Chapter 118 Daughter and Granddaughter
Oscar was a little anxious, even though Tang Pixiu was by Ning Rongrong's side, he still couldn't help worrying.

"Rongrong, Rongrong?"

The master hurried over to look at Ning Rongrong, "This should be the first time she has assisted a soul master who is much higher than her, and it is reasonable to lose her strength."

"Back into the poison formation!" Flender yelled.

Except for the three teachers who took the lead, everyone immediately returned to the poison formation.

Tang San glanced outside, walked up to Flender, and took out his hidden weapon.

"Dean, some of the spirit beasts outside are suitable for us. This is my self-made flying claw, which can capture the spirit beasts outside. With the strength of you and Teacher Erlong, you might as well give it a try."

Flender took it over, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help thinking while looking at the flying claw in his hand.

This kid has been chain after chain since he set up the poison formation just now. Could it be said that Haotian Douluo's genes are so good?
Yes, it's not that there is another Tang Pixiu, that little girl is a genius among geniuses, but unfortunately there is a disadvantage, that is, she will not grow up, but it doesn't matter, the people of the Tang family are really powerful.

"Dean, Dean, do you understand?" Tang San interrupted Flender's meditation.

Flender came back to his senses, "Well, it's not difficult, Xiaosan, you can choose the ones outside, we will help you choose whichever one you choose."

"Let's help Rongrong catch one first, I have to observe first before making a decision." Tang San said.

The master chose a 4000-year-old armored Linjia beast for Ning Rongrong as her fourth spirit ring, and the three of them worked together to help Ning Rongrong catch the spirit beast.

Liu Erlong rushed out, and beat the armored beast with extremely strong defense ability till it was dripping with blood, a little suspicious of life.

It was agreed not to be too bloody, but the result?
Shrek and the others trembled, and told themselves in their hearts that they must not go hot on Teacher Erlong.

Only Tang Pixiu stared at Liu Erlong with eyes full of admiration.

She must be like this in the future!

"Rongrong, close your eyes and follow me." Liu Erlong walked over, dragging the armored beast.

Ning Rongrong was afraid of death, not because of the soul beast, but because of Liu Erlong.

Fortunately, Oscar was with him.

Next, it will be Tang San's turn.

The master walked in front of Tang San, "Little San, have you decided which spirit beast you want?"

"Just say it, Mr. Zhao and I will help you get it done." Flender said, looking at the Flying God Claw in his hand.

Tang San looked outside, pointed to one of the spirit beasts and opened his mouth.

"Just choose the crypt spider."

"Are you crazy?" The master walked in front of Tang San and grabbed his shoulder, "Didn't you see that is a ten thousand year spirit beast?"

Everyone was surprised, they never thought that Tang San would choose a ten thousand year spirit beast.

Such a leaping absorption is simply impossible to complete.

If one were to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring in the fourth spirit ring, it would undoubtedly be one's own death.

Tang San said in a deep voice, "Teacher, please let me choose the Pit Demon Spider."

Of course the master would not agree, he couldn't just watch Tang San seek death, he had no offspring, and he sincerely loved Tang San as his son, and didn't want him to have any accidents.

"Listen to me, choose that man-faced demon spider. It has nearly 6000 years of cultivation, which is the same type as the last soul beast you hunted. As long as you absorb its energy, it will not only strengthen your third At the same time, there may be an extra fourth soul skill for self-protection." The master suggested.

However, Tang San refused, he still wanted the Pit Demon Spider.

The people around were silent, everyone knew that this matter was very dangerous.

Xiao Wu disagrees, she also has her own ideas, even if Tang San is 90.00% sure to absorb, she doesn't want Tang San to take risks.

Seeing this scene, Tang Pixiu flew up.

"Don't worry, Xiuxiu is here, Xiuxiu can protect Papa."

Everyone knew about Tang Pixiu's ability.

The little girl was just a little girl in the past, but there was nothing scary about it, her appearance was normal.

But when it comes into contact with soul power, it will become a powerful alien.

Finally, looking at Tang Pixiu, the master agreed to come down.

Tang San was not aimless, he was really sure that he could absorb the spirit ring of the Pit Demon Spider, and Tang Pixiu also understood it, so he agreed.

Moreover, if Tang San really has something, she can also rescue him.

Xiao Wu was still a little uneasy in her heart, and her face was full of worry.

"Brother, remember, if you die, then I will accompany you." Xiao Wu hugged Tang San and said.

Tang San couldn't help sighing softly, "Dean, Mr. Zhao, please help me, I want that crypt demon spider."

During the fight, Xiao Wu was injured, but fortunately Acacia Broken Heart blocked her, otherwise she might die, and everyone was worried.

Tang Pixiu originally wanted to help, but Xiao Wu Xiao Wu was fine, so she didn't make a move.

Later, when she saw that Xiao Wu was called Liu Erlong's mother, the little girl was also very envious.

Tang San also swore that he would never be sorry to Xiao Wu, and everyone understood the relationship between the two of them.

Suddenly, Tang Pixiu called out to Xiao Wu crisply.


Everyone was taken aback, not understanding why Tang Pixiu would call Xiaowu's mother. They used to be called Xiaowu's aunt.

But after seeing the relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu, they also understood.

The little girl changed her words quite quickly, making Xiao Wu blush.

Of course the happiest was Liu Erlong. She had a daughter, and now she has a granddaughter.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to become a mother and a grandmother today."

"Grandma." Tang Pixiu shouted again.

At this moment Liu Erlong almost wanted to jump up straight away, joy was not enough to describe her mood, and finally couldn't help crying with joy.

Flender wiped away his tears, "Little San, now that the Pit Demon Spider has no power to resist, you should hurry up and absorb the spirit ring."

Tang San responded, and turned to look at everyone.

"I'll go to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye to absorb the soul ring in a while, and there will be twice the result with half the effort. Before I come out, everyone, don't get close to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, so as not to be hurt by its breath."

Tang Pixiu also patted his chest, "Xiuxiu can go, Xiuxiu is not afraid, she will protect Papa, don't worry everyone."

The little girl ran up to the Pit Demon Spider, stretched out her short hand, and directly pinched one of the Pit Demon Spider's legs.

Seeing that the Pit Demon Spider, who was many times bigger than Tang Pixiu, was being dragged away by her, everyone seemed to be less worried about Tang San now.

Perhaps what should be worried is the fate of those soul beasts, the little girl is not gentle.

That's right, with the little girl here, he will be fine.

Although everyone's eyes were worried, they were much better than before.

The little girl took the Pit Demon Spider and Tang San away, and Flender suddenly called the master to talk alone.

Liu Erlong didn't know what they were going to say, but at the moment he felt less uncomfortable in his heart.

Yes, with a daughter in her arms and a granddaughter, she should also be content.

(End of this chapter)

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