Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 124 The Eye-catching Fourth Soul Ring

Chapter 124 The Eye-catching Fourth Soul Ring

The master reached out and took off the blue flower on his body, and put it in his hand.

"Although this is the most common flower in the Heaven Dou Empire, it represents a kind of sincerity and deep love. People often donate it to the academy they support. As for how to give it, you will know after entering the venue. "

Everyone walked all the way inside, and the surrounding area was also very lively.

Not long after, a clear female voice sounded.

"Welcome everyone to the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena. I invite Lord Salas to draw lots for the first round of qualifiers."

Salas is not a good person, but a lecherous person, and he is vicious. When he came to the stage to draw lots, he even reached out and touched the hand of the waitress who was holding the tray. The waitress naturally dared not be angry. Dare to speak.

This scene happened to be seen by Tang Pixiu, and she looked at everyone with some puzzlement.

"What kind of bishop, he even touched that aunt's hand, laughing so disgustingly."

After hearing Tang Pixiu's words, everyone frowned.

"Xiuxiu, that person is not a good person, don't go near him, he is from the Spirit Hall." Tang San said.

The daughter was already coveted by the people of Wuhundian, if she rushed in front of him, she might be taken away. The transformed spirit beast is a temptation for Wuhundian.

Even if Tang Pixiu's identity as a soul beast cannot be discovered, but with her talent, people can't help but go crazy.

The first battle was between Canghui Academy and Purple Star Academy. Hearing this result, everyone in Shrek looked at each other in blank dismay. That's right, Canghui Academy and Shrek are old acquaintances.

Shrek Academy, against the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Regarding the lineup for this competition, the Shrek people certainly wouldn't worry about losing due to lack of strength.

"Shrek Academy is the team with the ugliest uniforms."

"The Tiandou Second Team really won the lottery, won't they cheat?"

"How is it possible? It's luck, luck."

The audience in the audience was discussing, and Shrek's students couldn't help being speechless after hearing this result.

Oscar was a little speechless, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

"That's right, it's the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy." Tang San nodded.

Grandmaster stood up, "Although they are the second team, they are also from Tiandou Royal Academy. I am afraid that their strength is similar."

After speaking, he picked up Tang Pixiu and left.

"Since you are so confident, let's add a restriction to you, win within 1 minute." Flender held out a finger.

Oscar was dumbfounded, "One minute, how is it possible?"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun moved closer to Tang San, "Third Brother, let me come."

Tang San shook his head, "No, follow the original plan, your strength needs to be hidden."

"Okay, okay." Ma Hongjun was a little disappointed.

It didn't take long for the game to start.

Ning Rongrong's eyes were sharp, and she immediately noticed that Shrek's men had entered the stage.

"Look, it's the third brother and the others."

Tang Pixiu didn't know when she was hugged by Ning Rongrong, she also looked over there, grinning, showing a bright smile.

Papa, they are the best!

"Come on, Shrek, come on, Shrek!"

Ma Hongjun shouted very vigorously.Although he can't play, he needs to cheer for his team no matter what.

The people around looked down on Shrek Academy, thinking that they must be doomed, and they didn't have a good word to say anyway.

The host's voice continued, "Next up is tonight's protagonist, the much-anticipated second team of Tiandou Royal Academy."

The special care given to the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy was displayed on the display stand, which made Flender feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why can they be on the display stand, but we Shrek can't!"

The master was relatively calm, "This is also good, it is more conducive to us to hide our strength."

"But in this way, how much advertising money will I lose!" Flender shouted.

It turned out that he didn't feel that he was looked down upon by others, but that he felt that the income from advertising fees was less, so he felt uncomfortable.

The master stroked his forehead, and knew that Flender had fallen into the trap of money.

Maybe only when facing Don Pixie, Flender is a generous person, willing to spend money to change to other places, he is always budget-conscious.

The stage was full of fireworks, and the audience threw the blue flowers in their hands onto the stage, and the approval rating of Tiandou Royal Academy appeared on the screen.

"Heaven Dou Emperor Soul, the continent is vertical and horizontal, the Royal Academy, dominate the cloud top!"

This is the cheerleading team of Tiandou Royal Academy, and it seems that they are also very powerful, supported by all beautiful women.

"The third round of the first round of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition will be played by the second team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy against the Shrek team!" the host said.

Next, it's the game.

Tang Pixiu stared closely at the Shrek people on the stage with his big eyes, and the chubby man clenched his hands into fists and puffed out his cheeks to cheer for everyone.

The people around were all cheering for the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, and everyone was slandering Shrek Academy.

Ning Rongrong was a little angry, and couldn't help but want to go forward to reason with them, but was stopped by Oscar.

"Rongrong, we Shrek won't rely on popularity, but strength."

Everyone thought about it, and it was also true.

Even though Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong didn't play, they still believed that Shrek Academy would definitely win within 1 minute.

"Come on, Shrek Seven Monsters!"

Seeing the four people throw the blue flower onto the stage, Tang Pixiu also followed.

Today, Shrek's team still has five people supporting them.

"The two sides salute, the countdown to the game, three, two, one! The third match of the first round of the qualifiers officially begins!"

At the same time Dai Mubai immediately opened his mouth after hearing the password.

"Brothers, open martial arts!"

Shrek's students started to use martial arts. After all, they did not forget Flender's request, which was to win within 1 minute.

Saying simple is not easy, saying difficult is not too difficult.

After the Shrek students opened their martial arts, everyone was shocked.

Because the members of the second team of the Royal Academy and Shrek's players are almost all two yellows and one purple, or two yellows and two purples, the best soul ring configuration.

Only Tang San has two yellows, one purple and one black.

Even Emperor Xue Ye was shocked, "Wan, Wannian soul ring!"

After seeing this scene, people who knew Shrek couldn't react.

The first person to realize was Prince Xue Xing, these were the students who were kicked out by him, how could he not remember.

Mengshenji couldn't help but sigh, "This should be the honor of Tiandou Royal Academy."

If it wasn't for Prince Xue Xing's obstruction, these children are all members of Tiandou Royal Academy, and they will represent Tiandou Royal Academy to compete.

It was Prince Xue Xing himself who ruined such an honor.

(End of this chapter)

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