Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 123 Use strength to shut them up

Chapter 123 Use strength to shut them up
Of course Tang Pixiu knew about the bullying of Shrek Academy students at Tiandou Royal Academy that day.

Although she didn't understand why, Dean Flender's anger must be because of those people, it seems that Tiandou Royal Academy is also a thorn in the dean's heart.

"Dean, don't be angry, just hit them hard."

Hearing Tang Pixiu's comfort, Flender relaxed and smiled.

"Okay, this time, let that Prince Xue Xing take a look at what kind of monsters our Shrek Academy has cultivated."

The little girl nodded with a vague understanding, then turned her head and continued to look at the field.

Shrek was in the waiting area, and Oscar couldn't help but complain when he heard how lively the field was.

"Oh my god, people from Tiandou Royal Academy are so popular, we must never get them." Oscar put his hand on Ma Hongjun and said.

Ma Hongjun looked puzzled, "Why?"

Oscar's face was filled with embarrassment, "We are so strong, if we beat them violently at that time, won't we be drowned by the audience's saliva one by one?"

After speaking, he almost jumped up.

Hearing what Oscar said, Ma Hongjun also nodded.

"Well, it makes sense, makes sense."

Everyone couldn't help but touch their foreheads, Oscar really deserves a beating like this.

The host continued to introduce, and finally arrived at Shrek Academy.

"The last team to enter the arena, dressed in strange school uniforms, is Shrek Academy. Their registration slogan is, champions without opponents! Presumably they want to leave their names in an alternative way, hoping that they can get a good result." victory."

However, Shrek's appearance made everyone around him laugh. After all, it's hard not to pay attention to showing such a costume in front of so many people.

"Haha, I'm still looking for a title advertisement, is it an endorsement for stinky tofu?"

Dai Mubai clenched his fists, and immediately wanted to beat up the person who spoke, he wanted to let him know that they didn't speak for stinky tofu.

But Tang San was calmer, he grabbed Dai Mubai.

"Boss, we will use our strength to shut them up."

At this time, Ning Rongrong suddenly pointed in one direction, "Look quickly, look at the three people in the first row."

"Which three, why can't I see anything?" Oscar put his hand on Ma Hongjun's shoulder and asked.

"It's up there!" Ning Rongrong pointed at the display screen angrily.

Tang San looked up, then turned around and asked Ning Rongrong, "Oh, you know everyone?"

"The one on the left and right is my father, third brother, you have seen it before. The one on the left of my father is His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, Emperor Xue Ye. The one on the left of your Majesty is the Master of the Wuhun Temple of Tiandou City, and also the fourth son of Wuhun Chengcheng. Platinum bishop Salas, one of the great platinum bishops." Ning Rongrong complained, "Hmph, he is not a good guy."

Next, Emperor Xue Ye announced the opening of this competition.

"I, Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire and the host of this competition, solemnly announce that the Pan-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is now open!" Emperor Xue Ye said in a deep voice.

As he finished speaking, the atmosphere was ignited together, and everyone was very excited.

Sitting on the master's shoulder, Tang Pixiu also patted the chubby hand to cheer everyone up.

At this moment, she couldn't help but sigh, before coming to Douluo Dalu, she never knew that life could be so colorful.

It's not that the God Realm is too peaceful, it's that the gods love Tang Pixiu so much that they never let her get in touch with anything bad, so the little girl has always been carefree.

Of course, another reason is that there are definitely not as many gods in the God Realm as there are in the Douluo Continent, and of course there won't be so many complicated things happening.

Firework balloons flashed all around, and cheers were everywhere.

"Here, I hope that all the soul masters participating in this competition can give full play to their strength and achieve good results. You are all the pride of the Heaven Dou Empire." Emperor Xue Ye continued.

Next, Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School gave a speech for the competition, and he also said some polite words.

"I'm very glad to be invited as the opening guest of this competition. I have seen too many ups and downs of soul masters. Only through constant tempering can people grow. As His Majesty said, today you win glory for the empire, tomorrow the empire will Proud of you." Ning Fengzhi chuckled lightly.

Of course the host will not let Ning Fengzhi finish his sentence so easily, he needs to drive the atmosphere of the scene.

"Sect Master Ning, as the most powerful auxiliary system soul master, which team do you like?"

"Hehe, I am really optimistic about a winning team." Ning Fengzhi replied.

The host who heard this was also excited, "Which team can win the favor of Sect Master Ning?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't answer directly, "Hehe, this seat is still a challenge, but the final champion must belong to the Empire."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi speak, Tang Pixiu stared at little stars.

Aunt Rong Rong's papa is really pretty, and he speaks so softly, he must be a good papa.

To the little girl, Ning Fengzhi is indeed a good-looking adult, and beauty is justice.

"Unfortunately, Sect Master Ning failed to draw out his favorite team. Next, let us welcome the notary of this competition with applause, Mr. Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Temple. Friends, the highly anticipated competition About to start!"

At this moment, Tang Pixiu moved suddenly, looking at a black cloaked figure not far away, she subconsciously looked in Tang San's direction.

The man seemed to have seen him too, and reached out his hand to make a gesture of not speaking.

Therefore, Tang Pixiu didn't tell anyone.

But no matter what, the little girl was also very happy, after all, she saw her, she didn't lie, it's a pity that Papa didn't know.

The game is about to officially start, and everyone has a small blue flower in their hands.

If they support any team, they will throw blue flowers on the stage to express their love and respect for that team, and believe that that team will win.

The people around also started talking about it.

"Which team are you going to give the flowers to?"

"That goes without saying, of course it is the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, that is the pride of the Heaven Dou Empire."

The two walked forward, discussing the excellence of Tiandou Royal Academy while walking.

The people behind them are all Shrek's teachers and students.

Ning Rongrong didn't know much about this matter, so she couldn't help asking Grandmaster what happened to the little blue flower in his hand.

"Master, why does every audience member get a small blue flower?"

Even the little girl Tang Pixiu took one.

The little girl played with Xiao Hua curiously, but she didn't tear it to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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