Endless Debt.

Chapter 704 Exploring the Star Map

Hill looked at the man, and thousands of thoughts rushed through his mind for a moment, as if he couldn't determine whether it was real or a dream, Hill stupidly stretched out his hand towards the fire, and the hot fireworks burned in his palm. Burn it, and the intense pain made Hill wake up.

That is not a dream.

That night was not a dream, but an absolute reality. In that stormy night, the man really came, arriving in a way that Hill couldn't understand.

A visitor in a nightmare.

Hill wanted to say something, but he had too much to say, and his throat was blocked, so he could only let out a meaningless whimper, like the cry of a wounded beast, or the cry of desperate people.

The intense sadness almost overwhelmed Hill's rationality. Everything he cherished and loved fell apart after the arrival of the man.

The silence between the two lasted for a long time, and the man waited patiently and enjoyed it.

The man likes Hill's expression at this moment. The firelight reflects the ups and downs of his facial muscles and contours, which are full of intoxicating madness, as well as Hill's emotions emanating from his soul. They are as hot as this firework .

Pain, sorrow, despair, hatred...

The man is satisfied with all that Hill has shown, even if he stands beside Hill and smells the breath full of emotion, he will feel a burst of abnormal satisfaction.


Hill let out a desperate cry, but then he looked at the man in front of him with hatred as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw.

It's really infuriating.

Hill clenched his fists, trying to smash that delicate and beautiful face, but he was still a child, too short, even if he stretched out his hands, he could barely reach the man's chest.

"You look angry," the man wondered, "did I do something wrong?"

Hill said, "You ... you caused this."

"Me?" The man laughed, "I didn't do anything, at most I just...give you some advice."

"Haven't you realized? Hill, it's you who really made up your mind to do it. I just pushed you a little bit."

The man looked at Hill's hands, and he continued, "You killed him with your own hands."

He deliberately led Hill into madness, "How does it feel to kill your father?"

There was fire in Hill's eyes, hiding madness. Seeing this man, he laughed even louder.

"Actually, you are also rejoicing, Hill, you are rejoicing that I am real, so that you can attribute your tragedy to me instead of blaming yourself."

Men are too good at this, and it is really easy to induce a child's will to collapse.

For Hill, this is a time of despair, but for the man, it is just a leisurely and elegant way to pass the time during his long journey.

Men like to watch others go from sobriety to sinking, falling into hysterical madness under the huge cognitive gap of reality.

"Yes, that's the case. Human beings are like this. You obviously made the decision yourself, but you don't have the courage to bear the consequences of the decision. Instead, you inflict hatred on me."

The man showed a distressed expression, "Do you have anything to say? Hill."

Hill was silent, and the flame was burning peacefully.

From time to time, there was a crackling sound in the fire. Under the cover of night, there were many such fires. The epidemic took too many lives. Everyone set up fires one after another, and threw in one dead body after another. , like a primitive and crazy sacrifice ceremony.

The cold night wind was driven away, and the warm air brushed Hill's cheeks. He was too close to the fire, and sparks splashed on his face from time to time, bringing a heart-wrenching sting.

It's just that this warmth disappeared with the arrival of the man, the silent cold wind brushed past, the blazing fireworks swayed violently, the fire collapsed one by one, and a large swath of ashes was thrown up.

People walked by Hill and the man, they thought it was the night wind that blew out the fire and put more wood into it, but no matter how they tried to save it, the fireworks were irretrievably extinguished.

The fire light gradually weakened, and the man's face was also plunged into the darkness. Hill could not see his face clearly, but Hill knew that he was smiling, and everyone seemed to be idiots, toys, A very contemptuous smile.

The man's laughter gradually distorted and distorted, "Look, Hill, you can't find anything to refute my words, can you?"

Hill stared straight at the darkness, the man was right, he was just giving advice, and he was the one who really started to do it. When he thought of this fact, Hill felt a tearing pain, like His body will be torn in half.

"I...I'm going to kill you."

The voice diffused from Hill's throat, like a mist full of poison.

"There were a lot of people who tried to kill me, but they all failed," the man said. "Do you think you will be the special one?"

Hill didn't answer, just stared at the man with almost sick eyes, he couldn't listen to other words, one thing the man said was right, Hill was about to be overwhelmed by his own guilt during this period of time.

The arrival of the man seemed to bring the hope of hatred, and freed Hill from the blame for himself.

"Then we can make a bet."

The man stretched out his pale palm to Hill, with dark capillaries all over the skin, what was wrapped under the black robe seemed to be a rotting corpse.

"Want to bet? Hill, just bet on whether you can kill me."

Hill clenched his fists, he wanted to agree to the promise, at the same time the man in front of him changed, thick darkness expanded from his body, carrying howling winds, they spread wantonly, blowing out all the surrounding fire.

Darkness came and swallowed all the light.

"Make your decisions carefully."

The man shouted, his voice was rolling, like thousands of thunders bursting in Hill's ears.

Hill understands that a man is by no means an extraordinary being. He might be the evil demon god in a fairy tale, and he is just a child, an ordinary mortal. Can he really have the ability to kill a man?

Could this bet on a date be some kind of evil trap leading to a more tragic end?

Hill thought quickly, the man said that all these decisions came from himself, but he also said, he pushed himself lightly, that crucial slight boost, like the first domino to fall Generally speaking, it led Hill to a completely different fate.

Think rationally, Hill's best decision is to ignore the man's bet, as long as he rejects him, he won't fall into the trap, but... But can he really accept such an ending?
Put the anger and hatred aside?

how can that be!

Hill's eyes were red, everything he cherished had been burned in the fireworks, it was the only thing he had in this world.

"Nothing to care about," Hill yelled afterward, "Yeah!"

Hill tried to grab the man's hand to complete the bet, but just as his hands reached infinitely, a dazzling white light tore through the darkness.

A thunderbolt several meters wide spanned the night sky and hit the man precisely, like a wrathful divine punishment. The bursting thunder light was surrounded by sparks, and Hill only felt the oncoming impact, and then he was overturned and fell into the into the fire that had just been extinguished.

Blazing ashes scorched Hill's body, and the burning pain made him shed tears. People screamed and screamed all around, and they fled in all directions in terror. At the same time, more thunder lights arrived, and a thunderstorm fell suddenly. , vowing to smash all the evil here.

In the tumbling ashes, Hill could only curl up as much as possible, and he mustered up the courage to look directly at the shining light. In the eyes blurred by tears, he could see large and large bright spots.

In the chaotic thunder, the man's heavy black robe was torn to pieces, and his figure was reflected incomparably clearly in the thunder light. On the sky, another figure engulfed in wind and thunder roared.

Like a battle between gods.

Every thunderbolt was enough to split the rocks, but when it landed on the man, it only stirred up bursts of black mist. He couldn't feel the slightest pain, but laughed wildly.

Hill didn't know the outcome of the battle. Among the thousands of ejected arcs, such a slender one hit Hill, and the burning pain pierced his chest like a sword blade. Hill immediately passed out and gradually extinguished. In his field of vision, he saw a figure entwined with lightning, holding a light blade, and pierced the man's chest with a sword.

The man did not die. In the short time after the light blade hit, his figure began to disintegrate, and finally turned into sticky tar, dripping all over the ground, as if that evil twisted liquid was his essential existence.

The hazy consciousness slowly condensed with the passage of time. When Hill woke up again, it was already the next morning. Hill looked a little dazed and became at a loss.

It took a few seconds for Hill to recall what happened last night. He stroked his chest in horror, his palm was stained with a large amount of blood, and there were bursts of tingling pain.

Hill coughed in pain. Looking around, the familiar mountains and fields have become devastated, the big trees were overturned and burned, and the roots broke through the soil, as if pulled out by a huge force. Countless giant pits spread all over the ground. It was as if intense artillery fire had plowed the ground.

"you're awake?"

Another voice sounded beside Hill, and Hill nodded in response. He didn't expect that he would survive. Then he turned his head and saw the person standing beside him.

It was a young man, his handsome face was weathered, like a traveler who came from a long distance, his eyes were full of exhaustion.

Under the dark green shawl is a silver-white chain armor, woven with gold threads and interspersed with the corners of the clothes, extending to the cuffs. There is a faint halo reflected on the metal, flowing with a strange glow.

"You made a bet with him, didn't you?" asked the young man.

Hill hesitated for a moment, then nodded. For some reason, he had an inexplicable sense of closeness to the young man in front of him, and Hill knew all the answers to his questions.

"Yes, he... he made it all happen."

Hill recalled that tragic memory, and his voice trembled uncontrollably, full of resentment and anger.

The young man seemed to know Hill's experience, he nodded, threw a potion, and said, "Drink it, we still have a long way to go."

Hill was stunned, "Us?"

"Aren't you going to take revenge on him?" The young man asked back. "I happened to be following him too. You have his bet on you, his umbilical cord. As long as you take it with you, you will meet him again sooner or later."

Hill was a little overwhelmed by the young man's words, and he nervously asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"Who is he?"

"You probably won't believe it."

Hill's voice rose, "Tell me!"

The young man hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"The devil, he's a devil."


Hill was a little dazed, and then the young man added again, "To be precise, it is a devil who has borrowed the body of the Chosen One so that he can move freely in this world."

"Now that his power is sealed in a mortal body, this is the best time to hunt him down."

Hill ignored the young man's words, he asked curiously.

"Those thunder...that's your power, are you a god?"


The young man shook his head as if he had heard some joke, "I'm not a god, as for those thunders..."

The cumbersome light trails extended on the young man's arms, and bursts of lightning rolled up in his pupils, "This is an extraordinary technique called Alchemy Matrix."

Hill looked at the brilliant light, he knew that only such power could kill those rampant evil.

"Do you want it?" The young man laughed, "I can teach you, just I need an apprentice."

Hill stared at the young man's face, and he nodded pleadingly as if exhausting all his strength.

He introduced himself, "Sill...my name is Hill."

The young man held out his hand to Hill with a smile, and said his name.

"Wolfgang Gold."

The picture freezes at this point, a series of cracks straddle the figures of several people, and then shatters, and blazing flames burst out from the gaps, like a collapsed curtain, showing a real scene.

Bologo let out a suppressed mournful cry, his body reflected a flowing light, and he stretched out his hand as hard as he could to grab something, and the cold texture filled his palm.

The heavy anchor was close at hand, and Burrog grabbed it just before being dragged into the core of the day by the entanglement. After entering the core of the day briefly, Burrog was dragged out by the anchor, and from that weird get out of memory.

The Tangle thought it was holding Burrog, and after a brief dip into the Day Core, the tight Tangle loosened, and Burrog grabbed the anchor and began to move away from the Day Core.

Looking back, the core of the day is the end point of all the ghosts that are circling around. Bologo saw ghosts sinking into the core of the day one after another. He guessed that it was not only the end of the secret source, but also a collection of countless souls returning to the secret source. An extremely large, A memory bank spanning human history.

Bologo was deeply shocked by this. This shock was not only the story of Hill and the devil, but also the last name he remembered, the name that was revealed.

Wolfgang Gold.

Burrog remembered the name, the name of the witness written in the "Dawn Oath".

There was no extra time for Burrog to think. The anchor dragged Burrog to escape from the storm. The black tars on the edge of the storm also set off terrible waves and ignited a light that could not be seen directly.

The heavy anchor brought Borrog to the other end of the ether world, and the day core behind him also became restless. It noticed Borrog's escape, and many entanglements threw out the trajectory of the aurora, and chased after him. burrogo.

Apart from pinning all his hopes on the anchor, Bologo can do nothing at this moment. Just when the tangle is about to approach Bologo, a series of dark umbilical cords come through, and the shadows also want to catch Bologo. Logo.

The entire ether world is like a battlefield where blazing storms and shadows fight. For thousands of years, due to various strict restrictions, almost no one can have a complete projection here. For an unknown purpose, he hunted and killed Bologo.

Those who have fallen and lost in the promotion, will they also be caught in this kind of hunting, their minds will be completely wiped out, and they will not be able to sleep?

Could the weird dream that Mamo talked about when he was promoted to the negative power also blend with the memories of the ghosts?

Compared with all kinds of precedents, Bologo is really special. The umbilical cord and tangle are extremely tight, and the projection in the etheric world is more solid than anyone else. Bologo can see more and hear more. More, just like being able to face the mysterious spiritual vision.

A gleam of light appeared in Bologo's field of vision. During the battle with the umbilical cord, a slender tangle broke through the encirclement. It was as thin as a soft strand of hair. In an instant, it had come to Burlogo.

Hair brushed against Bologo's cheeks, and the complex hallucinations directly from the core of the day were staged in front of Bologo's eyes, overlapping with all kinds of strange things in the ether world.

Bologo saw the dark and deep hall and heard the melodious and sacred chant. Many scholars in white robes surrounded the high platform. They bowed their heads in awe. Then a man in red A man in a robe walks between them.

The man stepped up the long steps and stepped into the high platform. Above the hall and under the dome, several celestial spheres of different sizes are arranged and surrounded by stars. The day sphere emitting white light is located in the center of this artificial star image.

"We will crown you here."

Burrog heard deep, hoarse whispers, repeated by the scholars.

Bathed in pure light, the man bowed his head, and he was crowned with gold and silver laurel wreaths.

"A wound too serious to live, a precious thing to die."

The man murmured in a low voice, like talking in a dream.

He put on the sacred laurel crown, straightened his body, and held his head up.

The man stared at Bologo, his eyes seemed to cross time and space, and they looked at each other. Bologo wanted to see his face clearly, but a halo covered his face.

Bologo knew who he was, although he didn't know his name or his appearance, but there seemed to be a voice whispering in the dark, calling out his name.

"King Solomon..."

Burrog murmured, and then a burst of suppressed evil laughter sounded beside him, Burrog looked away, and a face he could never have imagined appeared beside him.

The man had a wicked smile on his face, was wearing a pitch-black robe, and was holding a gem-studded cane in his hand.

It was the devil that appeared in Hill's memory.

Bologo was in a trance for a while, and soon he realized that this devil is not a real entity, but a phantom that exists in memory, and the man who was crowned, King Solomon, did not look at him across time and space, but It is to look at the devil who is watching himself being crowned.

A large amount of information exploded in Bologo's mind. He knew that King Solomon was once the Chosen One, so is this devil that runs through Hill's memory the devil behind King Solomon?
Before Bologo could think about it, he noticed that his eyes were on him, and then Bologo clearly noticed that King Solomon in the memory hallucination was staring at him.

This time, Bologo can be sure that he is looking at himself, breaking through the barriers of time and space.

"What are you looking at?"

The ghostly figure climbed onto the high platform, and the man followed King Solomon's gaze, but he couldn't find anything except the turbid darkness.

King Solomon just smiled and replied perfunctorily, "It's nothing."

He continued.

"Let's open up a new world."

King Solomon raised his head, and with the influx of ether like a tide, the man-made star map shone brightly.

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