Endless Debt.

Chapter 660 Prologue Bloody Night

Chapter 660 Prologue Bloody Night

1217 in the Rhine calendar.

There is no light tonight, the stars and the moonlight are all hidden behind the thick cloud, the chilling wind blows down from the sky, and rushes towards the magnificent creation that hollowed out the mountain and rises from the ground, the cold wind passes through the deep spiral The promenade brushed past the corpses that fell on the ground, causing ripples on the pool of blood.

The air flow passes through the carefully carved hollows and arranged copper pipes on the surface of the building. Originally, when the wind blows, they will sound a melodious melody, like a solemn and sacred grand overture, immersing the whole behemoth in a sense of majesty middle.

But now when the strong wind passes by, there can only be a shrill and strange sound in the copper pipe, as if it is the wailing and mourning of this huge monster. It is dying. In its huge body, countless people struggled to die. Their blood gathered into Its blood flowed endlessly from the steps, turning into an extended red carpet. .

The wailing sound echoed repeatedly in the building, and it refused to dissipate for a long time. The once glorious building has now become a hell on earth, roasting every soul trapped here.

The boy huddled in the cupboard in horror, his body was shaking non-stop, the dagger-like fear cut his nerves repeatedly, he could hear the scream of every cell in himself, the sound rampant in the narrow cupboard until it was completely torn apart. Cracked boy's eardrum.

Tears ran down the boy's face, and he took a long time to regain his composure, just as his fencing teacher had taught him, to stay rational and control his emotions.

Taking deep breaths repeatedly, his trembling body gradually calmed down. The boy wiped away his tears, gently pushed the cabinet open, and looked at the court room outside through the gap with his flushed face.

The originally prosperous and elegant courtyard has become a dirty and dilapidated slaughterhouse, with countless corpses piled up together, blood gushing out from the wounds, soaking the carpet in large swaths, gently pressing, There will be unstoppable blood oozing out.

Blood seeped out from under the door, and the blood flowed under everyone's feet like a stream. The sound of metal friction sounded successively, and the soldiers could imagine that scene. Slowly draw a series of deep dents.

The second seat hugged Xilin by the waist, without saying a word, just looked at him with a smile, but that smile was filled with cold killing intent.

This is an avenue full of honor and sense of history. In the past years of the empire, whenever a battle was won, the soldiers who were awarded the honor would walk through this broad avenue to receive the honor from the king.

The second seat shook his head, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I swear allegiance to another Majesty."

The boy could hear his voice.

"I want to get out of here."

"no no!"

The blowing wind blew away the blood on the tip of his nose. The boy looked towards the stairs below. Many corpses lay on the stairs. They were all killed by the blows from behind while escaping. Well, that sword strike is simply not like what humans can do. Every blow easily cuts off limbs, and people are as fragile as a piece of thin paper.

Seeing the familiar and old face, the boy couldn't help sobbing again.

Xilin couldn't feel the existence of his body anymore, but he still obeyed the man's words and stood up firmly. Seeing the man smiled, he continued.

The second seat no longer thinks about the future, that is not what the second seat needs to think about, the only thing he has to do is to obey the order.

Xilin raised his head courageously, but he saw a pair of gentle eyes amidst the scarlet. Xilin thought he was hallucinating, since his father had never seen him with such eyes since he was born.

"The first seat is leading people to attack," one of them said, "We have been relying on the Void Domain of the Pillar of King Power, and we have been unable to stop them for too long."

After six days of carnival, the feast came to an end with the bloody massacre on the seventh day.

That's how Harper died, the boy's older brother, the eldest in the family, when the monster pointed its sword at him and yelled orders.

The second seat smiled, raised his hand—raised his sword and chopped off Lucky's head.

Pillars of Kingship.

Xilin seemed to hear the sound of broken souls.

The monster was approaching step by step, and Harper looked at him desperately, without saying a word, he stepped into the air and fell to the ground, his flesh was bloody.

He froze on the spot for a long time, as if some kind of power was driving him, luring him, like a coincidence, the boy stepped forward, but turned into a deep corridor.

"It doesn't matter, let him fight slowly. The original design idea of ​​this imaginary domain was to prepare for the siege of the Pillar of King Power by the Bureau of Order."

The second seat led Xilin out of the elevator shaft, and fell down from the pillar of kingship without stopping. Xilin thought he would fall to his death, but after the rapid wind, he and the second seat landed firmly on the flat ground , raised his head, and the crowd that came up had already surrounded the two of them.

He didn't say anything more, his eyes were full of sadness and a touch of love.

He fell into a pool of blood, tortured by endless pain all over his body, but the boy did not let go of the sword in his hand because of this, he stood up firmly, and then a familiar face appeared in front of his eyes.

Now this avenue, which has never been closed, has been sealed at this moment. The gate like a high wall completely blocked the way. It was supposed to be a gate to defend against the enemy, but it blocked people's way of life. In front of the gate, shrill cries shook the gate, and outside the gate, many soldiers had already stood guard here.

"Who is wrong?"

Under the music of the doomsday, the boy mustered up his courage. He couldn't die like a coward. This would be ashamed of his surname and the blood flowing in his body.

The man screamed in despair. He wanted to save the fate of his son from the hands of the devil, but at this moment his son fell into the grasp of another devil.

In the center of the cave is an endless blood-colored lake, and a familiar figure is kneeling in front of the lake and muttering to himself.

Trembling sounds came from the distant ground, and the cries of people became more and more clear.

Those who fell and died are all here, they fell to pieces, their internal organs and brains were spread all over the floor, hot breath rose from the corpses, the men glanced at these corpses with cold eyes, and at the same time there were screaming people falling from the sky, Fall to death around the man.

Tears mixed with blood dripped from the man's eyes, he knew that he could not kill Xilin, under the shock of despair, the man hugged him at a loss, while Xilin seemed a little dazed, this memory in his memory It was his father who hugged him for the first time, but at such a bad moment.

Carries out orders faithfully, even blindly and stupidly.

At the same time that the other party recognized the second seat, the second seat also recognized the other party. The lucky one is a member of the royal family. Although it is not directly related, it is also very related. I remember that he should be in an important position in a certain organization.

"It's really like it, Xilin."

The man's expression froze, and then the second seat took over the secret sword in Xilin's hand. This time, Xilin saw the awakening of the blade with his own eyes.

"Don't worry, that parasite is just afraid of death, but it's not stupid. Once we have a civil war, the Bureau of Order will not let this opportunity go, and the royal family is here with us," the second seat patted Xilin on the shoulder, Then he looked at the Pillar of King Power, "Besides, he still needs Xilin. Facing the first seat, we have plenty of bargaining chips."

"What exactly happened?"

"Besides you, the most important thing to me is this sword," the teacher's voice sounded in the memory, "This is the proof of my honor."

secret sword.

Xilin couldn't see the man's face clearly, the dirty blood covered his face like a mask.

The boy didn't understand why Harper didn't resist, but died obediently like this.

"We're running out of time."

It's hard to imagine what a terrifying slash it was. Just one blow tore a wound that runs through the teacher's chest. The ribs were broken all at once, and the fragments pierced both lungs, and the spine was also broken. Then there's the split face.

That's right, he will survive, use his identity, use his power, with the help of the second seat, the king's secret sword, he will become a Sublimator, and then step up to a higher rank, he will Possessing the power to move mountains and fill seas, when he sharpened his blade, the boy swore that he would kill that monster by any means.

The man finally shook his head.

The ashes in the sky rolled up, without the help of the elevator, the second seat led the cylinder back and forth in the elevator shaft, and quickly rose.

The stagnation collapsed, and everything that had stopped moved swiftly again. The man swung his mortal blade towards Cylinder, and Cylinder was faster than him.


Cruel and cold voices sounded among the soldiers, and the men walked on the surrounding grass as they spoke.

"I reiterate again that until the gate is opened again, all those who try to escape from the Pillar of Kingship, no matter who they are, what kind of blood is flowing on their bodies, or what rank they are in, will all be executed on the spot."

In a family like a boy, family affection is a precious and rare thing, and more often it is divided by tedious etiquette and interests. A boy loves his brothers and sisters, but he also understands the differences between them and the The shortness of good times.

The horrific killing was still going on, the monster started from the top and slaughtered down layer by layer, killing all the living people it saw.

The boy stumbled forward and grabbed the long gun nailed into the wall. The tip of the gun penetrated the body and was deeply embedded in the wall.

Now she was dead, crucified casually to the wall.

In an instant, time seemed to slow down, and the flying blood droplets stagnated in mid-air, like rubies hanging one by one, and the deadly sword was also hanging on the top of Xilin's head. It swung at a very slow speed, as if forever won't fall down.

Just when the boy was about to step into the cage, his tranced expression suddenly became clear for a moment. The boy could feel the madness and evil coming from the darkness. He didn't know where the elevator was leading to, but he could sense where it was. The horror of the situation.

The man shouted, "Stand up, Xilin, stand up like a man."

The boy heard a desperate scream, the prolonged scream was followed by a dull crash, and looking down, one by one figures were squeezed out of the corridor. Jumped out of the corridor, and then fell to pieces on the ground, and some people were forced to jump off by the monster.

The boy suddenly tripped over the corpse, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled down the stairs, his head bleeding from the fall.

The teacher shouldn't have come, but the teacher is a stubborn guy, he has to perform the duty of guarding at any time, even if he is scolded by his father, he still follows him closely with his saber with that tiresome stubbornness.

The boy stepped out of the cage. At this moment, he was in a huge cave. The solid black rock was covered with scarlet flesh like a creeper, and the ground was soft. It was all scarlet flesh, like intestines. Something hangs from the top of the cave like red stalactites.

Just as the man was troubled, the boy felt a pain in his leg, and saw scarlet tentacles growing on the soft ground, which wrapped around the boy's calf, sucking his blood like a leech.


The man raised his hand high, and the gap-filled blade was completely severed at this moment.

Fireworks raged inside the Pillar of King Power, billowing smoke overflowed from it, and the fire rampaged in the spiral corridor, like a tall torch standing up in the dark night, and like an evil sacrificial ceremony, everyone behind the gate, They are all sacrifices of this cruel ceremony.

The man smiled towards Xilin, pretending to be kind. He wanted to grab Xilin, but suddenly a strong arm came from behind Xilin, hugged him, and then withdrew from the blood-covered scope.

Xilin sat there collapsed, even let go of the secret sword in his hand, he didn't understand why, why his father did this, he almost killed all the members of the royal family, and now he wants to Come to kill yourself, cut off this last bloodline.

The second seat raised his head, looking at this great building that can be called a miracle.

Seeing this, the second seat laughed instead. He remembered that the boy was also inside the Pillar of King Power, and when he thought of this, his smile became bleak.

But the boy's childhood did not become gloomy because of it. He met his teacher and the second seat, and they enriched the boy's childhood. The teacher taught him swordsmanship, and the second seat told him about the extraordinary world.

Xilin knew that he was going to die, but under his father's gentle gaze, his heart became calm and he no longer had the slightest fear.


Only at this moment did he understand what the monster was that wreaked havoc on the pillar of kingship and caused countless killings.

Indistinct speech sounded in the darkness, the voice was as old as from ancient times, speaking of a language that had long been lost.

The second seat seemed a bit distressed. After tonight, the Kogadel royal family may become history. Thinking of the disputes that would be caused after this fact, the second seat could feel blood flowing on his skin, sticky, with fishy smell.

The boy remembered what the teacher called the blade.

The man grumbled and snapped his fingers, his sanity seemed to be in a frenzy, no matter how he calculated, there was always one difference.

Xilin hated himself for being cowardly, he couldn't change anything, let alone he was about to die.

The continuous wailing stopped at some point, and the entire Pillar of King Power was eerily quiet except for the sound of fireworks burning.

Xilin didn't understand, obviously the second seat, there are other king's secret swords here, why didn't they do it, didn't they kill that monster?
He roared like a young animal, and was struggling weakly against the second seat. Under the eyes of everyone, Xilin was as ridiculous as a trapped animal.

By the way, there are also those enemies who are far away in the north and are staring at them. The Rhine Alliance will never let go of this opportunity. Once they get the news, even if they are backlashed, they will choose to tear up the oath and press the army.

The man stretched out his hand and stroked Xilin's cheek lightly, "It really looks like her."

Xilin couldn't understand what the other party said, but just like when he saw a woman for the first time, he already understood all the meaning behind the words.

The door of the cage was open, as if welcoming the boy.

In an instant, Xilin seemed to have grown up by many years, with a maturity and sadness in his eyes that did not belong to this age. He mustered up all his courage to look directly at the huge pillar that reached the sky, and then stretched out his hand, from the second seat's hand. He took the secret sword.

It was a scene engraved deep in the boy's soul, and the terrible facts hit the boy's heart, and even his memory modified it in order to save consciousness.

The second seat continued to stare into Xilin's eyes and sighed, "It's really similar."

The boy knows the origin of the sword, which was given to the teacher by his father in recognition of his service to the empire.

He wants to escape from here, he wants to survive.

The boy reached out to caress the wrinkled face, tried to smooth his frown, covered his eyes, and tried to piece together the teacher's divided face, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not Unable to align the wound.

The boy looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. He was bare-chested, with blood coagulated layer by layer on the surface of his skin, like a close-fitting crimson mail armor. His hair was messily scattered, and the blood-stained crown was almost embedded in the Blood oozes from the edge of his head.

The man walked towards Xilin in a daze, and the blade dragged on the ground, cutting off a large piece of flesh and blood.

"This is not the future of the empire at all, let alone the future of the Kogadel family!" The man reprimanded angrily, "The only thing you care about is your future, your future alone!"

Recalling the look in the man's eyes before he died, the second seat murmured to Xilin, "You took your life...Your Majesty?"

Behind the high wall gate of Triumph Avenue, there was an even more miserable scream, as if the monster had already caught up with the crowd, and the sound of metal tearing flesh and blood overwhelmed countless wailing, and it was transmitted to the door very clearly.

The sound of crackling flames gradually approached, and the boy knew he couldn't stay for too long, so he glanced at the teacher for the last time. The boy forcefully broke the teacher's grasped palm, and took away the sword blade that he had envied so much from the teacher's hand.

The second seat felt his chest tremble. In his view, it was not the parasite that was scary, but what was behind the parasite.I was actually so close to a devil.

"Harper fell to his death, Nacho's head was cut off, Linata was nailed to the wall by me..."

Reluctantly, the boy put down her body, straightened her clothes, and wiped away the blood on her face.Infinite anger surged in his body, and he wished to take revenge with his sword now, but he told himself soberly that he would run away like a wild dog, and only by living could he have the ability to take revenge.

"Second seat," the man gasped in pain, "I order you, I order you to bring Xilin to me."

"Some accident happened to the mission." The second seat looked down at Xi Lin, "There is no way, after all, it is His Majesty's last order."

The man became manic and he yelled, "Second seat! What are you doing!"

Even if you don't look at it, the second seat can feel the palpitating etheric fluctuations of the first seat from a distance, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

The gate was tightly closed, covered with locks, and molten iron was poured in the gaps. No matter how hard they hammered, it was hard to shake it. For this reason, everyone gathered on the Avenue of Triumph.

The fire engulfed the court room, the body was burning in the fire, the fat cracked under the scorching fire, the boy had already fled here, he ran along the spiral corridor surrounding this huge building, and the cold wind came from outside Blowing in, he was so pressed that he could barely lift his head, and then he heard a whine from below.

The man seemed to have controlled his madness, and calmed down again. He came in front of Xilin. At this moment, Xilin could no longer recognize his father. He was more like a demon god, and his real father Already one of them died.

The surroundings became darker and darker, and soon the boy found a suspended elevator in the depths of the darkness, which was wrapped in various steel grids, like a cage full of spikes.

Ruouowu sounded.

It wasn't a monster at all, but...

He lowered his body and moved forward silently with his light body, over the corpses one after another, and found the familiar but broken face in the thick black smoke.

This may cause the king's secret sword to rebel, and he may be beheaded as a traitor. Not only that, the entire empire may also fall apart, and civil wars will continue.

The heart of steel softened for a moment, but it was only for a moment. The second seat knelt down loyally towards the pillar of kingship, the blade of the sword was inserted into the soft grass in front of him, and his hands rested on the sword lattice, whispering in awe .

The boy cut off the tentacles decisively with his sword, but with his sword swing, the boy attracted the man's attention. He stood up and turned to look at the boy.

The short figure was swaying, his young spirit was already full of cracks, and when he was about to collapse completely, suddenly there was a sound of running water, like a huge whale swimming past him, gently swinging his body, bringing up A heavy ripple.

The harsh voice sounded again.

They wore iron armor and held weapons in their hands. Facing the countless pleadings, the soldiers had no intention of helping them. They turned their backs on all this and didn't care about the massacre behind the door. On the contrary, they were also part of the massacre. member.

The second seat pulled Cylinder to signal him to follow him, but Cylinder stood there motionless.

"There's nothing but fire."

The boy fell into the cage, and when he turned his head, the road he came to was empty. He wanted to escape, but the cage closed instantly, and then descended straight to the dark depths below.

So he died, in such a tragic way.

The man spoke words that Xilin couldn't understand, his words were full of inconceivable sadness, and then he raised the sword that killed countless lives.

Xilin looked at his father's face. It was the first time he had observed his father's face carefully in this weird stagnation. In those gentle eyes, he read a wave of sadness.

Before the second speech was finished, there was a burst of creepy laughter.

Xilin couldn't understand the teasing in the second speech.

The man swung the blade down, and he comforted, "It's okay, my sword is fast."

Xilin heard a sigh from behind, as if the god of death had put down his sickle.

Huge and weird shadows streaked across the bloody cave.

Even with all his strength, the boy couldn't pull it out. The boy could only swing the sword clumsily, split the barrel of the gun, let the tip of the gun completely penetrate the abdomen of the corpse, and then hugged the corpse off the wall.

"Check all the dead bodies, we can't let any one go."


Xilin, my poor child, you should not have endured all this, let alone grabbed the devil's hand.

The farewell was over. The man decisively raised the broken sword and stabbed it towards his chest. A large amount of ether was released from his body. The violent ether flow cut his body repeatedly like a blade, rampaging in the alchemy matrix until Dim and even dissipate this magnificent glow.

"Goodbye, Your Majesty, I hope you can sleep more peacefully in the future, after all..."

As if the entire mountain had been hollowed out, the air became hotter and hotter as it descended, and the thick blood rushed straight into the nasal cavity. The boy knelt on the ground and retched, and the elevator's descent did not stop until more than ten minutes later.

Another said, "Others are worried about the counterattack of the first seat... Our subsequent disputes may lead to the split of the king's secret sword, and even civil war."

The boy knew those pale and cold faces, they were all the boy's blood relatives, they were still stroking the boy's head and whispering to him a few days ago.

Xilin was extremely angry, but no matter how angry he was, his body was still frozen in place, trembling with instinctive fear.

As one of the operators of this bloody night, the second seat is well aware of the tragic situation inside the Pillar of King Power, but he is not panicked by it. Instead, he feels that the Pillar of King Power will usher in a brand new tomorrow... or there is no tomorrow.

Facing Xilin's confused and dazed eyes, the second seat said, "You will know later."

As he spoke, the man drew out the sharp sword at his waist, and affectionately called his heir's name.

The surviving people escaped from the monster's pursuit and went all the way down the spiral corridor to the ground. They wanted to escape from this pillar of death, but only then did they find that all the way out was blocked.

The wailing gradually weakened until there was no more sound.

The boy's pace became faster and faster. He remembered this place, which was forbidden by his father. He never allowed anyone to approach this place, not even his children. , all the soldiers were transferred away from the Pillar of King Power, and this place is now open, without the slightest hindrance.

"Don't close your eyes...I want to take you, Kogadel's fate back from her hands."

The cry for help sounded, it was a lucky guy, he just broke his leg, the broken bone pierced the skin, and he almost passed out from the pain.He saw the man, recognized him, and was overjoyed.

Using force with his wrist, the man tried to twist the hilt of the sword, completely shattering his heart, but he suddenly couldn't use his strength, and then knelt on the ground with his head hanging down, as if he was dead.

As if he had exhausted all his strength, Xilin gradually calmed down, grabbed the corner of the second seat's clothes, and stared straight at the ground.

"Silin Kogadel."

"help me……"

The man stopped suddenly, growled, and then he yelled to himself again, "Shut up! You bloody parasite!"

A few seconds later, the man raised his head again, and those gentle eyes disappeared. Xilin knew that his father was dead.

Yes, I will take revenge in the future...in the future...

The second seat shook his head and said helplessly, "Sorry, I can't kill that guy, let alone, that's not my mission."

"No, are you crazy? This is the future of the empire that will be buried!"

"Free us..."

He didn't want to die, at least not like this.

The blade flashed lightning, and Xilin didn't question the swiftness of the man's blade. He had already seen it from the corpses on the ground, but he was still full of unwillingness.

"That bastard took my life, took my family...he took everything from me, and he's going to take more."

He wanted to seal the wound on the corpse's abdomen, but the moment the gun tip hit the body, it almost crushed all the flesh and blood it touched. An ugly hole just stood here, and no matter how hard it was to fill it, it couldn't be filled.

No one told Xilin the answer, but he knew that it was a woman who caused all this, and she was the source of all evil and disasters.

Recalling that scene, the boy was stimulated by intense sadness and the tragedy of the corpse, his stomach was overwhelmed and he almost vomited out.

The numb heart twitched again, and the boy opened his mouth. He wanted to scream, but all he could hear in his throat was the swishing sound of the surging air.

"Your Majesty, your wish is about to come true, no matter what the outcome is..."

The man wanted to say something to Xilin, but the pressure in his mind was getting bigger and bigger, his consciousness seemed to have been eaten by sharks, and it was shattered.

Terrible coercion permeated the second seat, and he seemed to have turned into some kind of terrifying monster in a trance. No soldier could refuse his order. For this reason, when there were fallen survivors crying, the soldiers stabbed one after another. Pulled out a spear, nailed him to the spot, and even some soldiers began to inspect the corpses, and cut off their heads with swords to ensure complete death.

The man looked at Xilin, and seemed to be looking behind him.

Cylin responded.

He turned around and led the cylinder to rush towards the elevator shaft when he came. At the same time, the surrounding rocks collapsed, and the flesh and blood hidden under the rocks surged up one after another. He tried to stop the second seat, but before he got close , was burned to ashes by the fire sword in the second seat's hand.

The boy was driven by an inexplicable curiosity, no... not so much curiosity, but rather an evil and crazy force, which interfered with the boy's mind and lured him to embark on the wrong path of fate.

The boy was a little tired. The stairs in the spiral corridor were extremely long, as if they had no end. He leaned against a column, holding the secret sword in his hand.

The clear eyes seem to be able to penetrate directly into the soul, and in that soul, the treacherous will has taken root here.

The boy ran quickly through the deep corridor, corpses were everywhere, and blood smeared the walls. He saw more and more familiar faces, but his young heart had become scarred and numb. The boy's heart didn't fluctuate in the face of the piled up corpses.

The boy thought of the second seat. Although there was no blood relationship between the two, the second seat was like an older brother to the boy.

"I will obey your will."

The boy looked at the corpse in his arms sadly. Shortly after the boy was born, his mother passed away, and his father never paid attention to him. The boy didn't know what he did wrong, which would attract such indifference from his father.

As if he had seized his life, he begged loudly, "Help me! The second seat!"

"Second seat!"

Xilin didn't understand what the second seat was talking about, but he noticed that these people, like the second seat and the teacher, were all wearing secret swords.

Until the last moment of his death, he still couldn't believe that the second seat would attack him. Could it be that the king's secret sword has betrayed the royal family?
The heads rolled down on the blood-stained grass, and the soldiers swallowed. The behavior of the second seat is undoubtedly treason, not only the second seat, what they are doing at this moment, and even all the people who appear here can be called treason. It is treason.

Xilin seemed to have regained his senses, realizing for the first time what power the second seat possessed, and shouted at the second seat as if he had seen hope, "Kill him! The second seat, I order You killed him!"

The boy knew exactly what he was going to do, he would not look for that monster, let alone take revenge on him, with his current strength, it was just death.

The soldiers trembled at the roar, as if the world behind the gate had become a real hell, and there was only a wall between them and hell.

The boy picked up the secret sword in his hand. It was a bit reluctant to wield such a blade at his age, but the teacher taught him the technique of killing people. Even if he couldn't kill the monster, the real feeling from the hilt made him feel The boy calmed down a lot.

The boy murmured, "Just like in class."

Crazy evil power filled Xilin's young body, and the secret sword scattered on the ground swirled into his hands, and finally a more deadly thunder burst out.

"Take courage, Harper."



The second seat asked, "How's the situation?"

"Oh... I still need you."

There was the sound of blood churning, and in the pool of blood behind the man, at some point, a woman was standing on the lake. Xilin couldn't see her face clearly, and didn't know who she was, but the moment he noticed the woman, he suddenly This kind of instinctive fear and anger from the depths of the soul shattered Xilin's calmness and almost made him burn.

The boy turned his head and looked at the wall. A huge shadow walked across the wall and turned into a deeper corridor. The boy froze for a moment. There was no entity around him, but the shadow was cast in such a strange way. down.

As the youngest child among siblings, the boy is taken care of by other blood relatives, among whom she loves him the most. She does not participate in the struggle for power among the eldest sons, nor does she care about any conflicts of interest. Only she cares about the boy and uses her best methods , to fill the lack of maternal love for boys.

But now they were all corpses, their white and pure long dresses were dyed red, the collapsed candlesticks lit the curtains, the fire was climbing and hissing on the walls and ceilings, but no one came to stop it.

The brilliant golden pattern extends along the surface of the blade, and a little flame ignites, and then turns into a raging fire that boils continuously.

"I'm going to kill you..." Xilin murmured, and then he growled like a lion with red eyes, "I'm going to kill you!"

He wanted to escape, but there was a push behind him, as if someone had quietly pushed the boy, pushing him into a dark cage.

The fireworks wrapped around the blade were extinguished, and Xilin understood at this moment that it was indeed not the second seat's mission.

The man's last words echoed in Xilin's ears, engraved into his heart like a curse, and at the same time, faint black shadows lingered around Xilin.

"Liberate all this..."

This is his, Xilin Kogadel's mission.

(End of this chapter)

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