Endless Debt.

Chapter 651 The Weird and Absurd Silence

Chapter 651 The Weird and Absurd Silence

Bologo felt that he was being invaded by a cold ocean current. Under its influence, Bologo was rampaging in the dark, his body covered with bruises, and his sense of time was being blurred. Just a few seconds were stretched infinitely long, until an absurd certain In an instant, he was exiled back to the world again.

His eyes were already used to the constant blazing heat. The darkness of the corridor made it difficult for Bologo to adapt for a while. After thinking for a while, Bologo recalled the corridor, and he returned to Daisy Castle again.

From a sub-narrative level, Bologo is simply under the influence of Asmodeus and caught in a long torment, from which he may have taken a few minutes to break free, but from Burogo's subjective From perspective, he literally fought against endless soldiers for ten years.

Can I be regarded as a centenarian now?
Such a joke appeared in Burrog's mind. Before he could stand up straight and observe the surrounding situation, a strong strange feeling hit Burrog's brain like a tide, biting his nerves.

Pain, fatigue, hunger, sleepiness...

Bologo escaped from the eternal battlefield, leaving with him, there is also a negative state that follows him, even Bologo's willpower, under such influence, seems extremely painful.

He arched his body, retched and coughed vigorously. In a trance, Bologo felt that he had spit out countless maggots. They were crawling around in his fluid, but when he looked carefully, there was nothing, only hallucinations.

It took a few minutes for Bolog to recover, leaning on the bite, standing up against the wall, looking at the black blade in his hand, because of the torture of Asmodeus, this brand new blade is very important for Bolog It is already a real old friend, but it is a pity that it only exists in this story. If possible, Burlogo hopes that after all this is over, it can leave with him.

Trying to straighten his back, Bologo probably understood what Gould had experienced in the Happy Garden, and it was no wonder that a defender was on the verge of collapse. No matter who faced such a catastrophe, it would be difficult for anyone to survive.

But Bologo was different, he survived, and when he thought of this, Bologo felt a little proud, buried deep in his heart, and the distorted spirit of the savior appeared again.

After simply looking around, Palmer and Aimu were beside them. They fell to the ground with their brows tightly closed, as if they were enduring a nightmare.

Looking at Palmer's face, Burlogo has never felt that his partner's sleeping face is so cute, and looking at Aimu, it is even more nostalgic.

A shallow layer of dust had accumulated on their bodies. It seemed that they had been unconscious for a while, and in the depths of the castle, there were continuous fluctuations of madness, as if someone was fighting a monster.

Bologo dispelled this idea. Irving was just a mortal, and it was extremely difficult for him to deal with the devil, let alone fight with the devil.

There was a rustling sound in the darkness, as if countless mice were running around, and then Bologo felt a strange sensation in his ankle, and a slender vine extended from the darkness and climbed up Bologo. Logo's body.

Almost at the same moment when Bologo noticed it, the vines entangled Bologo tightly. The power was so great that it scratched his pants and skin, and almost broke Bologo's bones. With a bitter bite, a sword cut off the vine.

The vines struggled a few times, like a boa constrictor whose head had been severed, with translucent, light green juice dripping from the cut-off surface, and then more crumbs sounded in the darkness, and more vines invaded the castle.

During the time Borrog was unconscious, the story was still going on, and before all the stories, going on, was the invading darkness.

The power of the devil is affecting this land, and the shattering of reality gradually distorts everything touched. As the concentration of ether continues to rise, they will destroy everything in the field, and the story will be completely annihilated.

It's not just the vines that are invading and tearing apart the castle, but Bologo can also hear the familiar roar, and there is a strong smell of blood in the air flowing in the corridor.

Intensive walking sounds came from all around, as if there were thousands of wild beasts running towards the position of Bologo.

"It's really endless."

While complaining, Burlog tried to call Palmer and Amy, but they were obviously not as powerful as Burlog, and they were still trapped in the shock of the mind.

Seeing that there was no hope of waking up, Bologo immediately took off his coat, simply cut it open and twisted it into a rope, and wrapped it around Amy, who was still unconscious.

As for Palmer, this guy was too strenuous to carry on his back, so Bologo simply dragged his hand and ran all the way in the corridor. Hearing the rustling sound, Bologo guessed that Palmer's clothes were probably going to be worn out. , and then was rubbed bloody.

Forget it, you are lucky to be alive.

The stinky blood came oncoming, thanks to Asmodeus's torture, during that ten-year long torture, Borrog didn't learn anything else, but the killing skills multiplied.

He is like a skilled butcher. The monster that suddenly appeared was cut in two by a fatal sword before it could attack. There was no need for any extra movements and slashing. Everything was for efficiency.

Holding Palmer up by the waist, Bologo walked up the spiral staircase. He knew that Irving was in the big library, but the problem was that Bologo didn't know where the big library was. fluctuations, to trace the source.

The roar echoed in the narrow stairwell, and Burrog stepped on the dusty steps, and the entire stone shattered, almost causing Burrog to fall.

Damn it, how long has it been since Irwin maintained the castle.

Bologo regained his balance and continued to move forward. At the same time, his body's fatigue became more and more obvious. Previously, Bologo could still feel the activity of the ether in his body, but now the ether is gradually dying, and this also shows that This means that Burlogo is approaching the roots of the narrative.

"I'm sorry, Irving."

Mobilizing the only strength, Bologo's fist was ignited with flames, and he punched the wall with a hammer. In the next second, the entire wall collapsed under the flames of flames.

Killing monsters is not worth using secret energy, it is much more convenient to use it to open the way. Bologo is like a raging bull, smashing through several walls in a series, which reminds him of the big battle in Fengyuan Heights, collapsing one after another The wall gave Burrog an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Burrogo figured he must be the kind of guy who builds sand castles and then knocks them down.

After releasing the ether again, Bologo led Palmer and Amy into a dark room. This should be Irwin's warehouse. He lives in this desolate and remote place, so he must have stored a lot of supplies. Logo could already smell the aroma of wine in the air.

The roars of the monsters gradually faded away, and it seemed that he avoided their first round of chasing, put Palmer and Amy down, and Burlogo opened the wooden boxes one by one, revealing bottles of sealed wine. After coming out, Bologo rarely drank alcohol, but at this time he couldn't help swallowing.

Under the numbness of alcohol, the torment of the senses finally eased a lot, and then Burlogo poured bottles of wine on Palmer's face in an attempt to wake him up in this way.

Bologo didn't have much hope, but after a while he heard a faint cough, and then the breathing gradually became thicker, and even turned into a big gasp.

"Are you serious!"

Burrog couldn't help being amazed, and dragged the wet Palmer up from the ground. Palmer's eyes were blurred, and after gradually seeing Burrog, he almost cried with a wow, and then hugged Palmer vigorously. Logo.

"My God, Bologo!"

Palmer's voice was so sincere that it made people cry, "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Burlogo covered Palmer's face with his hand and kicked him away, "What have you been through?"

Palmer hesitated, his eyes were red, "You don't want to know."

Unlike the endless killings that Burlogo experienced, Palmer's torture was very ordinary. He walked in a world full of ruins... and he was alone.

"How did you escape?"

Bologo didn't think he could wake Palmer up with just a drink. Hell, is this guy Thurley?
"I committed suicide. I jumped into a lake. When I was about to drown, I found that the lake had turned into wine." Palmer took out a bottle from the box and muttered to himself, "I thought it was the pity of the devil. .”

As expected of Palmer, Burrogo wondered if Irwin thought the story was too serious, so he wrote Palmer like this and let him wake up in such a funny way.

Bologo didn't know the answer, and he had to wait for him to ask Irwin himself before he could get the answer.

"Amy, wake up, Amy."

Now only Amy was left awake, and Burlogo called her affectionately, and pressed his fingers on the metal body. This solid body protected Amy, but it also made her lose many senses.

Her eyes were closed tightly. Amy, like the two, was also experiencing severe torture. Burlog could vaguely imagine that kind of torture, which would attack the most vulnerable part of everyone's heart.

As for Borrog...he felt that he had no weak parts, so Asmodeus tried to conquer himself with this long fight.

Obviously, she failed.

Burrog's repeated calls really worked, and a faint light emerged from the gap between Amy's eyelids. She woke up with a bit of laziness, and then saw the two people in a panic.

Palmer wondered, "Is it that easy?"

You must know that Gould was tortured to death... Maybe it was related to external forces, Gould was trapped in hell alone, and they were rescued by Bologo.

"Maybe it's Irwin who is working. He affected Asmodeus and restricted her power?"

Burrogo wasn't sure either, but it was best to wake up now.

"What's wrong!"

Amy gradually came to her senses. Thinking of what she had just experienced, she felt a bit of fear. Just as she was about to ask something, Burlogo covered her mouth and signaled her to hiss.

A few people hid in the corner in the dark. After the crack opened by Bologo, there was a condensed breath. Bologo could hear many footsteps. The sounds overlapped together, like an earthquake, shaking the whole building. The castle trembled slightly.

With the invasion of darkness, at least thousands of monsters entered Daisy Castle. Under the influence of darkness, the power of monsters was gradually strengthened, while Bologo and others were suppressed.

Bologo greeted the two of them to sneak silently, but as soon as he leaned out of the opened crack, Bologo regretted it. The narrow corridor was full of crowded monsters, and there were countless vines like poisonous snakes coming from above. falling in the darkness.

They spotted Burrog almost at the same time, and flocked to them.

The bloody fight broke out again. Relying on the advantages of the terrain, Bologo firmly occupied the collapsed gap. Under the blessing of the resentment, the monsters had no defense at all, but their strength and speed were gradually increasing , not to mention the wanton growth of vines interfering.

Soon, the corpses of the monsters piled up a hill in front of Bologo, and in the crowd, the corpses were being poured into the warehouse little by little.

Burrog could still cut for a long time, but in this tide-like offensive, he would fall down sooner or later, so Burrog made a decisive decision.

"Hopefully the castle has little historical value."

Bologo gave up the fight against the monster. He drained the only ether on his body, and the flames of the cauldron burned wildly on his arms. With Bologo's touch, the wall behind him began to collapse.

"Follow me!"

Burrog yelled, breaking through the walls one after another. Palmer and Amy followed closely behind Burrog. Every time they took a step, pieces of bricks and stones would collapse. The smashed flesh was bloody, but immediately after, more monsters stepped on their corpses.

Like a dark tide.

Like a bulldozer, Bologo was rampaging in the castle. He completely followed his intuition, followed the strange force, and after smashing through countless high walls, the familiar gate appeared in front of him.

Big library.

Burrog pushed open the gate with his shoulder, and after Palmer and Amy came in, he used up the last ether before the gate closed, causing the entire area to be covered in fireworks and then collapsed.

The successive shatterings have completely turned the outside of the great library into ruins, and Burrog hopes that this will stop the monsters for a while, so that Burrog can have a chance to end this crazy narrative.

After doing all this, Bologo took a deep breath. The exhaustion of the body can be overcome, but the exhaustion of the will has become riddled with holes.

Bologo finally returned to this familiar place, and could end this extremely dangerous extraordinary disaster, but when he turned around, what awaited him was an absolutely unimaginable scene.

With his back to everyone, Irving was tirelessly typing on the typewriter, and beside him, a woman sat down against the bookshelf, holding a copy of "Night Hunter" in her arms, reading it with a complicated expression.

Everything is so peaceful, without the slightest sense of doom.

(End of this chapter)

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