Endless Debt.

Chapter 91 Flaws

Chapter 91 Flaws
In the rising dust and rolling darkness, along with the infusion of ether, the terrified soul came to life completely. The twisted iron wires were like tentacles, firmly embedded in the flesh and blood of Bologo, and the blood soaked the leather. It turned into a terrifying face.

It seems that the real world of common sense is collapsing, and the nightmare has broken the reality and come to this world.

Facing the sudden emergence of the evil spirit, intense fear followed the blue eyes and hit David's mind. He was unable to make any reaction at the first moment, but his whole body felt shocked, and his body stopped. He kept leaning back.


Fear is two-way, and Bologo was also tortured by the huge amount of horror, but unlike David who was shocked, Bologo laughed excitedly when he thought that the other party could feel the same horror.

The hand of enlistment drove the long sword in his hand, and the forging continued during the short gallop. The crooked sword became straighter and straighter, as if countless heavy hammers were beating it, making it stronger and more solid until Possesses the power to break steel.


David yelled.

The great fear brought about an instinctive counterattack, and the blazing light trail spread across David's body, and in an instant he turned into a torch burning in the night.

The surrounding darkness boiled up, and hoarse, beast-like roars continued.

In a trance, it seemed that a huge herd of beasts had gathered in the darkness. They broke free from the shackles and came towards Bologo in groups.

Mysterious Energy · Shadow Devouring Beast.

Before Bologl broke into the room, the wriggling darkness condensed into strange entities, endowed with twisted and grotesque life, they opened their fangs and waved their sharp claws, like living thorns, whipping towards Bologl.

The darkness wrapped Bologo, and Bologo only felt a burst of invisible darkness, and then several wounds were drawn on his body, and blood spattered.

Fortunately, he set up the long sword at the last moment, dazzling sparks erupted from the steel, and in the sharp sound of the metal, Bologo protected his chest and did not suffer a fatal blow.

But his attacking pace was also interrupted at this point, the posture of the rush was out of balance, the hook was retracted, and the whole person fell directly to the ruins below.

Davy strode out and stood on the window ledge. He fended off Burrog's onslaught, but he was still defeated.

In order to repel Burrog, at the critical moment, David revealed his secret power. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for Burrog to guess enough information.

In a normal battle, David would not be so cautious, but this time he knew exactly what he was facing. It was the Bureau of Order. The ruler of this city, even the mighty King's Secret Sword, would not In the previous disputes, he was defeated here.

According to David's understanding of the Bureau of Order, these action groups that carry out missions have always been dispatched in groups, which means that Bologo is not alone. There must be Desublimers lurking in the dark. He is watching the battle here , through Bologo's temptation, to analyze his own secret energy, and stab a fatal sword.

"See clearly, Palmer."

Boluoge fell on the ruins, with blood dripping down his arms. Driven by the "gift", these injuries are healing, and it is not clear whether they have observed this.

Under the phenomenon of inception, the sublimation person's body is shining with light. Before learning the extreme skill of "Ether Covering", this phenomenon is difficult to cover up, so although the surroundings are dark and filled with dust, the figures of the three Very obvious.

Like a star in the night, with nowhere to hide.

"I see clearly, you are right, the darkness is his jungle."

Palmer stood on the roof of the factory. After a short delay, the ceiling collapsed under its own weight as Burlogo destroyed the beams. Among the broken dust, Palmer found a suitable position and continued Peeping into the battlefield.

Bologo, who was in the dark, might not be able to see all of this clearly, but observing from Palmer's perspective, the moment David's body glowed, the surrounding darkness was distorted into a weird appearance, Condensed from nothingness into a solid body, he stormed towards Burrog.

Thinking of this, Palmer felt that Bologo was really good at adapting to changes. After being helpless with Bill, he hit David directly and forced him to use his secret power.

"We need to take advantage of the opportunity. Once the attack fails, he will inevitably become vigilant." Burogo said.

"Then what are you going to do? You can't do anything about Bill, can you?"

Palmer asked. From David's shout just now, he probably understood that the other man was called Bill.

"do not know."

Burrog gave an unexpected answer.

"No matter how perfect the plan is, there will be accidents. We are currently in an accident, so we need to adapt to the situation."

As Bologo said, he set up his long sword, heavy footsteps sounded, and in the hazy smoke, Bill, like a giant made of light, strode towards Bologo.

Bureau of Order, Command Room.

Both Levius and Jeffrey squinted their eyes slightly, as if they were in a deep sleep. In fact, they were listening to the conversation in the "Network of Hearts". During the dialogue, roughly judge the situation on the scene.

"how do you feel?"

Jeffrey wrote such a passage on the paper.


As expected of Levius, even writing is extremely indifferent, Jeffrey laughed silently at this.

Burrog stared at the powerful enemy in front of him. Conventional offensives would not have the slightest impact on Bill. If it were replaced by Eugene's secret power, it would be much simpler. As long as they look at each other for a short time, the blasting vision can crush Bill consciousness.

Taking a deep breath, Bologo pondered, focusing on Bill.

David was watching from above, but Burlog was not worried. Palmer looked down at the battlefield from above. As long as David made a slight change, Palmer could remind Burlog to react.

So Bill, what the hell is going on with your secret powers?
After obtaining the secret energy, Bologo borrowed a lot of related books from the library of the Bureau of Order. Among them, the ones that benefited Burogo a lot were those books about the characteristics of the secret energy school, and some The mission record written by the field staff of the Bureau of Order.

In the records, they described in detail the psychological game during the battle. Burogo simply classified them and realized that the most important point in the battle between the sublimers is to distinguish between "blunt" and "sharp".

The "blunt" is easy to distinguish, the slow release speed and the great power are "blunt", the most troublesome is "narrow sharp", which is restricted by various conditions, thus releasing deceitful power.

From those records, Bologo discovered that once the conditions restricting "narrowness" are discovered, it will often determine the direction of the battle.

Just like Borrog's Calling Hand, once his hands are cut off, unable to touch solid matter, or placed in a liquid environment, his arcane powers are completely useless.

Bologo speculated that Bill's tendency was "narrow and sharp". Judging from the battle just now, his body hardened extremely quickly. Even if Bologo applied the "Ether Amplification" hammer, he could be easily resisted. What Burlogo has to do now is to find the conditions to limit the "narrowness".

Without any warning, Bologo raised his long sword with both hands, and slashed at Bill.

The sound of metal collisions sounded again. Bill blocked Bologo's slash with one fist, and the other fist slammed down from the side. Bologo turned around with all his strength, and the long sword in his hand turned into a round shield, blocking After receiving this blow, Bologo was bounced away like a cannonball, and rolled several times among the ruins before he stabilized his figure.

"A sublimator of the 'Domination School'?"

Bill walked towards Bologo again. During the fight, he also gradually understood the power of Bologo. This kind of power to distort and shape existing materials is exclusive to the "Control School".

Boluoge didn't respond. They were in the upper hand in the current situation. Boluogo had pushed them to this point with only one person, and Palmer was lurking on his side.

The round shield in his hand turned into a spear, and Burlogo ran up a few steps and threw it towards Bill.

The spear roared and aimed at Bill's head. He didn't even block this time, and just turned his head to avoid the blow. But in the next second, Bologo, who was in the distance, suddenly rushed towards him. forward.

At the moment of throwing the spear, Bologo threw out the hook rope. With the pull of the hook rope and the help of "ether boost", he was very fast. At the same time, he injected the majestic ether into the mask .

Physical attacks were ineffective against Bill, but the mental ones were different. When the ether reached its peak, Bologo seemed to turn into a fierce ghost in an instant, and Bill was completely enveloped in fear in an instant.

The strange murmurs and the chaotic and miserable scenes flashed back. Even though Bill was a mercenary who killed countless people, his tenacious mind trembled for a moment just like David.

In this momentary gap, Burlogo threw the long awl, and then raised his fist and slammed the tail of the long awl, like hammering a nail, into Bill's chest.

After submerging to a depth of about one centimeter, the long cone could not go deep, and Bill was already awake.

He was injured, and the fine patterns spread along the part where the long cone penetrated, firmly blocking it.

"Your secret energy needs to be maintained at all times."

The cold words reverberate and are maintained at all times, which means that ether needs to be consumed at all times.

Burrog stepped on Bill's body, jumped high and threw the chain around his waist at the same time.

The chain whipped on his chest, and the places it touched lit up with bright patterns, and then the chain wrapped around Bill's back. He roared and grabbed the chain, and Burlogo, who was flying into the air, had no place to borrow his strength. pull over.

Surprisingly, Burlogo didn't let go of the chain, and while he was being pulled towards Bill, he pulled out another jackknife from under his clothes, and slashed at Bill's raised fist.

A loud roar burst out.

After the smoke and dust filled the air, two figures surrounded by the glare stood among the ruins.

There was a struggling smile on Bill's face. Just now, Burlogo really put enough pressure on him, but now he won, smashing the enemy to pieces just like he did in the past.

This is indeed the case, the jackknife in Bologo's hand was hammered to pieces, and even his whole arm was limply drooping, the bones in it were broken into pieces, but his other hand was firmly grasping It is chained, with a glimmer of light floating above it.

Bill felt something, and his terrified pupils reflected ghostly blue eyes.

"Your hardening is not the overall hardening, but local hardening. It may also be that the overall hardening consumes too much ether, so you tend to focus the secret energy on the local area, right?"

As Bologo said, he pulled the chain, and the chain wrapped around Bill's back had turned into an iron thorn, covered with sharp spikes.

During the battle, Burrog attracted Bill's full attention, causing him to pour all his hardening in front of his body, while his back was defenseless, without the protection of arcane power.

The iron thorns pulled, the sound of tearing flesh resounded, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

"Kill him! David!"

In the severe pain, Bill roared, and the next moment the darkness boiled completely, and the twisted and hoarse shadow beasts roared towards Burrog.

(End of this chapter)

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