Endless Debt.

Chapter 683 All-Seeing

Chapter 683 All-Seeing
Bologo didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, as if he was completely withdrawn from a sudden battle, his boiling blood cooled down, and even the restless ethers gradually fell into dead silence, Bologo Suddenly, the figure in the dark robe repeatedly appeared in front of his eyes.

There seems to be some kind of connection in the dark, closely connecting Burogo and that figure, like a chain that cannot be broken.

Burrog felt a strong calling to run after the figure.

After his body healed, Bologo tried his best to submerge his restless mind, and then he unfolded the ether cover, trying to reduce his own etheric reaction. The snake scale liquid crawled along the body surface, and layers of armor covered Bologo's body. body, turning him into an armored warrior.

Bologo could feel the dense etheric reactions around him, accompanied by overlapping and suppressed breathing sounds, and the sound of heavy footsteps walking above his head, the Wordless Ones marched towards the upper floor, guarding all the upward paths .

"I'll find a way to kill them."

Bologo said in a low voice, there were many dissuading voices in the heart network, especially Jeffrey, he never doubted Bologo's ability, but he still felt that Bologo was a bit too aggressive.

In the past, Bologo would obey Jeffrey's words, but this time he couldn't do it. The anxiety was like a beast, tearing Burlogo's mind, and he couldn't wait for a moment.

Amy also felt the strange psychological changes of Bologo. She wanted to persuade Burlogo, but under the empathy of the overlapping shadows in her heart, she knew that she could not change Burlogo, and all she could do was to help him as much as possible.

"They seem to have the same spiritual framework as us, which is similar to the network of the heart, to connect everyone's will."

Amy's voice sounded in Bologo's mind, and Amy was observing these speechless people when Bologo was fighting wantonly.

The cooperation between the speechless people is far beyond Amyu's imagination. They are not only communicating in information, but more like everyone shares a set of senses. What a speechless person can see, so can all the speechless people. It can be seen that their field of vision has no dead ends, so they can survive the fierce attack of the field staff.

This kind of communication is far more efficient than the heart network, and then Aimu realized another possibility that made her feel very uneasy.

If they share the senses, what about pain and death?

When one speechless is hurt, do the other speechless suffer?When a wordless person dies in battle, will other wordless people have the same death experience?
Thinking of this possibility, Amy felt deep anxiety and fear. She had experienced all of this. She felt the heart-piercing pain from Bologo, and she also experienced the so-called death.

Then how terrifying the senses caused by the injuries and deaths of countless wordless people must be. Aimu suddenly understood why these people are always silent. It's sinking and numb.

"I don't know, but it's possible."

Bologo affirmed Amyu's message, and he became a little nervous, partly because of the involvement of that figure, and partly because of the pressure from the wordless people. As long as one wordless person finds himself, the other wordless people must be He will also be aware of his own existence, and it will be a bloody fight to the death waiting for Bologo.

At this time, Aimu also added ether shielding to Bologo, and the etheric glow in Bologo's eyes was completely extinguished, and the inception phenomenon completely fell into silence.

Taking a deep breath, Bologo silently hid in the shadows, chasing that strange figure.

The Wordless people seem to have premeditated, and after the closed building was completely locked, they did not gather at the gate to resist the possible attack of the Bureau of Order, but walked up the stairs, as if they were looking for something.

The pitch-black figure was surrounded by the Wordless people. Even in the fort-like building, they were still full of vigilance, escorting the man in black all the way to the predetermined position.

From this point of view, the purpose of the Wordless Ones is not to attack the negotiation at all, but more like to send this person somewhere.

After passing the long steps, the shadow in the corner squirmed, and a speechless person noticed the abnormality, and in the next second, a pitch-black blade continued to expand in front of his eyes.

All the speechless people saw it, a pitch-black blade splitting the field of vision, followed by an expanding silver-white iron branch.

The two images are from different Wordless People, the images are completely black, and two nodes are missing in the connected will.

Two of the Wordless Ones were dead, and when the other Wordless One arrived, there were only two bleeding corpses on the ground.

"Someone found out."

A numb voice sounded in the huge mind network, and then more voices echoed it.

"He found out."

"It was discovered."

Burrog hid in the shadows, as he expected, the senses of the wordless people shared with each other, and usually one wordless person was under the observation of the other wordless person, any assassination against the wordless person would be Spotted by another Wordless One.

In other words, if Bologo wants to assassinate the Wordless One, he must kill the other Wordless Ones who are observing together. Only in this way can Bologo hide it perfectly.

Bologo did it. With his precise control over the ether, he achieved the synchronization of the assassination, but this also aroused the vigilance of the silent people, and then Bologo's trick should not work.

That's all right, Burlogo never thought assassination would get rid of these people.

Burrogo asked concerned, "Are you sure, can you?"

"Try it," Amyu said, "If something happens, I will protect myself."


Borrog was shocked by Amyur's bold idea, and excited at the thought of assisting her in doing so.

The Wordless people don't need any communication. Every time they go up a floor, they leave a part of their staff to guard the important stairway. They thought that there was no one in the building, but now it seems that besides them, there are some mice hiding in the building. in.

Suddenly, another node disappeared, and all the speechless people saw the scarlet vision. This time, the other party appeared directly in front of the speechless people without any cover.

Boluoge held up the resentful bite, enough to split the etheric blade, and could easily tear the etheric barriers of the wordless people. In addition, their etheric reaction strength was between the sublimation and the prayer believers. Burlogo felt that he still had a little chance of winning.

Heavy footsteps came from all directions, and before the wordless man in front of him fell down, more wordless men rushed towards Bologo, and Bologo simply detonated the red mercury.

The scorching scales burst and burn.

The roaring heat wave swept over this floor, and directly smashed away the approaching Wordless Ones. In this suicide attack, Bologo ran towards the upper floor wearing almost red-hot iron armor.

A few Wordless people in the rear regained their strength and prepared to pursue Burrog, but as the flames of the cauldron burned past, the bricks and stones above their heads quickly collapsed, raising waves of dust.

The closed building is covered by the virtual domain, and the concrete is filled with another ether, but with the precise control of the ether by Bologo, he finds that he can break through the limitations of these ethers to a certain extent and forcibly control them.

Although there is not much that can distort reality, it is enough to deal with the current situation.

The raging fire spread from the upper level, giving Burrog a head-on blow, which Burrog had expected, because he was watching the silent people behind him.

The Wordless Ones built a dark wall to block Burrog's way. This time, even Burrog could hardly get past the line of defense, but Burrog struggled forward, and then stretched out his hand.

Burrog's hand became illusory, golden light emerged from his body, and another illusory slender arm emerged, and then it passed through the limitations of matter and sank into the body of the Wordless One.

Mysterious Energy · Heart Overlapping Shadow.

Amyu saw the star-like light spots and dead will, as if aware of Amyu's invasion, countless loud shouts sounded.

This was the first time Bologo heard the voice of the voiceless. Before, even when they died, they kept absolute silence, but now they roared angrily, as if they had been greatly humiliated.

Amy was resisted out of the ocean of consciousness of the Wordless, and she and Burrog overlapped again, and the furious Wordless surrounded Burrog, and the high-pitched ether set off a suffocating storm.

(End of this chapter)

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