Endless Debt.

Chapter 88 Raid

Chapter 88 Raid
In the dimly lit factory, fighting broke out, and countless bullet casings fell on the ground, which turned into a metallic melody with the firing of guns.

Burrog ran wildly in the hail of bullets, dodging between various bunkers, and the light of the flashlight fell, but he still couldn't catch up with Burrog.

As seen in Church's report, this factory does not know why, it has to be kept dark at night, and all lighting depends on patrol flashlights. become extremely convenient.

The strong smell of corruption is like a bright lamp. Although the darkness also limits Bologo's vision, as long as he follows the breath, he can easily determine the approximate location of the demon.

Walking suddenly stopped, Bologo slid out of the darkness, swung a claw hammer and hit the devil's knee with a blow, the bones shattered, and the figure with the gun immediately fell back, but this is not the end, another A claw hammer followed, pounding on the knuckles from behind.

The demon wailed and fell to the ground. Before it could make any resistance, the hammer shattered its throat, and the minced meat and cracked bones were twisted together, bloody and bloody.

"He's here!"

The demons found Bologo's figure, and the light shone over. Following Bologo's movements, countless bullets shot at him in an instant.

Clinking, countless sparks burst out, and even the nearby cargo boxes were pierced through, the sound of glass shattering continued, and blood-like liquid seeped out of the box.

"Be careful! Don't break the goods!"

Someone shouted again, obviously these goods are worth much more than their lives.

Burrog glanced at it, and it was easy to guess what was inside. Such boxes were piled up in the factory. If each of them contained philosopher's stone and potion, it is hard to imagine how many people died here.

"If you smash it like this, there will be no psychological pressure."

Bologo whispered and moved along the vicinity of the cargo box. These demons didn't dare to shoot rashly, so they had to draw out their long knives and sharp swords, rushed out from the other side, and slashed at Bologo head-on.

If it's a gunfight, Bologo is really struggling to fight. He needs to rush to the front of these people and smash their heads, which can turn into a close combat. Everything is simpler. In Bologo's view, Their current actions are undoubtedly queuing up to die.

The claw hammer easily broke the swung dagger, and Bologo clenched the heavy hammer handle, and further swung the claw hammer back. The sharp horns hit the demon again, sinking deeply into its flesh and blood.

Burrog likes this kind of claw hammer. Usually the horns on the back are used to pry nails, but now Burrog is used to pry open enemies' bones.

Pulling hard, the demon was directly pulled by it and knelt down. His bones were protruding and deformed. He stepped on its shoulder, and at the same time he jumped out forcefully, prying away a large amount of blood.

His body was rolling in the air, and demons rushed from all directions. As soon as Bologo stood still, countless figures surrounded him.

The chaotic knife waved, vowing to chop Bologo into pieces.

In a panic, Bologo threw a claw hammer with all his strength, and knocked over a demon in one fell swoop. It was holding a pistol, and its muzzle was aimed at Burlogo.

In this situation surrounded by groups, Bologo didn't think he could escape the gunshots. More importantly, he was facing not only the demons, but also the Desublimator hiding in the dark.

Burrogo didn't want to expose his "resurrection" yet.

In the battle between sublimation people, intelligence is extremely important, which is why Bologo has not used the secret power so far.

Burrog believed that the Desublimer was peeping at him in the dark, and these demons were cannon fodder for him, victims used to test out his secret power.

Outside the factory, Palmer hanging on the outer wall kept his eyes on Borrog's figure, and at the same time was alert to potential enemies in the dark.

Burrog's plan is perfect, and his separate actions with Palmer are part of the plan. For Palmer, Burrog himself is a victim, used to test out the enemy's secret power, so as to provide Palmer Elmer's assassination paves the way.

This sounds a bit tragic, sacrificing his ability to detect the enemy, but fortunately, Bologo will not die, and this victim can be used repeatedly.

"It's the best use of everything, expert."

Palmer sighed, since entering work, Burlogo seems to no longer regard himself as a human being, but some kind of indestructible tool, perfectly using his own "resurrection" to design a such a plan.

Armed with guns, Palmer aimed into the darkness, ready to pull the trigger at any moment to deal the fatal blow to the enemy.

Except for the undead like Boluoge, the sublimation people are actually quite fragile. They hold all kinds of extraordinary powers, but they are still flesh and blood cowardly humans in essence.

As long as a small warhead can easily take their lives.

Bologo maintained his throwing motion, turned around quickly in the next second, and swung another claw hammer to block the falling knives. Unfortunately, the slashes came from all directions, blocking several deadly short knives, but still A few of them left scars on Burlogo's body, but fortunately, such injuries were not fatal.

He positions himself as a life-saver. Maybe the enemy can realize his self-healing ability, but most of them can't guess his "resurrection".

Undead are rare these days.

Bologo is acting. He can be injured, but he cannot die. The only time he can die is when the enemy launches the secret energy on him. The death of Burlogo will expose the opponent's secret energy, which makes Palmer open Take that fatal shot.

Pulled out the long awl from the chain around his waist, and stabbed the demon in front of him with his backhand. The sharp metal easily pierced through the flesh and blood. When Burrog pulled out the long awl, blood sprayed out like a broken water pipe.

Turning back and hammering the cargo box fiercely, the dark red liquid rushed out, and the crazy and delicious breath rushed into the nostrils for a moment, even Bologo lost his mind for a moment, let alone the demons.

Tortured by phagocytosis, they are always hungry and never satisfied, and usually maintain their rationality, but under this sudden situation, every demon hesitated, and some even wanted to bend down to lick the potion.

It was this short time that gave Bologo a chance. The ether burst out, and the hook rope was thrown out of the armguard. The knife hit the demon's body precisely.

Burrog jumped to the second floor. He still remembered Church's report. The guy who seemed to be a desublimer was in the office on the top floor, from where he could overlook the inside of the factory. Presumably that guy was looking at him now.

Raising his head to look into the darkness above, Bologo could feel a gaze falling.

"A person from the Bureau of Order?"

Bill and David stood side by side in the darkness. From the glass window of the office, they could directly observe all this. There was no surprise in the battle just now, and everything was reflected in the eyes of the two of them.

"It should be. It seems that we are being targeted instead." David said with a blank expression.

People from the Bureau of Order came, and both of them knew exactly what this meant.

Even if tonight's crisis is successfully resolved, this place is no longer safe. Judging from the treacherous mind of the "ghoul", it is impossible for this guy to choose Kedening again and sacrifice the two of them.

After all, Kedening has not been exposed yet, and David and Bill are completely under the supervision of the Bureau of Order.

"Do you want to withdraw? Give up these goods." Bill asked.

"I think so too, but can we really escape?" David turned around and sat back on the chair, "What's more, if we escape, will the king's secret sword let us go? There are a lot of goods here. .”

"It's a dilemma."

Bill sighed as he bandaged his fist like a boxer getting ready to fight.

"No way, this is a mercenary, this job is not easy to do, that's why they make so much money."

David's voice was relaxed, and he didn't sound very nervous. He lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and puffed.

"If it's daytime, it seems that we really can only flee, but now it's night, and it's my home field."

"Like before?" Bill asked.

"That's right, I'm sorry to trouble you, Bill," said David with a smile, "Anyway, you are strong and strong, so you won't have any problems if you take a few hits."

"Who knows."

Bill was gearing up and walked out of the office, while David closed his eyes, his breathing was gentle, and a faint light floated on his body surface. The next second he opened his eyes, and countless eyes opened in the darkness of the factory.

For a moment, this endless darkness seemed to be given life, and there were thousands of maggots wriggling in it, like viscous tar, they spread silently, swallowing everyone into their mouths.

Bologo didn't realize this. At this moment, he was still fighting on the second floor. In this long and narrow corridor, the front and rear ends were blocked by demons. As for the first floor below him, it was also full of enemies.

The potion had already started to evaporate, and Burlog took a big breath, feeling the air was flowing with honey, which was like a vaporized stimulant to the debtor.

Of course, the same is true for the demons. They raised their guns and stopped rushing in. In this narrow corridor, Bologo had no room to hide. In their eyes, Bologo was dead.

The gunshot rang out, and Burlogo turned his head and knocked open the door beside him, rushed into it, and passed by the dense rain of bullets.

Climbing up from the ground in embarrassment, Boluoge got up and closed the door tightly again, and the sound of footsteps outside the door came in a hurry.

"Four, three, two..."

Burrog counted down the seconds, slipped the long awl back into his waist, and drew a jackknife from his harness.

When counting to "one", Bologo held the jackknife in his backhand and stabbed at the door panel. There was a shrill scream from behind the door, and he kicked the door panel violently with his foot, kicking the door panel down forcefully. There were several demons, and the jackknife was pulled out at the same time, and the metal knife was covered with blood.

Stepping on the door panel with strides, the jackknife stabbed the door panel repeatedly, revealing several holes, and soon the demon under the door panel stopped struggling, and blood gushed out of the holes.


Burrog gasped for breath, and bursts of white air rose from his body.

Drenched in blood and sweat, the mask on his face seemed to come to life, twisting and wriggling, firmly sticking to his face, creating a frenzied sense of horror.

For a moment, the demons stopped attacking, and looked at Bologo, as if Bologo was some kind of terrifying weirdness far beyond their cognition, and fear rose in the bottom of their hearts.

Burrog noticed this too, and he smiled, his eyes rolling with the same thing the demons saw.

Ferocious and frightening, the evil singing echoed in my ears endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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