Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 119 Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring

Chapter 119 Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring
On the other side of the forest, Flanders led the master for a long distance.

"Xiao Gang, do you intend to continue like this with Erlong forever?" Flender frowned.

"I don't know." The master shook his head.

Many times, it's not that a person doesn't love, but that he can't love. The relationship between him and Liu Erlong is not that simple, and he can't love at all.

Flender frowned, stepped forward and grabbed the lapel of the master.

"You don't know a word, Erlong has been waiting for you for 20 years, how many more 20 years can you wait in your life!" Flender was furious, "Although you are my brother, I really want to beat you up now. "

"Actually, even I want to beat myself up. It's all my fault, but Erlong is suffering even more." The master's eyes turned red.

In the emotional world, there is no right and wrong, let alone the identities of two people.

Flender was still a little reconciled, "Xiao Gang, is there really no other way? If this continues, you will all suffer for the rest of your life! You should know that besides you, it is impossible for Erlong to hold other men in his heart. "

The master was about to shake his head, his expression was equally miserable.

"I shouldn't have stayed with her and made her suffer like that."

Flender put his hand on the master's shoulder, "Xiao Gang, do you love Erlong?"

"That's natural." The master replied seriously.

"Well, I can be sure that Erlong has always loved you deeply. Since that's the case, the two of you are already together spiritually, can I say that?" Flender asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Grandmaster's expression changed drastically.


Flender spread his hands, "Since you are already in love spiritually, why can't you be spiritually united? You don't need titles, you just need each other's approval. You can be a spiritual couple. "

The master's expression moved slightly, and he had some guesses in his mind, but he was not sure.

"Flander, I don't understand what you mean."

"What I mean is very simple. You can still be a husband and wife if you marry each other, but the titles will not change. You are only in love spiritually, so who can gossip about it?" Flender laughed.

It is undeniable that Grandmaster was also moved, if so, he would be able to be with Liu Erlong.

"This, is this really possible?" The master still hesitated.

Flender chuckled, "What's wrong, at least you two will feel much better this way. You just love each other, so what's wrong?"

The master woke up like a dream, and punched Flender heavily in the chest, blaming him for not speaking earlier.

In fact, it's just that the master is more upright than Flender, so he didn't think of such a way.

It stands to reason that the master is much smarter than Flender, but he didn't dare to think about it when he met Liu Erlong, and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to give her the happiness she deserved.

After being picked away by Flender, he felt like he had just woken up from a dream.

That's right, he owed Liu Erlong too much, so much that he could only spend the rest of his life to repay her love.

Thinking of this, the master ran wildly into the forest.

On the other side, when Tang Pixiu reached the Binghuo Liangyiyan, he threw away the Pit Demon Spider in his hand and clapped his hands.

"Papa, here you are."

Tang San nodded, sat on the ground and began to absorb.

Taking advantage of nothing else, Tang Pixiu dived into Binghuo Liangyi's eyes like a happy fish.

The process of absorbing the ten thousand year spirit ring was painful, and Tang Pixiu also felt distressed, but he knew that Tang San would definitely be able to absorb the spirit ring.

Although he believed in Tang San, Tang Pixiu still got out of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye and set his eyes on Tang San.

Tang San looked very painful, but his life was not in danger, so Tang Pixiu didn't do anything, and he didn't relieve Tang San's pain.

The ten thousand year soul ring is different, he needs to go through that level by himself.

Naturally, there is no need to say how difficult the process was, but fortunately it succeeded.

With the loud noises around, a black spirit ring appeared beside Tang San, looking powerful and dangerous.

The little girl poked her head out of the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and was very excited after seeing Tang San stand up.

"Papa, hello."

Tang San opened his arms, "Well, Xiuxiu, let's go back now."

With a flash of Tang Pixiu's body, he moved from the water and appeared in Tang San's arms.

"Go back and go back."

The little girl rubbed happily in Papa's arms, giggling, and a small bubble appeared on the tip of her nose.

The father and daughter were just about to go back when they heard Xiao Wu's voice.

"elder brother!"

Immediately, Xiao Wu rushed over, hugging Tang San, and Tang Pixiu in her arms.

"Don't cry, Hugh kiss."

Seeing Xiao Wu crying, Tang Pixiu lowered his head and kissed Xiao Wu's face to express his comfort.

Xiao Wu also wiped away her tears and didn't continue to cry.

She knew that with Tang Pixiu around, nothing would happen to Tang San, after all the little girl was no ordinary soul beast, even she didn't know what Tang Pixiu was.

It's just that knowing it's one thing, I still feel a little worried in my heart.

Tang San embraced Tang Pixiu and Xiao Wu, feeling instantly satisfied.

"got windy."

After the words fell, a huge blue silver grass hot air balloon appeared, and now the family of three flew with the blue silver grass balloon,

This time, Tang Pixiu also had a different feeling, which was different from flying by himself.

When they returned to the forest, everyone was overjoyed to see Tang San safe and sound.

Dai Mubai stepped forward, directly carried Tang Pixiu out of Tang San's arms.

"Little girl, are you working hard?"

Tang Pixiu shook his head, "It's not hard work, Papa is really good on her own, great!"

Apparently the little girl was very proud of her papa, and tried her best to praise Tang San for being great.

Oska looked at Tang San in surprise, "Little San, what is your fourth spirit ability, show us."

Of course not only Oscar, others are also very curious about his fourth spirit ability, you must know that they are all fourth rings of thousands of years, but Tang San's fourth ring is ten thousand years old.

Tang San shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just similar to the skill that the Pit Demon Spider used yesterday, with a slight variation, do you really want to see it?"

"Of course, you are the first among us to have a ten thousand year spirit ring." Ouska said curiously.

Immediately, Tang San showed his fourth spirit ability, two yellow, one purple and one black spirit rings rose from under his feet.

The blue silver grass had turned black, and even Flender didn't notice any fluctuations in his soul power, so Oscar was covered by a cage made of black blue silver grass.

"This is my fourth soul ability, born out of the spider web cage of the Pit Demon Spider. Since my cage is formed of blue silver grass, I call it the blue silver cage." Tang San laughed.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect such a change in the Blue Silver Grass.

(End of this chapter)

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