Endless Debt.

Chapter 703 The Day of Misfortune

In the sudden rain, thunder and lightning, an uninvited guest came to Hill's door and knocked on bad luck.

Hill clearly sensed the strangeness and unpredictability of the person in front of him, something turbid and full of filth existed in the darkness of his body.

Thick shadows enveloped the comer, a thunderbolt streaked across the sky, and the pale light illuminated his body, only then was Hill barely able to see his figure clearly.

The large black robe covered the body of the visitor. The robe was woven with special materials. When the rain hit it, it quickly slid down without getting wet... It may also be that the visitor has the power to reject everything. No one can interfere.

His existence is so abrupt, as if he shouldn't exist in this world.

The thunder light shattered the black mist covering the visitor's body, and his face gradually became clear. Hill saw a handsome face with a faint smile on his mouth. Under the robe was a gorgeous and expensive dress, holding a A staff studded with jewels.

"Sill, can I go in and shelter from the rain?"

The man opened his mouth to speak, with the sound of wind and rain, thunder booming, reminding Hill of people in fairy tales.

Hill didn't understand why a man knew his name. He instinctively felt fear and threat. Men are by no means a kind existence, but when Hill really wanted to take action, he found that he couldn't refuse a man.

"Okay... okay."

Hill screamed and resisted in his heart, but his body made a completely different movement from his mind. He stepped aside, revealing the simple and dark house.

Leaning on crutches, the man walked into the room, took off his black robe, and hung it on the hanger. The slightly tight-fitting luxurious clothes contrasted the lines of the man's body, like a stone statue sculpted by an artist came to life , even though Hill is also a man, he still feels infinite charm from a man.

God like.

After Hill realized this, an inexplicable sense of absurdity rose in his heart.

Are there really gods in this world?If there is, why doesn't the god take away the suffering of the world, why does he let his parents suffer from the plague.

What's more, is a man really a god?

The man has an irresistible appearance and temperament, but Hill instinctively felt the ominousness of the man, like a hallucination, Hill even felt that the shadow behind the man also squirmed, and countless ghosts lingered in the Beside him, whispering that wicked curse at him.

Hill asked with difficulty, "Who are you?"


The man pointed to himself, and he said with a smile, "As you can see, he is a tired traveler and a well-meaning businessman."


Hill looked the man up and down. He had nothing to speak of except the cane.

"As a peddler, you don't bring anything with you, so what are you going to sell? Knowledge? Or divination?"

Hill has seen similar guys, they dress up mysteriously, appear in the taverns and streets of villages and towns, and sell to others the tricks that seem mysterious but are actually full of loopholes.

Mother had blindly sought the help of those magicians, eager to get good wishes from their mouths, but she clearly knew that such wishes could not cure her father's illness, nor could she change anything.

The door shouldn't be opened to men, Hill thought again.

The man said mysteriously, "I'm selling something more precious than that."

Hill became more and more uneasy and vigilant. He stared at the man and asked, "How do you know my name?"

"Well, because I know your name," the man said in a nonsense nonsense, "I know everybody's name."

As soon as the man finished speaking, there were bursts of coughing sounds from the depths of the room, mixed with painful groans.

The sound touched Hill's heart. For a while, he forced himself to fall asleep earlier and sleep more deadly. Only in this way, he would not be woken up by the sound of coughing in the middle of the night, nor would he be disturbed by the development of the darkness afterwards. And feel panic and pain.

Hill could think of no other way but to deceive himself.

"Your father is sick," the man said suddenly, "he is very sick."

Hill's face turned pale, as if he had been told a little secret hidden in his heart.

The man's smile became more and more weird and evil, "Not only your father, but your mother will also be caught by the disease."

At this moment, the cough became louder and clearer, hitting Hill's eardrum like a heavy hammer, and the whole house shook accordingly, and the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning quickly faded away.

Hill's breathing became heavy and painful, his chest heaved violently, and nameless anger burned his internal organs.

At this moment, Hill realized the strangeness of the environment he was in. His mother had not been able to sleep well for a while, and his words with the man should have woken her up, but they were clearly in the same room, but the relationship between them But the distance has become extremely far away, unable to catch up.

"Hill, I know what you're thinking. You're terrified of what's going to happen next."

The man raised his chin and looked at Hill playfully, "You've seen it in villages and towns. Those corpses that died of illness were stacked together and burned to ashes all over the place."

"You know, your father is going to die, and your mother is going to get sick from work, and it will follow.

You love your mother, you want her to survive, you want to change all this, but nothing can be done. "

The man's voice stopped, and both he and Hill were intoxicated in this short-lived silence, and in the silence, crazy thoughts swelled and grew wildly in Hill's mind.

The man's words seemed to have magical powers. With a simple narrative, he outlined the sad ending in Hill's mind.

Hill watched his father burn to ashes in the fireworks while he hugged his dying mother, weeping.

"no, do not want……"

Hill became angry, he yelled, just when he raised his fist and smashed the delicate face, Hill stopped suddenly, he read too much emotion in the man's eyes.

Too much too much……

"I am a businessman."

The man said, "But unlike most merchants, what I sell is wishes."


"That's right, wish," the man opened his hand, "the omnipotent wish."

"I can grant your wish, Hill."

The man went on to say, "I can heal your father, I can heal your mother, and I can make your family live a prosperous life and never be troubled by suffering."

Hill asked in a strange way, "Then what do I need to pay?"

The man stretched out his hand and struck Hill's chest and heart.

"Didn't you already know?"

The man still had that mysterious smile, but at this moment his appearance in Hill's eyes had changed drastically. Under his white skin, dense and dark capillaries appeared. They spread from around the eye sockets, and his eyes were sunk in In an eerie depth, something wriggled in it, like maggots, or sticky tar about to drip.

"It's a good deal, don't you think, Hill."

The man tempted again, and at the same time, a more violent cough sounded, as if deliberately urging Hill to make a decision.

Hill's eyes trembled, the man didn't specify what the wish required, but Hill knew, he knew, he knew what that mysterious and precious thing was.

Do you want to promise?

The man is right, this is really a good deal, as long as you donate your precious things, you can save your parents, what's wrong with that?
Hill tried to reach out and agree to the man's request, but his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all.

"damn it!"

Hill growled and rolled to the ground, convulsing painfully like an epileptic.

He had already thought about it, if he could change all of this, what would it matter if he gave away that precious thing, his own soul?
Hill wanted to grab the man's hand, but there seemed to be another force stopping him, maybe it was his own conscience?Or the fear of evil?That force took hold of Hill's body.

In the end, Hill burst into tears. He felt that the reason why he couldn't reach out was because of his cowardice. Compared with the fear of losing his parents, he was more afraid of losing his soul.

Obviously, he has already decided to save everything, but in the end cowardice dominated him.

The man looked down at Hill's ugly appearance indifferently, and he sighed helplessly. The man stood up, put on his black robe again, and leaned on his cane.

"Sorry, Hill, it looks like our deal is coming to an end."

The man does not intend to force Hill to make a decision, he never forces anyone, this is the quality that a businessman should have.

Hill watched the man leave, and a momentary future scene played out in front of his eyes. He saw that the disease filled the house, and the god of death waited outside the door for a long time.

"It's really cowardly..."

A treacherous voice sounded in Hill's mind, he was unwilling to give his soul, and he was unwilling to face the dark future.

Hill struggled to his feet, and he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around the man's ankle.

The man lowered his head, as if seeing something interesting, he said softly, "If you want to get something, you have to give something."

He knelt down and looked at Hill's pitiful appearance.

Fearful and full of courage, reluctant to give up but still choose to give.

Good character bloomed in this young child, and the delicious smell made the man feel hungry, wishing to devour the boy now.

No, not yet.

"I see it, Hill, I see an infinitely brilliant future in you."

The man showed a look of surprise. Although Hill is worthless now, in the future, he will become extremely valuable.

Hill will do it, man knows, it will be a good investment.

Hill begged, "Take my soul, take it!"

"If it was just now, I think I would have taken your soul," said the man, "but now it's different, you have good character, good qualities, you should suffer and thrive and become better These are like mature ears of rice, and then it is time to harvest."

"Do you want to sit back and watch such a tragedy happen?"

Hill didn't understand the man's words, but he could understand the rejection in the man's words.

He couldn't figure out why, it was obvious that he had finally made a decision, but why did the man reject him?Is he teasing himself on purpose?
"Well...Listen to me, Hill, your value is extraordinary, you shouldn't use this precious value on such a boring wish."

Hill's voice rose and became angry, "Boring? You think such a wish is boring!"

The man was puzzled, "Isn't this boring?"

Hill looked at the man in bewilderment. He was just a child. For him, his world was very narrow, only as big as a village and town, and there were very few people living in his world, only a few.

"Then let me give you another opinion, how about?"

The man whispered the evil words in Hill's ear, and the words were like curses, deeply etched into Hill's soul.

Hill thought that the man was willing to help him, and a momentary joy appeared on his tear-filled face, and then he fell into endless darkness because of the man's words.

After finishing speaking, the man stood up. He looked at Hill and looked forward to what Hill would look like in the future.

The man left without looking back, "We will meet again, Hill."

The dark figure walked out of the house, and the door closed. Hill tried to catch up with the man, and he opened the door again, but behind the door was only a cloud of unbearable darkness.

They poured in like a tide, directly crushing Hill's body. He bumped back and forth between the walls. In the unbearable pain, the tumbling darkness submerged Hill, and the strong suffocation strangled his neck until Darkness completely filled the eyes.


Hill suddenly sat up from the bed. He screamed in horror and broke out in cold sweat. After a brief moment of daze, he reached out and stroked his neck and chest.

Nothing happened.

The warm sunshine fell from the window sill and shone on Hill's body. It was warm. Hill looked around. He was sitting on his bed. The door had been pushed open, and the sound of his mother's work came from outside the door. The sun was shining brightly. , without the slightest cloud.

Hill got up in a daze, and then walked outside. Everything outside was just as he was familiar with. The ground was dry and soft, and the sky was cloudless. It seemed that the wind and rain last night were just an illusion, just a strange nightmare.

"Hill, are you okay?"

The woman stopped working, she looked at Hill with concern, reached out and gently rubbed Hill's face, "Poor child, nightmares are terrible, right?"


"Yeah, you had a nightmare last night, you cried for half the night, no matter how I called, you couldn't wake up."

The woman's haggard face showed sincere concern, and Hill suddenly realized that in this world, the only person who could show him such an expression was the mother in front of him.

Hill thought of everything that happened in the dream, it was just a dream...

"Feel sorry."

Hill hugged the woman, tears swirled in his eye sockets, and said in a very low voice, "I can't save anyone."

"It's okay, it's okay."

The woman rubbed Hill's head affectionately. She thought Hill was comforting the child because he was afraid of nightmares.

Hill asked, "Are you leaving again?"

"I want to work, don't I?"

"But your body..."

Seeing the woman's emaciated appearance, Hill was heartbroken. The pressure of life was about to overwhelm this woman.


The woman waved her hand and comforted Hill in turn, "It's nothing."

In this way, the peaceful days lasted for a long time. Hill confirmed again and again that he found that the man's arrival was just a dream, and in the following days, Hill never dreamed of a man again.

Hill usually couldn't remember what he dreamed, but it was strange that after such a long time, he still clearly remembered the conversation with the man in the dream, and even said that he clearly remembered the advice the man gave Hill.

Every time he thought of that suggestion, Hill felt a burst of inexplicable fear and self-blame.

But he also understood that for the current predicament, that suggestion might be the most correct.

Soon, the day that changed Hill's life came. For many years later, Hill often recalled that day and lamented that it took so many years for him to understand what the man said.

It was a very ordinary day, a day that was no different from the past.

Hill got up as usual, only this time he couldn't find a woman working outside the house.

"Mother... are you okay?"

Hill cautiously opened the door, and in another room, he found a woman lying on the bed. Her face was pale and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Eventually the woman fell ill too, and Hill became panicked.

"It's okay, Hill," the woman gave him an ugly smile, "I'm just a little tired, just take a rest."

"You can't work anymore."

"If it's not a job, what should he do?"

The woman stopped Hill, and the disgusting and angry cough came from the depths of the room, and Hill couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Hill, you know what to do."

The man's words echoed in Hill's mind, he aroused the evil in Hill's heart, and ignited the fire of sin.

Hill left the room without saying a word. The man's words continued to ring out. He followed Hill, persuading him repeatedly. Hill stood dully in the living room, his eyes locked on the tightly closed door. .

"Mother can't work anymore, she will die from exhaustion."

"She needs to rest, she can't keep running."

"Yeah, she shouldn't have given her life for this, she's done enough."

Hill's eyeballs were sunken, and his entire eye sockets were dark, as if he had been cursed, he moved his steps with difficulty, and walked towards the door.

"We don't have enough money to cure diseases."

"I'm too powerless to help anyone."

"But there is one more thing that I can do."

Crazy thoughts grew wildly in Hill's mind, which was exactly what the man planted in Hill's mind. He needed Hill to experience more suffering and grow a more valuable soul.

The time has come to change fate.

Hill pushed open the door with all his strength. The dark room was filled with an atmosphere of death and decay. On the narrow bed lay a thin figure like a mummified corpse. His skin seemed to have rotted away. , stuck to the bed, filth everywhere.

As if noticing Hill's arrival, the mummy turned its head slightly, and Hill's figure was reflected in its cloudy eyes.

"I'm sorry," Hill murmured, "I'm sorry."

In the shadows, something evil was rising, and he was standing right behind Hill, with his hands on Hill's shoulders.

"You know what to do. Only in this way can the pain end, and only in this way can you save your mother."

A dreamlike voice sounded, and Hill followed his words and followed his own heart, and walked towards the bed.


Hill shed tears sadly, his haggard face seemed to know what Hill was going to do, he didn't resist at all, but showed a look of relief, looking forward to it.

Trembling hands strangled the throat wrapped in dry skin, Hill mobilized the strength of his whole body, and strangled his father's throat.

The voice of suppressed pain sounded from the throat, the shriveled chest heaved, and the shriveled limbs twitched uncontrollably.

Hill couldn't bear it anymore, he still didn't have such courage, even though he thought it could help everyone, just when he was about to stop, another hand seemed to reach out from the shadows, he grabbed Xi Er's hands, like iron cast together, cannot be separated.

"no no……"

Hill cried out in a low voice, and the man's weird and crazy laughter came with the crying.

It was as if the man was right next to Hill, laughing and enjoying, and he liked it so much, mortal pain always gave him great pleasure.

Hill wanted to stop, but he couldn't move his hands. He could only watch his father's death with his own eyes, until there was no reaction from this mummy-like body.

it is finally over.

Hill's hands trembled, feeling that his palms were covered with sticky blood. After a short period of fear and sadness, Hill suddenly laughed. His father finally died, so that his mother would not have to work hard to take care of him, and she could have a good rest It's been a while.

Right, that is it.

The mother will be healthy again, she may be sad for a while, but she will survive, and that will be enough.

Thinking of this, Hill turned around and saw a desperate woman standing at the door.

Hill can't remember clearly what happened afterwards, he only remembers that after burning his father, the woman became ill, and she lay on the bed, keeping silent, no matter how much Hill cried or begged, she didn't respond to anything from Hill. talk.

Hill tried to feed her, she vomited it all up, Hill tried to touch her, but she pushed her away harshly, and she became sick day by day, until one day, she told Hill that she The first sentence after that, and the last sentence.

"I hate you, Hill."

Soon after, the woman died, and Hill burned her himself.

Hill stood in front of the fire in a daze, and a dark figure came to him and judged the burning fireworks.

"Many times our wishes backfire, don't they?"

The man looks down.

"As I said, we'll meet again, Hill."

Hill raised his head, and the man's contemptuous and evil smile was reflected in his hollow and numb pupils.

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