Endless Debt.

Chapter 706 The Destined Savior

Burogo believes and affirms that he will never love the so-called devil in the present, in the past and in the future, and must have absolute hatred and disgust for it.

What makes Burlogo feel even more uneasy and painful is that no matter how much he resists the devil, it is really difficult for him to leave the devil.

As the astronaut said, he needs to execute a grand plan by himself, and he also needs to use the devil to find out the truth of all mysteries.

My own immortality, strange protection, and even all kinds of information given to me by the devil, they are like the honey flowing out of the tree, tempting Bologo, until he goes deep into it, he can no longer escape, like a mosquito in amber , imprisoned forever.

Burrogo is not afraid of this. On the contrary, what he is really afraid of is that he will not be able to do it, and he is afraid of failing the expectations of others.

"I'm a trailblazer...I'm a trailblazer..."

Bologo muttered to himself, and the extremely distorted mental illness resurfaced again. Just as Jeffrey once commented on him, Bologo has an almost twisted savior plot and a spirit of sacrifice.

This may be from the guilt of living alone during the Scorched Earth Rage. Bologo regards himself as a future pioneer. Even if he dies on the road, he will drive the corpse, crawl, and bring the knowledge of the New World back to the world. .

"I'm a trailblazer too," the astronaut picks up Burlogo's soliloquy, "like I like this outfit."

The astronaut looked down at his outfit, "I don't think there is anything more suitable for a pioneer than a space suit."

"Challenge the frontiers of human cognition and open up places where life is forbidden."

Bologo ignored the astronaut's words, he was still in that crazy thought, like a storm rolled up in his mind, it completely smashed his brain, and the viscous blood was scraped in the skull.

"what are you going to do?"

After a long time, Bologo stared at the weather map and asked quietly, "What do you need me to do?"

The astronaut let out a disturbing, triumphant laugh, snapped his fingers, and a stack of printed weather map drawings appeared in his hand.

"It's very simple. The all-seeing eye can detect changes in the concentration of ether around the world. Nowadays, ether is surging in the material world. In other words, the material world and the ether world have actually overlapped to a certain extent. In the time, the overlapping area is not large, it is like a slender pipe, transporting a steady stream of ether into the material world, transforming the material world."

The astronauts lightly confirmed another conjecture from the side. The rise in ether concentration symbolizes the overlap between the ether world and the material world. Two completely different dimensions will collide completely in the near future.

"The rise in ether concentration can be seen as, as time goes by, the overlapping area continues to expand, and the slender water pipes gradually become open dams, causing a large amount of ether to pour into this world, rapidly increasing the ether concentration."

Burlogo asked, trying to maintain his inner equanimity, "And then?"

"It's very simple, just find it, close it, stop all these overlaps, cut off the connection between the etheric world and the material world, if possible, push the etheric world to leave, and completely eliminate the existence of this threat."

The astronaut then told about his plan, "The place where the first overlap is presupposed, I call it the gate of origin, close that gate, and the disaster will be over."

He then picked up the weather maps one by one, "The way to find it is also very simple, as long as you find the area with the highest ether concentration, that's where the Gate of Origin is located."

"You devils don't know where it is?"

Bologo suddenly realized that in fact, the devil does not know the information of the ether world, at least not completely.

Immediately, Bologo asked again, "You devil, what are you?"

"It's not about what we're going to do," the astronaut said.

"Then how should I trust you?"

Boluogo will not trust the astronauts' words. He said that the interests are the same, and the ghost knows what he thinks the interests are. As for closing the so-called origin door, who can guarantee that the astronauts will not completely blow up that door and speed up? The overlapping of two dimensions makes everything irreversible?
The other thing is, why at this time?
The existence of the astronaut is far more distant than that of Bologo, and the same is true for him and his blood relatives. Bologo does not know the essence of the devil, nor does he know the truth of everything. He can only piece together as much as possible from the fragmented words of the astronaut. An answer that approaches the truth.

As early as thousands of years ago, the astronaut must have realized the existence of the gate of origin, but at that time he did not think about closing the gate, but many years ago...

"Why didn't you close that door before?"

"Because the conditions are not yet allowed, the concentration of ether is extremely thin, and the world is so vast, it is difficult for me to find its location accurately."

"You are a devil. It is not difficult for you to organize a search team."

"That's true, but my blood relatives don't agree with my thoughts. They long for the moment when the door of origin is completely opened. Once I show my true thoughts, they will welcome their blows, just like the wrath of the scorched earth. as King Solomon died."

As the astronaut said, he looked up and turned his all-seeing eyes, "Speaking of which, this is still the legacy of King Solomon. It's a pity that he died after designing the blueprint for me."

The memory of King Solomon in the etheric world flashed back to Burrog's mind.

King Solomon was the last candidate of the astronaut, his predecessor, he made a deal with the astronaut, part of the soul belonged to the astronaut, and the other part returned to the secret source.

The memory of King Solomon that Bologo can glimpse in the secret source is also derived from the mental projection carried by that part of the soul.

"You...why did you close that door?"

Burrog raised a new question, "You say your interests are aligned with human beings, and contrary to your blood relatives."

His voice rose, "Stop joking, astronaut, you are a devil, what are you talking about!"

"It's up to you."

The astronaut said indifferently, "I said what I wanted to say. As for whether you believe it or not, you don't need to promise me anything. The choice is yours anyway."

As if trying to get him, the astronaut's words made Burlogo more uneasy, and he clenched his fists, as if a nameless anger was rising.

At this time, the astronaut seemed to deliberately pluck Burrogo's heartstrings. He continued, "I never lie, at most I don't tell the truth."

"It's always hard to tell what is true and what is false, what is false and what is true."

The astronaut then remembered something, and he said something very familiar to Burlogo.

"Sometimes our wishes always backfire, don't they?"

The astronaut raised his hand and made a slight pushing motion.

This action ignited Burlogo's anger. He knew what the astronaut was referring to. He remembered Hill's tragic experience, which was exactly what the astronaut had done.

Burrog raised his fist, trying to smash the astronaut's head and drag him out of the bloated spacesuit, but as soon as his hand was raised, it froze and could not move.


Burrog cursed, a sense of powerlessness that took hold of him completely, a feeling he had rarely felt like this, a feeling of being overwhelmed.

"The implementation of this plan requires absolute secrecy. My blood relatives must not be found out. In order to gain their trust, I even risked getting them to join in... In what I tell them, this will be a completely different story. plan."

The astronaut's true face was hidden under the space suit, with all his emotions and secrets condensed in it, and Burlogo felt that he was speaking to a sculpture, a cold machine.

"It's all up to you, Bologo.

I never force anyone to do anything, I just give some guidance, you can tell my blood relatives about our conversation to verify the truth of my words, but what I want you to know is..."

The astronaut's voice deepened, like the moaning of a beast.

"No matter what you do, you are responsible for your choices."

The astronaut opened his hand, he said loudly.

"How do you judge a person's worth?
Put the pressure of the whole world on his shoulders and sit back and watch his choice. "

The whites of Burrog's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were lowered. He felt that a hundred billion tons of force was pressing on him, and he was about to be unable to stand, and his back was about to be broken.

Raising his head with difficulty, the blue and clear world hangs high above his head. From the perspective of the astronaut, Bologo just overlaps with the edge of the planet, just like the mythical man who carries the sky on his back. giant.

"Why... why me?"

Burrog murmured, "Why should I be the one to suffer this fate?"

"Is there something special about me?" Burrog demanded of the astronauts. "Is there something I've shown worth in that, that scorched earth where I've lost my memory?"

The astronaut shook his head ruthlessly and vetoed.

"No, you are not special, Burrog."

He went on to say, "You are just a very ordinary one, just like one of the thousands of soldiers on the battlefield. The reason why you bear such a fate is that I happened to see you at that time, and I just happened to choose you. Special It's my choice, not yours."

"You were never some destined savior."

The astronaut's words completely crushed Bologo's morbid psychology. Bologo felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand catties. He was about to be unable to stand up, but he insisted on insisting on it.

"Ha ha……"

Burrog gasped in pain. He liked to fight, because it didn't require any brains or pressure, as long as the knife was sent into the enemy's body.

But now Bologo has to bear the fate of the world, and he is responsible for his own choices, and every choice he makes will affect countless lives.

Burrog doesn’t think he’s a good person, and it’s hard for Burrog to have empathy for people he’s never met before. He’s had countless conversations with his psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist He has also suggested countless times that Burlogo be sent to a mental hospital. He has always believed that Burlogo has a certain anti-social personality.

Bologo has no anti-social personality. He knows that Bologo has just experienced too many bad things. He no longer has too much kindness to share with those he doesn't know. The world he loves is very narrow, only Those friends he knows well, no matter how narrow the world is, will be included in this huge world.

"I...I won't promise you anything, astronaut."

Burlog raised his head stubbornly, "I will see it with my own eyes, and be in that environment myself, until I make a real decision."

As if refusing to admit defeat, Bologo resisted heavy pressure and gave such a response that he would not believe the astronauts, and Bologo could only believe in himself and what he saw with his own eyes.

"Well, I'm looking forward to that scene."

The astronaut spoke with a strange smile. He seemed to be glad that Bologo didn't step into his trap, and he seemed to be laughing at Bologo's struggling.

He raised his hand and pressed his thick five fingers on Bologo's forehead.

"See you next time, then, Borogo Lazarus."

The surrounding space began to distort, and Bologo's figure was like an abstract painting, beginning to distort, deform, and even completely stripped from nothingness.

Burrog disappeared, and only the astronaut was left in the desolate crater.

Before the astronauts could enjoy a moment of tranquility, a winding door slowly opened in the darkness, and uninvited guests arrived one after another.

Belphegor pushed open the door with a puzzled expression on his face. He was still in the leisurely pajamas, as if he was visiting a friend's house.

"what happened?"


"Did this place be blocked just now?" Belphegor looked around suspiciously, "The winding path has become disordered, making it impossible for me to pass."

The astronaut lied, "I was observing just now, it may be the etheric turbulence that was set off, which affected this place."

"Is that so?"

Belphegor sat directly on the recliner. This lazy devil has become diligent recently. He no longer always nests in the cinema, but often goes in and out of nothingness.

"There are some movements in the Bureau of Order. They are trying to explore the ether world. I don't know more specific information."

Belphegor complained, "I'm just a puppet of the Bureau of Order, and I can't interfere with them."

"Don't worry, they won't find anything useful in the etheric world," said the astronaut. "Even if they learn some secrets, they won't know what we really think."

"I agree with this point, but it's better to be vigilant," Belphegor went on, "such as your chosen one, Borogo Lazarus."

"What's up with him?"

Belphegor became serious, "You know, no matter what, he is a member of the Bureau of Order."

"At first I wanted to use the Cylinder invasion to corrupt the Bureau of Order, and finally turned the director of the Bureau of Order into my chosen one, but the Bureau of Order imprisoned her. I could feel that she was still alive, but I couldn't detect it. to any movement."

"You can drop hers," the astronaut said.

Belphegor shook his head, "I put all my chips on her. Before this dispute ends, I don't have the energy to choose another chosen one."

"That's really regrettable."

"So I hope you can be more vigilant about Bologo. The Bureau of Order is not as simple as we thought...at least the decision-making room is like this."

Belphegor tried countless times to invade the decision-making room to see what the Bureau of Order was doing, but when he took action, Belphegor found that he couldn't even find the decision-making room.

The decision-making room seems to be in a completely different space, not in the reclamation room. He even suspects that all the connections between the decision-making room and the outside world are through some kind of meandering means, almost imperceptible space transfer, so that all People mistakenly think that the decision-making room is in the reclamation room.

"As your chosen one, what kind of role does Burlogo play in this plan?"

Talking about Bologo, Belphegor has extremely complicated emotions. Judging from his pursuit of poems, Bologo is undoubtedly a good poet. If possible, Belphegor is very eager to get Bologo's sight , wrote the story of his life.

But it's just a desire.

The pursuit of poetry was just a hobby that Belphegor relied on to pass the boring time. No matter how much Belphegor praised the greatness of the poet, it could not change his evil nature.

The essence of the devil.

Belphegor took his allies seriously. Their blood relatives had been at odds for countless hours, and their personalities could not be more clear.

No one can absolutely trust anyone.

"Him? In my plan, he will find the door of origin under my guidance... I guess he will close the door to prevent the rise of ether concentration. Nothing he chooses will change anything."

Listening to the astronaut's words, Belphegor laughed out loud, "My God, is this a true lie?"

"I'm beginning to feel sorry for Burrog."

Belphegor loves the astronaut jokes, which are just too funny to tug at anyone's heart.

"I'm looking forward to his expression when he is desperate."

Belphegor clutched his stomach and leaned on the recliner. After laughing for a long time, he stopped slowly and brought another piece of news.

"Asmodeus agreed, and she chose to join our chariot against the others."

"What do you think?" Belphegor asked the astronauts.

"Great," the astronaut nodded, "so what are we waiting for?"

A doorbell rang, and a beautiful figure pushed open the door Belphegor had come in. She dragged a fiery red dress and walked in front of the two with graceful steps.

Asmodeus said, "I have ordered the Happy Park train to track it according to the weather map you gave me."

The astronaut didn't pay attention to the news brought by Asmodeus, but just looked at that delicate face, and couldn't help sighing, "My blood relative, you look much haggard, is it because of human beings?"

Asmodeus didn't answer, his fiery pupils moved up, and looked at the blue and clear planet, which was inlaid in the pitch-black nothingness like gorgeous gemstones.

It was the first time for her to view the world from this perspective, and thousands of emotions invaded across the barriers of time and space.

Asmodeus murmured, "I hate change."

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