Endless Debt.

Chapter 711 New Holy City

Since the establishment of the Bureau of Order, it has encountered countless wars, large and small, among which the only thing that can threaten the reclamation room itself is the strong invasion of the overlord Xilin during the secret war period, and his large-scale power control , completely tore up the solid reclamation room, causing the reclamation room to fall out of control.

Since then, the Bureau of Order has been vigilant about the birth of the next overlord, Xilin, and has strengthened the reclamation room in many ways to prevent this fortified fortress from being conquered again. Sounded the alarm in the reclamation room.

Bologo stopped releasing the secret energy, looked around blankly, and saw that the reclamation room was completely agitated, and the flat wall seemed to have lost its solid nature, and became soft, like a liquid .

The wall is like a curtain, one after another hideous silhouette squeezed from the curtain, showing their posture, as if they will break through the restriction of the curtain in the next second, and bite Burrogo's body Body.

After the harsh alarm bell sounded, all the exits of the combat room were cut off by falling boulders, the area was completely sealed off, and Burogo became a caged bird.

Bologo didn't panic. He had experienced too many fatal things in the past few dozen hours, and the alarm in the reclamation room seemed normal now.

Anyway, it is not as scary as the treacherous changes in the ether world.

While waiting for the change, Bologo looked at the lines on his palm, which was the projection of the alchemy matrix on the body surface. Bologo guessed that it was his own secret energy, which triggered the alarm.

Mysterious power · governing decree.

As a negative person, most of the enemies that Bologo will face in the future will also be the negative person or even the defender. For them who have entered the process of etherification, it is already difficult for Bologo to deal with them Fatal injuries have occurred, which reflects the importance of the moment soul threshold, as long as the moment soul threshold is penetrated, even the etheric negative power will die in an instant.

At the time of the coronation, the astronaut was there, and Burrog saw him, the devil with the scepter in his hand.

Burrog looked at the scar of the Great Rift and muttered to himself.

All the important people in the Bureau of Order revealed their true faces to him, and it seemed that there was no need to keep this information secret.

Unknowingly, the trajectory of Burogo's growth still overlaps with Xilin's, but the overlap is a bit ridiculous.

King Solomon's creation connected the Bureau of Order to the astronauts, and Burlogo didn't know how many more he would connect with.

Bologo nodded, and Mamo let out a long sigh, "I haven't seen each other for a few minutes."

Otherwise, how could I accurately meet Hill's soul among thousands of souls.

It feels good to hold the power, and Burlogo has regained his confidence. He still maintains the plot of the savior, and this plot does not need anyone's approval.

Just when the darkness was about to surround Burrog, their movements froze, as if time had been frozen, and turned into a dark and twisted jungle.

It's like nothing happened.

"Wolfgang Gold."

Mysterious power · governing decree.

Mamo read the curiosity in Bologo's eyes, and he dug up the long memories. Mamo was not affected by the contractual school's real name closure, but it was still difficult to recall, after all, the name of King Solomon was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. So much so that people consciously ignore the story before he became King Solomon.

Without waiting for Mamo to say anything, Burrog continued to ask.

An ordinary field worker who survived an extraordinary disaster and came back alive is considered a remarkable achievement, but such extraordinary disasters are interspersed throughout Burogo's career.

The weird female voice is still singing

"Wolfgang Gold...he is King Solomon, and he was also the last choice for astronauts."

Recalling the image, the man who reached out to Hill, the man who was crowned under the eyes of all the scholars.

Full of stress and irritability.

Is Miyuan doing this on purpose?

While Burlogo asked the question, he recalled all the previous experiences in his mind.

Mamo said frankly to Bologo, "That is to say, to a certain extent, you can regard the reclamation room as a new sacred city, both of which come from the same imaginary realm."

Mamo said, "I never thought that you would ask this question."

"We discovered the power of the imaginary domain of the sacred city, conducted research on it, and separated a part of it. Now that part of the imaginary domain has been improved and optimized by us for many years, and it has become the current reclamation room."

The Kenshi's attack on Bologo began to split. Part of the shadow stood on Bologo's side and was controlled by him, while the other part of the shadow howled angrily, as if scolding the betrayers.

As for the remaining power, it is just a conventional strengthening and expansion. When the secret energy is activated, the surrounding areas of Bologo will be included in the scope of his ether surge, allowing him to control and control.

Burrog raised his own doubts, "Or, was the Kenshi built by King Solomon?"

Therefore, the real power of the secret energy and the governing edict is the interference with the mutual exclusion of the ether, and the usurpation of the alchemy matrix in the deep layer of the soul.

"After the war, we explored the Sacred City many times. Although King Solomon is dead, the imaginary domain of the Sacred City is still in operation. Our exploration of the Sacred City is progressing very slowly.

This department is located on the top floor of the reclamation room, and there are few exits from the Order Bureau, although this exit is located at an altitude of more than [-] meters.

Burrog noticed the meaning in Mamo's words, and he became nervous, "You know King Solomon's name."

Bologo was already prepared in his heart. Regarding such a secret, he was very calm and praised in a low voice, "King Solomon is really a great scholar...Have you met King Solomon?"

"I have seen."

The burst of white light made Burrog's face black and white.

Mamo didn't say a word, his old face was filled with sorrow, and he pressed his temple hard. Now Mamo's mood is similar to that of Burogo a few hours ago.

"Sinners to be judged."

"Is he King Solomon?" Burrog looked straight at Mamo, "The witness of the "Dawn Oath"?"

If the power of the overlord Xilin is like a heavy and huge broad blade, which can sweep away thousands of troops and cut off countless heads with a single blow, then Bologo's power is like a slender and narrow blade. The stabbing sword cannot sweep away thousands of troops, but with one blow, it can destroy the iron walls that mortals cannot cross, and penetrate all barriers.

A room of mystery and infinite reclamation.

I have to lament the greatness of King Solomon. Even if the Glorious One went there in person, it would be difficult to pass through the layers of imaginary domains, not to mention that in the depths of the sacred city, the power of light is still burning, so we voted The evil flesh and blood of this world seals this ruined city. "

Did Miyuan want to tell himself something?Something about King Solomon?
So why not just give Burrog a glimpse into King Solomon's soul?
Or...King Solomon's soul is not in the source, he didn't die, so Bologo can't see his memory, and therefore, Bologo can only pass through Hill, through those who have been in contact with King Solomon , From their memories, indirectly see the existence of King Solomon?
Bologo felt that his idea was too crazy. The establishment of this possibility required too many key factors, the most important of which was why did the secret source do this, and did King Solomon really not die?
Everyone, whether it is the Bureau of Order or other extraordinary forces, even the devils and astronauts, they all firmly believe that King Solomon is dead, so why do they have the illusion that he is still alive?

The high-rise buildings are like thriving branches, and the streamer travels through the streets, like the capillaries of the city. They spread outward until the end of the line of sight, below the horizon.

Mamo walked up to Bologo, and her voice gradually became clearer.

A new holy city.

"On this day of tears."

"Well, I was inspired by the alchemists and chose the path of polarization, which is infinitely narrow and sharp, and this kind of power was born."

Mamo responded, "Well, he was the witness of the "Dawn Oath" at that time."

Now that Bologl's Arcana will be more aggressive, the laws of aether repulsion will no longer apply to him, and his aether can more easily invade the enemy's moment soul threshold, detonating their aether from within.

"But you're not all for nothing," Burrogo said.

As Bologo thought about it, the ground shattered, and stone-cast sword blades floated beside him. At the same time, the instinctive security measures of the reclamation room were activated, and those hideous figures broke through the boundary of the wall.

They all had their hands on Kenshi.

"Compared to these..."

In this prosperous scene, a horrified scar stretched across the land, and the rising mist formed a mushroom-shaped air shield, which shrouded the top of the big crack and spread outward at all times.

"As the first minister of the Sublimation Furnace Core of the Bureau of Order, one of the first few people created, a living fossil in the true sense."

The inception phenomenon on Bologo went out, and he added, "I can now launch an offensive against the critical moment of the soul, although the conditions are harsh."

"After that ray of light, the power called Guangzhuo, the battlefield turned into scorched earth, the earth split into cracks, and the sacred city fell into it, becoming the city of ruins in the abandoned land today."

Bologo sat on the bench, with the breeze blowing over his cheeks, he cast his gaze to the outside world, and could clearly overlook the whole picture of the city of oath, Opus.

Besides, if King Solomon did not die, whose memory did the last time he saw the coronation come from?
Burrog took a long breath and covered his eyes in pain. After a short pause, he realized a crucial problem.

They are advanced beyond the times.

Then this weird and unpredictable reclamation room...

This is the power born of infinite narrowness after the road of polarization. Burogo no longer focuses on moving mountains and reclamation, but on a more microscopic level, and has taken a completely different path from the overlord Cylinder.

Bologo suddenly realized a problem. The reason why he could see Hill's memory in the core of the day was that at a certain time in the past, Hill had died and his soul returned to the secret source. What he saw It is the mental projection of the soul.

"I've been promoted to be a power bearer, and I've tried a new secret power." Bologo glanced at the surface that was constantly healing. "It seems that the reclamation room is very vengeful, and it still remembers the power of the overlord Cylinder."

The high wall collapsed, and what was exposed was no longer masonry, but a blurry darkness, with strange starlight shining inside.

In Hill's memory, the man named Wolfgang Gord controlled the roaring thunder, and the unstoppable thunder could hurt even the devil, even if the devil used the body of the chosen one.

"Is this the watershed?"

Burrog wanted to control more bricks and stones. At this time, he found that the ground under his feet was also full of cracks. The bricks and stones were rapidly disappearing, and they were transformed into black shadows, as if this was their essence.

Mamo hesitated for a moment, thinking that Bologo was the key to exploring the ether world. From the perspective of intelligence authority, Bologo was already at the core of the Bureau of Order.

Mamo nodded, "After all, I was in that era, and I was also a well-known alchemist. I met him before the establishment of the Holy City... At that time, he was not honored as King Solomon .”

"To be precise, the predecessor of the Kenshi was built by King Solomon."

They are all real people, no matter how ruthless and efficient they are, there is always a human part, and this part of humanity makes them weak.

Burrog's mind froze. He had seen such a scene a long time ago. Under the distortion of Belphegor's power, he strayed into the House of Rising Sun in the reclamation room.

Burrog took a deep breath and maintained a high degree of vigilance. Under his gaze, the cracked walls healed together again, all the raised bricks and stones returned to calm, and the boulders that blocked the combat room were moved back to their original positions.

Borrog originally thought that the treacherous female voice came from Belphegor's power, but now it seems that this power belongs to Kenshi.

Just when Bologo was about to go further, the black shadows collapsed, and the twisted dark jungles rushed back into the gaps in the wall, and Bologo's strength was thrown into thin air.

If anyone else is here, they will definitely think that Burrow is crazy. Burrow is actually trying to attack the reclamation room. What's even more suffocating is that Burrower actually has the power to attack the reclamation room. He has just been promoted Just for the negative.

Bologo sighed. According to the calculation of conventional sublimation users, Bologo is already extremely powerful among the same level, but the enemies and events that Bologo faces are often beyond the specifications.

Borrog didn't stop there, the high concentration of ether gathered in his palm, like an ether sword, and the ether condensed into bright spikes in Borrog's hands, piercing fiercely into the darkness.

"King Solomon's name is Wolfgang..."

But in people's memory, King Solomon belonged to the School of Contract, so how could he master the rolling thunder?

The woman's cry carried great sadness, and possessed some kind of power that could affect the spirit, and it hit Burrogo's mind hard.

Rule everything, from the imperial decree of the monarch.

Borrog froze in place, a storm rolled up in his mind, and he returned to the picture in his memory again in a trance. In the heavy thunder, the man named Wolfgang God stretched out his hand towards Hill .

Bologo has a terrible conjecture in his heart, which is like countless threads, connecting one mystery after another.

"Did you build the Kenshi?"

Mamo said to Bologo, the words shook Bologo's mind like a heavy hammer.

The creeping darkness broke through the barrier, and they turned into black beasts, rushing towards Bologo, who did not expect such a strong reaction from the reclamation room.

"The more you know, the more you know," said Borrog, "I just guessed uncontrollably... So the Kenshi was built by King Solomon?"

The stone sword suspended around Bologo shot out, like a dense rainstorm, hitting the dark beast, smashing the shadow into pieces.

The spatial structure of the actual combat room seemed to be distorted. The bricks and stones that Burlogo was familiar with were like a layer of camouflage. Behind them was endless darkness, in which arcs and lasers burst out, and the familiar singing sounded again.

Cooperating with Bologo's own protection, soul-sucking and soul-sucking, Bologo is like a deadly predator, smashing the enemy's moment soul threshold and harvesting everyone's life.

At this time, Mamo belatedly remembered that the power of Bologo was derived from the overlord Xilin, and the information of the ether world was too important, so he forgot about it for a while.

Bologo controlled the ground again, tried to dig out the solid rock, and glimpsed the darkness and the woman's singing again, but after Burlogo just dug a distance of three meters, no matter how he controlled it, the continuous stream of bricks and stones Filling up, like endless, Burlogo has never been able to break through the limit of this distance.

"His real name? Of course."

Fortunately, with the promotion of the position of the power bearer, the secret power and ruling edict filled in the last missing piece of Burogo.

As the fortress of the Bureau of Order, the reclamation room has too many secrets. It is different from all the imaginary domains that Bologo has seen. After so much experience, after thinking about it carefully, Bologo found that the technology of the reclamation room is so transcendent. this era.

"Is your secret power?"

"You set off the alarm?"

A familiar voice sounded, and Bologo turned his head. Mamo stood at the entrance of the combat room, looking down on Bologo from above.

No matter how Burlogo strengthened his strength, even if he got the Grudge Bite, he would still be powerless in the face of ever-complex and escalating battles.

His mind was muddled, full of random voices, and when Burrog came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the watchtower.

"I've been curious all along."

The shining spikes pierced into the shadow one by one, and Bologl's ether invaded wantonly, and it fell into Burrog's control bit by bit, intertwined with white and blue, and gradually dyed the black shadow.

Bologo looked at the old Mamo. He relied entirely on the power of the Glorious One and maintained a large amount of medicine to survive for so long. He must know something.

Bologo couldn't remember how he left the combat room later, but vaguely remembered that Mamo asked him to write a detailed report on the secret energy, which would give the Bureau of Order a deeper understanding of the power of the Overlord Cylinder.

All come from King Solomon's "Unity" technology, and the astronaut's all-seeing eyes are also built according to King Solomon's blueprint... These technologies all have one thing in common.

Burrog couldn't figure it out, but he knew where the answer was.

The ruined city buried in the abandoned land, buried in endless ashes.

Bologo vaguely remembered that someone told him that he tempted himself to go to the place where it all started, and bewitched himself to explore the city that had disappeared into history.

King Solomon's sacred city, Lemongeton.

At the far end of the flat horizon, a warm dawn lights up, like a shining sword that separates the night, leaving a golden sword mark between the city buildings.

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