Chapter 120 Discussing the Arguments

Tang Pixiu blinked in Dai Mubai's arms, stretched out his chubby hand, intending to poke the blue and silver cage that locked Oscar.

Dai Mubai stopped Tang Pixiu, but he stretched out his hand to try.

He didn't want to, but found that there seemed to be something wrong with the blue silver cage, so he simply put down Tang Pixiu and punched him with his fist.

With the first punch, the Blue Silver Prison burst open.

After Dai Mubai saw this, he punched hard again, and the blue silver cage was directly shattered.

"It looks very ordinary, it doesn't seem to be as strong as the spider web restraint." Ma Hongjun was thoughtful, with a hint of doubt, "Third brother, is the ten thousand year soul ability just like this?"

Hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Tang Pixiu suddenly laughed, and ran behind Tang San with short legs.

Everyone didn't quite understand that the little girl would suddenly make such an action, and they were still thinking about what happened to the blue and silver cage.

"Really?" Tang San chuckled lightly.

After the words fell, a black light rose from the feet of the four teachers, and they were immediately enveloped by the same blue and silver cage that trapped Oscar just now.

Even Flender, who was in the agility department, didn't react.

After reacting, Flender pushed his glasses, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Crowd control skills, isn't this something that control-type soul masters above level [-] can possess? This, this is simply terrifying." Flender exclaimed.

I have to admit that Tang San's talent is really against the sky.

Speaking of which, the little girl ran behind Tang San just now, so she felt Tang San activate her spirit ability.

To be honest, Tang Pixiu's talent is even stronger than Tang San's. It's a pity that the little girl is too young, otherwise she can be sent to participate in the Soul Master Academy competition.

The master also nodded, already understood in his heart.

"A blue and silver cage may not be a big deal, but it takes time to break through the cage. During that time, it is enough for the partner who controls the soul master to do many things."

Ma Hongjun hurried to Tang San's side and asked him, "Third brother, can your skill cooperate with me?"

"Of course, the Blue Silver Prison can be regarded as the first move control skill, your Phoenix Crying Sky Strike contains the second move skill, as long as it can be used flexibly, it will naturally allow our attacks to be brought into full play." Tang San replied.

The master was thoughtful, but didn't say anything.

Flender rubbed his chin, "I was wondering if the champion task customized for them was too easy, these little monsters are so strong that they are a little perverted."

"Come on less, you are lamenting their strength, or bragging to yourself." Liu Erlong said bluntly.

"Well, you two dragons, just as you got what you wanted, you came to resist me, thanks to my brother being so kind to you." Flender said helplessly.

Tang Pixiu also noticed that there seemed to be something unusual between the master and Liu Erlong, but this should be a good development, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Who knew that in the next moment, Liu Erlong was leaning on the master's body,

The little girl hurriedly covered her face, as if the baby was very well-behaved, but the baby didn't look at it.

However, there was a huge gap between the chubby hands, and he could clearly see the situation between Liu Erlong and Grandmaster.

Tang San stepped forward and pulled the little girl's hand, "Okay, Xiuxiu, you can watch this."

It's just leaning on it, and there's nothing you can't see.

Tang Pixiu giggled, but he was no longer shy.

Having found everyone's soul rings, it's time to go back to Shrek Academy, so everyone started on their way again.

There are still five days left before the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy competition, they need to go back and make preparations to win the championship.

Don Pixiu was sitting on Flender's shoulders, the chubby man clenched his hands into fists, and swung his arms forward.

"Set off!"

In the early morning of the next day, the Seven Shrek Monsters gathered in the woods, and Ma Hongjun was usually the one who was out of shape.

He turned around and stretched.

"Why isn't Master here yet?"

Little did they know, the master had already brought several students here, and others also passed by, only Ma Hongjun turned his back on everyone.

Tang Pixiu covered his mouth and laughed softly. Uncle Fatty is really stupid, but the competition is about to start. I don't know if Papa and the others will win.

The little girl thought for a while, and really wanted to use her divine power to see if Tang San would win the match in the end, but she finally dismissed the idea.

If you knew everything in advance, it would be meaningless, so Tang Pixiu decided it was better not to see it.

The master did not come alone, but also brought five people, two of whom were known to everyone, and only one was a girl.

One is Qin Ming and the other is Tai Long.

As for the other three, I am not very familiar with them.

"These four are your substitutes." The master briefly introduced, and then looked at the Shrek Seven Monsters, "All of you, please introduce yourself."

After hearing what the master said, several people introduced themselves.

"Level 35 Assault-type battle soul Zun Huang Yuan."

"Level 35 agility attack system Zun Jingling."

"A level 35 healing device, soul respect crimson bead."

The last person scratched his head with a look of embarrassment.

"I don't need to introduce it, everyone knows it."

Seeing that everyone has finished the introduction, the master also explained their origins.

"These four are the elites that Erlong trained hard and stayed in the academy. If it wasn't for this competition, they would have already graduated with their strength."

Oscar's expression changed, "Here, the cooperation between the substitutes and us needs more training, right?"

The master glanced at Oscar, "This is a necessary addition to the lineup for participating in the soul master competition. The severity of the competition will be far beyond your imagination. It is difficult for only seven players to cope with the heavy schedule and skill combination. Variety of opponents."

Afterwards, the master told everyone some points that need to be paid attention to in the soul master competition.

After listening, everyone also got to know the Soul Master Competition again.

Tang Pixiu felt a little bored, so he went to the academy and didn't intend to listen.

Seeing the little girl sneaking forward with short legs, Tang San originally wanted to call her to stop, but in the end he rested his mind.

Forget it, you can't lock up the kids all the time.

Tang Pixiu, who left successfully, naturally went to find his younger brother Xie Mo, but Xie Mo didn't seem very happy today.

"Boss, why is cultivation so difficult? I want to give up. But my father won't let me. He said that I am the only one who can change our family's life. Boss, why are you so good at such a young age, but I can't?" Xie Mo wanted to cry up.

He is currently studying at the Junior Soul Master Academy, and there are many students in it. Today, he happened to have a competition class, which shocked him greatly.

He was even beaten and bruised all over his body, so he dared not tell his father.

Tang Pixiu took a look and found that his younger brother was indeed injured.

"Hmph, if you hit the younger one, the boss will of course have to ask for an explanation."

After the little girl finished speaking, she dragged Xie Mo to find an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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