Endless Debt.

Chapter 90 Flexibility

Chapter 90 Flexibility
Amidst the pounding sounds and fierce blows, Bill relied on his flesh and blood to easily smash the wall, causing dust to fly and gravel to splash everywhere, but this could not cover up the burning glow.

In the darkness, the light reflected the tough muscles, his body was like a plaster statue.

Bologo's heart became heavy, not because of the appearance of the opponent's Sublimator. According to the information in his memory, Bologo didn't think the strong man in front of him was David.

There is more than one Desublimator here.

"Still using the secret power?"

Bill's voice was cold, and his tall body protruded from the hole in the wall.

"Not yet."

Burrog responded, eyes wandering, planning his next move.

The demons couldn't test their abilities. It stands to reason that the opponent should stand still, or look for an opportunity to attack and kill themselves, but now Bill just killed them so generously.

Bologo quickly thought of what was going on. Bill, like himself, was also a victim used to test the secret energy. Once Bologo made a mistake, David, who was lurking in the dark, must have been killed immediately. Will shoot.

So... why should Bill be a victim?
Burrog can go to death without any worries, because he is undead, and every time he falls, he will make a comeback, so what about Bill?

Loyalty to David?Or that he won't die either?
No, Bologo knew that Opals was very small, but he didn't think it would be so small that two undead would meet on a narrow road.

It's not that Bill won't die, but it's not easy to die. He also has enough trial and error opportunities to make David aware of Burlogo's weakness.

Is that right?

While thinking, Bologo threw the crooked wrench, and he no longer hid anything in the face of the Desublimer. With the blessing of "Ether Amplification", the wrench set off a whistling wind and hit Bill directly.

Bill didn't dodge, and raised his arm casually, only to hear a sound of metal clashing, and the wrench was flicked away by him casually.

"It's so hard..." Burrogo muttered, "Palmer, I encountered a Desublimator, but it wasn't David."

"I have already felt the etheric fluctuations, get out of there, and be under my sight."

Palmer's voice hardened, and this time he wasn't joking.

On the outer wall of the factory, Palmer was holding a gun. Although the inside of the factory was dark, the initiating phenomenon on the Desublimator's body would burst out with light, which was the most obvious target.

Palmer could reinforce Burlogo anytime he was in sight.

"Without my order, you are not allowed to act."

Bologo said coldly that his plan was to pray for mantises to catch cicadas, and the other party also had the same idea as him.

He and Bill were fighting in the factory, and David and Palmer were still lurking in the darkness, and when the opportunity came, the two would strike like thunder.

Palmer was silent, he followed the advice of experts.

At this time, the sound of howling wind was coming, and Borrog retreated suddenly to avoid Bill's straight punch. His body was thrown back and his posture was out of balance, but his steps became firmer, like a released spring. , Bologo raised his body and swung the claw hammer with all his strength.

Bologo hit Bill's temple with this hammer. When the claw hammer was about to hit Bill, the hand holding the hammer handle was slightly loosened. The claw hammer slid forward and was firmly held by Burlogo when he was about to release .

In an instant, the attack range of the claw hammer was extended by a few centimeters, that is, the fatal few centimeters, and the hammer head was precisely sent to the vulnerable part.

A dim light glowed on Borrog's arm, aether infused into it.

ether boost.

This was a sure-kill blow, no matter whether it was flesh or bones, it would be smashed to pieces under his full strength.

Bologo thinks that sometimes in the battle between sublimation people, there is no need to be so calculating. Sometimes you care too much about calculations, but you will forget that you could have killed the opponent by force.

The reverberation of steel collision reverberates, deafening.

Burrog held the claw hammer high, and the shimmering light illuminated the mottled surface of the metal, and also reflected Burrog's face. He couldn't believe it.

"A powerful blow, is it 'Ether Amplification'?"

The fine and cumbersome lines extend from under the claw hammer, all over Bill's head, he said calmly with a cold face.

Boluoge felt the crisis, and the attack did indeed hit, but it felt like hitting an iron ingot, which could not be shaken at all.

Ascension school.

Such a judgment arose in Bologo's heart. According to his understanding of the Mystic Energy School, this kind of strengthening aimed at himself was attributed to the Ascension Body School.

Strength strengthening, body hardening?
Burlogo didn't stop, he tried to move his body to keep a safe distance from Bill.

At the same time he hit Bill, Bill raised his fist again, like a boxer, with his arms arched and full of strength.

Bill still had that calm demeanor, and the brighter light wrapped around his arms, outlining a magnificent picture.

"Ether increase."

The cold words echoed, and he raised his fist.

In an instant, a loud roar resounded through the factory, and the ground trembled accordingly. After a short delay, countless glass was shattered, turned into invisible blades, and fell down one after another, bringing a burst of complicated sounds.

"what happened!"

Palmer's voice echoed in the "Network of Heart Hub".

The great change spread to the outer wall of the factory, all the glass in front of him shattered, and his figure kept shaking.

If he hadn't clearly felt that the surge of ether came from inside the factory, Palmer would have thought that he was exposed and attacked by the enemy.

But even if he wasn't attacked, the current situation is severe enough, as if someone swung a heavy hammer with all his strength, smashing the ground to pieces.

"Is the sublimation person of the 'Ascension Body School', and masters the 'Ether Amplification'."

After a short period of confusion, Burrog's voice sounded in his mind.

"Aren't you dead?" Palmer asked.

"Not dead, just escaped by luck."

Inside the factory, a hook hit the crossbeam, hanging Burrogo high up. Without the hook of the adaptive arm, Burlog was really not sure if he could dodge the punch.

Jeffrey is right, in complex urban environments, this thing is simply too good to use.

Looking down, Bill's body was burning with light, the ground under his feet was torn apart, and even the stone pillars beside him were covered with cracks, and dust kept falling.

"Palmer, this guy can't be solved by killing him."

Bologo analyzed that from this short fight, he could barely judge the general nature of Bill's secret power.

"Its secret energy should be the hardening of the body surface, as hard as steel, and it is difficult to cause damage to it with conventional attacks, and then there is his 'Ether Amplification'.

I'm not sure whether the blow just now was completely caused by the 'Ether Amplification', or it was coordinated with his own secret power, but I suggest that it's best not to let him touch us. "

Bologo reported the situation. This is the information he got in exchange for his life. If it wasn't for the timely response, Bologo might be a piece of meat now.

"It's mostly coordinated by the secret power. The secret power of the Sublimator at the first stage can't cause such a large-scale impact... If he is a believer, you can't dodge the blow just now." Palmer responded with.

"It seems that the other party has a lot of knowledge in the field of 'Ether Amplification'."

"Can you work it out?" Palmer asked.

"I'll try... Anyway, you're sick enough, bullets and strong winds can't hurt him, and David hasn't appeared yet."

This is also the reason why Burlogo didn't let Palmer take a shot. This guy couldn't get rid of Bill quickly, and David hadn't appeared yet.

"That may not be so, Bologo."

Palmer aimed his gun at Bill, who glowed like a burning target.

"Wait for my order."

Bologo replied forcefully, and then he didn't look at Bill below, but looked to the other side.

Darkness, absolute darkness.

From this crossbeam, rushing to one side is David's office. Bill's slam just shattered the glass of the office. At this moment, the door is wide open, as if inviting Burogo to go.

Deep darkness rolled in it, and Burrog believed that the guy was in the darkness.

"Lebius, and Geoffrey, you are listening."

Suddenly, Burlogo asked abruptly.

The "Network of the Heart" uses Uriel as the hub to connect everyone. The communication between Bologo and Palmer must be heard by these guys far away in the command room.

Without waiting for a response in his mind, Burlogo said again.

"It's time to adapt."

This is not an interrogative sentence, but a declarative sentence.

Bologo has always been a person who prioritizes actions over words. When he said this, he had already stretched out his hand to touch the beam above his head, and the fine and bright patterns spread along his arms, as if he was wearing a pair of delicate and elegant arm armor.

Sometimes Bologo feels that his secret power is relatively useless, it is only solid matter that can distort and touch, and does not have the ability to directly kill other sublimation people, but sometimes he feels that this power is amazing, whether it is tenacity All steel and towering buildings will crumble under his touch.

Mysterious Power · Calling Hand.

A cyan gleam flashed along the beam, as if a giant stretched out its arm to grab it, and the sound of babbling continued, as if the building was screaming, the beam as a whole began to twist and deflect, and the steel materials that were built together made a trembling scream , as the ether surged, they twisted together, turning into a steel snake, struggling recklessly, and finally collapsed.

As if thousands of thunderclaps exploded above his head, Bill raised his head, and heavy steel mixed with bricks and stones fell like a heavy rain of death.

Amidst the heavy impact, the goods were like crushed flesh and blood, the dark red liquid overflowed all over the ground, and the demons who were still alive were also buried in the ruins amidst the screams.

Bill can't do anything at the moment, he can only run to the corner to avoid these falling objects as much as possible, and at the same time, the ether fills the body shell, pulling the body's hardness to the maximum, and there are crooked steel hitting him, but he is just randomly bounce off.

"Are you demolishing?"

Palmer's screams were heard in his head, but Burlogo paid no attention to them.

The collapse raised a large cloud of dust, further restricting the vision in the dark factory. David rushed to the observation window, staring fixedly at the ruins below. He also understood Burlogo's intentions.

Burrog may not be able to kill them, but he destroyed all the goods in the first place, these goods of extraordinary value, and since he did this, Burrog has won.

Anger rushed straight into his mind, and the darkness around him became agitated and boiled in an instant, but in the end David still controlled himself, not letting his anger overwhelm his rationality.

But before he could do anything to save him, David was surprised to find that a hook had been nailed into the window sill at some point, and the other end of the hook went straight into the rising darkness and dust.

There was a whistling sound of air tearing in the ear, and the next second the hazy smoke was pierced by the galloping iron spear. Perhaps the darkness affected Bologo's judgment, and a shocking sound sounded, and the crooked iron spear nailed In front of David, he was only one step away from penetrating his body.

Looking ahead, the blue-eyed evil spirit, like a monster with bat wings spread, came through the fog with a long steel forged sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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