Endless Debt.

Chapter 652 Is Not a Perfect Existence

Chapter 652 Is Not a Perfect Existence

The scene behind the big library is quite different from the crazy scene of the decisive battle that Bologo expected. It stands to reason that after opening the door, there should be a crazy devil with distorted smiles, longing for the souls of mortals... …and possibly both ends.

The unlucky Irwin would tremble under their oppression, just like many people Bologo had seen, his will gradually collapsed under the pressure, and his whole body was completely dominated by madness.

Body, mind, spirit, everything, everything, will slide uncontrollably into the dark abyss, completely buried and corrupted by sticky tar.

But when Burlogo broke through the siege and arrived at the big library, the expected crazy scene did not appear, and there was only a scene of incomparable tranquility.

In the deathly silence, only the mechanical sound of Irving's typing on the typewriter was left. He seemed to have noticed the arrival of Bologo and others, and soon even the knocking sound disappeared.

Irving's workbench was placed on the stairs in the middle of the large library. Countless pages of paper were piled up behind the workbench. They were like falling snowflakes, one after another, rising high.

Dense and profane words filled the page. Bologo originally thought that the root of the evil would be the devil, but now he can clearly perceive that the source of all these distorted powers is Irving.

"Irving, here we come," said Burrog, "we're here to save you."

Irving turned his head slowly, and a decayed face appeared in front of Bologo's eyes. He couldn't believe that it was Irving. At this moment, his face was completely changed, as if he had aged many years, but his eyes were still so bright , glowing in the dark, sunken eye sockets.

"I know," Irving nodded calmly, "I wrote about it in the book."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of paper, which described in detail the arrival of the Boluoge and the others, and even the thrilling process during the process did not omit the slightest.

For a moment, Bologo didn't know what to say, all the words were stuck in his throat, and he looked at the woman leaning aside again. She had a face that Bologo had never seen before, but she had a pair of amazing, Fire opal eyes.

Irwin knew what Bologo was thinking, and all of this was written by him, like a recurring story.

"I did it," Irving smiled at Bologo, "I resisted the temptation of the devils, and even bound her."

"She is……"

The woman raised her head, and Bologo could not help but clenched his grip, his body was about to move, every cell was screaming, driving Bologo to swing his sword.


Irwin said bluntly. While he was narrating, Daisy Castle shook violently again. Bologo could hear the screams of monsters. They were mad and wanted to invade this place and tear everyone into pieces. .

"To be precise, she is just one of the many incarnations of Asmodeus. Asmodeus is her, but she is not Asmodeus."

Irwin looked down at the woman with soft eyes and added an explanation.

"What's the matter?"

Palmer hid the storm feather under his skirt. Like Borrog, he thought that there was a crazy battle waiting for them, but it actually looked like this.

No... This is not as good as a big battle, at least it is good to know who the enemy is, and then hand over everything to the blade in your hand, but now?This weird and absurd scene left everyone at a loss as to what to do.

Imprison the devil?Is this possible?

Bologo didn't believe that Irwin could do this, but he had mixed thoughts and chose to trust Irwin's words. After so many years, Bologo had realized that the devil may be invincible, but human beings are invincible in the devil's conspiracy. , You can also use some loopholes to achieve the same victory conditions.

For example, Ai Miao, she is the miraculous product of the game between TEDA and the devil.

Can Irwin create such a miracle?
A gust of cold breeze blew in the airtight room, and it held up one of the many pages, and then like a swaying leaf, it slowly fell into Bologo's hands. The words on it described everything that happened just now.

"They don't know what I want. Asmodeus is like this, and so is Belphegor," Irwin shook his head. "In the end, devils are really boring. After carefully understanding the logic of their behavior , many things can be easily seen through.”

Burrog didn't see Belphegor, and it was unclear if he had left.

Irving went on to explain, "They were angry."

He laughed as he said, his voice was full of pride, "Devils are always like this, they look aloof and feel that they are above all living things... Maybe they will think that they are gods.

The devils never look at anyone seriously, and everyone is just a group of woolly lambs in their eyes.

But now the Lamb dragged them down from above, and shattered their self-righteous arrogance. "

Irving sneered. "They're mad."

Belphegor chose to remain silent, while Asmodeus, under the constantly magnified human nature, gave Irwin a blow in shame and anger. Irwin could feel the pain in his abdomen, but he thought it was nothing, and even said he enjoyed it This pain, like a soldier's wound, is a testament to honor.

Irwin went on to say that his contact with the devil may not be the longest, but it is definitely the deepest, no matter in terms of soul or emotion, this is beyond the reach of Bologo.

"I think devils have no humanity, they are just the will of some kind of pure power, and in order to satisfy that pursuit, or curse, they will give themselves some humanity to weaken the level of their own existence.

Only by understanding human nature can we play with human nature. "

Irving whispered in a weak, inaudible voice, "That's where their weakness lies."

"Asmodeus created countless identities and incarnations in order to pursue emotions, and use them to taste the world. I think I can take advantage of this. Even if Asmodeus is reluctant, this continues the development of the logic of the story. .

It's what I want, and it's what she wants. "

The paper fell off from Burrogo's fingertips, and he stared at Irving, only to see Irving smiling calmly at him, the sound of liquid ticking sounded, and there was a shocking wound in his abdomen, with blood flowing continuously, The ground under his feet was stained red, not only that, Irwin's ten fingers were also completely covered in blood, and the typewriter was full of scarlet fingerprints.

Irwin narrated softly, and the typewriter quickly printed characters.

"In order to tempt me to fall, Asmodeus changed back to the person I was familiar with. She talked sweetly to me and kept making promises, and I saw her again, fulfilling what I promised at the beginning."

The woman raised her head and put down the novel in her hand. In any case, she never thought that Irwin would achieve his impossible promise in this way.

At this moment, Bologo realized that Irwin had once again deceived everyone, and his wish was hidden so deep and so ridiculous.

Contrary to Irwin's description, the fact is that Irwin used the power of the story to force Asmodeus to return to the person he is familiar with. As a price, Asmodeus will also use Irwin's most loving gesture was a final test for him.

Irving did all this just to see her again and have her read his story.

It was under her encouragement that Irving embarked on such a path.

At this moment, Bologo actually wanted to laugh a little, because the bet between the two devils was involved, and such a terrible extraordinary disaster was created. After 33 years of chasing, all of this was just for this kind of thing.

This is ridiculous.

"Help me, Bologo," Irwin begged, "Please don't let the story collapse before this is over."

There was a series of violent impacts from behind the gate. Those crazy monsters had stepped over the ruins, and under the call of Asmodeus' power, they tried to capture the big library, biting and tearing the people inside.

Burrog walked quickly towards Irwin, biting against the ground, making a terrifying sound.

"I'm here to prevent disasters, not to help you realize your wishes."

Burogo's voice was harsh and frightening. He realized that he had never understood Irwin. He thought he could understand him before, but it was just an illusion given to him by Irwin. This mysterious author hid himself in a After layer after layer of narrative.

"Your wish has not changed from the beginning to the end, you just..."

Bologo glared at Irving. For a while, he didn't know how to describe Irving's foolishness. Slowly, Bologo's tone softened, and he asked in a very puzzled manner.

"Why? Irving, even if you use the power of narrative to change her into what you remember, it's still..."

"Still fake?"

Irwin interrupted Burrog, who laughed to himself.

"I know, I know everything," Irving continued, "I don't blame you, Bologo, you don't understand these things, it's normal."

Irwin looked tenderly at Bologo, the friend who came all the way to rescue him, "But I think you will understand later."

The black grievance bit on Irving's neck. At this moment, Bologo had to consider Palmer's proposal. If necessary, they might really need to kill Irving to end all this.

This was originally a continuation of the Happy Garden game. Asmodeus gave Irving the power of narrative, created this broken reality, and forced Irving to fall crazily, but Irving used the power of this broken reality, instead Come over and twist Asmodeus - with a cage of her own creation.

Irwin begged, "Just treat it as some... selfish desires of a dying person."

Bologo looked along Irving's body, and the horrific injuries were constantly robbing Irving of his vitality, and the quickly swallowed paper was also filled with sentences about Irving's injuries.

Irwin wanted to end the disaster with his own death, and Bologo saw it from the falling pages. In fact, he did. Irwin angered Asmodeus, making the story logically To develop, and before all this is over, he still wants to satisfy his little desire.

As if feeling that all this was not enough to convince Bolog, Irving suddenly stood up and whispered something in Bolog's ear. At the same time, Bolog's face changed suddenly, as if he knew some evil secret.

The whispering ended, and Irving smiled meaningfully, "Bologo, it's normal for you not to understand this."

"You are a warrior, a judge, a savior. All you need is an enemy and a sword to swing, so you don't think about such complicated and in-depth things, but I am different."

When mentioning these, Irving seemed a little proud, "I am an author, and I am good at prying into people's hearts, and even discovering the things they deliberately buried deeply."

A blood-stained hand rested on Bologo's shoulder, and this time Irving no longer asked, but said with an attitude full of orders.

"Bologo, I need time, I need time to verify my conjecture."

Burrog took a few steps back, the bite fell from Irwin's neck, and there was a clearer roar behind him, and even the entire large library was trembling constantly, and a lot of dust was blowing up.

His chest rose and fell powerfully several times, and Burlogo stabilized his mood and nodded with difficulty. He was persuaded by Irwin, and then he said again.

"The three of us can't stop so many monsters, I need your narrative help."

Irwin had already prepared for this, and when he restrained Asmodeus in turn, a series of plans had already arisen in his mind.

Picking up a copy of "Night Hunter", Irving flipped through it casually, and at the same time he was talking to himself.

"I remember, I had such a setting in the book."

The typewriter spit out a series of pages, which clearly wrote, "I persuaded the hunters who came to the rescue, they allowed me to play against the king of monsters, and in order to buy me time, they activated the potion hidden in my body , making the blood boil..."

Almost at the same moment, Bologo felt that his body was burning hot, as if every inch of blood in his body was boiling, the strange feeling from the previous Asmodeus torture disappeared, and even the pain disappeared, his body There is only almost infinite power left in it.

Burrogo remembers this setting. In the novel, hunters will burst out with such power when they are in a desperate situation, and make a desperate fight.

The air he breathed became hot and dry, and Irwin took a last look at the black blade in Burrog's hand.

"Is this biting?" Irving then nodded in affirmation, "It's exactly the same as I imagined."

"Don't let me down, Irving."

Normally, Bologo would never agree to this choice, but at this moment, he chose to believe in Irwin, "If you fall, I will kill you with my own hands."

Burrog continued, "Use the sword you made."

Irwin nodded with a smile, and Bologo turned around and ran towards the cracked gate. Palmer met Bologo. Like Amy, he was also inspired by the power, and this power went deep into the marrow of his bones. , he even vaguely felt that his own alchemy matrix was also being affected by the narrative.

"What did he tell you?"

Palmer asked, obviously, Irwin is doing extremely dangerous things, and after countering Asmodeus, he wants to get more from Asmodeus.

Irwin was just insane.

Burlogo shook his head, without revealing any information about the conversation to Palmer, he just said calmly, "He convinced me."

There was a gap in the door of the big library, and a ferocious arm protruded out of it, and then it was cut off by the bite of resentment, and the severed limb was thrown high, hitting the ground like a wet rag, making a dull sound.

Bologo was not going to explain to anyone what Irwin said just now. He plunged into the crack and chopped up all the monsters that approached like a meat grinder.

During the bloody killing, Burlogo suddenly recalled what Jeffrey said to him when he joined the job a long time ago.

In the dim transit station, in front of the gate of chains and swords.

"The devil is an existence that strictly abides by the rules. At the same time, they are by no means perfect. Someone once found a loophole in the rules and used it to defeat the devil's army."

Burrog took a deep breath of blood, roared and cut off the bodies of several monsters with a sword, like cutting off dense branches.

(End of this chapter)

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