Endless Debt.

Chapter 707 The Necessary Sacrifice

Chapter 707 The Necessary Sacrifice

When Bologo wakes up Yoyo, what he sees is not the metal dome, nor the familiar hospital ceiling, but a cloudy and untouchable darkness.

Burrog didn't get up immediately, the messy memories were like a group of restless swimming snakes, they were wriggling in his mind, entangled and biting each other, biting himself from the inside out.

This feeling is terrible, and the accompanying pressure almost caused Burlogo to have a physiological reaction, as if a big hand was holding his internal organs, pulling hard, and a foreign object was squeezing and crawling in his throat, scrambling to To escape from Burrog's body.

Bologo was half lying on the cold ground, coughing dryly like a drowning man.

For a moment, Burlogo realized that he had the idea of ​​escaping.

Yes, from the beginning to the end he felt that he was just a soldier, as long as he obeyed the orders, but now he has become a decision maker, and the heavy responsibility almost crushed his mind.

"How long are you going to lie down?"

A cold voice sounded, and Bologo looked in the direction of the voice, and a familiar figure came into his eyes.

Seeing the familiar face, Burlogo's restless heart was much at peace.

"Deputy...deputy chief?"

Bologo didn't expect that after his promotion ceremony, the first person he saw would be Nethaniel, so where he was...

Looking around, the lingering darkness shrouded the entire space like a mist.

Burlog was surprised and said, "Upside down the hall?"

He never thought that he could come here in a short time to meet the sacred and cruel people.

Nethaniel didn't explain too much. At this time, Burlogo noticed the strangeness of the deputy director. In the past, he always wore a calm smile like that of a gamer, but now the deputy director's face is gloomy, and there is something in his eyes. Unresolved grievances.

It's just that I haven't seen each other for a few days. I don't know what I have experienced. The whole person seems to have aged many years, and his energy and spirit have become sluggish. cold.

And his gaze.

Bologo clearly noticed that Nethaniel looked at him with a little bit of imperceptible malice. This malice flashed by, but it did exist.

This possibility made Bologo feel a pinprick of pain. It is not a good thing to be hated by a glorious man, let alone his immediate boss.

But what made Bologo even more confused was what happened to cause such a huge change in Nethaniel's attitude towards him. He still remembered the high hopes that Nethaniel had for him.

"Bologo Lazarus clerk."

A woman's voice sounded in the darkness, and she interrupted Burlogo's wild thoughts.

Bologo looked forward, and at some point, a graceful lady was sitting in front of Burlogo. Bologo remembered this figure. She was the second director of the Bureau of Order, Maria the iron-clad and steel-branched.

Maria is dead. As far as Bologo knows, what is presented in front of him is just a hypocritical illusion. The one who really talks to Bologo is the huge crowd.


Burrog stood up straight and bowed his head slightly to Maria to show respect.

"Let's start reporting," Maria said, "about the first exploration of the etheric world."

Burrog couldn't help asking, "Am I directly responsible for the decision-making room?"

"What do you think?"

Bologo didn't ask any more questions, and took the initiative to tell Maria what he had seen, heard, and all his speculations in the ether world.

Speaking these words, Bologo felt that the pressure in his heart was a little lighter. He no longer shared these terrible secrets with himself, but shared them with the great congregation. It gathered all the thoughts of wisdom since the establishment of the Bureau of Order, All united together, turned into a computer of flesh and blood.

Bologo realized that everyone can calculate the optimal solution of everything, so as to find the most correct solution in the unpredictable future.

Want to say?
Burrog opened his mouth slightly and became hesitant.

About the conspiracy of the astronauts, the plan for the Gate of Origin...

Just when Borrog was hesitating, he felt a breeze blowing over him, turned his head, and Nethaniel had disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

Seeing this scene, Burlogo temporarily put away his inner thoughts, and asked other things, "What's wrong with the deputy director?"

Anyone can see the strangeness of Nethaniel at this moment, he is in a very bad state, like a wounded lion, the wound has rotted and pus, and is emitting a bad smell.

It's such a big change, I don't know what happened to Nethaniel.

Maria said, "It's nothing, he's always been that way."

"Always?" Bologo shook his head, "The deputy director in my impression is not like that."

"It can only be said that he disguised himself very well." Maria's eyes became sharper. "Speaking of which, it's because of you that he became like this."

"because I?"

"Did the devil who signed the blood contract tell you that Xilin is also his debtor just like you, and is under his protection?"

Burlogo was stunned, like the staggered railroad tracks rejoined at this moment, and the train rumbled past.

A long time ago, Bologo doubted the connection between himself and Xilin, but the only thing they have in common is that they carry the same alchemy matrix.

Now, with the words of Mary and the people, like the verdict of the verdict, the connection between the two is affirmed, the bond of the devil.

"It's not just you who came back from the battlefield alive alone, and not everyone is as lucky as you and can be relieved from the nightmare."

There was pity in Maria's voice, I don't know if she was pitying Burrog or Nethaniel.

"As for you, Borogo Lazarus."

Maria seemed to know what Burlogo was thinking and what the pain was.

"You can't just be a soldier forever and only follow orders."

Burrog swallowed, feeling both excited and unbearably terrified.

"It's time to raise the flag."


Relying on the authority of the deputy director, Nethaniel walked freely in the reclining room, disappeared in the upside-down hall, and reappeared in the field department in the next second.

The appearance of Nethaniel alarmed many people. All the field staff knew that the deputy director was an idler, and you rarely saw him during working hours.

When you can meet this idler, it means something big is about to happen.

"Go and inform the king of Secret Sword, it's time to prepare for the second negotiation."

Nethaniel gave the order, and without waiting for others to respond, he disappeared again, and when he reappeared, Nethaniel had already arrived in the crow's nest.

Ivan has been waiting here for a long time. As an intelligence department, Ivan has always been well-informed. He has been aware of the next move of the Bureau of Order early in the morning.

Nethaniel's voice did not fluctuate at all, "I have already notified them to start the second negotiation."

Ivan nodded. In the past, it was enough to issue documents for this kind of thing, but now Nethaniel went to various departments to inform the news in person, which is enough to see how much the Order Bureau attaches importance to it.

"The war is about to start." Ivan thought to himself.

After a short thought, Ivan asked, "What about the content of the negotiation? Also, do we really want to promise the king's secret sword?"

Xilin's corpse is of great strategic value. No matter what angle he thinks about, Ivan doesn't think there is a reason for the Bureau of Order to let go, even if it will start another war with the king's secret sword.

"There's nothing to negotiate, just tell them," Nethaniel said.

At this time, Ivan realized belatedly, "This is not a negotiation at all, but a trap."

"not only that."

Nethaniel was silent for a few seconds, then said again, "Go and send a message to the king's shield guards, and inform them that we will agree to the agreement with the king's secret sword."


Ivan suspected that he had heard wrong.

The meeting with the Shadow King is highly confidential, and Nethaniel deceived everyone for that meeting.

"According to the calculation of the decision-making room, the King's Shield Guards also need Xilin's corpse, and their enthusiasm for that corpse is stronger than that of the King's Secret Sword."

Nethaniel continued, "We can take advantage of that."

Ivan understood Netanir's thoughts, "You want to cause the king's shield guards and the king's secret sword to fight? Is it in the city of oath, Opos?"

"This is a good time to weaken the strength of both of them, or even severely injure one of them," Nethaniel said blankly. "As for the casualties caused by the battle in the city... this is a necessary sacrifice."

The words echoed in Nethaniel's mind. When he thought of this, the figure of a woman and many of his dead colleagues appeared in his mind.

A nameless resentment rose up.

Nethaniel repeated mechanically, "Necessary sacrifice."

Ivan's expression also turned cold. As a member of the Bureau of Order and Crow's Nest, Ivan has never been a soft-hearted person. He has also experienced the Secret War firsthand, and his hands are covered with blood.

For the necessary sacrifice, Ivan didn't have too much psychological burden, he was just... just a little uneasy.

At this moment, Ivan suddenly felt a sense of awakening. The peaceful time after the secret war had unknowingly worn away his vigor. Not a real war.

Until this moment, when the familiar enemy returned to the familiar battlefield, Ivan realized that everything was not far away, and they were close at hand.

"The king's secret sword is outside, and the king's shield guards are hidden in the depths of the Great Rift, and they have the support of the tyrant."

Ivan gave his own suggestion, "This move is too reckless. If their struggle involves us, it may backfire."

"So next, I need you to do one thing," Nethaniel had already planned for this, "I need you to find out the specific strength of the King's Shield Guards in the Great Rift, they have hidden under our noses It's been too long.

We need to know all the information so that the intensity of the war can be kept under control. "

Nethaniel said softly, "Xillin's body is like a bait, he will catch all the guys hiding in the dark, and dry them in the hot sun."

"Not only them, but also the devils," Nethaniel recalled those evil beings, "it's time to declare war on them."

Ivan nodded stiffly. The short conversation between the two undoubtedly decided many things. Ivan took a deep breath and confirmed again.

"Is this an order from the decision-making room?"


"Okay, I know."

Ivan was thinking about the next plan to infiltrate the Great Rift. The King's Shield Guards were hiding very deeply, and with the support of the tyrant, it was not easy to dig them out. Soon, Ivan had an idea in his mind. If the list of suitable personnel is handled by him, even the devil's defense line has the hope of successfully infiltrating.

Looking up, Ivan wanted to say something, but at this moment he found that Nethaniel had left silently.

"Deputy Director……"

There was a little worry in Ivan's voice. Like Bologo, he also noticed the strangeness of Nethaniel, but unlike Bologo, Ivan understood the appearance of Nethaniel.

During the secret war, when she fell down, Nethaniel also had this expression, and when he saw this expression, Ivan clearly realized that the war was back.

All those who flee the war will eventually return.

Ivan felt a bit of a headache, he calmed down for a while, picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Church, come to Crow's Nest later, I have a task for you."

After a brief silence, a steady echo came from the microphone.


Putting down the microphone, Church came to the mirror and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the mirror.

It was an unforgettable face, as ordinary as one of countless passers-by.

Church picked up the mask and put it on close to the contours of his face. After a short squirm, a brand new face appeared on Church's face.

He hummed the melody and adjusted his appearance in front of the mirror. Church was in a good mood these days, thanks to Palmer's impulsive and thoughtless personality, which was sometimes annoying and sometimes Sometimes it's useful.

Church thought, if Palmer hadn't forced himself to meet Afia, it might have taken him a long time to take that step, but even if he took that step, it seemed a bit far away from what he really wanted.

"not bad."

Church talked to himself, sitting on the edge of the bed, admiring the flowers in the vase.

In the memory, Afia once asked curiously, "How often do you buy flowers? Are you giving them to your girlfriend?"

"No," Church shook his head, "I don't have a girlfriend, it's just that I don't see the sun where I live, and the flowers wither quickly."

Church lives in the staff dormitory, which is located in the reclamation room. There are no windows to communicate with the outside world, let alone sunlight. If you want to bask in the sun, you can only go to the observation tower, and there is obviously no place for him to Church grows flowers.

He likes these quiet and beautiful little things. When alone, Church often stares at them for a long time, imagining some impossible things, such as taking a completely different path, such as those completely different lives.

Church likes to have such meaningless fantasies in his spare time, and he can find comfort in this nothingness.

Now, with the kindness Afia had shown him, the fantasy took root.

"Speaking of which, I really thought you left the city and never saw you again."

When we met a few days ago, Afia said this to Church, her eyes were shining brightly, making people dare not look directly at her.

"Perhaps, my work is very busy and unstable. Maybe one day, I will go to a distant place and never come back."

He said this on the lips, but Church secretly said in his heart, "Like dying outside."

"Ah... that's really a pity."

Afia thought for a while, ran to the flower stand, and brought a heavy flower pot for Church.

"This is my gift for you. It doesn't cost money. It doesn't need the sun very much. It's fine to take it out to dry, but remember to shade it."

After the memories were over, Church came to the corner of the room, where there was a pot of green plants with sprouts. Afia said it was a pot of alum root, which was colorful and beautiful when it bloomed, and it didn’t need light. Suitable for Church to raise.

Under the leadership of Afia, he saw the alum roots raised by Afia in the flower shop. As she said, they were gorgeous like colorful oil paintings. Church accepted Afia's kindness and hoped that he could Raise as well as she does.

Thinking of this, a little smile appeared on Church's face, and the comfort in his heart became a little more, and a sense of relief greeted his heart.

Church is not in a hurry to see Ivan, he has some things to do before that.

Like Burlogo, Church also has a habit of keeping a diary, but it is more like a "record" than a diary.

Opening the drawer, diaries were stacked together. Church kept records every day. Even if he had nothing to write, he would write down what he ate and who he met.

These diaries are very important to Church. In addition to some trivial things, he will also write down his detailed psychological activities in the diary.

He is like an author, explaining the inner workings of his characters.

Church glanced at another book in the drawer. This was the first non-diary book to appear in the drawer in so many years.

His life was so empty and monotonous that the book entered the damp and dark room like sunshine. Church was surprised and delighted by the sunshine that broke into his life, and he was greedy and unwilling at the same time. Dare to move forward, as if you are afraid of being burned by the sun, or as if you are afraid that the sun will leave at a certain moment, and you will never get it again.

In that case, Church would rather stay in the shadows.

Church wrote in his diary.

"I bought a "Handbook for Potted Plant Maintenance". Affia said that this kind of flower blooms very beautifully. I hope to make this potted alum root more luxuriant."

(End of this chapter)

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