Endless Debt.

Chapter 700 Promotion Ceremony

"Bologo, you look a little nervous."

"If you were lying here, you'd be as nervous as I am."

"Huh? I often do this, haha, relax, don't tense your muscles, stretch them out."


"I said relax."

"I try my best."

The light hit the face, occupying almost all of Bologo's field of vision, and several familiar faces wandered around the edge of the field of vision, but due to the existence of the light, their faces turned into dark silhouettes, making it difficult to see clearly.

"It's just a promotion ceremony, don't be afraid."

A voice of concern sounded from the side, and she picked up the gauze with tweezers, professionally like a surgeon, and wiped the sweat off Burlogo's forehead.

"Just? Just a promotion ceremony?" Burrog tried to look at him, but his head was fixed and his vision was limited. "Are you serious? Amy."

Burrog's voice gradually rose, and only Amy's laughter responded to him. Burrog tried to move his body, but now he was completely immobilized, like a baby on the operating table. White rats can only be slaughtered.

After a few days of rest, the promotion ceremony for those in power still arrived, but the ceremony hadn't fully started yet, and under Amy's bursts of laughter, Burrog had already become a little flustered.

Burogo's promotion was just incidental. The real purpose of this time was to explore the unknown ether world, to find the secrets of the rising concentration of ether and the secret source.

"This is a scientific research operation."

Mamo explained it like this.

There were clanging sounds in the surrounding darkness, and when the angle of view climbed upwards, one could find a huge metal structure completely covering Burogo. Without any cover, the cables are directly exposed on the ground, like thick blood vessels extending from the internal organs.

In order to save time, the alchemists only made a simple construction of the ceremony site, and there was a sharp industrial style everywhere, and it was about to start, and Bologo could still hear the noise of the angle grinder. There were many sparks in the fire.

Compared with the previous two extremely rigorous ceremonies, Burlogo always felt that his seemingly important promotion ceremony this time was more like a temporary idea and improvisation.

Now Burlogo is seriously insecure.

"Check the electricity!"

"Pay attention to ether concentration."

Bai Li's voice sounded on the radio, and she directed the others to conduct pre-ceremony tests.

"Take it easy."

Amy brought a bracket full of medicine bottles, picked up cotton and wiped Burrog's wrist, and buried the needle into his blood vessel. Burrog's chest was covered with detection electrodes, and he felt like a sick man. Heavy dying patient.

"From design blueprints to construction and erection, our time is very tight, so we can only pile up such things."

Amy raised his head as he spoke, and there was a strangely shaped helmet hanging directly above Burrog. It was entirely made of pitch-black metal, with raised iron pillars extending from the surface. Burrog guessed that it should be Some kind of skull locking device.

"Do you like those flowers?"

Burlogo tried to find some topics to share the mental pressure at the moment.

"Not bad," Amy said, "quite surprising."

Burrog didn't say much, he entrusted Afia to help him choose.

"Afia chose for you, right?"

As soon as the idea came to mind, he was caught by Amyu, and Burlogo asked, "Who told you?"

"Guess," Amyu turned the handle, and the angle of the operating table began to shrink, "You don't seem like someone who knows how to choose flowers. These colorful things are all the same in your eyes."

"Well, you guessed it right."

Burogo can't veto this point. He doesn't understand flowers, and he doesn't understand the so-called language of flowers. The only contact he has with flowers is the burning sea of ​​fire.

It was later that Bologo learned that the flower language of daisies is the love hidden in his heart.

Bologo sometimes wondered whether he should go back to Daisy Castle to take a look. It had become the property of the Bureau of Order and was completely closed, like a museum that recorded time.

"It's amazing."

Every time he thinks of these, Bologo has an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Afia taught Bologo a lot of knowledge about flowers, but because the knowledge was not important, and Bologo wanted to relax his mind, he didn't remember much in the end, but at least he had a rough understanding.

"Not bad," repeated Amy, "not bad, Borrog."

"Just take it as an apology gift." Burlogo still remembered that he had forgotten Aimu.

Aimu didn't plan to let Burlogo go, "Then this gift is not enough."

"Then what do you want?" Burrog asked.

"Hmm... haven't figured it out yet."

"I didn't think about it, this wish sounds really grand," Bologo murmured, "I feel like you can say anything you want."

"Then are you going to reject me?"

Amy was probably smiling. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Burrog could hear that familiar laughter. In this cold and depressing environment, it was a rare comfort.

"No," said Burlogo, "I'm a man of faith."


As Amy spoke, he placed more equipment on Bologo's body. His lower body seemed to be swallowed by a steel monster. The braces tightly bound his legs. With the pressing down of the machine, Burogo Logo felt a tingling pain, and several needles pierced under the skin.

Bologo began to rejoice that he was an undead, and his psychological pressure was not so great. He felt that anyone should have howled at this moment.

This is more like a cult execution scene than a promotion ceremony.

Not far away, a team of doctors who are ready can be vaguely seen. A liquid emitting silver light is being stored in bottles of transparent containers. A large number of silver-colored souls gather here to deal with possible variables.

Burrog mentioned before that he doesn't think he needs a rescue team... Rescuing an undead doesn't sound like a waste of medical resources, but some kind of black joke.

The doctors also thought that rescuing the undead was meaningless, but they could, to a certain extent, prevent Borrog from getting lost in the ether world, so they still stood firm and stood ready.

Lost is a more terrible ending than death, and Burrog will be sleepless and turned into a living corpse.

Everyone else is worried about this, but Borrog himself doesn't care much. He knows that if he encounters a crisis that he cannot resist, the heavy, rusty anchor will appear again, dragging Borrog back to the world. earthly.

I am the agent of the astronaut in this world, the chosen one who bears his will. The astronaut is weaving a grand conspiracy. I am the most important executor. Will abandon him, like threatening each other.

Burrog looked forward to that scene, he had so much to ask the astronaut.

"Say it, Amy."

Bologo stopped the hazy figure. The ceremony has not yet started, but the concentration of ether here has risen significantly. A faint golden mist surrounds Bologo, and the air becomes humid and full of water vapor. Golden dewdrops condensed on the surface of the metal, and there seemed to be countless gold powder floating inside.

"what happened?"

Aimu was doing the final inspection for the ceremony platform, not neglecting any part.

"After this, do you have time?" Burlogo said, "I remember the re-screening of "Night Hunter" today, if I hurry up, maybe we can catch up."

Amyu shook his head and said, "You first make sure that you can stay awake after the end."

"I hope so."

Bolog took a deep breath, his chest heaved slightly, footsteps were approaching, and a vague figure gradually appeared. Mamo came to Bolog's side, and his old palm stroked Bolog's arm, rubbing against his dry skin. , like a piece of dead bark brushing against Burrog's body.

Mamo asked, "Remember what I said?"

"of course."

Bologo recalled, "My 'body' will stay here, and my 'heart' and 'spirit' will jump into the ether world, facing the existence of the secret source."

"You have to keep your heart and your spirit whole. We are a trinity. Without either one, the wholeness of our lives ceases to exist."

Losing the "body" is the destruction of the body, the annihilation of the "heart" is the death of self-consciousness, and the departure of the "spirit" represents the loss of the soul.

Mamo went on to say, "According to your last promotion experience as a believer, we have such an inference, an inference about lost."

"Tell me."

"Perhaps those lost people were summoned by the brilliance of the secret source in the process of going deep into the ether world and touching the secret source. Their spirits are still intact, but their hearts remain there forever, and they have not been able to wake up since then."

Mamo continued, "It's like phototaxis."

"Devils, debtors... All people who have lost their souls or lack them will involuntarily have a desire for souls and drive them forward, and we Desublimator seem to have a similar phototaxis."

Burrogo murmured, "It is the Secret Source that we desire."

"It's like a fairy tale."

Mamo said, "The devils take our souls, and the gods try to save us."

Burrogo asked, "Do you think the source is like a god confronting the devil?"

"I don't know, I'm not even sure if there is a god in this world."

Mamo's voice paused, and he said to Bologo again, "Did I mention it to you before? I was a believer and a pastor when I was young."

"and then?"

Bologo asked, the old man in front of him existed in the same era as the first director. In order to continue to promote the progress of the alchemy matrix technology, he did not step into the crowd in his twilight years, but continued his life with difficulty until The moment of death.

"At that time, I naively thought that the gods were real. This idea became stronger after I saw the devil."

Mamo's voice was hoarse, and he pulled off the strange helmet hanging above Burrog's head, and turned the bolts on it to make the final adjustment.

"Yeah, just like the book said, the hateful demons are real, and the raging devils are real, so the so-called gods must be somewhere in the world, watching over human beings.

I became more and more devout. By chance, I became a Sublimator and embarked on the path of the extraordinary. In the days that followed, I got to know the original group of people from the Bureau of Order. "

Mamo's eyes are full of nostalgia. Most of his friends are dead, and these past events have become his own memories.

"I have experienced many things and witnessed a lot of pain. I have been looking forward to the coming of the gods, but as time goes by, I have seen more and more devils, but I have never been able to find the so-called gods. .”

Mamo was silent for a while, and he connected the cable to the helmet, "One day, I suddenly thought, might there be no so-called gods at all."

"That's right, Bologo, no one has stipulated this matter, who said that there must be a god if there is a devil?
Maybe the gods are just the comfort we imagined and gave ourselves in the face of the terror of the devil? "

Mamo's words became firmer.

"There are no gods in this world, and there will be no gods. As for the so-called secret source, it is just an unsolved mystery. When we peel off its mysterious veil and turn the unknown into known, it is like ether. Same, just some kind of extraordinary phenomenon, also like an alchemy matrix, will become a technology for us to drive."

Mamo didn't dwell on the past for long, he warned Borrog again.

"The power bearer is a watershed, it represents that we will embark on a truly extraordinary road, our 'body' will be etherized after this, and in the further promotion, our 'heart' and 'spirit' will 'is also like this.

You will be affected by the secret source during the promotion, and you will get in touch with the secret source more deeply, but you have to know that the closer we are to the secret source, the greater the danger we will face while gaining power. "

Mamo continued, "According to the records after the promotion, every believer claimed to have experienced a strange vision when he was promoted to the power-holder, but everyone's memory of this dream-like experience is very deep. Incomplete, and as time goes by, this memory will become thinner and thinner until it disappears completely.

More importantly, this weird dream will be directly related to whether you can be promoted successfully. "

"Are there any clear indicators?"

"No, no one can be sure, what they will experience, and no one knows what to do to complete the promotion."

"It sounds really mysterious..."

"That's right," Mamo nodded, "It's like a weird black-box technology. We only know that it can be promoted to a negative person. As for the principle, we don't know the specifics."

"Could it be the secret source?" Bologo said, "The alchemy matrix technology originated from the secret source, maybe it was the secret source that drove our promotion.

It's like an automated factory, if believers get close to it, it will automatically process us into those in power. "

Burrog tried to look at the secret source from a rational point of view, and directly compared it with industry as an example. The more he talked, the more excited he was, as if he had found some kind of opportunity.

"From this point of view, the difficulty of the debtor's promotion is also obvious. Eliminate those defective products with incomplete souls."

Mamo followed Bologo's thinking, and he came up with another possibility, "Maybe it is rejecting the Desublimer related to the devil?"

This time, Bologo fell silent, and Mamo didn't say a word. Both of them were caught in a brainstorm, until Bailey walked slowly towards here.

"Everyone, the preparations are complete, and the first exploration of the ether world can start at any time."

Bailey didn't even act anymore, and she didn't see this as a promotion ceremony for Burlogo at all.

"We can have a good chat about these things later."

Mamo's sunken eyes looked at Bologo. He likes Bologo. Bologo seems to be a boring and silent guy, but after a deeper understanding, you will find that he has a lot of whimsy. think.

Bologo nodded in response, his eyes looked upwards, Amy took the helmet and put it firmly on Bologo's head, as the electric current passed by, Bologo felt a tingling sensation inexplicably, Then he heard the faint sound of a motor running.

Spikes were dented like steel needles, and pressed against Burrog's head from all directions, fixing the skull. Bailey called out the ether, and the concentration of ether rose further. In the next second, countless substantial, golden mist swept Burrog into the ground. Logo is completely wrapped up.

Bologo heard the sound of dripping water, and under the high concentration of ether environment, the reflection of the alchemy matrix on his body surface also emerged.

The cumbersome light track is no longer limited to Bologo's hands. After being promoted to a believer, it has spread to Bologo's chest, covering most of his body. After being promoted to a power bearer, it will completely cover The body of Bologo, the physical body enters the process of etherization.

In the subsequent promotion of the incumbent, the alchemy matrix will deeply transform the heart and soul of Bologo, and this corresponds to the two ranks of the defender and the glory.

As for the final outcome of the Trinity after the body, mind, and spirit have all been sublimated, no one is clear about this matter, after all, it symbolizes the mysterious and supreme rank.

the crowned one.

In the past, this level only existed in the imagination of alchemists, but as the concentration of ether continued to rise, the untouchable crowned one also became real from illusion.

Burogo believes that as long as a period of time passes, maybe ten years or a hundred years, when the concentration of ether reaches a critical value, this level of nothingness will also come to the world.

It's hard to imagine what kind of world that would be.

The etheric reactions rose up one after another, and the eyes of Bailey and Aimu were filled with brilliant light, but immediately another more dazzling light rose up, completely covering their etheric reactions.

Without any instructions or announcements, Mamo started the machine directly and started this exploration of the ether world.

The indicator lights lit up one after another, electric arcs jumped between the cables, and after a harsh noise, the machine above was overloaded, bursting out a lot of sparks, and the disturbing siren echoed continuously, as if it was about to tear Burrogo's eardrums , screaming at him.

Huge pressure was exerted on Bologo's head, and he felt that his head was about to be squeezed, and many golden water droplets moved towards Bologo, and they poured into Bologo's mouth and nose, but did not bring Come to suffocation.

The golden, substantial ether completely blocked Burogo, and he seemed to be sealed in the golden amber. His consciousness began to blur and dissipate. Burogo sank into another dimension, and his consciousness bottomed out soon after. Then, condense again.

The white and noisy world came into view.

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