Chapter 145 The Power of Small Fists
Tang Pixiu had already followed everyone, and now stretched out his hand to hold Tang San's hand, while Xiao Wu walked in front of the father and daughter.

Tang San took his daughter by the hand and listened carefully to the master's words.

"You still have a long way to go. This failure gave you enough time to change yourself, which is a good thing." The master said with emotion.

As if thinking of something, Tang San picked up Tang Pixiu and approached the master.

"Teacher, there seems to be a conflict between the Empire and the Hall of Spirits. When we went to get the promotion certificate just now, Emperor Xue Ye had a confrontation with Bishop Salas of the Hall of Spirits. In addition to what happened last time about Xiuxiu's discovery, now I'm afraid the empire will be in danger." Tang San said in a low voice.

"You even gave such a guarantee as the ten thousand year soul beast. This is for you to choose between the Wuhun Temple and the empire." The master said in a deep voice.

Tang San nodded, "Teacher, do you think His Majesty is just demonstrating against the Spirit Hall. Or do you mean that the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall are already on fire?"

"What is certain is that it will not be peaceful." The master sighed slightly, "The more you are at this time, the more you must be cautious. Wuhundian must have not given up on Xiuxiu. Now if the winning team chooses to join Empire, then the Spirit Hall will definitely not forget Xiuxiu's existence. Therefore, what you have to do is to protect Xiuxiu, and it is best to take her to a relatively safe place after the soul master competition is over."

Hearing that he was mentioned, Tang Pixiu grinned.

The little girl tilted her head, rubbed against Tang San, hesitated to think about whether to speak, and finally decided to tell them.

"Papa, don't worry, Xiuxiu is going somewhere, and when Papa wins the championship, I will go with Xiuxiu." Tang Pixiu said crisply.

"Where is Xiuxiu going?" Tang San was a little puzzled.

Tang Pixiu glanced at Tang San, "Xiuxiu wants to practice, so go to a good place."

Hearing this, the master nodded.

"Okay, the soul master competition is over, Xiaosan, you can take Xiuxiu there."

The plan is this way, that is, things will never develop in the direction everyone thinks, and no one knows what will happen in the next second.

Suddenly, Flender poked his head out from behind Tang San and the master.

"What are you whispering about, master and student, and Xiuxiu?" Flender asked, and looked at Tang San again, "Little San, don't be unhappy, to be ranked in front of Chihuo and Tianshui is a very important thing for our Shrek Academy." It’s very honorable, and I don’t have to worry about advertising fees anymore, hahaha.”

Grandmaster and Tang San caressed their foreheads, and hurried forward.

Flender really fell into the eyes of money, and the only thing he was thinking about every day was to increase the advertising fee, and he didn't know what it was like to be a soul sage, begging for money all day long.

It would be embarrassing to say so.

"Tang San, stop!"

A female voice full of anger sounded, and everyone turned their heads to see that it was Huowu from Blazing Academy.

"Eh?" The people on Shrek's side were speechless.

This girl is asking Tang San what to do, it's really annoying, and she's very noisy.

Huo Wu glared at Tang San, "Do you have the guts to fight me without martial spirit!"

"I'm not free." Tang San replied coldly.

Facing Tang San's indifference, Huo Wu was even more furious, and stepped forward directly to touch Tang San, wanting to defeat Tang San.

Tang San didn't move, but Tang Pixiu in his arms had already moved.

Huo Wu tried to kick Tang San, but Tang Pixiu stretched out his milky little fist and met Huo Wu's right foot.

Originally, Huo Wu didn't notice that there was a little baby in Tang San's arms, but when she saw the little girl stretching out her hand to stop her, she was immediately startled.

But it was too late to take back the offensive, so Huo Wu could only kick it with her eyes closed.

Unexpectedly, when her right foot hurt, accompanied by the sound of the air bursting, she opened her eyes and saw that she was dumbfounded.

That soft and tender little girl actually blocked Huo Wu's fierce right foot with just her small fist.

Even, the sound of bones breaking was heard.


Huo Wu gritted her teeth and did not scream. She is a very proud person, and she would not yell even if she was injured. Now that she was punched on the foot by Tang Pixiu, she could no longer stand up. .

Huo Wushuang quickly supported his sister, and looked at Tang Pixiu in shock, feeling very surprised.

Are all the people in Shrek Academy monsters, just any little girl, has such a strong strength?
Even if the younger sister was a sneak attack, the little girl's reaction was a little too fast!
Tang Pixiu withdrew his hand, "Hmph, if I tell you to be fierce, I will hit you."

She didn't take the initiative to fight with others, someone made the first move, so she can't be blamed.

The little girl thought, Papa shouldn't be angry.

Moreover, she only used a little bit of divine power, but didn't use her whole body's divine power, otherwise Huo Wu's life might not be saved.

Tang Pixiu looked at Tang San timidly, and found that Papa was not angry, so he was relieved.

"Tang San! How dare you hurt my sister!" Huo Wushuang was furious after checking Huo Wu's feet.

Now the part of my sister's right calf is broken, although it can be treated by means, but Huo Wu's face is pale, it's not hard to imagine how much pain she has now, but she just gritted her teeth and didn't cry out.

"My daughter was injured, I was the one who was injured, you were the ones who attacked first, my daughter was just defending." Tang San snorted coldly.

Everyone in Shrek knew that Tang San wasn't usually a meddlesome person, but he wasn't a coward who didn't dare to fight back when he was bullied.

Tang Pixiu looked at his papa with bright eyes, "Papa is great!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl received a light blow on the head.

"How many times have I told you, don't do it casually, Dad will take action if something happens." Tang San was helpless.

Tang Pixiu touched his head with both hands, it didn't hurt anyway, and he smiled even more happily.

"Hugh knows."

"Tang San, I'm going to kill you!" Huo Wu's eyes spewed fire.

If it wasn't for his pale face and cold sweat, Huo Wu still looked very convincing.

The soul master's body is much stronger than ordinary people, but Huo Wu still feels pain when she is injured, and she also knows that the little doll opposite is not simple.

It was for this reason that Huo Wu was even more furious, she would lose to a little girl, and Tang San looked down on her.

Of course, no one would think that Tang Pixiu was really Tang San's daughter, after all he couldn't give birth to such a big daughter.

But if she was injured, of course Huo Wu would vent her anger on Tang San.

Huo Wushuang stopped Huo Wu, he could see clearly, that little girl might be stronger than Tang San.

"Let's go." Tang San said.

Shrek's people turned and left, and everyone secretly gave Tang Pixiu a thumbs up.

Good job, little girl!
That crazy woman should deal with her like this!

(End of this chapter)

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