebius has personally witnessed the growth of Bologo after he joined the job. From the initial ignorance of the devil to the active exploration and construction of a cognitive framework, Lebius feels that Bologo will soon be able to take on the big responsibility.

"If you deal with so many devils, you can also become professional."

Burlogo didn't think it was a compliment, but an affirmation of his own doom.

Counting the days when he was out of prison for an internship, this is the second year that Bologo has worked in the industry. Others have been unable to face the devils several times in their lives. In this short period of time, Bologo almost recognized the devils. All, and worst of all, he's also one of the devil's chosen ones.

Seeing Boluogo's serious look, Lebius said, "The decision-making room is dealing with this part of the matter, so you don't have to worry too much."

"You should take a break, the journey to the Happy Garden should be very exhausting."

Bologo nodded silently. It was more than exhausting. After the extraordinary power was deprived, Bologo would have a strange feeling of suffocation from time to time, as if some invisible senses were shielded.

From the perspective of her alchemist, Amy gave some answers to Borrog. She felt that this feeling should be related to the disconnection with the ether.

Sublimation is inseparable from ether and secret source, just as people need air and fish live in water, they are closely connected.

"I think we should send someone to find Irving Fleischer as soon as possible and control him in the hands of the Bureau of Order, so that we can take the lead in the devil's bet."

Bologo suggested that the bet is not yet over, and Irving is still at the center of the vortex. He likes this author with some problems in his mind. Under the protection of the Bureau of Order, he can not only suppress the devils, but also keep Irving in a safe place. environment.

"Irving Fleischer?"

Lebius flipped through the documents. After the Bologo people were taken away by the Happy Garden and disappeared, the first thing Lebius did when he returned to the Bureau of Order was to investigate the identities of the remaining people.

Regarding Cinderella, Lebius found nothing, and Canary also has confusing information because of her status as a member of the Unbound Poetry Society, but this will not hinder the Crow's Nest, but the time required by the Crow's Nest will be relatively long Some.

As for Irwin, his information is easy to find. Although most of Irwin’s information is not disclosed to the public, as an author, his information can be seen everywhere in the publishing house. It doesn’t even cost much to search for it. With the strength of Bius, he only needs to make a phone call.

"What you thought of, we naturally thought of it too."

Lebius explained to Bologo, "When you left, we had an impromptu meeting. During the meeting, we had already applied to the decision-making room to protect Irwin. With the efficiency of the decision-making room, it is estimated that in the afternoon When the time comes, there will be an action team assembled and go to find Irwin."

Bologo heaved a sigh of relief. Sure enough, his worries were unnecessary. Since he could think of it, how could his boss, the reliable Lebius, not think of it.

Thinking about it carefully, I didn’t have anything to say. Boluoge got up and was about to leave. He really needed to take a break, but before leaving, Boluoge seemed to remember something. He stood at the door and suddenly turned his head , asked Lebius.

"Leader, have you known Belphegor for a long time?"

Bologo could sense Lebius' dislike of the devil, but he could also read it from Lebius' attitude. The communication between Lebius and Belphegor was deeper and more frequent than his own. In the past of the legend of his team leader, Burlogo had some bad thoughts.

Rebius didn't immediately answer Borrog's question, but this time, he stopped what he was doing and after a period of meditation, Rebius calmly narrated.

"You'll find out later."


"Oh, by the way, Bologo."

Lebius stopped Burrog, and he continued, "Someone wants to see you."


"Gold," said Lebius, "it seems that your return brought back some lost guys."

Bologo and Lebius maintained a tacit understanding. Lebius didn't say anything, and Bologo didn't ask. He turned around and opened the door to leave. After Bologo left, Lebius seemed to be frozen Similarly, after a while, the muscles all over the body became soft.

Opening the drawer, he took out a document that was about to be torn apart by him. When he opened the page, there was a clear color photo inside. Lebius remembered the person in the photo, and that was the face he would never forget .

"Red Dog..."

Lebius murmured in a low voice, and then coughed violently, as if triggering some kind of hidden injury.

"The sixth seat, Red Dog Grain, was already a strong defender during the Secret War, and after the Secret War, he showed enough loyalty to the King of Terror, so there are more All the resources have been tilted towards him, and he has grown stronger and stronger over the years, and it is said that he is now the king's secret sword, second only to the existence of the first seat."

A familiar figure suddenly appeared behind Lebius, and his heavy hands pressed on Lebius' shoulders, like two hard rocks.

"And you? Lebius, after so many years, you are still just a power bearer. Once you relied on the corpses of countless colleagues and almost killed the red dog. Can you still do it now?"

Belphegor leaned down and whispered in Lebius's ear, "I'll also tell you a secret, Red Dog's intentions are absolutely malicious."

Lebius closed the document and put it back in the drawer. As for Belphegor, he completely ignored Belphegor's existence. Belphegor was not angry at all, but laughed.

"Lebius, you still have another chance, and I look forward to when you use up this chance."

As soon as the words fell, Belphegor disappeared into the air, like a hallucination that only Lebius could perceive.

Lebius took a deep breath and tried to straighten his back, but he was still like a deflated ball, and he collapsed on the chair. After a long time, he regained some strength, picked up the crutches, Staggeringly walked to his room.

During working hours, Lebius seldom returns to his room, and many people almost forget that there is only one door between Lebius' bedroom and office.

Now Lebius broke this rule in a rare way. He stepped into the dark room. The layout of the room was very simple, and there were not even many personal items.

Lebius' thoughts have been in confusion for the past few days, but this confusion is not due to the joy garden or the original thing, but because of the visit of the red dog.

Sitting on the bed, Lebius enjoyed the solitude and silence. He picked up the photo beside the bed, which is the only personal item in the room. There are many people in the photo. This is a large group photo, in which Lebius It is clearly visible with Jeffrey when he was young.

In the corner of the photo, the date of the photo was written, as well as the words of the second group, Blade of Order.

In the current Department of Field Service sequence, there is no second group, the Blade of Order, and many employees are not aware of the existence of this action group, and many people have raised questions, wondering why in the sequence of the Field Service Department, the sequence number of the operation group It is not continuous, but there are some vacancies, such as no second group, but directly to the third group.

Lebius knew why. It stemmed from a little-known rule in the Department of Field Service. When most members of an action team died and became incapacitated, the serial number of the action team would be sealed, and the team members would also die. will be assigned to other action groups.This signaled the death of an action team.

In the dark, Lebius stared at the photo for a long time, clenched his fist silently, his nails sank into the flesh and blood, and he remained expressionless as always.

(End of this chapter)

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