Chapter 128 Not a Swan Martial Soul
When I was in the God Realm, all the gods around her said that she was the only divine beast left over from the ancient times, her status was much more noble, and she was naturally different from those ordinary divine beasts who were looked down upon.

In addition, she is cute, so apart from her identity, everyone loves her more as a little girl.

Therefore, every time she instructs her to practice, as long as she feels hard and boring, she puts it aside and does not insist.

Even if the most honorable god emperor guides her, seeing her goofing off all day, the god emperor just smiles and scolds her for not thinking about making progress, and will not really punish her.

From this point of view, she is the same as Ning Rongrong, a spoiled child? The little girl squinted her eyes and smiled.

"Rongrong, as the direct descendant of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, you already have the unique aptitude. This distraction control is the profound meaning you must cultivate. Otherwise, even if you can become a Titled Douluo in the future, you will not be a qualified one. Assistant soul master, can you understand the painstaking efforts of the teacher?" The master said softly.

This time, his tone was much gentler, and they were more receptive.

Ning Rongrong thought about the master's words in her heart, and she also understood her mission, not to mention that as a member of the Shrek Seven Monsters, she also wanted to be her auxiliary soul master.

"Master, thank you." Ning Rongrong clenched his fists tightly, "Don't worry, I will work hard to cultivate from now on."

"That's good." The master smiled slightly, "Rongrong, actually I called Xiaosan here because I had selfish intentions. If your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School didn't have a sect rule prohibiting rumors, could you also be able to use it when you practice distraction control?" Let Xiaosan practice with you."

Tang San immediately objected, "Teacher, distraction control is the unique secret skill of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, how can I learn it?"

The master frowned, "Little San, you are a control-type soul master, or a twin martial soul. If you can master the method of distraction control, your control ability on the battlefield will definitely increase greatly. In the future, you will have the soul skill of the second martial soul. The growth in strength will be even more obvious.”

"Okay, third brother, you can cultivate with me. You are kind to us, even if Dad is here, he will definitely agree." Ning Rongrong laughed.

Tang San still hesitated, "But."

Ning Rongrong ran in front of Tang San, "Third brother, when you gave me the fairy Qiluo tulip, did I refuse? No, because I really regard you as an elder brother, and the Seven Shrek Monsters are a family." , You have always been selfless to everyone, and I want to repay you. That's all right, I will go to my father now, and my father will definitely not refuse."

This girl is also an actionist, she turned around and left to look for Ning Fengzhi after speaking, but Nen didn't give Tang San the slightest reaction.

"This girl is really impatient." The master said as he walked, "Little San, don't worry, Ning Fengzhi will definitely not refuse this good opportunity to sell favors. As the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, he has a far-sighted attitude towards you and yours." Father, they are all very important. Now, tell me what Ning Fengzhi talked to you just now."

Speaking of Ning Fengzhi, Tang Pixiu immediately remembered that the Xue Qinghe he saw before was about a woman.

After Tang San told the master what Xue Qinghe said, the little girl also spoke anxiously.

"Master, that Xue Qinghe is an aunt, a very beautiful aunt, and has wings. But she is not the swan that Papa said, she is a person with wings on her back, just... oops, not the kind with two wings."

The little girl was so anxious that she didn't know how to describe that martial soul.

Tang San was also slightly taken aback, it turns out that the other party is not a swan spirit, so what is it?
The master's expression tightened, "Xiuxiu, you said that Xue Qinghe is a woman, and the martial soul is not the swan dancing soul that only exists in the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, but a person with wings?"

Thinking about it carefully, the master's face suddenly became ugly, and some cold sweat broke out on his back.

Tang Pixiu naturally didn't know what the master was thinking, "Yes, that martial soul is a person with one, two, three, four, five and six wings, four more than a swan."

"Seraphim spirit?" The master turned pale.

If Xue Qinghe is really a Seraphim spirit, then she must not belong to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Moreover, Seraphim is a top-level martial soul, only the former Pope of the Spirit Hall has it, so she must be from the Hall of Spirits.

People in Wuhun Palace, Wuhun is a seraph, pretending to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire Xue Qinghe and lurking beside Emperor Xueye, what a terrible thing!
The master deserves to be the corner of wisdom in the golden iron triangle. After thinking about it, he thought of the key to the matter.

Tang San didn't really understand, but seeing Grandmaster's very ugly expression, he also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Yes, yes, it's an angel, Xiuxiu didn't remember it." Tang Pixiu stuck out his tongue.

"Teacher, do you want to tell Emperor Xue Ye? If so, you can ask Uncle Ning to help." Tang San said.

The master shook his head, "No, in this way, you will scare the snake away, and worry that the other party will jump the wall and do something cruel. Don't worry about this matter, let me handle it, and I will figure out a way. Now you just need to be prepared. .”

"Yes, teacher." Tang San nodded.

The master pondered, if he just said that the little girl could see the opponent's spirit, no one would believe it, and would push the little girl in front of the spirit hall instead.

Since Tang Pixiu has met Xue Qinghe, Xue Qinghe must also know that Tang Pixiu is the person Wuhundian is looking for.

Perhaps Don Pixie would be dangerous too.

"Xiuxiu, you must not run around during this time, do you understand?" the master reminded.

"Know it."

The little girl nodded, twisted her little butt, and teleported into the master's arms.

I don't know if it was her illusion, she felt that the master seemed to be trembling, did he think of something terrible?

The seraph martial spirit is not strong!

Immediately, the master returned to Tang San's words just now.

"Theoretically, the news Xue Qinghe gave is not wrong. The key is what the secret treasure is. I couldn't guarantee that the news she gave was correct before, but now I am sure it is correct, because she It's the people from Wuhundian. But, why would all the people from Wuhundian go out for that secret treasure, and return without getting it, and maybe even lose a pope." The master said.

"Could it be a spirit bone? For a spirit master, the most precious things are undoubtedly spirit rings and spirit bones." Tang San guessed, "Spirit rings are exclusive and cannot be taken away, but spirit bones are."

It's just that the master and apprentice guessed for a long time, and there was no reasonable guess.

Tang Pixiu couldn't understand, but he thought of a way to help Papa.

"Papa, Xiuxiu has a way to help Papa practice that distraction."

After the words fell, the little girl looked proud.

(End of this chapter)

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