Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 126 Why does auntie want to be an uncle?

Chapter 126 Why does auntie want to be an uncle?
Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to Tang Pixiu, who teleported directly into his arms.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help being surprised by this scene.

He had long heard that Tang Pixiu was extremely talented, but he didn't expect to be able to teleport, and he didn't even feel any fluctuations in soul power around him.

"Now I'm just Rongrong's father, Xiuxiu's uncle, counted as your elder, not some kind of suzerain." Ning Fengzhi looked very friendly, and turned to look at Tang San, "Congratulations, Xiao San, you actually have Wanwan Year soul ring."

Tang San smiled, "Uncle Ning is overrated, and Rong Rong has also obtained the fourth spirit ring."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, remembering another purpose of coming here.

"Just now, I have discussed with His Majesty, Tiandou Royal Academy welcomes you at any time."

"We are fine in Shrek Academy, thank you, Uncle Ning." Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu and replied.

Ning Fengzhi's expression remained unchanged, "I'm the one to thank you, the hidden weapon you made is of great benefit to us. Rongrong, go back with your friends, otherwise Dad will be criticized for favoritism."

After speaking, Ning Fengzhi put Tang Pixiu in Ning Rongrong's arms.

"Let them criticize, we won by strength." Ning Rongrong said arrogantly.

Ning Fengzhi also had no choice but to burst out laughing. Of course his own daughter should be pampered.

"Before you leave, introduce your friends to me."

As Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, and it happened that Ning Rongrong also looked at her, and the two looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

Ning Rongrong got rid of her discomfort, and began to introduce the students of Shrek Academy to Ning Fengzhi.

After the introduction, Ning Fengzhi called Tang San away, saying that he had a few words to say to Tang San.

Tang Pixiu just wanted to eat now, but she still followed Tang San.

To this, Ning Fengzhi did not refuse.

After reaching a room, a young man in brocade clothes turned around and respectfully saluted Ning Fengzhi.

"Uncle Ning, you are here."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, "Qinghe, how many times have I told you, it doesn't have to be like this."

Tang Pixiu looked at the boy opposite, without wrinkling slightly.

this person.
"You are Qinghe's teacher, if father knows that he is disrespectful to you, he will be unhappy." The man stood up with Ning Fengzhi's support, and looked at Tang San who was beside him, "This is the brother Tang San whom Uncle Ning admired so much, right?" ?”

"Yeah." Tang San nodded.

The man looked at Tang San with a chuckle, "Could it be that Shrek Academy's funds are tight? The Heaven Dou Empire can sponsor it."

"No need, we are planning to discuss this school uniform with the principal." Tang San replied.

"Let me introduce you." Ning Fengzhi walked over, "Little San, this is the current crown prince of the Dou Empire, His Highness Xue Qinghe."

Tang San put down Tang Pixiu and clasped his fists.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness, Tang San is being polite."

"If Uncle Ning hadn't told me, it would be hard for me to believe that you are so young. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Xue and the word Prince, don't worry about it." Xue Qinghe waved his hand.

Ning Fengzhi walked to the chair, "Okay, let's sit down and talk, just in time to try this green tea."

Tang Pixiu kept staring at Xue Qinghe, and of course sat in Tang San's arms, but her gaze was undisguised, and Xue Qinghe couldn't help but glance at him.

"Who is this?"

Tang San also found that something was wrong with Tang Pixiu, but it was impossible to say it directly.

"She is my niece Tang Pixiu, and also my goddaughter. I'm sorry, Brother Xue, but the little girl likes to look at good-looking ones, and she has always looked at Uncle Ning before. Presumably, with you here, she likes to look at you now .” Tang San replied.

Hearing Tang San's words, Xue Qinghe's eyes quickly flashed a gleam, and quickly disappeared.

Tang San, who was talking with his head down, didn't see it, and Ning Fengzhi beside Xue Qinghe naturally didn't see it either. The only Tang Pixiu who saw it didn't quite understand the look, but he didn't care.

Afterwards, Xue Qinghe said some things about Tang Hao, which gave Tang San a little insight and got to know Tang Hao better.

Before leaving, Xue Qinghe gave Tang San a token.

Even so, Tang Pixiu's gaze was still on Xue Qinghe, as if he was thinking about something very important.

"Xiuxiu, you've come so far, why are you still looking in that direction?"

Tang Pixiu seemed to be too attached to Xue Qinghe, even Tang San, his father, couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Pixiu turned around, his little eyebrows frowned.

"Papa, that's not right, that's an aunt, why do you want to be an uncle?"

Hearing this, Tang San frowned immediately.

"What did you say? Xiuxiu, you said that Xue Qinghe is a woman?"

"Yes, she is a very beautiful aunt, but Xiuxiu thinks that Mama is still pretty, and Mama is the prettiest." Tang Pixiu thought for a while and continued, "Xiuxiu looks at her because of her body. Wuhun has wings, the kind that can fly, and the color is very similar to Xiuxiu's body, and it has a familiar aura."

It seems that the God Realm also has this kind of aura, but Xueqinghe has faded too much, thanks to Tang Pixiu's sharp nose, otherwise he wouldn't be able to detect it.

Tang San thought for a while, the Martial Spirit of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family could indeed fly, a swan with wings.

Presumably, it should be a woman disguised as a man for convenience.

It also makes sense to say it this way, after all, a dude like Xue Beng can't support the Heaven Dou Empire at all.

"Swan Wuhun, there's nothing wrong with this, let's go back." Tang San continued walking with his daughter in his arms.


Tang San thought that Tang Pixiu liked Xue Qinghe very much, "It's all right, let's go back quickly, Dad still has to practice."

Tang Pixiu just wanted to say that the martial soul on Aunt Bu is very familiar, it's not a swan.

Immediately, the little girl smelled a scent, and she was so greedy.

If the daughter wants to eat, of course the father will buy it.

After shopping, the father and daughter returned to Shrek Academy.

And the little girl, also because of Tang San's interruption, forgot to say something about Xue Qinghe's martial spirit.

After a day of rest, the game will start again the next day.

Flender led the Shrek Academy students to the competition venue, and was extremely happy along the way, after all, he had already obtained the investment promotion advertisement.

Even Tang Pixiu had a poop-green vest with an advertisement on it.

Seeing the entrance of Shrek Academy, the people around started talking immediately.

"This is the Shrek Academy that defeated the Tiandou Royal Academy, why are they dressed so strangely?"

Well, not being ugly is already his respect for the winner.

"With their looks, even if it's really a dark horse breaking out of the encirclement, it's still not admirable."

"Look at the Thunder Academy of the Kamikaze Academy, and the strong Weevil Academy, which one is not as champion as them?"

(End of this chapter)

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