Endless Debt.

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
"There is no ether reaction at all, this guy is completely dead."

The breeze blew by, and Palmer landed on the ruins by the wind. Looking back, on the devastated land, Burrogo's figure slowly emerged.

When David ran away, Palmer took advantage of the wind and left the battlefield. Judging from the quick reaction and decisive decision-making of this guy, Palmer has often run like this. Now he is basically normal except for sweating a little.

Burogo was different, covered in dirt and torn clothes, like a tramp who just woke up under the bridge hole.

He didn't have the quick maneuverability of Palmer. Under the fierce attack of the shadow beast, Bologo could only recruit the ground below him, continuously raised earth walls, and built layers of earth fortresses to protect himself.

It may be due to serious injuries, and with the rampage of the ether, David seems to be unable to accurately control the shadow beast, which makes the shadow beast's attack on Burrog more like a vent of anger, with a huge momentum, but not as cunning and deadly as before.

Although he was a little embarrassed, Bologo was only injured in this onslaught, and did not die.

In order to test out the opponent's secret energy and expose the opponent's flaws, one death tonight is enough.

"You look like a miner now," Palmer commented.

"Well, this inspired me. Maybe I can dig a tunnel to sneak in later, but the fluctuation of the ether cannot be covered. I have to go back and see how the 'Ether cover' is trained."

Burlogo didn't care about Palmer's ridicule at all, and replied seriously.

Palmer froze, not knowing what to say next.

"Is this a complete victory? Killed all hostile personnel and destroyed the cargo."

Bologo turned his head and glanced at the ruined factory, as if the city government had ordered the demolition tonight, and then the demolition team worked overnight, making the place beyond recognition.

"Probably," Palmer shrugged, and argued, "We are only responsible for killing people, and leave the rest to the logistics department."

It was rare for Burlogo to agree with Palmer's words, and he nodded along with him. At the same time, he also understood why the people in the logistics department would put on a bad face every time they saw a guy from the field department.

Most of their work pressure comes from the Field Service Department, so it's strange to have a good face.

Bologo bent down and touched the cold ruins. The masonry and steel bars moved to the sides. After a few minutes, David's bloody corpse came into view.

"Confirm that the target is dead."

Berlogo said, after a short delay, Geoffrey's voice sounded in his head.

"The operation is over, return to the 'reclamation room' for a mission report, and the logistics department will deal with it later."


it is finally over.

Bologo was exhausted and hurt all over. He and Palmer walked slowly down the ruins. There was only a frame left of the gate of the factory in front of them. Through the cracked gap, the streets outside were crowded with vehicles.

Thinking about it, even if it is on the edge of Opals, this is also an urban area. It is impossible for this battle to go unnoticed.

"It's a good job, at least a lot better than I expected." Burlogo suddenly said to Palmer.

It was true, and Burlogo thought Palmer would only be holding him back, but it seemed that this guy still had some real skills.

"What's so good about it, I was also the best newcomer of the year, okay?" Palmer and Burlogo put their shoulders together, and imagined the bright future with him, "You have to work hard, Burrog , strive to be the best newcomer of the year or something."

"Why?" Burrog didn't care much about reputation.

"Think about it, two Rookie of the Year employees partnering with each other, a hot-tempered, cold-blooded undead killer, and a lucky star of the Krax family."

Palmer beamed.

"We are the ace combination of the Field Service Department."

Palmer talked endlessly about kicking out Lebius in a few years, taking control of the special operations team, taking control of the Field Service Department in ten years, and becoming a bully in the Bureau of Order.

He said that with the support of the Clarks family, all of this is possible. If the Bureau of Order is regarded as a company, then the Clarks family is one of the six largest shareholders.

Bologo didn't bother to talk to him, let's not talk about Palmer's damn luck, whether he can get to that point, he seems to have forgotten a very important point, the director of the field service department is directly served by the deputy director of the Order Bureau, Palmer Elmer is no longer dominating one side, he is trying to seize power.

"Ace combination, you better disappear from our sight immediately."

Just as Palmer was unilaterally thinking about the future and Burlogo was silently enduring his nonsense, another voice sounded from ahead.

The man was wearing loose overalls and a hard hat on his head. Behind him, the lights were flashing. Many people dressed in the same clothes were walking hurriedly between the raised cordon lines, waving warning lights and directing nearby crowd.

"you are?"

Burlog was alert for a moment.

He didn't know what this man heard just now, damn Palmer distracted himself, real experts should wait until they evacuated to a safe place, and then relax their vigilance.

Do you want to knock him out, but with so many people now, it's not easy to deal with.

While thinking about it, Bologo reached into his arms, holding a blood-stained claw hammer tightly.

As a souvenir of his first mission, Burrog searched the ruins for a while before digging it out.

"Marion Rhodes, Oath City Opals Ferryman Company, the company contracted all the urban construction and accident handling work from the city hall. Of course, the main job is to deal with accidents."

The man took out his wallet and showed Burlogo a page of his identification.

The emblem on the certificate caught Burogo's attention. The gears were meshing with each other, and the outermost edge was wrapped by a chain, like a precision machine, ready to roar at any time.

Bologo has seen this emblem, and the frequency of this emblem in the Bureau of Order is only lower than the chain and sword representing the Bureau of Order.

This is the logo of the logistics department. This guy is from the logistics department?

Memories of the past hit his eyes, and Burlog suddenly remembered why this "Ferryman Company" was so familiar.

"The logistics department also set up a separate company?" Burlogo asked Palmer in a low voice.

"We need a legitimate identity to face the normal world, a company dealing with urban construction and accidents, appearing on the ruins of the collapse... It makes sense," Palmer said.

Burlog was speechless.

"Let's go! Go back to your report, damn Field Service."

Marion crossed the two cursingly, and walked towards the ruins with the others.Half an hour ago, he was going to watch a performance in the agreement area. He had been looking forward to that performance for a long time, but at a critical moment, an order was issued, and he rushed here with his troops to deal with the aftermath of the Field Service Department.

"It's like this every time, every time."

he complained.

Burlogo and Palmer were surrounded by reporters who came after hearing the news. In Marion's script, the two of them were survivors of the accident. A few loops of bandages, and as for Borrog...he looked miserable enough.

The two avoided the flashing lights, and under the cover of the ferrymen, they made a hasty cutscene and left in a detour.

"So how do they explain this accident?" Burrog looked back at the collapsed ruins.

"Gas explosion? It's been in disrepair for a long time? This kind of thing is casual. Anyway, it's the logistics department that has a headache."

Palmer tore off the bandage from his head and said nonchalantly.

"This kind of thing, they are professional."


Bureau of Order, Office of the Special Operations Group.

Burlogo and Palmer sat in chairs, Lebius was behind the desk, and Geoffrey stood to one side, like a competent bodyguard.

Every time after the establishment of the "network of heart hubs", Uriel, as a living hub, will be under tremendous mental pressure. After the task is over, she will go to rest first, and the matters under her body will be handled by Lebius and Jeffrey. deal with.

"That's how the action went."

Burlogo recounted everything he had just experienced.

Making a report was much more difficult than Burlogo thought. No one expected that they recorded all the conversations between Burlogo and Palmer, and even the time nodes were prepared.

He needs to follow these conversations, to recount the situation at the time, many details are repeatedly asked, and worst of all, there are large sections of the dialogue that are Palmer's gibberish.

Even when Burlogo was asked these questions, his expression was a bit unmanageable, while Palmer looked completely indifferent, which can be regarded as a kind of self-willing and depraved.

Lebius nodded silently, and exchanged glances with Geoffrey.

"Okay, you can rest now."

"Is that the end?" Burrog asked Lebius.

"Otherwise? It's just an ordinary outing, and it's not even necessary to mobilize the 'reclamation room' to block it. Such tasks will be as frequent as daily work in your future working life, and there is nothing to pay attention to."

From Lebius' point of view, this task is indeed ordinary and cannot be more ordinary. If it is not the first time that Bologo and Palmer have acted together, he feels that even the "Network of Hearts" is not Necessary to build.

Bologo probably understood what Lebius meant, just like himself, the first time he hunted and killed demons, he was terrified at that time, but now he is used to it, and he can still take pleasure in it.

"Off work! Off work!" Palmer cheered.

"Then what happened after that? We just destroyed a stronghold, haven't we uprooted the 'human-thirsty' yet?"

Burlogo was not as happy as Palmer, and continued to ask.

In the destroyed factory, the goods stored made Bologo frightened. It is hard to imagine how many people died at the hands of "people addicted" in the invisible shadow.

"We need to wait for information from Crow's Nest on this point, and they will continue to dig along this line." Lebius said.

"Wait?" Burrog was a little displeased.

"Patience is also one of the most important qualities of a hunter." Lebius said calmly.

"What's more, what you need to do now is to remember and learn," Lebius taught, "Have you noticed it too? The cunning of the battle between the Desublimers."

Bill's immobile body, and David's roaring shadow beast...they are just the humblest decondensers. In future battles, the enemies Burlogo will face will only be more cunning and powerful.

Weird and unpredictable secret energy, alchemy weapons with unknown effects, etheric skills to assist in combat, and even contracted items that exchange price for power...

Bologo nodded, sighed, and said calmly.

"You're right, I was a little too impatient."

There were bursts of exhaustion all over the body. "Resurrecting from the dead" consumed a lot of ether, and the body felt empty, and it would not be able to replenish it for a while.

The soul shards stored by "absorbing" are more like a backup energy source, which is released when Bologo needs it, but in order to help himself become a desublimer, the soul shards are also consumed, and he gets it from killing demons in the factory Soul Fragments, also used for a death.

Bologo can even feel a little hunger now, and he doesn't know if he is really hungry or if his mania is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Burlogo glanced at Palmer.

"Want to have supper?"

(End of this chapter)

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