Endless Debt.

Chapter 655 Unstoppable

Chapter 655 Unstoppable
Burrog had never felt so powerful, and even if all he had now was the bite in his hand, that was enough, and there was no need for more.

Blood was tumbling, sparks were flying, the tall wolf head fell apart in front of Bologo, and the broken body was being eaten by more monsters. They went crazy and burrowed into the corpse like maggots, trying to bite through the body. With a huge body, it is easy to get into the big library.

The monsters bit through the internal organs of the wolf-headed monster and passed through layers of cages. As soon as their ferocious faces protruded from the body, the black sword blade nailed them to the corpse.

They can't get in, and no one can get in, and Burrog will guard this last door until the story has its due end.

Irwin stood on the working table, like a theater actor standing on his stage, the blazing fire fell from behind the broken floor-to-ceiling windows, and just shone on him, like deliberately designed lights, countless pages were blown The night wind that entered the room blew, and they were like a blizzard.

"Haha! Look! Asmodeus! Look!"

Irwin danced excitedly, and even extended his hand to invite Asmodeus to step on the workbench with him, enjoying the fight with the darkness.

Asmodeus didn't respond, she stood there stiffly as if frozen, staring straight at the burning night.

The monsters that were supposed to surround Daisy Castle were scattered by the hunters, and they launched a counterattack against the hunters who came out from under the night, but then the Dawn fired all its guns, and the reloaded train guns easily crushed their The body, tearing apart the waves of death.

The corpses were piled on the ground layer by layer, the muddy flesh and mud mixed together, the hunters roared, chopped off heads one after another, and built them into towers.

Asmodeus is very confident in his own story. Driven by the darkness, endless monsters will bury everyone, and Irving has no chance of winning.

But now the situation has been reversed, and Irving has drawn a legion from the story, a legion that is heavily armed and full of blood.

"This...how is this possible?"

Asmodeus was very puzzled, the narrative restricted everyone, how could Irwin write such a mechanical descendant?

The question hadn't been answered yet, and Asmodeus suddenly understood.

Yes, all the stories at the moment come from Irwin's new book, which Irving has turned into a magical autobiography. "Night Hunter" is just a story he wrote based on this hidden world.

That is to say, from a certain opportunity, Irwin's new book and "Night Hunter" are in the same worldview.

Fantasy and reality are connected, stories are nested layer by layer, and narrative levels are also merged into one.

When Asmodeus can summon endless monsters, Irwin can also order his characters to come to the rescue, just like Irwin wrote in the book.

When monsters descend, Journey to Nevernight will also follow them.

This was never a mechanical descent, but the ending that Irwin had prepared for himself from the beginning.The devils never read his heart.

Irving is like an onion, hiding his true wish with one true word after another. For a moment, Burlogo even wondered, is what he is experiencing now really Irving's wish?Or is he still hiding something.

"Come on! Friends, this is the last carnival!"

Irwin pulled Asmodeus up, and held her hand while holding her waist. The two stood on the narrow workbench, looking at each other.

I'm afraid Irwin is really crazy. In Asmodeus's long life, this is the first time she has encountered such a crazy human being. He danced with her, but Irwin couldn't dance. His His steps were stiff, and he looked like he was stomping on the spot, almost stepping on himself several times.

Irwin seldom danced in his life. The first time he danced was 33 years ago. He thought Asmodeus probably didn’t remember it. The second time was now. He seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The heavy shells smashed through the walls of the large library, and the glass dome shattered, and then more shells hit. The hunters poured out all their firepower as if they were going to flatten the castle.

The glass shattered into sparkling dust, chunks of masonry fell from the sky, and the broken stones flew like bullets. The raised dust accumulated a thick layer on the ground, and Palmer jumped out of the gap in the floor-to-ceiling windows just in time. After avoiding falling boulders a few times, Bologo moved quickly under the torrent of collapsed death. Amy staggered and almost fell, the steel body was covered with potholes and depressions.

"catch me!"

Bologo roared, and collided with Amy without slowing down. Amy hugged Bologo and hung on him like a koala. Bologo then waved his grudge , smashed the falling boulders, and found a gap for survival in the collapsed buildings.

After confirming his own safety, Bologo looked at Irwin. He was still dancing with Asmodeus. The small world they lived in was not infringed by any foreign objects. Falling rocks would change their trajectory, and smoke would follow the wind. passed away.

This is the last carnival before the doomsday. With the clumsy dance steps of the two, the dense, stone-like bookshelves fell down in pieces, and the books in Irwin's collection were broken, and the paper scraps were stained with blood, like scattered roses petal.

The monsters dragged their broken limbs and struggled to move forward among the ruins. The large library was gradually collapsing, and one wall after another was collapsing outward, like a gift box opened by someone, showing the treasures inside to the world, and the noise became louder. , this time without having to look around, Bologo can clearly see the battlefield of the fight.

"It's so beautiful..."

Aimu let go of Borrog and stared into the distance. The daisies in the sea of ​​flowers seemed indestructible. Even though they were entangled by fireworks, they still bloomed generously. They radiated that beautiful orange-red light again, just like they once did in the happy garden. As seen.

All fantasies are becoming reality and all wishes will be fulfilled.

The hunters jumped into the sea of ​​flowers to fight against the monsters. Every time they slashed, brilliant sparks were brought up, like fireflies rising, flying non-stop on the ground.

The entire large library was almost completely leveled, and there were no high walls around it, like a gradually rising stage, everyone could clearly see everything in the large library.

On the narrow workbench, the two are like puppets jumping in a music box.

Irwin also saw the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, which was undoubtedly a rare comfort for him. Asmodeus had been silent since the beginning, and even the dance with Irwin was made by Irwin's clumsy Dominated by the land, she is manipulated at will like a doll that has lost its soul.

"Son, you have to bear this."

A familiar song sounded from Irwin's throat. Asmodeus seemed to have heard this song before, but she couldn't remember it. Irwin hummed the tune, his eyes were unfocused, and he was intoxicated by this beautiful moment , even if the world is turned upside down.

"You have to live with it, no matter how long it takes."

Signal bombs rose into the night sky one after another, exploding like festive fireworks, illuminating the dark earth, and also illuminating countless monsters. Their shadows were ferocious and terrifying, and they were endless, but there were even brighter lights soon after. The ray of light rose into the sky, blooming like a disappearing meteor, and like a scattered fishing net, cutting the night into squares one by one.

Bologo raised his head, and he saw that the stars were falling in the dark night, and each bright star trailed a straight trail of flames. When they landed, the high temperature easily burned through the bodies of the monsters, burning them. Penetrating through their bones, like the spear of light that pierces through the heavens and the earth.

Thousands of monsters wailed mournfully, their bodies were burning, turning into ashes from the inside, their blood evaporated rapidly, hot steam overflowed from their bodies, gathered together, and turned into a mist covering the earth, but Accompanied by the roaring cannon, the heavy warheads tore through the thick fog.

The hunters fired a continuous stream of thermite, a deadly weapon like a herbicide, burning hundreds of monsters to death. Their corpses were entangled and evenly spread on the ground, and the earth became extremely soft , blood can ooze out with a little force.

"Palmer! Stop them!"

Recovering from the burning shock, Burrog yelled at Palmer beside him.

Groups of monsters were withdrawn from the large army. Facing the legion of hunters, they had no chance of winning. However, it became much easier to penetrate the defense line of the three of Bologo.

Palmer stepped forward, and he slashed unexpectedly hard. This guy completely substituted himself into the story, and he was filled with a sense of honor every moment, which was worth more than the best rookie of the year award.

"It's a good trip!" Palmer yelled, "It's a good trip!"

One after another, hideous heads flickered, and Bologo also saw the familiar Dread Eater and wolf-headed monsters. The darkness charged towards them, and Bologo roared in response.

Irwin created a miracle, so Bologo also responded miraculously. Without any hesitation, Bologo plunged headlong into the raging tide of monsters below. Palmer didn't even have time to call for a stop, and Bologo was gone. Disappeared in the surging darkness, completely overwhelmed by monsters.


Amyu yelled worriedly, just as she was about to go down to help Bologo, suddenly there was a sharp and manic sword cry mixed with a tragic wail.

Almost at the same moment, the tide of monsters surging below was suddenly cleared out of a vacuum area, like a hole of flesh and blood carved out of a huge body. In the center of the hole, Bologo took off his blood-stained, In the heavy coat, he was only wearing a thin top, soaked in blood, the cloth clings to the skin, outlining the lines of the body.

The resentful bite was still so smooth and clean, blood dripped along the edge of the blade, and under Bologo's violent slash, the monster it touched became fragmented.

"What a rare experience."

Bologo talked to himself, and stepped forward on the monster's corpse. Many hideous faces flashed in front of him, but Bologo didn't feel the slightest fear.

There are not many such opportunities to experience the plot of the story in person. Under the soaking breath of death, Bologo has a feeling of nostalgia, which reminds him of the frenzied killing when he first started working.


Borogo laughed loudly. The Dread Eater knocked away many monsters and swung its deadly scythe. It was covered with strong scales. Even hunters would need to spend some effort to kill this monster. Tricky monster.

This is not a problem for Bologo, he speeds up and runs away from those monsters that are in the way. Facing the staggered scythes, Bologo leaps exquisitely and passes through the gap between the scythes. The distance between the Dread Devourers shortened rapidly, and then they chopped off their heads.

The Resentment Bite split the Dread Eater's skull, then the neck, chest cavity, and lumbar vertebrae. He didn't stop until Bologo almost completely cut the Resentment Bite into the Dread Eater's body. His body fell down smoothly, as if a skilled doctor was doing the surgery, and the cross-section of the body was clearly visible.

Bologo then cut off a scythe. Facing the many monsters, Bologo picked up the scythe with one hand, swung it with all his strength, and turned around. The deadly blade cut all the monsters that approached in half. After that, Bologo let go of his hand, and the scythe knocked down a large number of monsters, leaving only the bleeding limbs in place.

He was out of breath, his body temperature was frighteningly high, sweat mixed with blood evaporated, steaming hot.

The hunters flattened most of the battlefield. They have encountered more terrible situations than this. Right now, these are nothing at all. Everything is so orderly. Kill all the enemies, seize the positions, and wait for another round of shelling. Attack like a soldier, move like a legion.

Irwin still moved with clumsy dance steps, but he was full of energy at the beginning, and now his steps were undoubtedly much slower. One after another, dusty footprints were stepped on the workbench, and then dripping blood fell.

Asmodeus looked at Irwin's bloodied pale face, and he took Asmodeus to spin. Every time he turned around, the high walls collapsed and the spiers fell. This seemed to be a doomsday dance, and the entire Daisy Castle It has almost collapsed, and the heavy bricks buried all the invading monsters. Perhaps when Irwin stopped, everything would be over.

"You really are a selfish guy."

Asmodeus said suddenly, "I don't care what I say, but in fact, it's all to satisfy yourself, the realization of your self-worth, and the eternity of your muse."

Irwin showed an ugly smile. He didn't answer, but just enjoyed the aftertaste of the carnival.

Burrog's frenzied slashing gradually slowed down. From just now, Palmer and Aimu also jumped off the ruins of the large library, and formed a line in front of them, firmly blocking the monsters' attacks. shock.

They just need to hold out until the hunters push the battle line over, but the monsters don't want to give up so easily - Asmodeus doesn't want to give up.

Crazy power gathers in the battlefield, and the darkness almost has a substance. It is brewing in the piled up corpses. The hunters stopped their steps vigilantly, while the monsters wailed and fled towards the surroundings, but not yet. No matter how far away they are, a strong suction will capture them.

A black hole seemed to appear out of nowhere on the battlefield. It emerged from the sea of ​​burning flowers and pulled everything around it. The hideous monsters squeezed each other, stacked on top of each other. Under the squeeze of that terrible force, , its body bent and twisted strangely, its faces overlapped, and finally turned into a pitch-black egg as tall as a hill.

The terrifying tide of monsters subsided in an instant, and most of the monsters were swallowed by the pitch-black eggs. Only a small number of monsters were still wandering on the battlefield, but they did not pose a threat anymore.

After Bologo killed the last monster in front of him, he also saw the towering pitch-black egg. The surface of the egg body was like a mural, carved with all kinds of weirdness, and the whole land was covered with a layer of flesh and blood. , it is like a product born from flesh and blood, like an obelisk rising from the ground.

Boluoge didn't relax because of this, the dark egg was surrounded by a sea of ​​burning flowers, and the orange-red light hit the egg, as if it was in a fire, which reminded Boluogo of some evil sacrifice rituals.

The hunters fired at the pitch-black egg first, and the bullets fell on the egg case, splashing sparks. Its case was extremely hard, like metal, and the train gun and thermite hit the egg case. It also failed to shake the pitch-black egg.

Burrog's heart hangs, he thought this would be the end of the battle, but now it seems that this will not end so easily.

Bursts of low-pitched heartbeats sounded from inside the pitch-black egg, and then the pitch-black case seemed to become transparent, and the same orange-red light glowed inside, as if a raging fire was burning inside the egg case, almost burning All flesh and blood.

The crimson lines crawled along the distorted reliefs of the monsters on the case, and the light within the lines gradually became stronger until the high temperature completely melted the solid case, and it shattered completely with a bang.

Under the egg case is a group of overlapping, several meters high, like giant lotus-like creations, and as the petals stretch out like towers, its shape is still growing, and even the sky-covering The pure white petals covering the sun almost completely covered the battlefield.

It is so huge, yet possesses an indescribable sense of lightness, like pieces of tumbling white clouds, swaying with the breeze.

A sweet incense covered the burning and rotting atmosphere of the battlefield, and Burrog breathed lightly, and felt a burst of refreshing comfort.

Unknowingly, the pitch-black mist was released from the roots of the giant lotus, and it silently spread over the corpse like a tide. The fiery battlefield quickly cooled down, and the soil mixed with flesh and blood was quickly frozen, covering the body with layers of solid frost. On the soft corpse.

Bologo was slightly absent-minded. No matter how he thought about it, he never thought that the egg case would give birth to such a thing. At the same time he relaxed, the giant lotus fully bloomed, and the petals stretched to the fullest, covering the night sky, and the sound of tearing the air sounded Ear-piercing ringing sounds, like a steel needle piercing the eardrum and nerves.

Blood overflowed from the ear canal, Burrogo covered his ears in pain, and more intense pain came from his body, everyone was like this, as if a poison was attacking the internal organs, there was a throbbing pain in his chest, like a hammer Hitting the ribs repeatedly, the blood surged and rushed, and the taste of rust emerged in the throat.

The pupils of the hunters became dilated, and blood overflowed from their mouths and noses. They struggled and were in pain, and a furious battle roar sounded from their throats. For a moment, the heavy and huge petals of the giant lotus fluttered regularly, like an insect about to take off.

A gust of cyclone whizzed over, blowing away and repelling all the hunters who were trying to attack, and Bologo pierced the frozen ground with his sword, stabilizing his figure, and then appeared in his pupils There are hundreds of scarlet dot marks densely packed.

In the unfolded stamens of the giant lotus, a scarlet column rose from the ground, and when it stretched to the extreme, almost reaching the end of the sky, it suddenly scattered and turned into countless ribbons, silk that came with the wind.

It wasn't silk, but countless scarlet tentacles stabbed out at high speed, like spurting plasma, sweeping around like arrows.

Many hunters who have not yet recovered were precisely hit by the tentacles. At the moment of contact, the tentacles easily pierced through the flesh and blood like a spear. The next second, the thin body was completely shredded, and the spine, internal organs, and flesh and blood were smashed into pieces. They were slapped on the ground in chunks, emitting a hot, foul smell of blood.

The roots rooted deep in the ground also broke out one after another, tearing out deep ravines on the ground, dragging hunters one after another into the darkness of the ground, they disappeared so quickly that one could only hear The painful exclamation passed by his ears.

Palmer let out a shrill scream. Under the strange influence, Palmer was no longer as dexterous as before. He cut off most of the tentacles with the storm feather, but a few sporadic ones still reached his body. In front of his eyes, as swift as a thunderbolt, several blood holes were drawn out of Palmer's body.

Drenched in blood, Palmer fell down straight, and the blood gurgled out, leaving only the echo of painful gasps.

Bologo didn't have time to take care of Palmer. When Palmer fell down, the rain-like tentacles also reached Burogo's eyes. In Julian's eyes, Bologo was far more threatening than Palmer. To this end, it mobilized more tentacles to attack.

The surging energy and blood made Bologo's movements extremely slow. No matter how determined his will was, he couldn't distort the foundation of reality with his will. Bologo could only forcefully hold up his resentful bite and try to split these galloping tentacles. .

Can't be split.

Burrog realized with rage that he would be torn to pieces like the hunter if he cut off these tentacles.

The predetermined death aroused Burogo's anger, and he faced thousands of scarlets, until a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"I'm here to save you!"

Amyu sprinted and knocked down Bologo, and the influence of the giant lotus on the flesh and blood body could not interfere with Amyu who was carrying steel. She became the only one who could move quickly under this influence.

The short body carried Burlogo on her shoulders as if she was carrying goods. She was as dexterous as a monkey traveling through the dense forest. The scarlet tentacles passed by Amyu, tearing off some clothes, A dent was left on the metal case, but this couldn't stop Amy from running wildly.

Amyu had never felt that she could run so fast, obviously there were extremely dangerous tentacles everywhere, but she felt a burst of joy in her heart, she understood Irwin's strange psychology, and Amyu's value was being realized, and she was very happy with it. The burrogo helped, if only to a limited extent.

Burrog looked at her in surprise, and then a scarlet tentacles struck from a tricky angle, and Burrog instinctively swung his sword to cut off the tentacles, but there was another one following the tentacles.

It was too late, the tentacles were like a scarlet tongue of blood, twisting its trajectory in mid-air, and quickly approached, and then the scarlet trajectory penetrated Amy's waist and abdomen, and Bologo could hear the sound of metal shattering, and the metal fragments refracted shimmering, like gems sprinkled into the air.

Amyu's pace also faltered, and the apertures in her pupils shrank slightly. She seemed to be about to fall, but in the next second she stepped firmly on the ground again.

The Man of Steel will not be in pain, nor will it be tired. Even if it is injured, it is just a cold body, as long as the core components are not affected.

"no problem!"

Amy yelled, she seemed to be speaking to Burlogo, and she seemed to be comforting herself.

She carried Burlogo to escape the subsequent attack, and plunged headlong into a crater. It was only at this moment that Amyu breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned against the cold gravel with a bitter expression on her face.

"If it's flesh and blood, it's really dead."

A hideous wound emerged from Aimiao's waist and abdomen, and the tentacles pierced through the outer shell, including the internal machinery. The metal surface was covered with cracks, like a porcelain doll that was about to break.

Fortunately, it didn't touch Aimiao's mechanical spine, otherwise the blow just now would be enough to break Aimiao in the middle.

The dizziness in Burlogo's mind was much lighter. Seeing Amyu's appearance, he was speechless for a while, and Amyu didn't let Burlogo speak. She gave Burlogo a thumbs up, Then he pointed to the mountain-like giant lotus in the distance.

The roaring cannon sounded, and after the first round of attacks, the hunters also recovered, and the train cannon fired again, igniting the huge pure white petals with blood-colored fireworks, and the night became bright again. A new round of thermite was projected high into the sky, and the stars fell, drawing straight spears of light.

"I'll kill it."

Bologo turned out of the crater as he spoke. He took a deep breath, and then ran wildly with his breath held. The huge petals swayed endlessly, and gusts of air slammed into Bologo's body, trying to knock him down, but Bologo was caught Logo resisted.

The recovered hunters are even more threatening to the giant lotus. Under the continuous bombardment and thermite, the petals of the giant lotus facing the hunters have begun to burn and wither. On this side, a series of tentacles swept towards the armored compartment of the Dawn, leaving terrible dents in the thickened armor.

Some train guns were destroyed by it, others fired as the tentacles approached, the deadly shells crushing the tentacles and returning blood to the giant lotus.

While running wildly, Bologo saw a petal hanging down slowly. The end of the petal was not too high from the ground. Opened, a scarlet tentacles rose from the ground.

Storm Feather emerged from the night sky, cut off the tentacles precisely, and sprayed a large amount of blood. Burrog couldn't see where Palmer was, but he could imagine him thumbing up to him.

Stepping on the petals, the touch feels weird, as if the surface of the petals is covered with a layer of sticky mucus, Bologo dare not breathe, he is afraid that he will be affected by the fainting feeling again, so he can only bear the strange feeling Feeling to move on.

The giant lotus seemed to have sensed Bolog's arrival, and some of the tentacles of the attacking hunters turned around and attacked Bolog, but this time the resentful bite cut them down precisely, as easily as cutting off a fly.

After the tentacles were broken, they still had strong vitality. Like a python, they struggled violently on the surface of the mucus, blood flowed all over the ground, and on the pure white petals, Bologo's forward route was outlined.

He was like an approaching storm, and every time he swung his sword, he raised pieces of meat and blood. Soon, the abnormality here attracted the attention of the hunters. One of the hunters standing on the roof of the car noticed that the tentacles had changed their attack direction, and immediately Then he caught a glimpse of Burrog striding forward.

Burrog wanted to pierce the pistil.

A crazy idea rose in the hunter's mind, obviously without any communication, he seemed to understand what Bologo was doing, he was shocked by Bologo's crazy idea, and then admired.

"Concentrated fire!"

As he spoke, the hunter drew his own sword, a narrow, spike-black blade like another Grudge.

"Help that lunatic!"

The hunter roared, and he began to think about who the guy who climbed the petals was, and there was no such person in the Mingming Dawn.

The train cannon turned its muzzle, and pieces of thermite were released concentratedly, and the firepower was twisted together, like the breath of a giant dragon, the blazing flames that melted through steel, and the firepower poured out wantonly.

The petals that were under attack quickly withered, the ground began to tremble slightly, countless cracks emerged, and many roots burst out, entangled on the heavy carriage, and some attacked the hunter. After the first wave of confrontation, the hunters were already very good at dealing with this. Julian's offensive this round had little effect, but the hunters had achieved great results.

The furious fireworks not only burned through the huge petals, but also gradually spread to the huge rhizome, and the entire giant lotus was dragged into the flames by the hunters.

The concentrated fire consumes their ammunition quickly, but it also severely damages the giant lotus in a short time. It flaps its petals repeatedly to create a hurricane, and at the same time, its scarlet tentacles also attack the hunters. The hunter, Burlogo seems not so important.

Boluogo continued to run forward. As he got deeper into the giant lotus, the mucus on the petals became more and more viscous. Every time he took a step, there would be a large stretch of wire drawing on the sole of his shoes. It felt like many people grabbed your body, you have to drag them forward with their weight.

Shock waves came from the front, at the end of the tentacles, in the scarlet stamen, there seemed to be tons of plasma surging, the giant lotus was brewing a fatal attack, the next moment it was like a volcanic eruption, thousands of tons The plasma was thrown high from the stamen, and a few seconds later the scarlet rainstorm fell to the ground.

There was no shelter around Bologo. When the first ray of rain hit his face, a piercing pain spread over him. His skin began to fester, and the dermis was directly corroded, and the bones could still be seen vaguely. , There was a bubbling sound from the wound, and white smoke rose.

The blood is like strong acid. Before more raindrops drenched Bologo, he lowered his body and cut off a large piece of flower petals, and put it on his head like an umbrella. The weird mucus can resist the blood to a certain extent, but this The petals can only protect Bologo's torso.

The ends of Bologo's limbs and sporadic parts of his body were corroded, the cloth was burned through, the flesh was corroded, and the hand holding the sword was covered with scars. He was emitting white gas all over his body, like an overloaded machine exhaling smoke.

The acidic blood corroded the entire battlefield, and even the hunters had to retreat into the carriage. The blood and the metal came into contact, and the piercing sound filled everyone's ears.

The leader hunter took a deep breath, he clenched the pitch-black blade, looked at the giant lotus that continued to spray blood, and muttered to himself, "He's in trouble."

The scarlet tentacles turned around, taking advantage of the gap created by the acidic blood, they began to clean up the little bug that had climbed up. Seeing this, the hunter thought for a while before stepping into the blood rain.

Boluoge is getting closer and closer to the stamen. On the difficult journey, he began to think about some things. Now he is covered with bruises, and some wounds can be seen deep in the bones. In the past, under the protection of gifts, this is nothing to Boluogo, but Now once he's down, he can't fight again until the Shattering of Reality is over.

Now that the stamen has spit out all the plasma, this is my only chance. Once it accumulates plasma again, it will be a pool of strong acid. Corroded into a pool of pus.

"Asmodeus, you are about to lose."

Burrog cheered himself up, thinking that the devil would lose to mortals, he once again had a strong motivation.

Stepping on the overlapping petals, Bologo gradually penetrated into it, and when they flapped slightly, they sent out an overwhelming airflow. Fortunately, Bologo was close enough, and this could not stop him.

A touch of scarlet gradually appeared in his eyes, and this scarlet became clearer and clearer, and the outline became more and more complete.
Boluogo decided to take a gamble. For this crazy story, Irwin had already bet his life, so he had nothing to hesitate. He could already see the roots of the scarlet tentacles, which were woven into the Together, like a scarlet stone pillar, there are gathered petals on the periphery of the rhizome, and they gradually become smaller. Inside the light red inner wall, drops of plasma are gradually secreted, and a shallow layer has gathered below.

The tentacles sensed Bolog's arrival, like a group of dancing snakes, they attacked Bologo overwhelmingly, getting so close, Bologo also tore off the petal fragments on the top of his head, and let the scarlet The raindrops hit the body, and there was a heart-wrenching pain.

The resentful bite pierced through the tentacles that arrived first, and Bologo slashed and moved while slashing, like a black lightning bolt. Countless tentacles almost completely surrounded him, turning into a scarlet cage, layers upon layers Layers stacked together.

No matter how fast Bologo swung his sword, he couldn't cut off all the tentacles, let alone the acid blood that left him covered in bruises. Soon one of the tentacles crossed his defense line and gnawed on his thigh. A chunk of flesh and blood.

At the same time, Bologo stepped on the layers of petals to reach the core. He exhausted all his strength and jumped high. Bologo took a deep breath and roared at the giant lotus.

The giant lotus responded to the challenger. A desperate scarlet wall made of countless tentacles entangled together blocked Bologo's way. They were entangled layer by layer. It is also a wave of death.

There is scarlet in the field of vision, and there is nothing else.

Borogo realized desperately that he would not be able to penetrate this layer of defense, he would only be torn to pieces by the infinite tentacles.

There was a high-pitched whistling sound like a buzzer in the wind, and the sharp sound constantly stimulated everyone's fragile eardrums, resounding in Burogo's mind like an alarm bell.

Burrog knew the sound, deadly and graceful, on the blade whenever he swung his sword through the wind with extreme speed.

The sound was approaching, and then a dark and narrow line extended on the scarlet wall. After a few seconds of pause, the scarlet blood burst and spilled along the trajectory of the dark line, and at the same time the impenetrable scarlet wall began to collapse.

In the shattered flesh and blood in the sky, Bologo saw the person who cut through the scarlet wall. His speed was very fast, and what remained in Bologo's eyes was only a blurry figure, but Bologo recognized the sharp weapon. The sword, it is very similar to the grudge in his hand, even the same one.

The hunter turned around, and the blade in his hand waved a semicircle, and it was thrown out of his hand, as if throwing a thunderbolt. The dark trajectory passed in front of Bologo again, completely cutting off those sporadic and intertwined tentacles, and the core of the stamen was completely broken. Exposed in front of Burlogo.

He raised his arms and shouted to Burrog, "Unstoppable!"

Since then, there has been no obstacle in the way.

The hunter from the story rescued the hunter from reality, and now the hunter from reality will end this crazy story.

Burrog fell into the scarlet abyss.

The wildly dancing tentacles froze suddenly, they crazily shrunk towards the stamen, and those blooming petals with thousands of layers also quickly shrank and closed at this moment, until they wrapped the whole giant lotus layer by layer and collapsed continuously, Almost shrinking into that pitch-black egg again.

A mournful and desperate wail came from the layers of stamens, like the screams of thousands of ghosts crying together.

A great sorrow resounds across the battlefield.

The gathered giant lotus bloomed quickly again. When it bloomed, all the petals quickly withered. Like a counterattack on the verge of death, it set off a chaotic airflow that swept the ground and blew the blood of the corpse, but this time it couldn't kill anyone.

The giant lotus began to wither and wither, and it scattered fine dust, as if it had never existed before. With the disappearance of the petals covering the sky, the orange-red flower sea was revealed again, and every daisy was covered with The magnificent halo is like a fire burning.

Bologo stood in the sea of ​​flowers, and after a few seconds, the cheers of mountains and tsunami came from the direction of Dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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