Endless Debt.

Chapter 92 Best Rookie Employee of the Year

Chapter 92 Best Rookie Employee of the Year

Obviously he is the messenger who manipulates the darkness, but David's body is burning with unstoppable light.

He walked out of the office and stood in the high corridor, calling for the shadow beasts.

Roars came from all directions, rushing towards Bologo. At this moment, there was no need to look for the hidden Desublimer. David decided to kill Bologo first with Bill.

If Palmer is dispatched at this time, then he will be completely exposed. If he does not rescue Bologo, David can kill this obstacle first.

Everything is very good, but they never thought that the enemy they faced would not die.

Enduring the severe pain, Bill raised his fist, ready to smash Burrog completely, and the shadow beasts attacking all around also covered all the escape spaces.

It seemed to them a dead end, and there was no hope for Bologo, and Bologo knew it himself, and he had nowhere to hide...but it never occurred to him to hide.

Are you laughing?
Bill looked into those terrifying eyes, and for some reason he felt joy in them, as if what awaited him next was another, more terrifying trap.

He couldn't figure it out, but there was no need to think about it.

With the heavy punch, Bologo's figure was instantly covered by smoke and dust, and the ground shook, followed by shadow beasts biting Bologo's body.

David felt it. He is a sublimer of the "Illusion School". He can create shadow beasts to fight for himself through darkness, and he can also share the senses of shadow beasts.

From the moment Borrog stepped into the factory, he stepped into the territory of shadow beasts. It was never any demons that guarded the factory, but these fantasy creations that wandered in the dark.

An obsessive smile appeared on his face. Under the sense of the shadow beast, David seemed to tear Burrog into pieces himself. This kind of joyful killing feeling swept away the previous irritability and anger. Luo Ge died, and nothing unusual happened on the battlefield.

Bolog's teammates didn't come to rescue him, it seemed that Bolog was alone all the time, and it seemed that the man gave up the fight after Bolog's death, or... He was waiting for this opportunity, Bolog died Chance.

The moment David thought of this possibility, gunshots rang out.

First there was the gust of wind blowing across his cheeks, and then the belated pain, with blood spurting out, David felt his body temperature dropped a few degrees in a trance.

On this battlefield, another star burns, and the aether rushes to it.

The moment Burlogo died was also the moment David let down his guard. Palmer seized this opportunity to pull the trigger, but it was not clear whether David had noticed it or Palmer was always so unlucky.

When the bullet was about to explode David's head, this guy actually moved a little, that is, a little movement, so that the bullet that should have exploded David's head passed by his neck, bringing up a large piece of flesh and blood dripping.

"on the top!"

David yelled with all his strength, his voice was hoarse and distorted, and more blood spilled out.

Thanks to the fact that I realized the possibility of being attacked and killed at the end, otherwise David would be a corpse now.

He felt his throat was broken, and the cold wind rushed into the airway from the wound. He put one hand on the wound to try to stop the blood loss, and at the same time, the deep darkness hit David's body and wrapped him up.

While David defended himself, Palmer didn't stop firing, laughing.

"This is much better than secret energy!"

Empty all the bullets, even though David tried to run and escape, the first few bullets hit his arm and body accurately, until the shadow beasts wrapped him up, and the remaining bullets were blocked by the solid darkness.

"Come to me!"

Bill shouted towards the creeping darkness, with his body hardened, conventional gunshots couldn't hurt him at all, all that was left was for David to command the shadow beast and tear the enemy apart.

If David and Kedening are friends in friendship, then Bill and David are friends on the battlefield. Bill's secret energy can resist most injuries, and he can use himself to test out the enemy's strength, and then David's The cunning shadow beasts killed each other. With their cooperation, they have killed countless powerful enemies.

Bill feels the same tonight, they can't lose.

The piercing pain came from the back, and the trembling voice of the ghost sounded from behind.

"Where are you looking?"

Holding the sharp metal fragments in his hand, Burrog stabbed into Bill's body forcefully.

While the sharp metal stabbed Bill, it also cut Burrog's palm. He tried to pierce further, but the cumbersome patterns had already lit up from the wound, and Burrog couldn't push any further.

There is no other way, once the secret energy is used, the fluctuation of the ether will definitely attract Bill's attention, and Burlogo can only pick up something to stab him.

"How is that possible?" Bill couldn't believe it.

"My friend, the world is very big, and there are many impossible things."

Bologo smiled and threw the hook, and quickly got away from Bill's side. This guy has great strength, but his speed is not fast enough.

After becoming a Sublimator, Bologo once asked Geoffrey a question, if his "resurrection" was carried out by consuming ether, then when he healed and revived himself, it would inevitably cause ether fluctuations, which would make other sublimation practitioners Noticed, but in the battle with Norm, he didn't seem to notice this at all.

Jeffrey thought about this for a while, took out a document from somewhere, read it carefully, and explained it to Burlogo.

"When your 'gift' is activated, it will indeed consume ether. Interestingly, the process of consuming ether will not cause fluctuations. To be precise, it will cause fluctuations, but it cannot be perceived by conventional means. It's like when you activated 'Gift', you activated 'Aether Covering' by the way."

Burrog nodded half-understood, and then insisted on looking at the document, but Geoffrey flatly refused.Burrog guessed that there must be a detailed record of "resurrection from the dead".

"What a useful 'gift', Bologo." Palmer's voice sounded in his mind.

"Indeed, then according to what you said, this guy is handed over to you!"

"Sometimes you have to trust your partner," Palmer's voice kept ringing in his head, "You know, I was once the Rookie of the Year too!"

The situation on the battlefield changed drastically. The revived Borrog threw out the hook and jumped towards the wriggling shadow on the high ground. Palmer rode the wind and rushed towards Bill. The two exchanged opponents in an instant.

Bill couldn't catch up with Bologo, so he could only let out a roar to meet Palmer. When the two were about to meet, Palmer let out a playful laugh, and like Bologo, he threw out the hook and jumped towards him. The other side.

Before Bill could curse something, the howling wind completely enveloped him.

Thanks to the information obtained from the fight between Burlogo, Palmer found that he was really good at Bill, not that he could cause any harm to Bill, but that he could consume Bill continuously.

The strong wind whipped up broken and sharp iron slag, like a sharp blade mixed into the wind, repeatedly cutting Bill. He could only struggle with it, covering his whole body with hardening, but this undoubtedly greatly increased his consumption of ether, and soon his body burned. The target pattern began to become dull, even hardened and could not be completely covered, and fine scratches gradually appeared on the body.

Blood spilled into the wind, Bill completely gave up defense, and let the countless wounds on his body, he did not give up, but years of fighting experience told him that he could no longer be consumed like this, he must break this deadlock.

Bill strode toward Palmer, but the guy was nimble as hell, like a loach, swinging from the hookline and sometimes gliding briefly through the air in the gusts of wind.

Even if Bill's powerful punch could directly kill Borrog, but with Palmer's mental illness, the brute force of this body is simply useless.


Bill cursed. Fortunately, the iron slag caused only skin trauma. It looked a little miserable, but he still had a certain fighting power.

The chasing battle didn't last long, Palmer stopped suddenly, looked at the panting Bill, picked up the rifle behind his back, pointed the gun at Bill, he was wearing a black hood, he looked like a gangster .

Pull the trigger.

Fierce gunfire covered Bill, and Bill raised his arms, elbows in front of him, like a shield, blocking all bullets.

The secret energy was unfolded to the limit, and Bill's front was as hard as a thick iron gate, and while resisting the gunshots, he was still moving forward, and the distance between the two was shortened little by little.

Palmer emptied his rifle, then took out his pistol and continued to fire, but soon the pistol also emptied, and he simply put down his weapon and just looked at Bill coldly.

Bill was frightened by Palmer and Burrog's torment, full of anger but did not rush forward, but looked at Palmer vigilantly.

"You know? Human senses can be deceived, such as pain," Palmer said to himself, "Rough iron slag can cause severe pain, but a sharp enough throwing knife can When it cuts your body, you won't even feel anything, especially since you are already covered by the pain of iron slag."

Bill froze in place, he stretched out his hand out of nowhere, and touched his back, his heart was covered with a cold chill.

He felt a slender gash that stretched from his neck to his back, almost cutting his body open.

Bill was deceived. The deadly throwing knife had been mixed into the iron slag from the very beginning. Thanks to the dark environment, he didn't notice all of this at all. The fierce shooting just now was also caused by Palmer deliberately letting himself put all Attention shifted to the front, oblivious to the wound on the back.

"Damn it!"

Bill was furious, patterns of light covered his whole body, and he no longer had the slightest weakness.

"I've been thinking that the place where your secret can work should be only the surface of your body, so what about your fragile internal organs? It shouldn't be as hard as the outside."

Facing the violent Bill, Palmer still talked to himself, and then he clasped his hands together, as if he was praying for something.

"Please, my 'gift', let me guess right, and get lucky."

After finishing speaking, the roaring gust of wind enveloped Bill again, but this time there were no more flying knives and iron slag, just a gust of wind, a nearly suffocating gust of wind.

In the gust of wind, Palmer struck suddenly, his speed was so fast, as if he had merged with the wind, a bright light rose from Palmer's body surface, like a shining star.

Secret Energy Wind Source.

Palmer turned into a ghostly posture. Under the support of the strong wind, he avoided Bill's straight punch, easily jumped from above his head, and swung his hand to the wound on Bill's neck.

The soaring ether set off a blazing storm that almost engulfed everything, but the moment it rose, the storm itself collapsed, as if it had never existed.

At the same time it was all over.

Calm and calm.

Bill felt very tired and exhausted, and even the glow on his body was constantly dimming, and finally went out completely.

He turned around and looked at Palmer, who was dressed as a gangster. He could smash the damned guy into a pulp as long as he raised his fist, but Bill couldn't lift the slightest strength, as if he was dead. numbness.

"What... did you do?" he asked.

"Your secret energy can only cover the body surface, but cannot protect the fragile internal organs. The open wound is your fatal 'tail'.

As for my secret ability, it can be very simple, just manipulating the wind, but the wind is very interesting, it is invisible and ubiquitous, it can suffocate people, and it can also advance along the wound... You know that once a person goes to Does injecting a lot of air into a blood vessel cause anything? "

Palmer raised his hand and casually caught the flying knife galloping from the darkness.

"Air embolism, cerebral infarction, pulmonary infarction, acute heart failure, sudden death, etc..."

Over the dead Bill, Palmer's voice echoed.

"Don't underestimate the best new employee of the year."

(End of this chapter)

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