Endless Debt.

Chapter 682 Siege Hammer

Chapter 682 Siege Hammer

As the Wordless people withdrew into the closed building, like an intermission, the battle ushered in a brief calm, and everyone did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became more vigilant and efficient.

A group of people inspected the corpses, looking for survivors, trying to get something out of their mouths by torture, but this move was quickly stopped by Yass.

"Don't try, nothing will come out of their mouths."

Arth came to a dying Wordless Man and stomped his head mercilessly.

During Yas's long career, he had fought against the Wordless people several times, and he knew exactly what kind of weird existence they were.

The speechless people all have the same face and body. During the research of the Bureau of Order, they once suspected that all the silent people were split from the same person. What's even more weird is that according to the records, the speechless people's Its existence can be traced back to the War of Dawn.

There are many unsolved mysteries in this world, and the Wordless Man is one of them. Few people know the whole picture of this mysterious mercenary, even the Bureau of Order.

But what we can know is that the Legion of the Wordless seems to have no self-will. All their actions are for commissions. It is not their original intention to attack the Bureau of Order. It is just that someone has paid a sufficient price.

An equal deal, nothing more.

Yas held the blazing white ether sword in his hand, and the light-forged blade twisted slightly with the fluctuation of energy. Yas took off his mask and scanned the battlefield with tired eyes.

"Who hired the Legion of the Wordless?"

Questions flashed through his mind, and Yas thought of the identity of the employer almost at the same time the question arose.

Servant Wang Dunwei.

Apart from them, Yas couldn't think of anyone else who would dare to do this, and the current situation was only in their interest. Then Yas was surprised that the king's shield guard had the means to contact the Legion of the Wordless.

You must know that the Legion of the Wordless has no self-will, no justice and evil, they are a pure mercenary army, the enemy can hire them, and the same is true for the Bureau of Order.

During the most difficult period of the Secret War, the Bureau of Order once had the idea of ​​hiring the Legion of the Wordless...at least before the King's Secret Sword hired them, but when it was put into action, the Bureau of Order found that they did not have any A means of contacting the Legion of the Wordless.

No one knows how to hire the Legion of the Wordless.

Jeffrey ordered, "Release the virtual domain."

After a short period of calm, a slightly panicked voice came back.

"There is an abnormality in the virtual domain, we can't control it!"

The voice continued, "We lost control of the Void, and now it's completely locked down!"

Before the words were finished, many textures emerged on the surface of the closed building, and they formed a flood of illusory walls, completely enveloping the closed building.

Someone tried to attack the light curtain, and the two ethers collided violently. After a burst of high-intensity fluctuations, the ether dispersed, and the light curtain remained calm.

Jeffrey's eyes were gloomy, and the control of the Void Realm was taken away, which made him unexpected. Only an extremely powerful alchemist can do this, but considering that the enemy is the mysterious Wordless One, he felt that such a thing happened, and it was impossible. A piece of cake.

"A high wall that defends against the enemy becomes, in turn, a fortress for the enemy."

Jeffrey stepped over the corpses and came to Yas, looking up at the tall gray building. The blockade of the Void Realm is strengthening the building, and the bricks and stones are as tough as steel.

"How long will it take to lift the virtual domain?"

"I don't know," Yas shook his head. "The people present are all field personnel in charge of combat. This kind of thing has to be handed over to the people in the sublimation furnace core. They know how to remove this thing."

Jeffrey asked, "When will they be in place?"

"10 minutes." A response came from the Xinshu Network.

The excellent field staff contacted the sublimation furnace core after the Wordless Ones withdrew into the building, and they are rushing here at full speed.

No one expected that such a big mess would happen in just the first negotiation.

"What is Gould doing?"

Jeffrey asked in a low voice. Among the team leaders present, the most powerful one was Gould, but he had no intention of making a move from the beginning to the end.

"I'm staring at Red Dog," Gould's voice echoed in their ears, "You all know what a cunning guy he is, maybe this is a play he put on?"

"Is it tempting us to go to war with the servant king's shield guard? It's not impossible."

Jeffrey felt a burst of depression and anger when he recalled things related to Red Dog. Red Dog was a tricky guy who caused a lot of trouble to the Bureau of Order during the Secret War.

After so many years, the hatred continued by the secret war is still burning in the hearts of these people, and the red dog is undoubtedly the one they most desire to burn.

"Are you ready to attack?"

Kemp came, and behind him was the assembled sixth group.

"It's futile."

Jeffrey shook his head and rejected Kemp's proposal. When the virtual domain was shrouded, it was imagined as a fortress. Even if they could overcome the defense, it would take a long time and consume a lot. It would be better to wait for the arrival of the sublimation furnace core.

Above all, such an action has little value.

The shocking thing about the Wordless is that they never cared about their own life or death. When they arrived here, they were no different from the dead.

Whether to attack by force is nothing more than deciding when they will die.

Jeffrey reconfirmed, "In the closed building, are there any high-value targets?"

"No, our negotiating team hasn't entered yet, and the king's secret sword is also the same. It's just a well-arranged venue inside, and there's nothing there."

A voice answered, he was a member of the logistics department.

The logistics department did not appear on the frontal battlefield, but hid in an underground bunker somewhere. Such a huge heart network was established and maintained by them.

"Wait a moment!"

His voice sounded again, only this time it was extremely anxious.

Jeffrey's heart sank, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's going on, but according to the report, there is a high-value target in the imaginary domain."


"I don't know, the report just says the value is high."

He looked at the permission mark on the report, although he didn't specify what it was, but he could see its importance from the permission mark.

"Yes... it was marked by the deputy director."

Second only to the highest authority of the director, the identity of the other party is obvious, only the deputy director Nethaniel.

"Deputy director? Is he involved in this matter!"

Jeffrey's voice was out of control for the first time, the deputy director was elusive, and rarely participated in various decisions of the Bureau of Order, even the Field Service Department he was directly in charge of. Most of the time, the Field Service Department was in a state of self-operation. It is even said that many young field staff have never seen Nethaniel.

But now that Nethaniel's name suddenly appeared in this operation, it is hard to imagine what kind of inside story there is in this negotiation.

After making eye contact with Yass, Jeffrey shouted, "Find a way to conquer the imaginary domain!"

No matter what is inside, it is definitely not something simple that deserves to be marked by Nethaniel.

The rest of the people immediately started to move, and began to bombard the light curtain indiscriminately. Among them, the sixth group contributed the most. The other field staff had a variety of secret abilities, but none of them could distort the light curtain and wanted to conquer the imaginary domain. , what is needed is pure ether.

This is a pure, etheric versus etheric confrontation, and as the sixth group, all of the original schools, they are the best battering rams.

But this is not enough, we must race against time.

"Don't we have any prior arrangements in the closed building!"

Jeffrey shouted, with the level of rigor of the Foreign Service Department, such a thing should not have happened.

Others didn't dare to look at Jeffrey. At this moment, his gaze exuded a terrifying aura. A few seconds later, a familiar voice sounded.

"Leave it to me, I can solve them."

A voice sounded in the net of the heart hub, and Jeffrey heard the voice, and his anxious mood calmed down a lot.

The blood flowed back into the body, and the rolling wound healed, and Burlogo bit the black grievance, and stood up from the pool of blood that was gradually thinning.

"I'm in the building."

(End of this chapter)

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