Endless Debt.

Chapter 85 Five Golden Heroes

Chapter 85

The girl wiped the wine glasses and hung them one by one on the cup holder above her head, her eyes were a bit sad, and her face was full of exhaustion that she shouldn't have at her age.

This is her fourth day of overtime work, and anyone who is as busy as Afia will not be too happy.

During the day, Afia usually works in the flower shop at home, but the business of the flower shop is not good recently, and the rent in the agreement area is terribly expensive. In order to subsidize the family, she will come to this bar to work recently after the flower shop is closed. .

The manager of the bar is a very friendly person. He usually only schedules shifts for Afia from afternoon to evening. During this period, there are not many customers and troublesome guys. Afia is very grateful to him.

The manager nodded and said that he had a daughter who was about Afia's age, and that people who worked hard deserved kind attention.

The boss is so nice and the salary is good, which makes Afia work harder.

After wiping the glass, Afia glanced at the bar. It was not late at night, and there were basically not many customers in the bar.

Everything is the same as usual, but... there are also slight differences.

Afia turned her eyes to the bar, where a strange customer was sitting. Using the word "strange" to describe it, Afia felt that it might be a little impolite, but in her short career, such a customer she It's the first time I've seen you.

It was a young man in his twenties, with black hair tied behind his head, a little hair fell down, covering his blue eyes, his complexion was unhealthy fair, wearing neat black clothes, seated Beside the chair was a briefcase.

Because the bar is close to the wharf, the people who come here to drink and have fun are usually the workers of the wharf. After a tiring day, they wear sweat-soaked clothes and smell a little fishy.

With a face full of flesh and stubble, he was making bad jokes. The manager only allowed him to work during the hours when there were few people, and it was also to protect Afia.

Afia hadn't seen many such decent people in the bar, and judging from the man's behavior, he didn't look like he was here to drink and have fun, more like he was waiting for someone.

Afia continued to look at the man from the corner of her eyes. What really made Afia curious about the man was not only his out of place temperament, but also his mysterious feeling.

The last person who gave her this feeling was Church, a customer who often came to the flower shop. Church was very talkative, and often chatted with himself about some interesting things, but the more he talked, the less Afia felt that she knew Qiu Qi, it seems that Church is like a cloud far away in the sky, you can see him, but you can't touch the real him.

The man in front of her also gave her a feeling similar to Church, and most of the time, Church was the same as the man, dressed in black, as if to blend into the shadows.

For a moment, Afia even wondered if the two were working in the same company.

Bologo noticed the girl's gaze. He was talking to Kedening outside that day, and he didn't go into the flower shop at all, so he naturally didn't know Afia.

The cyan eyes were blank for a few seconds, and soon Bologo realized something, and said to Afia.

"Give me a glass of orange juice, please."

He thought he was just sitting around and not spending money, which caused the girl's dissatisfaction.

"Oh well."

Looking at the time, Afia was about to leave work, and she was about to take off her apron.

"I thought you would order alcoholic drinks."

After being busy, Afia pushed a glass of orange juice to Bologo.

Judging from her feelings, she thinks that men are more suitable for drinking in silence, and Burlogo feels like drinking orange juice, like a strong man entering a restaurant and choosing a children's menu.

"I don't like drinking alcohol at work," Burlogo said.

"Working hours? Are you at work?"

Afia was a little surprised. Everyone should be off work during this time period.

"To be precise, I will go to work later." Burlogo looked up at the clock. "The work is like this. Whenever there is trouble, you have to arrive at that time."

"As bad as it sounds, people usually relax with alcohol," Afia said.

"Alcohol can make people unresponsive, although it is only a little bit, or even has no effect at all... But professionals, cannot allow any risk." Burogo said solemnly.

"Sounds really professional." Afia didn't know what to say.

"Do what you do, love what you do." Burrog raised his glass to Afia.

The door of the bar was knocked open, and a few people came in, they were shouting loudly, after a day of exhaustion, everyone smelled of sweat, Afia secretly thought something was wrong, usually this group of people didn't get off work so early.

"Yo! Afia!"

The leading man shouted excitedly when he saw Afia behind the bar.

"Are you on duty today?"

"No, I'm off work right away," said Afia, who was not very good at dealing with these people.

"Don't, you leave in such a hurry every time, why don't you stay with us more?"

The man was sitting in front of the bar, leaning on his chin with both hands, staring at Afia obsessively.

Afia's appearance is not stunning, but she often has a fragrance of flowers on her body, and just by her side will feel a warm and soft, people can't help but be intoxicated by it.

Young and beautiful girls like Afia are rare. Everyone likes to make bad jokes, and then watch Afia leave with disgust and blushing.

For them, this is one of the few fun times of the day.

Others also took their seats one by one, like a human wall, surrounding the bar, and Burlogo sat in the middle, looking out of place.

He didn't pay attention to these people, but looked at Afia, feeling a little surprised.

If there is no duplicate name, this Afia should be the same person as the flower shop's Afia. Burlogo can't help shaking his head. Sometimes he thinks that Opals is too big, and sometimes he thinks Opals is too small. , often meet acquaintances.

Palmer said before that the reason Church was attracted to Afia was that when he entered a flower shop, he saw Afia watering the flowers.

The afternoon light fell softly on her body through the glass window, like a flower elf who strayed into the world, she easily conquered the indifferent and gloomy Church.

"Everyone be quiet, don't disturb Afia."

A young voice sounded, and another young man walked in.

"Look at this respectable man, have you come to the wrong place?"

He noticed Bologo, shouted excitedly, waved his hand, and patted Bologo vigorously, and the others laughed loudly.

They had noticed Borrog early on, and he seemed so out of place here.

Burrog turned his head, and the palm he patted on Burrog became stiff, and the young man...or Dunpro was stunned.

He didn't know Burlogo's face. That day in the dark alley, the guy didn't give them a chance to face himself, but Dunpro remembered those eyes, cold and unfeeling eyes.

"Oh, it's you, I remember you."

After seeing Dunpro, Burlogo was even more surprised. The city of Opus is really small.

"Have you changed places? Or is it a job? Think about it, life on the street is not easy, even gangsters need to work to survive."

Bologo took out his pockets, took out a few banknotes, and handed them to Dunpro.

The laughter stopped, and the eyes of the others were a little confused, not knowing what Burrog was doing.

Combining these contextual sentences, it is more like Burlogo giving alms to Dunpro, and everyone's eyes are a little angry.

"What are you doing?"

Others don't understand Burlogo's ferocity, but Dunpro knows the evilness of this guy in front of him, and his current thinness is all disguised by him, just waiting for someone to throw his first punch.

"The people who beat up that day should all be your friends? I think one of them borrowed some money, please return it to him." Borrog said expressionlessly.

"that's it?"

"Otherwise? I was just self-defense that day, not robbery."

Burrog defended himself.

Dunpro was taken aback, as if...it seemed to be true.

His hands trembled slightly, and everyone else's eyes fell on him. He knew very well that if he accepted the money, he would be admitting defeat, and if he didn't accept it...

The movement of Burlogo punching flashed in his mind, and Dunpro hesitated for a few seconds.

After being beaten up by Burlogo, Dunpro came to his senses, but the direction of his awakening was not right. He realized that he would not have a bright future as a gangster after all, and he needed another bigger stage.

Another bigger stage is here. The wharf in the Landering area involves a lot of gray business. Dunpro once thought that he could transform from this and become the boss little by little.

He did a good job. In just a few days, he became friends with these people and learned a lot of inside stories. He even had the illusion of becoming a big shot.

"Sir, please leave first."

Afia sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and persuaded her.

"It's nothing, I'm going to work soon anyway, why not warm up first."

Boluogo showed a nonchalant attitude. He is in a good mood now, and there is no need to make these troubles, but it is different when he sees Afia.

He still remembered the relationship between Church and Afia. Although he had only met Church once, the two were more or less colleagues.

It doesn't seem to be a problem to help a colleague casually, not to mention that this colleague is also his partner's former partner.

"Orange juice? Are you a kid?" another sneered.

Bologo ignored him, but said to Afia, "Please call the police."

Afia nodded. This kind of thing often happens when working in a bar, not to mention that the law and order in Landering District is not very good. This seems to be the best answer.

But what Burlogo said next made Afia feel a little overwhelmed.

"Talk to the police, it's probably a blunt force trauma, some kind of concussion or something."


Afia couldn't understand, and then Burlogo explained all this with actions.

He grabbed the briefcase and shook it vigorously, only to hear a muffled sound, and the leading man fell straight down. Before the others could react, Burlogo smashed the heavy briefcases over one by one, screaming There were constant noises and impacts, and at the same time, the whistle of a motorcycle sounded outside the door.

Dunpro stood there blankly, he didn't make a move, and Burlogo didn't hit him, he was just like a spectator, watching all this.

In less than a few minutes, it was all over.

The people who were smashed by Bologo turned their backs, and Bologo looked indifferent, not even breaking a sweat.

Turning his head and glanced at Afia, Bologo took out a claw hammer from his briefcase.

"Here, keep it for self-defense."

Burrog put the claw hammer on the bar, and Afia was completely dumbfounded.

"Oh... yes, thank you."

"You're welcome, say hello to Church for me."

Burrog said an unexpected name, Afia was a little dazed, she realized that her guess was right, Burrog and Church knew each other, and they had the same sense of mystery.

When Afia wanted to ask something, Burlogo had already left, leaving only the moaning crowd on the ground and Dunpro standing silently in the bar.

The two looked at each other, and after a few seconds of silence, Dunpro scolded.

"That guy."

Burrog didn't touch him, as if he didn't see him, there was no physical pain, but it brought a huge sense of humiliation.

"Feel humiliated?" Afia sensed Dunpro's emotions.

Without waiting for Dunpro to say anything, Afia raised the claw hammer in a demonstrative manner, complaining.

"Why can't you people learn to respect others? Is this kind of joke funny? Or do you think this majestic feeling is cool?"

Dunpro stopped talking, avoiding Afia's sight.


Walking out of the bar, a sidecar parked on the side of the road, Palmer noticed Burrogo and waved to him.

"I thought you were going to kill them all."

Palmer was clearly aware of what was going on inside, he said.

"It's just to maintain law and order, not to enforce justice. I'm not a murderer." Bologo sat into the side fight and explained.

"I'm not a murderer~"

Palmer grimaced and repeated in an odd tone.

Burrog gave him a blank look, but said nothing.

"Speaking of which, is this an expert? You really know where to meet." Palmer said.

Bologo raised his head and looked towards the front of the road. Moving straight along this road was the target of tonight's mission.

"Have you got all your stuff?" asked Burrog.

"I've brought it," Palmer patted the bag. "After all, it's what the experts mean. I made a special trip back to the Bureau of Order to pick up these things."

"By the way, what's in the bag, I haven't seen you take it before."

Palmer asked curiously that Burlogo never seemed to carry a bag when he went out. This was the first time Palmer had seen him like this.

Burrog opened the briefcase, and what was inside was not documents, but claw hammers, awls, wrenches, and a bunch of chains. The strangest thing was that these things were all made of metal and were extremely heavy. .

"Are you going to open a hardware store? Or do you want to be... a hardware man!"

Palmer groaned strangely.

No wonder this briefcase can easily knock over men, this damn thing is no different from an iron brick in Burrog's hands.

"The 'Controlling School' can only operate on existing materials, just in case, I will carry some with me."

Bologo explained that driven by the recruiting hand, these things are no longer tools, but raw materials that can be shaped into blades at any time. He is like a swordsmith, and he still carries the steel for the sword with him.

"If necessary, I can pretend to be a repairman."

Burlogo was serious.

Palmer was speechless and had to admire, is this an expert?It really covers everything.

"Oh, by the way, I met Afia in there, the Afia from the flower shop," said Burlogo.

Palmer raised his eyebrows, "Opus is really small, wait a minute, have you seen Afia?"

"No, but I don't think it's such a coincidence to have the same name."

"Huh? Sounds good, maybe I will meet some acquaintances next time." Palmer said.

Thinking of what to do next, Burrog shook his head.

"Forget it then, I don't want acquaintances to appear in the next action."

Bologo didn't say any extra words, and they were about to launch a raid next, and the acquaintances encountered in the raid were undoubtedly enemies.

"Let's go then, expert."

Palmer took out the black hood and put it on his head, like a gangster preparing to rob. Burrog also put on the hideous mask, and the faint mist overflowed, sending a horrifying chill.

The motorcycle starts and they follow the road until the enemy is at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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