Chapter 127 Distraction Control
Oscar cautiously blended into the crowd, and listened carefully to the discussions of the people around him.

"This Shrek Academy wears green shit."

"So they're asking for shit luck, right? Hahaha."

When students from Shrek Academy passed by them, these people immediately saw the advertisement on them clearly.

"Glamourous, wonderful scented dew, washing is healthier, hahaha."

Not to mention the people around, even Shrek's own students are a little hard to explain, they don't want to wear it at all.

Oscar also returned to the team, "It's all the dean's fault, he will do anything for money."

"Actually, this flower dew shop is considered top-notch. Half of the flower dew business in the entire Tiandou Empire is owned by their family." Ning Rongrong explained.

Xiao Wu sighed, "No wonder the advertising fee is so generous."

"But, this can't change the fact that we are ashamed." Dai Mubai shook his head.

"We keep winning, who knows what merchants we will welcome, maybe next time they will sell toilets." Ma Hongjun was speechless.

When others heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Absolutely not, they absolutely don't want such embarrassing school uniforms!

In the end, Dai Mubai went to negotiate terms with Flender, but Flender, an iron rooster, is really too good at calculating, he asked to increase his commission in advertising fees, saying that the previous color could not highlight the advertisement, so this part of the loss It should be borne by Shrek students.

But as long as they don't wear this kind of shit green clothes, everyone is still very willing.

Therefore, everyone agreed to this condition, and they also changed into clothes of the previous color that was acceptable.

Of course, the advertising space cannot be withdrawn.

After the decision was made, the master led Tang San and Ning Rongrong to train alone.

Tang Pixiu naturally wants to follow Papa, anyway, he is happiest around Papa.

It's a pity that her divine power has recovered too slowly during this time, and she is still stuck at the stage of [-]% divine power, and it may take time to reach [-]%.

If it reaches the [-]th percentile, she will definitely be able to beat those ordinary Contras, even Title Douluos.

Of course, if Xiang Ye is so powerful, it will not work.

Tang Pixiu sat on Tang San's shoulder in a daze, thinking about the formulas of the exercises he had learned in the God Realm, wondering if he should practice it.

In the past, he wanted to improve his strength so that he could tear open the space and return to the God Realm, but now he wanted to protect Tang San and Xiao Wu, as well as help them.

The lifespan of human beings is short, and she wants to help them realize their wishes in their limited lives.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong looked at the master and asked.

"Master, what special training do you want to give me?"

"Your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School should have a skill called distraction control, how far have you cultivated?" the master asked.

Ning Rongrong was a little embarrassed, "I have just cultivated the heart of the three orifices, and it is barely enough to apply."

The master glanced at Ning Rongrong and said, "The control of distraction is divided into five realms: three-apertures imperial heart, four-apertures constant heart, five-apertures scattered heart, six-apertures wishful heart and seven-apertures exquisite heart. Each realm It represents the ability to control the number of spirit skills and the number of simultaneous releases. You have cultivated since childhood, but you are still at the most elementary stage, how can you make full use of the power of your spirit?"

Hearing the master's words were a little harsh, Ning Rongrong's face was a little ugly, Tang San stood up.

"Teacher, Rongrong is already at level 50.00, and her auxiliary ability is also very good. She can increase our four abilities by [-]% at the same time. That instant explosive power can almost raise us to a higher level." Tang San said.

Tang Pixiu looked at Ning Rongrong, his big eyes were full of curiosity, and when he heard them talking about distraction control, the little girl remembered that she had also learned some.

It's just that it's different from Ning Rongrong's, and she doesn't like it too much, and finds it troublesome.

"Is there really such a good thing?" The master looked at Ning Rongrong, "Ask her, if you were fighting with the Seven Shrek Monsters together, how long would it last for her to boost the six of you at the same time? .I think it must not exceed three seconds."

As soon as the words fell, Ning Rongrong lowered her head.

"Three seconds?" Tang San was shocked.

He thought that Ning Rongrong could last for a while, but who would have thought that he could only last for three seconds.

Ning Rongrong also raised his head, "Master, how do you know the secret of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

"Don't forget, I was born in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and I'm also one of the top three sects. Not only do I know it, but almost everyone who is a powerful soul master knows it. Even so, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is still the most powerful auxiliary martial soul The family, it is precisely because of this distraction to control." The master said bluntly.

"You're right. The secret of our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul lies in the consumption of soul power. The higher the level of soul power and the more soul rings, the more obvious this problem will be." Ning Rongrong replied.

Tang Pixiu was silent, and wanted to find a way to help Aunt Rongrong. Although she can't return to the God Realm now, she can go back to the God Realm, or go back and ask the brothers and sisters in the God Realm?

It's just that if you go back, you will be weaker when you come back, and when everyone is in danger, it will be difficult to help.

After thinking about it, Tang Pixiu decided to choose a relatively safe time to go back, so that she would not worry about the safety of uncles and aunts like Papa Mama and Shrek.

Xiuxiu is already very powerful, and he has to protect everyone!
Every time I think of this, the little girl feels warm in her heart.

"This world is fair. The Seven Treasures Glazed Tower is called the number one auxiliary martial spirit. Its auxiliary ability is indeed powerful, but its consumption of soul power is also extremely terrifying. If this problem cannot be effectively resolved, we will face even more troubles in the future. Against a strong opponent, it is difficult for Rongrong to display her true strength." The master sighed.

Tang San also understood, "The solution is distraction control."

"En." The master nodded, "The so-called distraction control is to control the effects of different soul skills at the same time. During the battle, each participant needs different assistance. In the case of limited soul power Next, provide corresponding and accurate assistance to targets that require different auxiliary effects. Only in this way can the auxiliary ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda be brought into full play."

"For example, among Rongrong's current four spirit abilities, the most important thing for me is the improvement of spirit power. What Boss Dai needs is the increase of attack, defense, and spirit power." Tang San also knows everything.

Ning Rongrong was full of admiration, "Master, you are so powerful, your words are almost the same as what Dad said. But this method of cultivation of distraction control is hard and boring, so I"

Tang Pixiu looked at Ning Rongrong with wide eyes, isn't this the same as her attitude towards cultivation?

(End of this chapter)

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