Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 117 Continue to Search for the Soul Beast

Chapter 117 Continue to Search for the Soul Beast
After Ma Hongjun woke up, he looked away in disdain.

Everyone has absorbed the fourth soul ring, what is there to be proud of, and they are still asking for credit in front of Xiuxiu, he is a bit apprehensive.

However, he was still very happy for Oscar.

"Xiao Ao, what is your fourth soul ability?" Dai Mubai asked.

Oscar replied, "My fourth soul skill is excitement. Excite the pink sausage together, which can increase the user's overall attributes by 5% within [-] minutes."

"It's only ten percent, and it's only 5 minutes, your soul ability." Dai Mubai was a little disappointed.

I thought it would have a strong effect, but I didn't expect it to be just this, only 5 minutes, not too long.

Oscar immediately complained about his soul skill, "Boss Dai, I heard clearly, it increases all attributes by [-]%. In other words, after taking it, the overall strength will instantly increase by [-]%. It is not as simple as you imagined. .”

"That's right, [-] percent may sound like a small percentage, but it can make you reach [-] percent immediately. On the premise of offsetting all negative states, each of you will burst out within a period of time. His strongest power. When it comes to battles, you will understand the wonderful use of his soul skills." The master replied.

Now that the master has said so, everyone no longer doubts anything. After all, the hyperactive pink sausage without side effects is still very good.

At Flender's request, everyone continued to find suitable spirit beasts for Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Tang San.

Now only their three soul power levels have arrived, but they haven't found a suitable soul beast yet.

Fortunately, Tang San used Youxiang Qiluo fairy product to set up a trap to attract spirit beasts, and even filter some low-level spirit beasts.

Looking at Tang San's actions, Tang Pixiu found that his papa was really smart, because after the trap was set, spirit beasts began to take the bait.

Everyone was alert and released their martial souls, ready to fight at any time.

The first thing to be attracted was a 3000 year spirit beast Ghost Tiger, restrained by Tang San with a spider web, Ma Hongjun and Oscar immediately felt complacent, even walked up to the spirit beast, stomping on it twice.

"It's over before I exert my strength, third brother, the thousand-year soul beast is nothing more than that." Ma Hongjun looked embarrassed.

However, he and Oscar didn't know that Ghost Tiger was captured on purpose.

Just as Ma Hongjun and Oscar turned around, the ghost tiger broke free from the blue silver grass and rushed towards them.

Tang San was about to use the blue silver grass to save them, but Tang Pixiu had already rushed out, and directly carried the two of them back to the protected area Tang San had prepared.

"Oh my god, I was almost scared to death just now, thank you Xiuxiu for your help." Oscar patted his chest.

"You're welcome." The little girl smiled sweetly.

At this time, the ghost tiger was unable to attack, and began to use its own ability, transforming into several clones.

The master instantly looked at the ghost tiger on the opposite side and quickly reminded, "Everyone, be careful, this is the ghost tiger's innate ability, the shadow clone."

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong immediately helped everyone.

"The Nine Treasures turn out Liuli, the Nine Treasures are famous, one is called strength, the other is called speed, and the third is called soul."

Ning Rongrong is also very familiar with the support of his partners.

"Ning Rongrong's third soul ability can directly increase the soul power. Now the five of them have 140% of the normal soul power." Liu Erlong said.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tower is known as the strongest auxiliary-type spirit in the Pangea, and it is indeed against the sky. No wonder when fighting, they usually attack the auxiliary-type soul masters first.

"Well, not bad, but it also consumes a lot of Rongrong's own soul power, and it can only last for five to ten minutes at most." The master nodded.

Shrek's people attacked both clones, and they also knew that Ning Rongrong would not last long.

Tang Pixiu glanced at Ning Rongrong, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a scarlet light flashed across them.

"Papa, those over there are real beasts."

Hearing this, everyone looked in the direction Tang Pixiu pointed, which was where Zhu Zhuqing was.

"Zhuqing be careful!" Tang San shouted.

"The first soul skill, Nether Thrust. The second soul skill, Nether Hundred Claws." Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly attacked.

After Tang San notified Zhu Zhuqing, everyone also went to help.

At this moment Zhu Zhuqing was also in danger, being dizzy from the attack of the ghost tiger's roar, he was almost unable to stand.

Fortunately Dai Mubai has already arrived, "The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower."

Although the explosive power of the White Tiger Meteor Shower is not comparable to Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Crying Sky Strike, it can lock onto the opponent in an instant, making it difficult for the opponent to escape.

At this moment, other spirit beasts appeared one after another, and the teachers also started to move.

It turned out that the ghost tiger was just to attract everyone's attention, and the really powerful spirit beast was still behind.

And when the ghost tiger's attack was at its strongest, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't react at all, and lost all strength.

Even Tang San's Blue Silver Grass had no time to rescue Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai was the closest to Zhu Zhuqing's position, he directly used the first spirit ability White Tiger Body Barrier to protect Zhu Zhuqing, but he was also injured.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu became instantly angry.

"court death!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu rushed out to deal with the ghost tiger, and Ma Hongjun followed suit with her soul power.

Under Xiao Wu's and Ma Hongjun's coordinated attack, Guihu became dizzy and suffered serious injuries.

"Zhuqing, do it!" Tang San shouted.

Zhu Zhuqing also recovered some soul power, "The third soul skill, Nether Slash!"

In the end, Ghost Tiger died in Zhu Zhuqing's hands.

There are more and more soul beasts around, the master hurriedly asked Tang San to put away the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product.

"Mubai, you take Ghost Tiger's body and Zhuqing into the poison formation, let her absorb the spirit ring." Tang San said.

Dai Mubai nodded, and led the exhausted Zhu Zhuqing to the poison formation.

However, there are more and more soul beasts around, and they are especially powerful.

Zhao Wuji, Flender and Liu Erlong are all at a disadvantage now, after all the soul beasts are all powerful.

Suddenly, a nine-color light enveloped the three of them.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong beside him, and realized that this was her assistance to the three teachers.

"Is this the power of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda? The greater the power of the assisted soul master, the more miraculous it will be to turn things around." Oscar exclaimed.

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly, but her body softened, Oscar quickly hugged her into his arms.

Tang Pixiu looked at the three teachers, then at Ning Rongrong, and finally flew to Ning Rongrong's side to recover her.

In fact, if she wants to do something, she just needs to change back to its original form. Once Pixiu's body comes out, these spirit beasts will all run away.

But both Tang San and Tang Hao had warned her that she couldn't just change back to her original form, so she had no choice but to give up.

Moreover, there are still Aunt Rongrong and Papa who haven't got the beasts, and she can't scare them, it will be troublesome if they leave.

(End of this chapter)

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