Endless Debt.

Chapter 654 The Great Rescue from the Story

Chapter 654 The Great Rescue from the Story

Irving is already an old man, but he still confesses affectionately like a young man. But compared to a confession, for Irving, this is more like a warning from the depths of his soul. After years of asceticism, he finally saw his true self. Holy Mother, he released all the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for many years at this moment.

The emotions accumulated over the years were burning like fireworks. Irwin's cold body became warm again, and the remaining blood seemed to boil and glow with vitality.

Youth hangs down on Irving again, and he feels more relaxed than ever before, as if his soul is about to leave his body and ascend to a beautiful heaven.

He laughed happily, his voice was hoarse, as if there were grit and friction in his throat, and it was like an old phonograph singing.

"My muse..."

Monsters as numerous as the sea of ​​sand are roaring and screaming outside the big library, hunters wield their swords and spread death, darkness erodes every space, and the distorted and broken reality almost annihilates everything.

On the eve of the doomsday, Irving witnessed the true beauty, and he was so excited that he almost shed tears.

Muse put Irving's hand in his arms, and pressed his skin against it, bringing bursts of warmth to this old body, as if roasting an oven, and this warmth penetrated deep into the bone marrow. If possible, Irving hoped Time can stay here, making it eternity.

"Want to come with me?"

Muse suddenly approached Irving, as if about to kiss him, her warm breath tinged with honey, brushed along Irving's cheeks.

Irving didn't respond, nor showed any expression. His eyes were hidden in the deeply sunken eye sockets, like two dark caves leading to the abyss.

"Are you still hesitating?"

Muse does not insist, she is different from Asmodeus who is made of pure evil, she has more humanity, she is the warm sun.

"Noble people have a hard life, Irving, you should rest."

"Yeah," Irving nodded approvingly, "It's exhausting to be a noble person."

"But it's tiring, but it's great," Irving never doubted. "My body is as heavy as a rock, but my heart is as light as a feather."

Irwin caressed the palm of Muse, like a blind man understanding an object through touch. He could feel the warmth under the flesh and blood, the invisible folds in the skin, the smoothness of the nails, the soft palm... …

Irving pulled his hand away from Muse's arms, attached to the warmth, but left resolutely.

Muse showed a look of surprise, but she didn't do anything superfluous, and smiled as always. At this moment, she seemed to really become a warm sun, almost making Irving forget her devilish nature.

"Are you leaving?" said Muse, "if you do, you will never see me again."

"One meeting is enough," Irving said.

"Would that satisfy you?"

"No... I'm never satisfied," Irwin's fiery emotions cooled down, and he put his hands on the typewriter and continued to write the story, "I'm just relieved."


Muse thought she had heard it wrong, "You have worked so hard for so long and paid so much, just for a...relief?"

Even she couldn't understand Irwin's thoughts at the moment. He was like a traveler climbing a peak. After experiencing countless dangers and obstacles, just as he was about to reach the summit, he just glanced at the snow-capped mountain. The peak that touches the sky, then turned and left.

"I'm a stubborn person."

Irwin tapped, "This stubbornness plagues me like a disease, like a curse. I understand that only by seeing her again can I reconcile myself and let peace fall on me."

"Now that I have done it, I let her read the story I wrote, and let her know that the unlucky ghost who was saved by her back then has achieved achievements and the brilliant life he has now.

I saw her again and felt her warmth... I have nothing to regret. "

Irving moved his palm, and the warm aftertaste lingered on his fingertips, "Sometimes you don't have to hold everything in your hands...you can't catch birds."

Muse felt an emotion she had never had before. She was so noble and the ultimate that Irwin cherished. She witnessed Irwin's pursuit all the way, but just before she was about to achieve it, she was in Irwin's eyes. suddenly become worthless.

She blocked the typewriter and interrupted Irving's work, with a moving sadness on her delicate face, she asked incomprehensibly.

"Why? Irving."

A woman is the poet's muse, an omnipotent devil, and the absolute will that has influenced Irving's life. She is so powerful and lofty, but at this moment she suddenly feels an indescribable sense of frustration, even though she has exhausted Even means can't interfere with Irving's decision, and no matter what she promises, it can't make Irving stop for a moment.

She is like a god walking on the earth, but she has never been able to get the love of a mortal - obviously this mortal does have warm feelings for her.

For a moment, Muse seemed to have figured it out, she asked.

"Because it's not real enough?"

The roaring cracking sound resounded, and the crumbling door of the big library completely collapsed at this moment. The broken bricks and stones smashed down the rows of bookshelves, and the small stones smashed around with slender soot. But it didn't fall on Irving.

The area where Irwin and the Muse coexist seems to have become an inviolable sanctuary. They are at the core of the story and independent of the narrative.

Thick blood aura mixed with violent killing intent came from outside the dark-painted door, a figure turned and landed in mid-air, the black sword blade was nailed into the ground, pulling several meters away before he stabilized the figure.

"Is everything going well? Irving."

Burrog glanced at Irwin, then at Muse.

Burlogo has always been curious about what kind of woman would fascinate Irwin like this, would she have an obsessive face?Sacred and inviolable temperament, or cunning, good at manipulating people's hearts?

After seeing the Muse at close range, Bologo found that his guesses were all in vain. In his opinion, she was an extremely ordinary woman. She had neither a proud figure nor a breathtaking appearance. Her mediocre Like many people, the only thing that is special is those beautiful jewel-like eyes.

Burrog knew that she was an ordinary and mediocre woman, but in Irwin's eyes, she was special and sacred.

Irwin apotheosized her, and she was so radiant.

Before Irving could answer, the slender whip blade protruded from the darkness, and Bologo dodged deftly, and then the ground he was on just now was crushed by the sharp blade, leaving shocking scars.

There was the sound of crushing flesh and gravel, like an earthquake, the large library shook violently, and a hideous, jackal-like head poked out from behind the door. It opened its mouth wide, and its mouth was full of There were densely packed fangs, and the fangs spread all the way to the throat, like the overlapping knife discs of a meat grinder.

"You'd better hurry up, Irving."

Boluoge ordered, and then rushed towards the wolf-headed monster. Due to the restrictions of the building, this monster cannot rush into the big library.

Palmer and Amy struggled to entangle the monster, trying to attract its attention, and both of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when Burrog returned to fight again.

Burrog jumped high, his deadly bite was like a black thunder that descended into the world. At the same time, the wolf-headed monster opened its mouth wide, and its scarlet eyes revealed excitement. From its point of view, Burrog was Looking for a dead end.

Out of desire for flesh and blood, it squeezed its head frantically, and even the entire huge and ferocious wolf head was completely stuck in the incomplete door, and its body was firmly attached to the masonry, which happened to be Block those deadly whip blades.Now it has only one head and a bloody mouth to fight.

The dark trajectory is like a rain of arrows thrown down. Just before the wolf's head was about to hit, the wolf's head suddenly advanced a few points. The building was covered with deadly cracks. The pitch-black thunder stopped abruptly.

Both Palmer and Aimu froze, their eyes full of disbelief, the battlefield fell into a brief silence, and then a black sword blade pierced from the upper jaw of the wolf's head, bringing the noise back to the human world.

The scalp-numbing sound of metal cutting flesh and hitting bone sounded, as if a rough saw blade was violently stirring in the mouth of the wolf's head. In a blink of an eye, black sword blades pierced out one after another, twisting and expanding the wound. Blood poured out.

The wolf's head opened again, wailing full of pain, and at the same time a vigorous figure also appeared in the huge mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth. Burogo was covered in blood, but it was the blood of the enemy. The spinning top with full horsepower, brandishing its bitter bite, blew up a dark and bloody storm.

Accompanied by the high-speed rotation of the body, the resentful bite slashed out thousands of times almost instantly, the deadly fangs fell apart under the pitch-black blade that cut everything, and the mucous membrane, flesh and bone in the mouth were smashed into pieces together. A powder that exudes a foul smell.

The wolf head struggled to withdraw from the door, and then a hideous figure climbed up from the bloody mouth, and the dagger pierced into the skull, stabilizing Bologo's body like a rivet. Biting tightly, roaring, he chopped off the entire upper jaw of the wolf's head, including the scarlet tongue.

The wolf-headed monster let out a mournful cry. It hit the building repeatedly, and every time its half-dismembered head shook, it sprinkled a scarlet rainstorm. In the extreme pain, it retracted its entire head into the darkness, and the familiar sound of waves sounded again. , those ordinary monsters that had retreated swarmed again.

Bologo was half-kneeling in a pool of blood and panting heavily. Now he can understand how hard it is for the hunters to hunt monsters in the book. After all, the efficiency of the sword is not as good as the power of the secret power. If the hunters have the secret power, it is estimated The plot of this book can kill all the monsters.

At this time, Palmer crossed Bologo, brandishing a dagger to take over the pressure from Bologo, and Amy also assisted Palmer after supporting Burlogo.

The two were not as efficient as Bologo, but as field staff, they could barely withstand the attacks of monsters round after round.

Bolog coughed twice, and after regaining some strength, he looked at Irving behind him again. At this moment, Burlog bet all his chips on Irving.

Irwin stopped tapping, and turned to look at the Muse who was staring at him affectionately. For a moment, Irwin really felt that the Muse was the Muse, not Asmodeus or something.

"What beautiful eyes."

Irving sighed, those magnificent pupils reflected all the splendor in the world like a kaleidoscope, but facing such beauty, Irving seemed extremely regretful.

"There are so many styles... It's a pity that there is nothing, it's empty."

He continued to tap the keys, and one fresh character after another was printed on the snow-white paper.

"You're right, whether it's you, Asmodeus, or Belphegor, my reason for rejecting you is very simple.

Not real enough. "

Just now Irving still looked affectionate, as if he was willing to give everything for his muse, but in just a few minutes, his passionate emotions disappeared, and what was left was only the coldness like metal covered with frost, Sober is scary.

"Real...is it really so important?"

Muse didn't understand, and neither did Asmodeus. The reality is cruel and hopeless, but Irwin still firmly believes in and stands in this reality.

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Irving asked rhetorically, "Human beings are fragile, we get sick, we get hurt, our lifespan is so short, it's like meteors.

You, near-eternal beings, even if you have given yourselves humanity, you who are immortal, how can you understand our pain? "

Irwin gradually could not feel the existence of the ten fingers. His only blood was mixed into the ink, and the characters became scarlet, like a curse, more like an oath written in blood.

"Think of the masterpieces of artists, the colorful paintings, the stirring melodies, the books that carve the heart... and the buildings that stand still.

What kind of psychology do you think we have created all this? "

Irving asked himself the answer.

"It's death, it's nothingness, it's diminishment.

The root of artistic creation is the fear of death, the burial of time, and the forgetting of the world. All our efforts are just to leave our traces in this cruel world...even if these traces will be destroyed one day wear out. "

Irving laughed happily. He could feel his self-worth being realized little by little. His hands were dancing wildly, as if playing a grand prelude.

"Are you lamenting the misery of mankind?" Muse held out her hand, "I can make you eternal, as eternal as I am."

From a certain moment, this is no longer a bet between devils, but a duel between Asmodeus and Irving. She wants to conquer this mortal soul to prove her nobility.

Irving stopped and looked at Muse with pity, "No, you don't understand."

"What I want to say is that even if everything will eventually return to nothing, it is undeniable that we and our creatures have existed, whether or not we leave anything behind.

What I want is the real existence, not the continuation of the illusion. "

Irving laughed happily, and there was a stern reprimand in his laughter, "It would be too sad if the things you have are no longer real, and even if you say that they only existed in illusion.

All this will be destroyed, but you cannot deny our existence, even if you are a devil. "

The smile on Muse's face disappeared. She lost patience with Irwin, and there was no need to have any patience. Irwin's declaration of war just now made the story very clear.

"Then are you going to reject me? Irving, you should understand that this is your last chance."

"Reject what?"

Irwin still had that contemptuous attitude. In his eyes, there was nothing noble about devils, and nothing despicable about humans.

"I know, I know, I know what you want to say, I'm tired of saying these words, so stop opening your mouth."

The feeling of exhaustion climbed up Irving's mind, which did not come from the body, but from the soul.

Irwin couldn't help sighing that it was a long journey, but fortunately, he was not alone in this journey.

The cry of Bologo came, and they cut down piles of monsters while Irwin said. If there is a chance, Irving really wants to write Bologo and the others into his story... Oh, They are already in the story.

At this moment, Irving really wanted to cheer loudly. In his lonely life, he finally made good friends. Even in the dark, he still wanted to lament the beauty of the world loudly.

Irving's tone was slow, like an afternoon chat.

"To you, it's just a goddamn, sinful game, but I can't, I can't see it as a game, I'm stuck in some kind of... uncontrollable fantasy.

Yes, I love you, Muse, Cinderella, Asmodeus... no matter what, but they do not exist, they are just false illusions, and you, as a devil, you are far away from this The closest medium to fantasy. "

Irwin murmured, "Sometimes I feel pretty pathetic myself."

"I can love you."

"No, you're just a damn devil, you don't know what love is, you don't even know what I love."

Irwin became furious, "What I love is the fantasy built on you as the foundation, the illusory, eternal beauty I see in you."

"It's really hopeless, such beauty doesn't exist in this world."

Irwin wrote about his despair, "What I fell in love with was an idealized phantom, a corpse hidden in my head."

The magnificence in Muse's eyes is gradually dimming, the human part is gradually fading, and Asmodeus regains the dominance of consciousness—or maybe Irwin chose to let go.

"Sounds ironic," Asmodeus sneered, "that you care so much about authenticity and end up falling in love with a ghost you've never known."

"It's nothing. To you, I'm just a pastime and a toy in your long life. You seem to be so obsessed with me, and it's just to maintain your ridiculous self-esteem."

Irwin said indifferently, "Your appearance is fake, your words are fake, your body is fake, everything you have, everything is fake, chaotic and empty, meaningless.

But one thing is true, I, Irving Fleischer's emotions, what I do, the books I write because of them, all, all, are absolutely real, are truly What has existed is indisputable and undeniable. "

Irwin was terribly sober, as if he had just revealed his warm and vulnerable side, which was just an illusion used to paralyze Asmodeus.

"No one will remember you, Irving."

Asmodeus couldn't conquer Irwin, so he could only destroy him.

"How is it possible?" Irving laughed until he coughed as if he had heard a joke, "You have read my story, you know my name, and you are the proof of my existence."

"I'm going to forget you, and you're right, I've met a lot of interesting people like you in my long life, but they all turned to dust."

"You don't remember everyone, just like we can't remember every book we read, but is it really forgotten?

No, they may not be mentioned by you anymore, but they will turn into dust and be buried in your heart, becoming the cornerstone of your creation. You can’t see their existence, but they do exist and affect you all the time . "

Irwin recalled an example, "Like the genes that biologists say? The combination between people makes their genes passed on. You may not see it, but it does exist.

The same is true of the story, you will forget it, but the feeling it brings will be hidden in your soul.If you have what is called a soul.

Just like you affect me, just like I affect you. "

Asmodeus didn't know what to say for a while, neither the north wind nor the sun could shake Irving in the slightest, and even said that it made Asmodeus feel frustrated.

Dazed with anger, she threatened bluntly, "You'll never see her again."

Irwin liked Asmodeus' angry look, which made him feel honored, "She will live in my memory and go to destruction with me."

Asmodeus has felt powerless for a long time. Even if she is a devil, she can't decide the fate of everyone, and she can't even defeat Irving.

"Then you will die here."

Asmodeus cursed, "Not only you, but your friends will also pay for your nobility."

Accompanied by her words, there was a strong wind outside Daisy Castle, densely packed monsters piled up high mountains, they squeezed each other, like ant colonies crawling on the sand, even though Bologo and the others regained their extraordinary power, facing Facing the enemies as numerous as a sea of ​​sand, I am afraid that only Bologo can survive with immortality.

From this moment on, the darkness almost swallowed all the light, leading the story to the final despair, and this is what Burlogo has always been worried about. Even if Irwin resists the temptation, so what, he has the ability to rewrite the ending of the story ?
Asmodeus is well aware of the shattered reality and the limitations of narrative on Irwin. His story needs to develop logically, rather than an abrupt mechanical descent.

There was a rumbling sound, as if a heavy stone pillar had collapsed. Irwin looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the twisted wolf's head was almost completely split open. The white brain was covered with yellow fat and scarlet. The blood was stained together, steam was rising from the open wound, and the stench filled the nostrils.

Bolog's embarrassed figure turned his back on the corpse of the wolf-headed monster. His whole body was covered with foul-smelling mucus, and blood slowly flowed along the sharp edge of the grudge bite.

Taking a deep breath, Bologo looked at Irving with a cold voice.

"Have you finished writing?"

"It's finished," Irwin tapped the last full stop, and the sound of the mechanical keys was crisp and clear, like the whisper of a sword when it was sheathed.

"Just right."

Asmodeus froze in place, she had no idea what the two were talking about, but she could realize that something was about to happen, and then looked at Irving, his cloudy eyes were full of cunning and to mock.

Irwin was full of confidence, "How is my performance? It's superb."

"you cheated me?"

Asmodeus didn't know what Irwin had been deceiving, but his eyes were unintentionally proof that the deception had been done.

"It's not deceitful. Those words just now are indeed what I want to say to you, from the bottom of my heart." Irving left the typewriter with both hands, "Huh... It feels so good to say it, you know? The scene just now , I have rehearsed countless times in my head."

"what have you done?"

Asmodeus suddenly felt flustered. She thought she was playing with mortals, but in fact she had been in Irwin's trap all along.

Just like what Irving said to Cinderella at the beginning, the author is the most perfect liar.

"What did you do? Of course it was to finish the book and wrap up the story," Irwin said, standing up and overturning the chair. "This is the author's responsibility!"

"How are you going to wrap it up!"

Asmodeus created a despair that he thought was irreversible. Endless monsters enveloped the place completely in darkness. The fall of Daisy Castle was only a matter of time. Right now, there are only three of Irving, Bologo and the others. Blade couldn't get away either.

How should Irwin rewrite this dark fate.

"Didn't you just read it?"

As Irwin spoke, he picked up "Night Hunter" and slapped it on Asmodeus' chest.

"Do you still remember what I wrote in this autobiography?" Irwin said excitedly, "The hunter is real, the monster is real...you are real too."

Asmodeus saw that the pages spit out by the typewriter were burning, and the words written by Irwin's blood were emitting a lot of light, turning into bronzing words.

Irwin's long speeches about himself are not only elaborating his heart, but also delaying time. Those sentences containing sincere emotions made Asmodeus relax his vigilance, and even ignored the story written by Irving.

While talking to Asmodeus, Irwin was writing the desired ending.

Now, Irving is done.

The forces of darkness have invaded every inch of this world, and they urgently need a fire to burn them to ashes.

For this reason, Owen said loudly.

"We are in the story, so let the people in the story save us!"

Irving kissed the cover of "Night Hunter" vigorously, his eyes filled with tears of excitement, and then he raised the book, and countless pages fell down like a blizzard.

But as Irving's words fell, nothing happened.

Boluoge cut off the head of another monster, smashed the bricks above, and smashed down pieces of bricks, filling the gap in the big library again. The trembling impact echoed, and the gap was completely destroyed Before the burial, Bologo could vaguely see several ferocious wolf heads squeezing forward in the collapsed corridor.

Palmer and Aimu were scarred, they approached Irwin, expecting a miracle to happen.

It was still dead silent.

Suddenly, Asmodeus laughed. Seeing Irwin's funny appearance, she almost burst into tears. She guessed that Irwin was just trying to hold on. He didn't want to admit defeat, and even deceived himself.

Asmodeus felt that he had the chance to win, "Your friends are here, who else can save you?"

Irwin took a deep breath, stepped onto the workbench, opened his hands, and shouted like an orator.

"Hunter, what are you waiting for!"

This time, facing Irwin's call, the world responded.

Bologo noticed the whistling wind, and at the same time he threw Irving down, the floor-to-ceiling windows covered with vines shattered, and a burning warhead smashed through these strange plants and glass, crashing straight into the collapsed In the gap, the monsters that hadn't crawled out were crushed into a piece of meat, and burst into flames at the end of the corridor.

With the shattering of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the cold wind carried blood into the room. At the end of the distant darkness, the deep and melodious whistle of the train came late, and the snow-white lights were like a sharp sword piercing the night, illuminating the room. There are countless hideous weirdnesses.

Burrog swore that he would never forget this scene. The familiar train came again from the story, it was covered with thick armor like an iron snake advancing on the ground.

Countless monsters were crushed into blood stains under its wheels, and the raised flesh foam and severed limbs covered the carriage like dye. It moved straight forward, like a great sword falling from the sky, splitting the battlefield into two halves. .

Borogo murmured, with a solemn expression, as if gazing at a sacred scene.

"Reinforcement from the story."

Palmer was completely stunned in place. A few seconds later, he shouted wildly. It was already difficult for him to describe his mood at this moment in words. This would be a miracle written by words.

The unlucky ghost began to be thankful, Palmer was glad that he came here and witnessed it with his own eyes, he would remember everything that happened here, he would talk to Woxilin for three days and three nights, even if she didn't want to listen, he would would pry her ears open.

Amyu also stood in place, and the rising light illuminated her scratched and mottled steel body. Even the cold metal was filled with passionate flames, which intensified.

Irwin wrote the happy ending for Night Hunter, saved that world, and now his characters from Night Hunter are crossing the line of the story to save him.

The boundary between virtual and real disappears completely, and the creator is saved by his own creation.

Under the shattered reality, everyone is in the story of the story.

Irving struggled to his feet, cheering into the darkness.

"Journey through the night! Sail to the dawn!"

After crushing hundreds of monsters to death, tons of flesh and bones got stuck in the wheels of the Dawn. Every time it turned, a lot of blood gushed out like a juicer. No matter how roaring the engine was, it would still It was difficult to advance half a point, and finally the line of giant steel beasts stopped slowly, like giant whales stranded on the ground.

But this is not the end, but the beginning of the battle.

Unlike the Dawn that Burlogo took in the game, the current Dawn is a steel creation from "Night Hunter", which is fully armed and full of hunters.

The ear-piercing siren sounded, the heavy armor was raised one by one, and the black muzzle pointed at the battlefield where demons danced wildly. All the train guns were already ready to reload, just like Irving described in the novel.


In an instant, it seemed as if a thunderstorm had descended on the battlefield. Thousands of thunderbolts exploded close to the ground, and it seemed that hundreds of giants were roaring loudly. It was deafening and the earth shook.

Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, creating a wall of fireworks in the dark night, and then the flaming warhead swept across the battlefield, engulfed in a heat wave, and cut off a large number of heads like a cutting machine, and the shell hit Daisy Castle, shaking the world At the same time, the fireworks that ignited were burning wantonly on the crazily growing vines.

The whole castle was lit, like a carnival bonfire at a party, a torch that illuminates the darkness.

After the first round of shelling, blood permeated every part of the land, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, blood, and burnt flesh. The waves of monsters were harvested like straw. Died, death's laughter echoed between steel and thunder.

Bologo heard the sound of breathing hidden in the wind. With the opening of the car door, one figure after another appeared under the train in the dark night. Others carried flamethrowers to purify the earth with scorching holy flames.

They strode forward, easily breaking the death line.

Burrog felt a feeling he had never felt before, as if an electric current was running through his spine. No matter how calm Burrog was, he couldn't help his blood boiling at this moment, and he raised his arms and shouted.

A sense of blazing heat rose in Bologo's body, and he was also in the story, a member of the hunter. Under the power of the narrative, it seemed that a group of fire burned through Bologo's internal organs, screaming to climb out of his throat.

The creator and his creatures, the lovers and what they love.

At this moment, Burrog is fighting alongside the people in the story.

There was the sound of cracking bricks and stones behind him, and another wolf-headed monster smashed into the piled up ruins, and leaned most of its body into the large library. It was thirsty for blood, and made a strange panting sound, and there was a roaring explosion outside the window. Continuously, the gorgeous fire light is like a grand fireworks show.

Burrogo suddenly felt that this world was no longer crazy and absurd, on the contrary, it became extremely romantic and full of poetry.

Human power broke the shackles of the devil, stood on a high place, and laughed loudly.

The fireworks ignited the sea of ​​daisies, and they once again released the breathtaking orange-red luster, like gems piled on the ground.

"A great rescue from within a story."

Burrogo repeated it softly, this is a sentence that appeared in the story.

After finishing speaking, Bologo jumped out, and the bitter bite cut off the wolf's head with a sword, causing blood to fly.

(End of this chapter)

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