Endless Debt.

Chapter 659 Epilogue

Chapter 659 Epilogue
Bursts of dense fog mixed with ashes from the abandoned land poured out from the scar across the land, like a group of whales breathing, and were thrown high into the sky, intertwined with the thick clouds Together, it became a gray mist covering almost half of the city. Moist water vapor condensed between the gray mist and cumulus clouds, and they became heavy until they were captured by gravity and fell as light rain.

The slightly cold rain hit Burrog's face, which made him look a bit tired. Standing on the roof, he looked at the steel forest that was still expanding outwards, feeling a sense of trance for a while. Climbing to my heart, in less than a hundred years, everything has changed beyond recognition.

The afterglow of the setting sun was smudged by cumulus clouds and mist, and the whole sky seemed to be burning, exuding the color of fireworks. Along the stacked buildings, there was a dark sky that almost supported the sky and fell into the sea of ​​clouds. The tower rose from the ground.

If you forget that it is your own company, Burlogo thinks that the reclamation room is still a good architectural wonder. In this city, it is like the towering giant. Compared with it, the tall buildings in the city are like dwarf It's the ants around its feet.

Today is a rare rest day, and Burlogo can finally be freed from the day-to-day labor. Now the Great Rift is like his second home, and every rusty corridor is very familiar.

After breathing the fresh air, Burlogo returned home. The room was as usual, full of all kinds of sundries, most of which were piled up movie videos, books and some record tapes.

Palmer finally persuaded Burlogo to allow him to partially renovate the public space of the living room. The original blank wall was covered with various posters, some were promotional posters of movies, and some were rock albums. I don't know how Palmer got his hands on the band posters, several of which were autographed.

Bursts of snoring came from the sofa. Palmer slept on the sofa for an unknown amount of time. Beside him was a novel with a bookmark in it. plate.

Since remodeling the living room, Palmer seems to regard the living room as part of his bedroom, and he can be seen nestling on the sofa almost every holiday.

Burrog put the dishes in the kitchen sink, and then returned to his room. The sound of pushing the door woke Palmer up, and he saw the back of Burrog entering the room sleepily.

Sitting at his desk, Burrog paused for a while, then took out his diary from a side cabinet, thought for a while, and took out a heavy book from it.

There are not many furniture in Bologo's room, and this cabinet is one of them. There are very few things in it, but they are all extremely important things for Bologo.

It contained Adele's diary and necklace, that half-knit sweater, and a ticket to the theater. Now this ticket is considered a rare item in Opals, and it seems to have a high value in the secondary market. , in addition to these, there have been more collections here recently.

A twelve-sided dice, and the book that Burlogo had just taken out.

For Bologo, the book was unexpectedly heavy, and turning any page seemed to exhaust all his physical strength. When the pages were completely spread out, there was still a blood-stained page inside.

It was one of Irving's relics, and in that frenzied narrative he quietly folded the page and slipped it into Burlogo's pocket during the last embrace.

At the price of this secret, Irwin persuaded Burrog to buy him time so that he could meet his muse.

"Bologo, I think I've discovered a secret."

Burlogo had read this line many times, every inevitable late night.

"If it is said that devils are really higher than us, then why do they have so-called human nature? This is undoubtedly a kind of degradation of themselves, but why do they do this, just to tempt us more conveniently?
Isn't that right, just like you would learn from a wild dog by crawling on the ground and yelling at it in order to please it?
No, the most you can do is pity it, throw it a few bones, no matter how much you pity it, you can't fully empathize with it, after all, we are different from the beginning.

So why did the devil become like this?Why should they also suffer from the effects of their original sin?Like Asmodeus, like everyone else. "

The shocking words continued on the page, writing the terrible truth deduced by Irving.

"I can feel it, I can feel it from Asmodeus.

If it is said that the cruelty and evilness of the devil is the optimization for themselves, and the human nature is only the part that cannot be completely discarded in the optimization..."

From the written text, Bologo could feel Irwin's tone at that time. He was as excited as if he had discovered a new world. If there was a stone, he would definitely engrave his name on the stone.

"It's like a joke, do you think devils can really be converted and become human? I don't think it's possible. They are like superior predators to humans. They won't be human... unless they all Be human from the start.

So what would be human? "

This is the end of the text. This is the last mystery that Irving gave to Bologo. As for the answer, Bologo already has a premonition.

Burrog refolded the paper, stuffed it back into the pages, and closed the heavy book. Then he opened his diary and wrote.

"Three months have passed since the reality shattering incident. During this period of time, the weather was calm and nothing happened. The peaceful days should be gratifying, but I often feel uneasy in this tranquility and often wake up at night.

The world is changing, and I don't have the exact evidence to prove it all, but I can feel that it is becoming something I am not familiar with. "

Burrog glanced at the book again, and continued writing.

"The only good thing recently is the release of Irving's new book. The publishers called it the swan song of the blue jay. .

The sales volume of the new book was very good, and it was all sold out on the day it was released, followed by the announcement of urgent reprinting... Judging from the royalties, Irwin will become a famous rich man.

The response to the content is also great. Readers didn't expect the new book to be connected with "Night Hunter" in this way, and they didn't expect that the blue jay would write such an ending for the protagonist, that is, himself, such a romantic ending.

Readers are used to the cruel and cold narration of the blue jay, and they never expected that this rock-like author would become so soft in his last work.

There is nothing more romantic than the author stepping into his own story. "

Sadness flashed in Burlogo's eyes, "Shortly after the release of the new book, the official announcement of the death of the blue jay, that is, Irving, at first readers only thought it was a marketing activity for the new book, until the commemoration of Irving When the event came out, readers realized that this was no joke and that he really died.

During this period of time, many conspiracy theories emerged. Some people stubbornly believed that this was just a pen-seal event, pretending to be a death, and some people began to believe in the stories written in the book. They firmly believed that Irving was real. I strayed into that world and walked into the story. "

Burrog heard the noise from the living room. It should be that Palmer woke up. Palmer read Irving's new book over and over again. When reading this new book and looking back on this long adventure, even Palmer, a big-hearted guy, couldn't help feeling melancholy.

"Speaking of which, the release of new books is not easy.

After the shattering of reality, the Bureau of Order sealed off Daisy Castle. Except for the ether that has not completely dissipated, there is no abnormality in the entire area, and Irwin disappeared completely after the shattering of reality. He seems to have really entered the story.

The Bureau of Order reviewed the manuscript of the new book. Fortunately, Irving changed the story thoroughly, so it was released without any deletions. "

Burrog narrowed his eyes, as if pondering some sort of conundrum.

"Actually, I have never been able to figure out whether what we experience in the narrative is real or illusory. If it is real, why is there nothing left except for the manuscript? If it is illusory...this thing... Why can you be brought out of the narrative by me?"

Bologo stopped writing, raised his head, and saw a long sword hanging on the wall. It had a very special shape, without any guard grid, and the hilt was directly connected to the body of the sword. The blade was black and long and narrow. Like a slender spike.

Resentful bite, this deadly weapon was actually brought out of the narrative, as if it was Irwin's last gift to himself.

Burrog took off the Bite, and now its blade was hidden in a special scabbard that Amy made for himself, and Burrog was just trying to find a time to thank her.

Slowly pulling out the blade, the black body of the sword came into view. After Bailey's test, this weapon was classified as a contracted object, but the strange thing was that it didn't have any side effects. As for the effect of the resentment bite, it is also very simple. It is extremely sharp and has a certain ability to corrode the ether, that is to say, this thing can split the ether flow.

Putting the grudge across his knees, Burlog closed his eyes and thought. He remembered a passage that was repeatedly mentioned in Irving's new book.

"I have recalled 33 years of the sixteen hours I spent with you."

For Irving, Burlogo still has many unsolved mysteries. For example, what happened to him on the train 33 years ago?
Burrog could probably guess that Irwin met her muse, she gave him encouragement, gave him the courage to continue to live, and thus created the desire to create.

As Irving said in the narrative, he never grows old. When he left the train, he imprisoned himself in the memory, and time could not defeat him at this time.

Irwin wrote his whole life to meet her again, to show her his achievements, and to tell her that she had read the right person back then.

"It's really stubborn."

Bologo murmured, for those sixteen hours, Bologo could only guess these. As for more details, even in the new book, Irwin did not mention them.

Palmer had discussed this with Burlogo, and in the end the two had decided that there was no need to discuss such matters.

Irwin gave the story to everyone, but he hid the best part, the sixteen hours that changed his life.

It was a secret that belonged to Irving alone, and he guarded his gold in the muddy swamp like a greedy monster in the story.

The wanton speculation of others gave off a disgusting feeling of voyeurism. Bologo was unwilling to desecrate Irving's sacredness, even if that sacredness was related to the devil, even if no one except the devil would remember those sixteen hours.

It's nothing.

Just know it was a good time.

There was a faint singing voice in the living room, and the singing voice sang.

"Son, you have to bear this."

Palmer knocked on the door, then pushed the door open completely, and the singing became clearer.

Bologo remembered this song. When he was dancing with Asmodeus, Irving hummed this song softly. Palmer actually remembered it, and found this song in a group of records. Even Burlogo had to admire Palmer's patience and ear.

The singing continued.

"You have to live with it, no matter how long it takes."

Palmer noticed the diary that Bologo was writing, and then saw Irving's new book. He sat down on Burlogo's bed and joked, "Are you doing reading comprehension on his book?"

"Just looking around," said Burlogo, "but you, do you want to understand the question?"

After the shattered reality, Palmer has been troubled by a question, that is, what is Irwin's wish, this cunning author has deceived them too many times, even in the end, Palmer still doubts Irwin's purpose, I always feel that it is not that simple.

But Irwin has disappeared, and when he walked into the story, no one can give Palmer the answer anymore. After the new book was released, he read it over and over again, trying to find clues in the story and know what Erwin was. Wen's true wish.

"No, I still can't figure it out."

Palmer lay down, crumpling the sheets that Burlogo had made.

"To meet his muse again, to realize self-worth, to...to get angry with the devil. I don't understand what Irwin is thinking, it's too complicated."

Palmer looked up at Burlogo, "I admit defeat, tell me the answer, you guys must have guessed it."

Burrog closed his diary and turned his chair around, "Irwin is a noble man, he will never lie... Do you remember the first time we asked him what his wish was, he was How did you answer?"

"Eternal life, for eternal life."

Palmer sat up straight, "You said he was for eternal life, but he has..."

Burrog shook his head, and explained to Palmer Irwin's real wish, a wish that had already been fulfilled by him.

"All creations are to leave deep or shallow traces in this world.

Irving has written himself into the story, and he in the book will always be alive and full of vitality, which will transcend his own destiny, even if Irving is old and dead at that time. "

Burrog picked up the new book and turned to Palmer, speaking to him happily.

"Look, Palmer, the storyteller is now part of the story, and he will live forever in his story.

So it shines brightly and will not be forgotten. "

Bologo said as he put the new book in his arms, gently stroked the cover of the book, and brushed the gold-plated title with his fingertips. Bologo liked this poetic title.

he read softly.

"Poetry has no end."

(End of this chapter)

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