Endless Debt.

Chapter 97 Nightlife

Chapter 97 Nightlife

It was late at night, the light of the city had weakened a lot, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness. Only the street lamps were still burning like torches, but in the most prosperous area of ​​the city, the lights were still on, and people came and went, as if this place was not surrounded by people day and night. bondage.

"You really have a good appetite."

Burrog's expression was a bit complicated. Opposite him, half a fried chicken, two beef burgers, French fries, and mashed potatoes were placed on the table.

There was only a sandwich on the plate in front of him, with fried eggs and bacon in it, and a glass of orange juice.

Bologo is a self-disciplined person. He feels that it is not advisable to eat too much at night, especially such greasy food. The only indulgence is to drink a little.

"Work is physically demanding."

As Palmer said, he stuffed the chicken leg into his mouth. He didn't know the structure of his mouth. A chicken leg that big was stuffed in, and only a chicken bone was pulled out.

He chewed and burped, and then continued to eat. He ate all the food like a storm, and Palmer was still a little dissatisfied after eating, so he peeked at Burlogo's sandwich.

"Another sandwich, please."

Burlog raised his hand helplessly, and ordered another order for his partner.

In the middle of the night, many restaurants in Opals are closed, but the agreement area is an exception. As the most prosperous area in Opals, many places here are open 24 hours.

After cleaning up the stains on their bodies in the Bureau of Order and changing their clothes, the two came here for supper.

"Woohoo, thank you generous Mr. Lazarus!"

Palmer admired, forking the sandwich off Burlogo's plate.Burrog was expressionless.

"Are you really the heir of the Krex family? You even need me to invite you for supper?"

"Big families also have down-and-out heirs, right?" Palmer chewed something, his voice muffled.

"But aren't you an heir? You can't be considered down and out, can you?"

"It's like this when you're at a standoff with your family. Although you're famous, you don't have anything substantial. You have to earn everything you eat and drink."

Palmer gobbled it up, choked, and reached out to grab the orange juice, but found that he had already drank it all. Burlog could only sigh helplessly, and pushed his own orange juice over, eating a little in front of Burrog. are gone.

"Sir, your sandwich."

At this time, the waiter came and put the sandwich that was originally for Palmer in front of Burlogo.

"Another glass of orange juice, please," said Burrog.

"Huh, come back to life."

Palmer slumped in his chair, rubbing his belly, while Burrog silently forked his own sandwich and ate it.

"Speaking of which, Palmer, if the Crakes family is considered a shareholder of the Bureau of Order, can the Crakes family influence the Bureau of Order to make any decisions?"

Burlogo remembered Palmer's words, and he was very curious about it.

"I don't know much about this. The Bureau of Order operates independently. It is more like an alliance, an alliance called the Bureau of Order, which unites the six founders together, and those secret associations who are willing to join... like The Rhineland League itself."

Palmer said lazily, pointing to the sky, "Only those big people know about this kind of thing? It's like the 'decision-making room'. Speaking of which, I've been in the job for so long, and I've never been to the 'decision-making room'. It's as if that ghost place doesn't exist."

"Then have you met the Chief?" Burlog asked again.

"I haven't seen it, but I have seen the deputy director," Palmer said. "I have also had such doubts, but I heard from others that the previous directors rarely showed up, and most of them were hidden in the 'decision room'. The 'Decision Room' is the brain of the Bureau of Order, and it is kept strictly confidential. Even the ministers mostly don't know the specific situation of the 'Decision Room'.

We can only be called by the 'decision room', but we cannot take the initiative to go to the 'decision room'. "

"Sounds so mysterious," said Burlogo.

"The Bureau of Order is like this. It's in order. You know what you should know, and you don't know what you shouldn't know."

"So the logo of the Bureau of Order originated from your six founder families?" Burlogo asked again.

The chains and swords, the six crossed swords, corresponded exactly to the six Founder Houses, and Bologo didn't think it was a coincidence.

"Six families, six secret associations, and six schools of secret energy."

Palmer said frankly.

"That's right, it's like this. Every sword represents a secret society, and that secret society has reached a certain extreme in a certain school. Our Krex family is the pinnacle of the 'Control School'. It is said that the never-ending gust of wind in Fengyuan Heights was caused by our family, but I don't know what happened.

I'm the heir, but I haven't really inherited it all, have I? "

Going to the extreme in a certain school... Bologo couldn't help but think of Xilin Kogadel's figure. From the current point of view, the so-called "glorious one" is the ultimate.

If there is no "crowned" in this world.

Bologo smiled helplessly, and only at this time could he barely realize that the bastard in front of him was still very honorable and brilliant.

Palmer casually picked up the remaining French fries, dipped in ketchup and stuffed them into his mouth, looking decadent.

Although it is open 24 hours, there are actually not many people in the restaurant late at night. Some people sleep drunk in the corner, some people chat, and some people continue to join the carnival on the dance floor after packing some food.

Both of them finished their supper and enjoyed the tranquility after the mission. The city was quiet in the dark.

"Why do you hate your family so much?"

Burrog was quite curious. With such a noble background, Palmer would have had a completely different life from the present, even if he was an unlucky ghost.

"They don't like me riding a bike. They think it doesn't meet my status to hang out on the street on a motorcycle." Palmer said sincerely.


Burrog sighed, feeling that this was Palmer's nonsense reason, he didn't want to say the reason, and he didn't need to force anything.

He just felt that he didn't seem to know Palmer very well, and didn't understand his partner in a deeper way, but when he thought about it carefully, Palmer didn't seem to know himself very well either.

In fact, many things are like this. Everyone has their own little secrets. Even if they were born and died together, they still don't have the courage to tell the secrets.

At this time, a group of people pushed open the door of the restaurant and walked in. They smelled heavily of alcohol and their faces were full of joy. Men and women were all dressed brightly. They seemed to have come from the nightclub next door. There was music, There is wine and joy, but there is no delicious food.

They order food at the front desk and chat.

"I hear there's a factory collapsed over there in Landing."

Both Burlogo and Palmer looked a bit grim.

"Small things, small things, this damn place is always collapsing, remember the 'Autumn Injury Incident' a few years ago? The big fissure suddenly collapsed, and a branched fissure extended out, directly causing several nearby The neighborhood collapsed into a big chasm."

"The big rift is really terrible, and I don't know if it will collapse to the agreement area."

"Don't worry, the people from the Geological Bureau have checked it, and the agreement area is very safe."

People gossip about trivial matters, as if watching the bits and pieces of other people's lives.

"By the way, have you seen "The Wandering Rat"? It's a stage play. A reporter friend of mine went to see it today. He was going to watch it and have fun with us, but this guy said that he was shocked. Go back and think about life."

"I've heard of it, what's the matter, is the show great?"

"I don't know, it sounds pretty good anyway."

The conversation caught Burogo's attention. One of his major regrets today was not being able to watch "The Wandering Mouse". It's really a pity for Kedening's kindness.

But it doesn't matter, there will be plenty of time to watch in the future.

"I'll go check out."

Burlog stood up and said.

Speaking of which, he still pays wages today. According to Jeffrey, the Field Service Department will pay a certain fixed salary every month. In addition to the fixed salary, there are also things like performance, and the so-called performance is to go out to perform tasks. Tasks will be rewarded according to the difficulty of the task.

Today is the richest day Burlogo has been since he was released from prison.

As the two were about to walk out of the restaurant, another group of people passed on the street, much to Burlogo's surprise.

In Shenbei district, few living people can be seen at night, but carnival crowds are everywhere in the agreement area.

The strong smell of alcohol and perfume came to the face, and the gorgeous figure came into the eyes, and Bologo was dumbfounded, not only Bologo was dumbfounded, but Palmer was also sluggish in the same place.

At this moment, a group of models was walking towards them. The women wore sexy clothes and outlined beautiful curves on their bodies. They were like blossoming flowers, gathered together to form a huge flower group.

But what really shocked the two of them was not the beautiful figure in the middle of the night, but the guy surrounded by flowers among the women.

"Hell, who is this guy?" Palmer yelled.

The man was tall, with long golden hair, a handsome face, and a charming smile. Then the man found Burrog and Palmer, and bursts of joy rose on his face.

"Yo! Burrog! Palmer!"

Seri walked out from between the flower clusters, and hugged the two of them. The two tried to struggle, but Seri was too strong. Alcohol and perfume mixed with strong masculinity, which almost suffocated them.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see that Seri's flower clusters were clearly showing displeasure. It seemed that Seri was not as enthusiastic towards them as he was towards the two of them.

"What a coincidence, do you want to play with us?" Seri directly invited.

"Of course..."

"No, we are tired enough today and need to rest."

Burrog directly interrupted Palmer's words and refused.

Palmer's eyes were sad and angry, but he looked at Burlog's cold eyes, and he still obeyed Burrog's advice.

"That's really a pity, I have the opportunity to come and play often!"

Thorey patted both of them on the shoulder vigorously.He was referring to the Undead Club.

Falling back into the flower cluster, Serley walked towards another nightclub surrounded by blossoming flowers, and Bologo could still faintly hear their conversation.

"Will you come to my house later? My roommate is a cat named Wei Er, who can do backflips."

(End of this chapter)

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