Endless Debt.

Chapter 709 Time

Chapter 709 Time
Not long ago, Borrog was like Amy, sitting at the bar, looking at Thurley's open photo album, and listening to him tell stories about his wives.

To be honest, Bologo didn't listen to it at all. He felt that Thurley's emotional history was a pile of meaningless waste. Apart from satisfying people's curiosity, Bologo couldn't think of any use for his story... movie?If this kind of thing is made into a movie, can it really be broadcast?
Midnight file?
Now Amy has similar thoughts to Bologo, her tolerance is much worse than Bologo's, and she doesn't catch Thurley's infatuated face at all.

Infatuated with the pure emotion of dozens of wives, Ai Miao frowned.

"I think it's better to forget it."

Amyu raised his hand and closed Thurley's photo album, "You can just talk about the main part."

Seeing the disappointment on Thurley's face, Amyu choked, "Do you think this is some kind of honor?"

Amyu's words were unexpectedly harsh, without saving any face. The majestic Night Race lord was reprimanded like a child, and for a while, Threi felt a little flustered.

Amy knew he was faking it.

"Well, what do you say?"

Serley put away his playful attitude, and stepped into memories amidst other people's conversations and the sound of music.

"I have lived for a long time and met many women. Most of them, I only remember their names by relying on marriage."

"What about the others?"

Serley waved his hand indifferently, "That's why I can't remember, just like would you remember anyone you've met?"

"Speaking of which, for some people, from meeting to parting, we haven't exchanged each other's name," Selei nodded to himself, "everyone came out in the middle of the night to seek comfort."

After a pause, Thrai said abruptly, "They all want to keep me."

Amyu didn't understand, "Leave you?"

"Yes," Threy laughed. "Maybe it's because I'm full of charm, or maybe it's because my sense of mystery is so abundant that people can't help but want to know about it."

"They are always begging, hoping that I can stay and live with them, and some people want to go with me...but how is this possible? I am an undead, a wandering night clan lord, I have something with them It's just a momentary pleasure, it's not forever."

There was a smile on Seri's face, but his voice became cold, "I left many people ruthlessly, everyone just got what they wanted, until one day, I met an interesting guy."

"who is she?"

"A... a woman that I don't understand. She is very mysterious, very mysterious. Until now, I still don't feel that I understand her completely."

When mentioning that woman, Threi showed a look of nostalgia, and Amy could see sincere miss in his eyes. It was really surprising that such pure emotion appeared in Threi's eyes.

Threi is like a rotten apple, riddled with holes, covered with maggots, and in the rotten decay, there is a single shoot left.

"She came from the ridge of the mountains. She is an adventurer and traveler. She has been running around since she was an adult, and she has visited many inaccessible places and seen magnificent natural landscapes."

Serley continued, "In the depths of a primeval forest, she found a huge cliff with a height of [-] meters. There was a waterfall falling from above, but the height of the drop was too high. Blown away by the wind...

I can't imagine such a scene. She said that the water flow was cut off in mid-air, and under the sunlight, it turned into an extended rainbow that spread to the end of the sky, like a ribbon of the gods, a gift from the gods. "

Threi sighed long, "It sounds so beautiful... It's a pity that I can't see the sun, and I can't see the rainbow."

"She is very good at describing. From her mouth, I saw many beautiful landscapes. In comparison, my stories seem boring."

"We chatted for a long time, from late at night until dawn, and when the first rays of sunlight fell in the morning, she said she was leaving."

Thurley said softly, "For the first time, I have become curious and nostalgic for a woman."

Amyu said, "Mystery."

"Yes, the sense of mystery," Serey said, "She is like a thick book, and I want to understand the contents."


"She left and late at night I started following her footprints and a few days later in the next town I ran into her again and I made it a chance encounter and we talked for another night and then repeated, leave , find, meet.

In fact, when we met for the third time, she already realized that something was wrong. She asked me what I wanted to do, and I said that I fell in love with her a little bit. I asked her if I could walk with her. "

"She agreed?"

"Well, I agreed, she thinks I'm also very interesting," Serey touched his chin, "I'm still a bit charming."

"She'll be moving during the day and you can't keep up with her."

"So I told her my identity that night, an undead Night Clan."

"How did she react?"

"Surprised, but only surprised. She saw a lot of strange things along the way, so she easily accepted my existence."

Cerley missed that time, and in his dreams he had returned to that journey countless times.

"She told me all kinds of anecdotes on the road, and I told her about my century-old experience."

Amyu listened carefully, Serley is a flirtatious scum, no one can hold his heart, but from Thorey's words, Amyu can feel that the woman conquered Serley for a short time.

She wondered what happened after that.

"Many people have loved me, and I have loved them."

"That's not love for you," Aimiao shook his head, "It's more like the relationship between an owner and a pet."

"Maybe, at least it's a kind of love."

Serley remembered that Bologo also commented on himself in this way, so it seems that he and Aimu are quite similar.

"As the journey progresses, we become closer... Usually I want to conquer a woman for no more than a week. If I don't succeed in a week, I will take the initiative to leave."

"Sounds like real scum."

"Haha, how should I put it? My mentality at that time was completely different from what it is now."

"Tell me."

"I feel that I am far more noble than human beings. I am a vicious wolf. To me, human beings are like lambs," Threi said indifferently. "It's normal for wolves to eat sheep, isn't it? I Maybe I will have love for some little sheep, but as you said, between the owner and the pet, there is no equality, and they are superior."


Serley went on to say, "I have been with her for a few months, but I failed to get her, and I didn't take the initiative to leave. Since then, I have noticed the change in myself. This change makes me feel a little scared. After all, these hundreds of I have been here in this way for years, and suddenly one day, I found myself being led away by a little sheep, which was terrible."

"And then...then one day I asked her, do you love me?"

Thurley and Amy looked at each other, and Amy was completely attracted by Thurley's story. She didn't interrupt, but looked forward to what Thurley would say next.

"She said I was a funny person, an obnoxious person, a bit of an oddball.

She also said I was a poor person. "

Threi fell silent. He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down. His words smelled of alcohol. He was clearly sober, but his words had the feeling of a drunk.

"I thought she was going to reject me, but she said she loved me."

Seri thought for a while, "This is too weird."

Amyu said, "You start to blur this relationship, and you want to get an accurate answer from her, it's best that she doesn't love you, so that you have a reason to get out of this vague relationship and hunt for the next one. Target."

"It's like this. Unknowingly, I was influenced by her, which made me terrified," Sai Lei said, "But I didn't expect that she would say that she loved me, so I asked her, and I felt it from her. No love, other than ordinary communication, we travel and take risks as before."

Seri thought for a while and added, "With me, her trip went much smoother."

"How did she answer?"

Se Lei hesitated for a moment, even after so many years, Se Lei still remembered what she said, like a brand, engraved into Se Lei's mind.

"She said, she knows what kind of person I am, she can't catch me, and instead of begging, it's better to give me freedom from the beginning.

She loves me, but she doesn't want to catch me. "

Both Thorey and Amy fell into silence, and there were constant conversations around them. Palmer let out a piercing laugh, which added a touch of absurdity to Thorey's memories.

"I never thought she would answer something like this," Selei said with a wry smile, "everyone I met tried to catch me, only her.

She said that I am like the wind, people cannot catch the wind, you have to let it go, if it is willing to come back, then it belongs to you. "

"I left and I was afraid of my change. I was not like this before. I walked a long way and wandered for a few years. One day, I met her again and we talked to each other about the past few years. Years, and then she left, and she didn't even say goodbye to me."

"I chased after her and asked why she left without saying goodbye. She said that as long as she didn't say goodbye, she would always meet."

Se Lei sighed, "She was beautiful that day. When she saw me catching up, she laughed and reached out and grabbed my arm."

Amy marveled, "She's got you, Thurley."

"I was caught, I wanted to know what she was thinking, what she thought of me, and this time I didn't leave, I stayed with her, she never forced me to do anything during the trip Never ask me what I think about anything."

Threi showed a troubled expression, "Now that I think about it, did I fall for the trick? The bad man met another bad woman who is even better?"

"It can only be said that you deserve it," Amyu added, "It's also very lucky."

"She gave me absolute freedom.

Suddenly I found that the freedom I understood became strange, I was like a bird that could not land, I began to panic, longing for a place to land... I was actually afraid that she would abandon me. "

Cerei stirred the ice cubes in the wine glass with a spoon, making a clear and crisp sound.

"I didn't expect that one day I would take the initiative to hand out the shackles, hoping that someone could tie me and restrain me."

Thurley didn't tell the story after that, and Amy could probably guess the final ending. Thurley is an undead, and the woman will eventually disappear in the torrent of time.

Among all the fake love stories of Selei, this is the only one with true love.

Threi was nostalgic, and murmured, "Bologo is very similar to me at that time."

Amy listened attentively.

"He, like me, didn't know what he wanted, I chose to hang around and make mistakes, and he locked himself up.

What I'm trying to say is, he needs some time. "

Threi concluded, "Give him some time, maybe you don't have to launch an offensive, he will open the door and surrender."

Amyu was a little emotional, and felt a little weird, "Are you helping me?"

"To be precise, it's to help Bologo." A strange smile appeared on Serley's face. "Of course, I'm also curious about what Bologo would look like if he fell in love."

Amyu mustered up the courage to say this straightforwardly, "He is a smart man, although sometimes he is dull, but I think he should know my love."

"I think so, so I said, he needs some time to figure these things out."

Serley knew that he was similar to Bologo, but completely opposite, Serley didn't care about right or wrong, he only cared about himself, while Bologo longed for noble character and didn't want to make mistakes, so he was hesitant.

Amy sat up straight, her eyes narrowed, as if thinking about Borrog, and then she looked back at Thurley, staring at him.

"Quite surprising, Thurley."

"what happened?"

"I thought your relationship history would be a messy story full of deceit and betrayal."

"Why, in your opinion, I am a heinous sinner."

"Huh? Don't you think you are?"

Just as Threi was about to refute, he immediately recalled many miserable images, women's faces stained with blood, looking at him with pleading and hatred.

He sighed softly, "Yes, it's more than heinous..."

"I often feel guilty and sorry for who I was at that time," Threi looked a lot tired, "As I said, I am a bad wolf, so how can a bad wolf care what the little sheep is thinking?"

Amyu asked again, "Did you pay the price?"

"Are you judging me?"

Threi didn't make any excuses, he whispered, "I paid the price, but I haven't had enough punishment yet."

A sad atmosphere spread from Serley's body. What he told Amy was only a small part of his long life. The experience of the night clan lord was far more complicated and tortuous than Amy could have imagined.

Thurley's love story is only a small part of his life, and more of it is the expansion and destruction of the Eternal Night Empire. Compared with these sins, these deeds of Thurley become nothing worth mentioning.

A figure staggered over and broke the atmosphere. He sat on the other side, and Palmer asked drunkenly.

"Bologo has been promoted successfully, so what will his secret power evolve into?"

Palmer was curious, curious about the majestic power that belonged to those in power.

(End of this chapter)

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