Endless Debt.

Chapter 84

Chapter 84
After hanging up the phone, Ke Dening raised his head and looked at himself in the makeup mirror.

He was wearing an exquisite costume, and his expression changed from relaxed to serious, like a knight preparing to go to the battlefield, wearing heavy armor on his body.

As said on the phone, tonight's performance is extremely important to Kodening, and he has paid so much for this moment today.

Excited, his whole body was trembling slightly, his cheeks were hot, as if his soul was about to leave his body... This reminded Kedening of the first time he killed someone.

That was a long time ago. At that time, he and David had just arrived in Opals, and they did cruel things for their own purposes and for those cruel desires.

Ke Dening is very grateful to David. Without this friend, Ke Dening felt that his life would be more difficult.

Perhaps the part of the artist is affecting him. Kedening is often troubled by good and evil, and when he can't make a choice, David often chooses to get his hands dirty to end it all.

Like his first kill.

Ke Dening still remembered the appearance of that man. He fell down in a dark alley covered in blood, clutching the wound at his throat, his eyes full of tears and pain.

Holding a sharp knife in his hand, he could end the man's life as long as he hit his heart again, but no matter what, Ke Dening couldn't do it.

"Then let me do it."

In memory, David pushed himself away, without any mercy, and gave the man the final blow.

It can be seen that David is a novice, and he is covered in blood, but he can still joke and chat with himself about completely irrelevant things.

"Have got to do it, don't you? Ginny needs these souls."

David always said that.

At first, Kedening was still terrified and panicked all day long, but soon, it seemed to be numb, and gradually he couldn't feel anything.

Looking at himself in the mirror, his face makeup is not finished, half of it is exhausted and painful, half of it is heavy makeup, like two overlapping figures, one is himself as a "people-loving" self, and the other is himself as an actor.

The two faces roared at each other, smashing everything into pieces hoarsely.

Ke Dening felt a bit of a headache. He needed to take care of Jinny and the theater, and while studying acting, he also had to manage "people-loving".

It may be that he has spread his energy in too many places. Kedening has always felt a headache recently, coupled with the conflict between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword, the incident between Noam and Eugene...

All of this is destroying Kedening's mind. Recently, he has been suffering from insomnia and his nerves are tense. He once wondered whether he might have any mental problems.

Sometimes I am quite envious of David. This guy has always been big-hearted, and all he thinks about is retirement and a better life after retirement.

"I calculated it. If I work normally, I have to work until I am 80 years old to buy a villa in Fengyuan Heights. I can't wait."

David used to say that he was in this business for a nice retirement.

What about yourself?

Ke Dening sighed, he had a wonderful sense of chasing, as if something terrible was chasing him non-stop along the breath of blood.

I am like a mouse in the gutter, I can only run away for a moment, the day when I stop is the day when my throat is bitten.

"If you really exist, if you are watching me, what kind of verdict will you make on me?"

Ke Dening muttered to himself.

He remembered the chat with Bologo in front of the flower shop. Through Bologo's narration, Kedening probably understood what kind of person Bologo was.

Just like the story that Bologo told himself at the beginning, in the ending of that version of "The Wandering Rat", Bologo was probably the one who insisted on his own justice. He bumped into it without hesitation, even if his head was bleeding.

I don't know what kind of attitude Burlogo will face himself after knowing his secret?
Ke Dening smiled, he knew that the two would never meet again.

Today is Kedening's most dazzling moment, and it is also a night when his brilliance is fleeting.

After tonight's performance, he will take Jinny to prepare to evacuate, "Human" will be completely hidden, and leave Opus with the goods needed by the king's secret sword, and then it will be a free day.

After that, the last thing...

Ke Dening didn't think about it anymore, today is an important day, there is no need to think about these things to worry himself.

The call with David made Kedening feel a lot more relaxed. Looking at the time, there was still more than half an hour before the show started. There was still plenty of time, so he continued to put on makeup.

The colorful colors covered Kedening's face little by little, like wearing another mask.


"Kedning, where's the script for the last paragraph?"

There was a knock on the door, and Bray poked his head out, holding a stack of scripts in his hand, and asked Kedening.

"You haven't written it yet, have you? The show will start soon."

Bray complained that he felt that these artists were more or less wrong. For example, Kedening, for the perfect curtain call of "The Wandering Rat", Kedening never finished writing the last plot, and he still didn't give any news until the show started soon.

Facing an unknown ending made everyone feel uneasy.

"I wrote it out."

Cordening replied.

"Ah? So what happened in the end? We need to read the script." Bray was taken aback, then asked again.

"No need, the last paragraph will be my monologue, and no one else needs to participate," Kedening tapped his head, "And I just thought of it, haven't written it yet, and probably don't have time to write it."


Bray didn't know what to say for a while, but Kedening laughed.

"Just treat it as a surprise, not just for the audience, but also for you."

"Listen... sounds good."

Bray is also very curious about the ending of the story and where Bart will end up going. Seeing that Kedening has said so, he can't ask any questions. The most important thing is that the show will start soon, and it is meaningless for him to ask.

"What about the tendency? What about the tendency of the final ending? Ours is a comedy, you have to remember." Bray asked again.

These artists are all maverick psychos, and there is no guarantee what they will do on the stage.

"Do you still remember the theater I worked in before?" Bray said, "During a performance, a psycho said that he would dedicate himself to art, and in the plot of the shooting, he took out a real gun."

"and then?"

"Then? Missing, but scaring the audience out, he brandished a pistol and said his lines and yelled, 'Listen, everybody,'" it was a bad memory, he said. "No one dared to move at all. We just listened to him finish his lines. As for the plot? No one cares about the plot. Everyone just hopes that the damn gun will not be pointed at themselves."

Ke Dening laughed, he didn't expect everyone to have such a past.

"That sounds awful."

"Yeah, what's worse is that I was the one who was playing opposite that psychopath at that time, otherwise you would think why I jumped ship and came here."

Bray yelled.

Ke Dening was startled, then laughed louder.

"In short, everyone is waiting for you, Kedening, no matter what the ending is."

Bray said this, and then closed the door, leaving only Kedening in the room, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

Taking a deep breath, throwing away all the messy thoughts, Ke Dening recalled the stories woven in his mind.

Now he was no longer Codnin Caesar, but Bart.

Bart hovering between good and evil.


"Have our team members arrived at the scene yet?"

Lebius and Geoffrey walked side by side, advancing in the long corridor.

"It's already here, just waiting for our order to act."

Jeffrey looked at his watch. There were still a few minutes before the start of the operation. He was not worried that Burlogo would be late. After all, he was an expert, and experts would not make mistakes.

"Where's Uriel?" Lebius asked.

"It's already in place in the command room, but now everyone is waiting for us."

"not bad."

Lebius nodded, a rare excitement appeared on his indifferent face.

In Lebius' view, the task that will be performed tonight is a small task that does not need to be taken seriously at all, but this is the first time that the special operations team has performed a task since it was established, which makes people have to take it seriously.

"You look happy," Jeffrey said.

"We are like swordsmiths. After thousands of tempers, we have created a sword of broken steel. Today will be the first time it kills the enemy. This sense of witness is very fascinating." Lebius did not hide it own emotions.

"It's kind of a 'comeback', right? Geoffrey."

Lebius glanced at Jeffrey, and could clearly feel that those stagnant eyes came back to life, like a tidal wave, full of strength.

"Of course, the intermission is over, and everyone is standing on the ring again."

Seeing his old friend like this, Jeffrey was also genuinely happy.

The masonry under their feet began to tremble and crack. As the two moved forward, the promenade also changed. The road ahead was blocked by erected masonry, and then a door opened from it.

This is the convenience of high-level authority. When Lebius wants to go, the door will be opened in the "reclamation room" within the permission of the authority.

This kind of convenience often makes Jeffrey envious, but fortunately, the two are moving together now, and Jeffrey can also enjoy this kind of convenience.

Stepping into the door, the goal is a huge stepped meeting room. Rows of seats rise along the stairs. At the front of the stairs is a strangely shaped ceremony platform. Circle after circle of metal rings quietly Standing on the ceremony platform, the metal surface shone with a faint floating light.This is an alchemy weapon.

In the Department of Field Support, each operation group is equipped with a command room for directing operations. This room is usually not opened, and it will only be used after the "decision-making room" approves and the operation begins. This is the special operation Group command room.

Levius and Geoffrey sat on the stepped seats, and Uriel, who had been waiting for a long time, also stepped onto the ceremony stage with brisk steps.

"Uriel, inform Bologo and Palmer, get ready to start."

Levius ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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