Endless Debt.

Chapter 710

Chapter 710
"The above is what I have seen and heard in the ether world."

Standing in front of the long table, Bologo said exhaustedly, "I have already conveyed this part of the information to the decision-making room."

After saying this, Bologo returned to the chair and picked up the potion in the iron box on the table, which was filled with bright silver stars.

Boluoge injected Mangyin's soul into his body, and the sense of abundance of the soul made him feel a sense of peace. Mamo said that he had exhausted a lot of energy and physical strength, which would make him feel better.

Throwing the empty potion aside, Bologo looked forward, and the two sides of the long table were full of elderly scholars. Like Mamo, they were all old and out of shape, each sitting in a wheelchair, and the back of the wheelchair looked like It is like a banner, with infusion stands inserted one by one, and colorful hanging bottles hanging on it.

The highly shrunken bodies were hidden under the red robes, and gold threads were interspersed and woven at the corners of the robes to show their dignity.

These scholars are not bad, they are just physically exhausted, they will not die, and there are a few scholars whose organs have been removed and replaced with mechanical internal organs.

The wheelchair of a famous scholar is extremely huge, dense cables extending from his abdomen, connected to the buzzing machine behind the wheelchair, as if an external circulatory system was installed to maintain his life.

Another scholar noticed Burrog's gaze, and he cast his gaze at Burrog. One of his eyes was deeply sunken into the eye socket, and the other eye was a slowly turning mechanical eyeball. The decorated and optimized eyes are different. This mechanical eyeball maintains a rough style, with engine oil slowly seeping out of the gap, and a dangerous red light flashes.

After leaving the Upside Down Hall, Bologo didn't stop for a moment, and was brought by Mamo to the meeting room of the Scholars Hall, where he made an action report with these aging scholars.

These old guys are the precious assets of the Bureau of Order. It can be said that it is this group of half-dead guys who rely on their withered hands to promote the alchemy matrix technology of the Bureau of Order and even the entire world.

Rough breathing sounds came and went in the conference room, and alarms sounded from time to time, reminding a certain scholar that his heart rate was too fast, or his hormones exceeded the standard.

Compared with these people, the old Mamo looked younger, at least he didn't really need a wheelchair to move around.

Outside the meeting room, the medical team is already ready, but they are not for timely medical rescue, but to prevent the brain death of these scholars. For everyone, each of them is an extremely precious database and computing unit.

When Bologo was about to lose his patience, these scholars seemed to have reached a conclusion in the discussion, and one of them spoke.

The scholar was not talking, his throat was completely cut open, and an air valve was attached to the skin, as if he was breathing directly through it. According to the vibration of his throat, a sharp electronic sound was broadcast from the speaker under his wheelchair.

"Borogo Lazarus staff, thank you for your dedication, you can rest."

Bologo stood up and saluted the scholars. He had just walked out of the meeting room, and the door hadn't closed yet, and the scholar said again.

"I hope everyone can stay sensible. Now that I am this age, I don't want to lose one of them."

The scholars all nodded in affirmation. In the next second, a wave of heated discussions sounded from the conference room. The distorted voices mixed together, like a feast of demons.

The scholars who were about to die of old age shouted at the top of their voices, and the life-support equipment gave out bursts of alarms, which were also ignored by them. A few were too excited, their heads tilted and there was no sound, if they could not hear rough breathing , others thought he was dead.

These things did not attract Bologo's attention. At this time, he had gone far away, and the hall of scholars was very quiet and cold. Although this department is a research institution, due to various factors, it is more like a cemetery. dying scholars.

"Carrying the banner."

Bologo said to himself. With the help of time, Bologo slowly digested the pressure. Thanks to his twisted psychology, Bologo once again sprouted the spirit of the savior.

The astronaut said that he is not special, even if he does not choose himself, there will be the next chosen one, and he can be anyone.

This indifferent answer made Bologo stunned for a while, but after breaking away from nothingness, talking to everyone, and adding his own calm thinking, Bologo reorganized his broken thoughts.

When Burlogo first joined the job, in his psychological evaluation column, there were several points emphasized by the doctor.

A little narcissistic, a little stubborn, and a little messianic...

Burrog's will was as strong as his immortal body, as if he was invincible, he puffed up his chest again, and he murmured, "So what if I'm not the destined savior?"

A weird smile emerged on Bologo's face, he narrowed his eyes, and a cold and sharp temperament spread from his body. For a moment, Bologo looked like the big villain in the story.

"When did I need the approval of the devil."

Burlog said stubbornly, "I think I am, I am, you dirty things, are you worthy of deciding what I am?"

Raising his hand, the radiance of the alchemy matrix covered Burogo's arms, and the cumbersome light tracks were like the masterpieces carefully carved by the artist.

The cyan shimmer illuminated Bologo's cheeks, adding a bit of mystery and coldness to him, and Bologo could feel stronger than ever before.

The etheric plane and the astronauts occupied so much of Burogo's thoughts that he almost forgot that he had already made it this far.

Wearing a red robe, a powerful bishop.

In this third year, Bologo became a negative person, located on the third rung of the extraordinary ladder, and crossed the watershed of isolation.

The pure ether flows silently, and the dominant power rushes along the veins of Bologo. The expanded alchemy matrix has not yet been finalized, waiting for Bologo's weaving to make the alchemy matrix grow and extend towards the posture he expected.

The secret energy has not been changed yet, but Bologo has already noticed the strangeness from his body. His sense of power is much more abundant than before, and all senses have become extremely sensitive. The biggest change is the affinity for ether.

Bologo felt that as long as he was more diligent, he would be able to master the etheric skill of ether perception. In his own field, all ether changes could not escape his eyes.

Then comes the most significant change.


The mortal flesh and blood has been sublimated at this moment, but Bologo has only become the power-holder for a few hours, and the degree of etherification in the body is minimal. If there is a significant change, it will take time to accumulate and the affinity of ether scour.

Burrog clenched his fist slowly, releasing his aether, and the ground around him crumbled and crumbled.

This is the palace of scholars, but also the reclamation room. The powerful virtual domain fills every place here. Even those in power can hardly shake the reclamation room. , surrender to him.

The expansion of power only lasted for a few seconds, and Bologo didn't want to attract the attention of the reclamation room. At the same time as the power weakened, the surrounding bricks began to heal themselves, and they returned to their original appearance.

Overlord Xilin.

The source body of the Burrog Alchemy Matrix.

Bologo has always felt a sense of regret. He has never seen Cylinder alive, nor has he seen him truly displaying this power.

Many supernatural forces have several sets of highly mature alchemy matrices. After hundreds of years of iterations and countless trials and errors of the predecessors, the alchemy matrices have been optimized to the limit. The path of choosing between wide and blunt is called the perfect path.

The way of the wind that Palmer walked, that is, the perfect way of the Krex family, which can make the power of "wind source" to the limit.

Boluoge is different from these people with accumulation. He has only Xilin in his way, and he died in battle. Boluogo can only make his alchemy matrix grow in a certain direction according to his own judgment.

He strode towards the actual combat room. On the way, Bologo recalled his promotion tendency in the previous stages and the various problems encountered in the battle.

Judging from the Bureau of Order's description of Cylinder's power, Bologo deduced that Cylinder's power tends to be broad and blunt, and only through broad and blunt power can the infinite expansion of power cause such a large-scale disaster in an instant.

After realizing this, Burlogo found that he couldn't go back on his own, even imitating Ceylon's path, because he had a narrow and sharp tendency from the beginning.

"There is no need to imitate him..."

Burrog won't be knocked down, he just needs some time to figure things out and pick himself up again.

The power of those in power gave Burlogo a sense of self-confidence. The feeling of holding power is so fascinating. Now that he has embarked on a narrow road, Burlogo feels that he might as well keep going, just like himself It's what I thought when I was promoted to a believer.

The road to polarization.

Going to absolute extremes in a tendency, and now, Bologo already has a preliminary idea of ​​​​the next extreme.

"Narrower, sharper, more microscopic..."

Burrogo murmured in a low voice, then stopped suddenly, stood where he was, and closed his eyes.

The alchemy matrix whose body surface has not yet been finalized and is still changing is like smeared ink, countless floating silk threads, their changes begin to slow down, the floating light rises for a moment, and then falls silent, without the slightest starlight reveal.

Burrog is often caught in internal friction, because he is like a pathological tyrant who wants to bring everything under his control, and those things that are not under his control always make him feel very uncomfortable.

Capture the essence of things.

the nature of power.

The alchemy matrix growing in the soul further expanded, and instead of spreading to the surroundings, the propped up branches began to gather, like a stone pillar supporting the sky and the earth, turning into a straight giant tree.

Bologo opened his eyes, and his body surface shimmered again, but this time the cruising lines were completely frozen and stayed in place.

The high-concentration ether remained in the alchemy matrix, and they began to overflow, and bursts of highly condensed water droplets of ether emerged from the body. They clump together and rise, like steam that dissipates after being overheated.

Burrog remained highly excited. A few minutes later, he arrived at the empty actual combat room. Under the protection of the reclamation room, it didn't matter how Burrog opened fire.

After every promotion, Bologo is also here to test his new secret ability to see if it grows into the power he wants as he expected.

Burrog took a deep breath, and the aether flowed passionately in his body, gathered together, and then burst out.

The power of the power bearer erupted instantly, and the expanded ether formed a field at a distance of tens of meters around Boluogo. Unlike the flame of the cauldron, there were specific fireworks to show the trajectory of the power. This time it was silent Without breath, the ether penetrated the ground, and stone pillars rose from the ground one by one.

Bologo stood in place, just a thought, a thought, the stone pillar collapsed, and spikes rose from the ground. This time, Bologo's control completely ignored the space restrictions, and the ether could penetrate silently, and it could be carried out. manipulation.

A spike rose in front of Bologo's eyes, and it pierced the palm of Bologo's hand. The blood flowed out, but did not drip, but twisted and condensed, shaped, and a blood blade was held by Bologo in hand.

The power of control once again broke through the limit, Bologo is no longer limited to the solid state, and the liquid state is also included in the scope of his control.

Flicking out a few scarlet sword flowers, Bologo knelt down on one knee, pressed his palm on the ground, and the blood sword penetrated into the ground. Next, he wanted to try another force.

The control of liquid substances is only the lifting of the restrictions after the secret energy is advanced. What Bologo really cares about is the power he can use after he is extremely narrow.

Boluoge focused on the extension of the ether, which penetrated into the reclamation room, and Bologo could vaguely see countless rays of light weaving into a large net, while his own ether was advancing triumphantly, penetrating into it, and crossing layers of defense lines.

After a brief stalemate, the suppressed ether was released, and Burrog's power pierced through layers of defense, which he did.

In an instant, the area was no longer under the control of the Kenshi, but under the command of Burrogo.

After continuing on the road of polarization, the tendency that Bologo made for himself was to seize and usurp. After a brief confrontation, he successfully seized the dominance of this area and brought them under his control.

But this is not the limit of Bologo's secret power. What if such power acts on the hostile sublimation person?

As long as Boluoge can touch the opponent and keep a close enough distance, Boluoge is confident to defeat the opponent's moment soul threshold, completely dominate the ether in his body, and then...

Crimson blades of blood will erupt from the opponent's body.

"Secret power, governing edict."

This is the name Bologo gave to the secret energy at this stage, but before he could immerse himself in the bloody fantasy, the piercing siren sounded, and the reclamation room realized that this area was out of control, and it sent Boluo Ghosz was considered an intruder.

A large amount of ether filled the surrounding walls, frantically strengthening the reclamation room. Bologo only felt that he was training the secret power, but to the reclamation room, it sensed the return of the enemy.

The enemy who should have died.

(End of this chapter)

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