Endless Debt.

Chapter 699 Heart of Nothingness

"Are you two free?"

A slightly dissatisfied voice sounded in the car, and then another voice responded, "It's really busy, there's nothing to do these days."

He went on to add, "Jeffrey put both me and Burlogo on leave until this guy was promoted to power down."

An arm was stretched out from the driver's seat, and he patted the shoulder of the co-pilot vigorously. The co-pilot looked out the window, and Burlogo was not interested in joining the conversation.

"The negative?"

There was a surprised voice in the back seat, and Church poked his head over, looking at Burlogo's side face with great surprise.

"Are you going to be promoted to the negative?"

Burlogo turned his head and replied, "Well, didn't I mention that before?"

"No," Church was silent for a moment, "Maybe you said it, but I forgot."

"Relying on the characteristics of the undead, Bologo can toss around at will, and this guy's soul is unexpectedly stable. In addition to the various achievements before, there is also a new... training plan proposed by the Bureau of Order."

Palmer showed envious eyes as he spoke, "In short, the Bureau of Order has already provided him with the resources needed for promotion. Just wait until everything is ready, and Burlogo can be promoted."

"Ah, those who lose power."

Palmer sighed long, "I don't know when I will become a negative person."

Every sublimation person knows that the negative is an obvious watershed. Only when they become the negative and their bodies start to etherize can they truly enter the extraordinary.

Bologo remained silent. He knew that any training plan was fake. It was just Nethaniel's words to the outside world. He was not good at lying. The best way to deal with it was to keep silent.


This is too in line with Burlogo's temperament, giving people a sense of calm, modest, and mysterious, but in fact, Burlogo is just pretending.

"That is to say, during this period of time, we will haunt you like ghosts."

Palmer raised his head, looked in the rearview mirror, and matched Church's gaze.

"Don't be so sad, you will see Afia soon, just smile."

Seeing Palmer's beaming look, Church felt a burst of anger, but then Palmer said, "If you resist, you can jump out of the car at any time."

Church didn't move.

Palmer was grinning, he saw Church through, "Let me just say, you guys need someone to push you for a while, or you'll just stay where you are."

Church took a long breath, he couldn't refute Palmer.

Ever since he came back from the mission, Church has been wanting to see Afia, but when he thought that this relationship was very likely, but it was just going to end, Church became very hesitant and hesitant.

As Church's former partner, Palmer saw through Church's thoughts at a glance. While driving, he asked, "Church, are you...social phobia? Or is it an avoidant personality disorder?"

"what are you saying?"

"It's just some vocabulary to analyze your mental state."

Church knew that Palmer didn't understand the meaning of these words at all, so he just mentioned it as if he thought of it casually, "You've been learning about psychology recently?"

"That's right..."

"Are you kidding me? Someone like you would seriously study such irrelevant things?"

Palmer's expression became awkward, "Well, I just saw it casually, and I think it suits you..."

"Don't just apply it casually after you know a little knowledge," Church interrupted sternly, "As long as you have preconceived ideas, you can catch almost all mental illnesses."

"Is that so!"

Palmer's voice rose, and then he let out a long breath, "Hey, I thought I was mentally ill."

As Church said, when Palmer flipped through the book, he became more and more shocked. He found that almost any disease could be matched with his own psychological condition.

Palmer was in a terrible mood that night. He even told Burlogo that he might have depression, but when he woke up, he was in the same place.

Church said, "I always wonder, do you really have a brain?"

Burrog said quietly, "A fool's joy."

Regarding the evaluation of the two, Palmer did not refute. They often quarreled over similar matters. Personally, I think Palmer's carefree lifestyle is too stupid.

No one can say no to each other, but they also understand each other that the other's seemingly stupid way of life has some merits.

Church looked at Burlogo in the rearview mirror, "Are you studying this knowledge?"

"Well, I've been struggling with some psychological issues lately," Burlogo said. "I bought some books and tried to understand myself."

"It's not easy to understand yourself. Many people in this life can't see what kind of person they are."

Church likes to talk to Bologo. Bologo is a person with brains. Sometimes communicating and discussing with him is simply enjoyable. If it were Palmer, it would only be torture.

Burrogo asked rhetorically, "Do you know yourself?"

Church was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"My advice on this is to seek professional advice," Church said. "It's very easy to wrap yourself around doing this stuff yourself."

"Do you know much about psychology?"

Burlogo felt Church's authority from his words.

"It's just understanding, not professional," Church explained. "Psychology is a compulsory course for us. Palmer has also studied this, but obviously, he has forgotten it."

"Of course, what the Crow's Nest taught me is not how to become a psychiatrist, but an interrogator. In a very short period of time, I can overcome the target's psychological defenses, dig out what we want, and return to my heart if necessary. It will cooperate with some punitive measures."

As an intelligence officer, Church has excellent psychological quality, and also has everything an interrogator should have.


Palmer raised an eyebrow.

Church became angry when he saw Palmer like this, "Wow, what, you were also from Crow's Nest before."

"Instead of scolding me, it's you...it's your turn to perform, Church."

Palmer stopped the car, rolled down the window and looked at the street. The scent of flowers was blowing in his face. He turned his head and looked at the back seat, "You said that I said all the way, don't even think about running at this time."

Church looked out of the car window, and Palmer happened to stop at the door of the flower shop, and he said excitedly, "Go! Church, ask her out, if you don't take the initiative, you can buy more Flowers are just a rich guest."

Palmer was very excited, as if he was not the one who asked Afia out next, but Church. Church had a stern face, as solemn as a piece of solid ice just taken out of the freezer.

"Then I'll go say hello first."

Palmer pushed open the car door and walked directly towards the flower shop. Church wanted to call out to stop him, but before the voice came out, Palmer had strode into the flower shop.

Bologo and Church were left in the car, and the atmosphere became a little stiff for a while.

Church has an invisible aura, which seems to be stern, as if he is resisting the arrival of others, and Bologo also has this aura. The two are like mutually repelling forces, and now they are in the same room.

Say something.

Burrog thought for a while, then looked in the rearview mirror, "Speaking of which, how did you and Afia meet?"

"It's just a normal way to know."

Church did not resist Burlogo's inquiry, "In our line of work, work pressure is inevitable. What's worse, we often don't want to see a doctor."

Burrog nodded. He understood Church. Every time he went to see a psychiatrist, he felt that he was on the execution ground.

Bologo doesn't like to reveal his heart to strangers. To be precise, he seldom speaks even to people who are close to him. Sometimes Bologo feels that he doesn't have the ability to tell.

Chatting with a psychiatrist feels very strange. You have to take the initiative to let go of your guard and bring out the most sensitive and dark things... It is difficult for Burlogo to do this.

"I hate those doctors, I hate them so much."

Burlogo joked, "I've had a heart-to-heart with a doctor... I've rarely been that sincere with a stranger."

"and then?"

"Then the doctor suggested that Jeffrey lock me in, give me sedatives for 24 hours, and observe for a week."

Church laughed, not sure how much of it was truth and how much of it was a joke, but it sure sounded funny.

"That's it. It's rare for me to be sincere. He actually wanted to lock me up. After that, I never saw the doctor again."

Burrog started to chatter, "This kind of thing has to be decompressed by myself. I have tried many methods, and now it seems that the effect is not bad."

"I'm about the same size as you."

"I ... I hate those doctors too," Church said.

Both of them hated the doctor, but their reasons were not the same. Church knew that no matter how much he and the doctor talked about, no matter how detailed they were, they would forget all about it when they released their secret powers.

Church can't be seen clearly by others, even Church himself can't see himself clearly, and he sometimes feels confused because of this.

Burrog asked, "And you met her?"

"Hmm... that's it."

Church recalled, "That day, I was under a lot of pressure. I heard someone say that it would be nice to buy flowers for myself and feel the beauty of life."

"And then I walked into this flower shop and met her."

As Church talked, as if he had let go of his psychological defenses, he chatted with Burlogo about his mood at that time.

"I didn't feel anything at the time, but when I got the flowers, my mood really improved a lot. As for Afia, when I first came here, I didn't notice her at all."

"What happened next?"

"Nothing happened, it was just normal life."

Church said, "I gradually developed a habit. Every once in a while, I would come to buy a flower. The more times, Afia and I started talking, and we became more and more familiar, until I found out Feelings have changed.

That's it, there's no love at first sight, no complicated twists and turns, it just builds up over time. "

Church analyzed his heart, "It may also be that I have too few friends, let alone the opposite sex who can talk to me. As the only person who can connect with me, I will devote all my energy to I poured it on her, maybe this is not a good feeling at all, but just a channel for me to vent my boredom."

"It's a very rational analysis," Burlogo said.

"I hate such rational analysis."


"I think emotions are emotional and blind. Excessive rational thinking will become more utilitarian..."

Church paused, and asked Burrog something else, "Bologo, do you remember what kind of person you were when you were a child?"

"I don't remember exactly, but it must be the exact opposite of what it is now."

"Well... I do remember how I was when I was a child."

Church went on to say, "I was a sunny and naughty child when I was a child. I had a large group of friends. I always did some meaningless things at that time, such as building castles with stones."

The past in the memory is extremely beautiful, but Church does not feel the slightest resonance for such a beautiful memory, as if he is telling another person's past.

"I was afraid that I would become a boring adult, but I ended up like this."

Church rubbed his face vigorously to loosen his tense muscles. At the same time, his appearance began to change. It was no longer the familiar face of Burlogo, but the face Afia remembered.


Burlogo can somewhat understand Church's predicament. From the very beginning, Church has been treating Afia with a false face. The more he is trapped, the more he dare not show his true face.

"I don't quite know whether it's nihilistic thoughts or utilitarianism. I began to reject some things that I thought were meaningless, such as Afia. There were many difficulties between me and her. Even if we successfully held hands, this How long can it last?"

Church's voice was full of nothingness, "It's meaningless."

"That sounds so vain."

Burrogo was a little shocked, but he didn't expect Church's real thoughts to be like this.


Church said indifferently, as he said, the terrible nothingness lingered deep in his heart, even after saying such words, his emotions still did not change at all.

"Sometimes I will be sad and sad. I think it's disgusting to reject something because of 'meaningless'. It makes sense to admit that."

Church paused for a while, and he repeated again, "Recognizing yourself is a very difficult process."

Feeling the haunting void of Church, Burrog said, "Is this a sober sinking?"

"That's it."

Church looked at the flower shop, "I know what my problem is, and I know how to solve it...as long as I have love for life."

Before he finished speaking, Bologo felt a cold gaze. He looked in the rearview mirror and met a completely different face.

"But, Bolog, I can't even face others with my true face. How can I love this world?"

Church is expressionless, pouring out his emotions like a machine.

"All my identities are false, and the emotions that extend from this have become confusing."

"You can show your true face, and not only Afia, Palmer is looking forward to it," Burlogo said.

One of Palmer's obsessions is to understand what Church's true face looks like. Although Church said that the face he showed Palmer was his real face, Palmer always didn't believe it. .

Church is a man riddled with lies.

"That's the problem," Church lowered his voice, "I can't do it."

"We have plenty of time."

Bologo thinks that Church is unable to break through this barrier at the psychological level, but only Church himself knows that he is bound by his own secret energy. Forget about yourself.

All this is in vain.

Like a ghost, Church said to himself, "Guess this is the first time Palmer and I have known each other."


"No, nothing."

Church pushed open the car door, and at this time Palmer had already come out of the flower shop, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and waving vigorously at Church, behind Palmer was Afia poking her head out, She looked at Church in surprise.

"I thought you left the city."

Afia still remembered Church. Hearing her voice, Church's barren and empty heart throbbed a little, and a natural smile appeared on his stiff face.

As he chatted with Burlogo, Church was not sure whether his feelings for Afia were love, or loneliness and emptiness, the comfort he chose to vent this pain.

Whatever the nature of the emotion, Church admits that the moment he got close to Afia, he could feel a momentary release from the chains of nothingness.

"No," Church shook his head, "it's just a business trip."

"Where did you go?"

"Kogadel Empire."


Afia's eyes sparkled, "I haven't been that far before."

This small city is the world of Afia, and the Kogadel Empire is as far away as the legend in the story.

"What kind of place is that?"

"Hmm... Ordinary places, no different from here, people just live in the land they are familiar with and spend a long time."

Church is on a mission, so he doesn't have time to enjoy the scenery... No, there are still some strange places.

"I passed by a place called Tiexu."

Afia cast a curious look, she didn't know where it was, "Is that place interesting?"

"It's kind of interesting."

Church didn't explain too much, it was a cemetery full of blood and death, and it was incompatible with the girl with flowers, and Burlogo, who was listening on the side, felt the same way.

Bologo knew the existence of the Iron Ruins. During the Scorched Earth Fury, the fleet of the Kogadel Empire was severely damaged. In order to fight against the sea power of the Rhine Alliance and prevent the enemy from landing, a large number of damaged and almost sunken ships rushed to the On the beach on the coast, although the hull was seriously damaged, the artillery erected on it can still work.

The Kogadel Empire transformed these shipwrecks into fortresses, and the entire coast was filled with such hulk fortresses... After the war, that area has become a steel ruins, which sounds like Another Hulk Coast, but much bigger and twisted than the Hulk Coast.

It is said that there are still a large number of corpses of soldiers hidden in the corners of the Iron Ruins, waiting for someone to discover them.

The scent of flowers is approaching, and Afia invites a few people to sit in the flower shop. Burrog looks at the colorful flower bouquets, and he wants to choose one of them to give to Amy.

Flowers were a rare luxury in this cold, smoggy city, and Burlogo thought Amy would love it.

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