Endless Debt.

Chapter 87 Calling

Chapter 87 Calling
"What do you think the boss needs so many philosopher's stones for?"

The man asked his colleagues beside him with a bit of greed and bewilderment.

He is very clear about how many philosopher's stones are hidden in the factory behind the two of them. It is simply a crazy treasure. Every time he thinks of these, the man feels his blood heat up and wants to eat them clean, but Thinking of the cruelty of the boss, the excitement immediately fell into a cold cellar.

On the other side stood another man, the two of them were sentries tonight, guarding the gate and watching out for the arrival of others.

"Who knows? Isn't this thing very valuable? Probably for money?" Another person said uncertainly.


When money was mentioned, the man showed contempt, and then he was in pain again.

"I sold my soul just because of the money, and in the end I lost everything, leaving nothing." He whispered.

"Aren't we all like that?" said another, "but at least now we have plenty of Philosopher's Stones to pay for."

They may have suffered from the pain of the heart, but now there is only a numb heart tortured by mania.

"Well, I never imagined that so many people would sell their souls to the devil, and that we would be here together."

I thought that there were only a few demons who sold their souls and left only their bodies, but in Opals, there were countless demons similar to themselves.

Talking about this, he asked curiously.

"Are you a stranger too? Why did you come to Opals?"

The other person was confused for a few seconds, hesitated, and said, "I don't know, it's as if there is something in the dark that attracts me. After many twists and turns, I finally came here, what about you?"

"Me? I seem to be similar. At that time, I was in my hometown and killed several people. The streets were covered with my arrest warrants. I thought I was dead, but then I picked up a ticket to Opals... I just got on the train by accident and got here safely, nothing happened."

The man's eyes became blurred. Looking back now, everything seems so incredible.

"It's as if some kind of power is driving me, guiding me here, Oath City Opus."

The other person didn't reply. He had also experienced this strange sense of guidance.

It was as if some voice was whispering in their ears, urging them to come here, as if there was going to be a grand banquet here, and everyone had to dress up to attend.

"That's amazing," murmured another.

"It was like something was calling us...it was in this city."

The man's eyes turned to this huge city, where countless high-rise buildings stand in forests, and all the mysteries are hidden in the darkest depths.

"Speaking of which, I've heard such a saying before." The man said again.


Another cast a curious look.

"They say that we demons who have lost all our souls sometimes feel a sense of calling, and the reason for this feeling is that our soul is calling to us, and it is calling us to take it back from the devil's hand. .”

The conversation between the two fell silent, and after a while, the other person spoke slowly.

"Are you saying...the reason why we came to this city is because our souls are also here," another person's voice became hoarse, "and those damn devils are also here?"

"Who knows? I learned these words from another group of demons. At that time, those demons were about to lose their human appearance and completely turned into monsters," the man said. "I think they are either dead or Completely insane."

The man sighed, and he wanted to say something more, but at some point, a stranger appeared on the deserted street. He stood under the dim streetlight, silent, his face hidden in the darkness, like an innocent man. face ghost.

"My friend, don't make trouble for yourself."

Suddenly, a great sense of unease rose in the man's heart, and he reached for the gun at his waist, yelling loudly.

He is not a good person, with several lives in his hands, an extremely vicious thug... Everyone who works here is a vicious thug.

But now facing that pitch-black figure, an inexplicable sense of fear rose from the bottom of his heart, and he waved his fangs and claws emotionally, scratching his internal organs and nerves.

From the corner of his eyes, he looked at the colleague beside him. His face was pale, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he couldn't even speak a word.

what happened?

They don't know, they don't understand why this fear comes from.

The other party showed no intention of backing down. A claw hammer slipped out of his cuff and was tightly held in his hand. He strode towards the two of them.


The man wanted to say something threatening, but as he stepped into the darkness, the evil spirit escaped from the light and disappeared into the darkness like smoke. If he could not hear the footsteps coming from the darkness, he would even You will feel that everything just now is just an illusion.

The alarm bell sounded in the brain, and the sharp knife cut the eardrum, stinging and urging.

Instinct drove the man to raise the gun in his hand. He chose to pull the trigger even though there was no target, but he was still too late. There was a dull impact sound in the darkness, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

The man could smell the blood floating in the air, and the warm liquid splashed on his face. The severe pain was long overdue, making him howl in pain.


Holding up his broken and drooping arm, he only had time to issue such a warning.

The sharp metal struck from the darkness, hitting his neck with one blow, cutting off the voice in his throat, and interrupting his cervical spine together.

The other person watched the man's head crooked, leaning against the wall with a large amount of blood, and finally fell powerlessly, dying like a wild dog in embarrassment.

Everything happened so fast.

The heart was beating violently, like an overheated engine, and the man bought him time to fight back. Although the darkness was deep, he could discern the approaching figure from it if he looked carefully.

The gun was pointed at the evil spirit, the distance between the two was very close, and because they were so close, the man saw the icy color shining in the darkness.

A simple claw hammer with mottled scratches and fresh blood on it, the evil spirit held it high and smashed his colleagues to death with it.

"Go to hell!"

The man roared in horror and pulled the trigger. The deafening gunshots shattered the peace of the night, and the flames from the muzzle illuminated the fast-approaching ghost.

A blurry picture flashed before his eyes, and then was swallowed by darkness.

It was only for a short moment, but the ferocious face was deeply engraved in the man's pupils like a knife.

It was a face that only existed in nightmares, the blood-stained wire and sharp scratches, the dried blood squirmed again, like a mummy that regained its blood and walked again.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

After the gunshot, the sound of hitting could be heard in the darkness. The man hit the evil spirit, and the steel pierced through the flesh and blood, sinking deeply into the body, bringing up hot liquid, and splashing it on the wall.

The flames kept flickering, and he fired several times in a row. Such a close-range shooting, even a ferocious beast would be beaten to death.

Pulling the trigger repeatedly, the bullets were emptied, and the roaring gunfire gradually dissipated.

The cold sweat continued, and the night was silent, only the sound of his rapid heartbeat was left.


The man was not sure, and then he heard, heard the panting from the darkness, the footsteps that sounded again, and the strange and light singing.

The evil spirit seemed to be singing something, humming an unknown tune, and walking casually, bringing a cold death.

Suffocating pain came from his chest. The evil spirit twisted the handle of the hammer and slammed into the man's chest with its sharp horns. The sudden pain almost made him unconscious. His chest was sunken, and the red blood stained the inner lining. White clothes.

He was about to die, and fell powerlessly to the ground. At the end of his consciousness, he saw the evil spirit coming out of the darkness.

The evil spirit held a claw hammer in one hand and a briefcase in the other. There were many bullet holes on his body and briefcase, some of which were still oozing blood, but he didn't seem to feel any pain, nor would he die.

Yes, how could the evil spirit die?
Bologo hummed a light tune, and under the dying eyes of the man, he raised his claw hammer and repeatedly slammed on the door lock until the iron door was crumbling and he kicked it open.

The battle here has attracted the attention of the enemies in the factory. Shouts and footsteps can be clearly heard. Countless figures are running in the dark factory, and bright flashlights shine everywhere.

Burlogo surprised everyone, and that's exactly what he wanted.

Open the briefcase and wrap the heavy chains around his waist. Claw hammers, wrenches, and messy awls are hung on the chains bloatedly, and they make clanking noises when they walk.

"I've entered the factory," Borrog murmured inwardly, "as I thought before, these people don't like to turn on the lights."

"Okay, okay, I'm already in place, it depends on when you startle the big fish."

Palmer responded, quietly, he had already arrived at the roof of the factory, hooks shot out from the arm guards, and he hung his body by the wall. From under the glass covered with dust and stains, he could clearly see Light and shadows in the factory.

Both of them remained silent, and neither of them activated the secret energy, waiting for the appearance of the hostile sublimation person.

The rancid smell was pungent, and the demons searched for Bolog, and soon they saw Bolog. This guy seemed to have no intention of hiding anything from the beginning, and Burrog stood openly in front of everyone. In front of him, bunches of lights shone on him, like the protagonist on the stage.

Silence, and then roars.

"Good evening! Everyone!"

Burrog laughed and responded to the cheers of the demons. Amid the deafening gunshots, he swung two claw hammers and walked through the sword and gunfire, breaking bones one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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