Chapter 146
After the people from Shrek Academy left, Huo Wushuang went inside with Huo Wu in his arms.

At this moment, the expression on Huo Wushuang's face was not very good-looking, and Huo Wu's face was even paler, and she needed to find someone to heal her.

Up to now, Huo Wu still hasn't figured out how she was injured by a little girl.

"Brother, what happened to that little girl?" Huo Wu asked through gritted teeth.

Huo Wushuang shook his head, "I don't know what's going on, I've never noticed that Shrek has a little girl over three years old, and I've never seen her make a move, and I just found out. It seems that Shrek It's very mysterious, more mysterious than we imagined. It stands to reason that this kind of situation is impossible for such a young child. After all, she only awakens the martial soul at the age of six, and what she used just now is not soul power, without any Soul power fluctuates. But I have a feeling that she is even stronger than Tang San and the others, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Speaking of this, Huo Wushuang was a little bit speechless, because he himself felt unbelievable when he said these words.

Feng Xiaotian came with Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, but he didn't go to help Huo Wu.

When Huo Wu started to fight, he could only watch. After all, he knew Huo Wu's temper very well. If she helped, she would definitely be very angry.

After Huo Wu was injured, it wasn't Tang San who did it, but a little girl, so he couldn't do it, because the other party was just a baby.

"Sister Huowu, are you okay?" Feng Xiaotian said distressedly.

Huo Wu glared at Feng Xiaotian, "I'm fine!"

It's just that these words have a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Silly sister, if you want to defeat him, you have to keep practicing. Don't worry, we still have a chance in the promotion competition. Facing an opponent whose attribute completely restrains us, we must think of a new way." Huo Wushuang road.

"I see." Huo Wu nodded.

Feng Xiaotian's expression changed, "I will be with you, Sister Huowu, I didn't meet him in the preliminary round, and I will help you defeat him in the promotion round."

"Hmph!" Huo Wu snorted coldly.

Huo Wushuang didn't say anything, he walked in with his sister in his arms, and hurried to treat Huo Wu's foot injury.

Feng Xiaotian sighed and left together.

On the other hand, after returning to the academy, everyone went to the conference room of Shrek Academy.

"Xiuxiu did a great job today!" Ma Hongjun smiled, "I was able to take care of that crazy woman Huowu, and I am so happy to see Fatty Uncle."

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips, "Fatty man, you are not allowed to teach bad Xiuxiu."

"I don't know, it's obviously that crazy woman who wants to attack third brother. Xiuxiu is protecting third brother. This is no problem. Besides, do you want third brother to fight back and let her fight, or let third brother treat her subordinates?" Show mercy?" Ma Hongjun said very bluntly.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu nodded thoughtfully, as if for this reason, she really didn't want Tang San to get involved with Huo Wu.

In this way, did Xiuxiu help her?
"Xiuxiu is so good, you helped me."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking to Tang Pixiu, she hugged her and kissed her directly.

Everyone was still a little worried that Tang Pixiu would be scolded, but now that Xiao Wu was on her side, they were no longer worried.

Anyway, it was impossible for Tang San to really murder her and Xiao Wu.

At this moment, Tang San stood up suddenly, walked to stand in front of the master.

"Teacher, everyone, there is still one month before the next competition, and I need to retreat alone."

"You go, I will leave their training to me." The master stood up and said.

It's just that Tang San hesitated for a moment, looking at Tang Pixiu who was hugged by Xiao Wu not far away, he was still a little uneasy, if he went, Xiao Wu didn't know if he could keep a close eye on the little girl.

"Don't worry, Xiaosan, we will take good care of Xiuxiu after you leave." Liu Erlong said, "She is my granddaughter, and my grandmother will not let her get hurt."

Hearing what Liu Erlong said, Tang San nodded, turned and left the conference room.

Looking at Tang San's leaving back, Xiao Wu felt very sad.

Liu Erlong hugged Xiao Wu and comforted her silently.

The room became quiet, and everyone was sighing. In fact, they were more or less unhappy about this failure, but there was nothing they could do.

"The defeat this time is only temporary. In the future, we will have more difficult games to face. In one month, I will conduct intensive training for you. This time, your opponents will no longer be teachers from the academy, but It's Xiuxiu." The master said.

"What!" Everyone said in unison.

The master nodded, "Xiuxiu's strength is not bad, it may be higher than you, I decided to let her practice with you. I thought that Xiuxiu was still young, and with what her grandfather said, she didn't want to learn as she wished. But now, the Douluo Continent is about to be unstable, so Xiuxiu must also have the ability to protect himself. It is the best way to be an opponent with you. Xiuxiu, are you willing to work hard to grow together with your uncles and aunts? In this way , you can also do your best to protect the person you want to protect."

Tang Pixiu didn't quite understand it, but it probably meant that she practiced for her uncles and aunts, of course she was very happy.

I haven't been able to make a shot all the time, but now I have a chance, that's great.

"Okay, okay."

Tang Pixiu nodded, his face was full of joy.

"I will be responsible for supervising and guiding you." Qin Ming also stood up.

The master looked at everyone, "Now that Xiuxiu has joined the practice, if anyone dares to be lazy, I don't mind doubling his training."

Everyone fell down, it was miserable.

On the other side, cultivation has already begun.

At this moment, he fell into self-doubt, because he didn't know the meaning of his blue silver grass.

Without the herbs that Dugu Bo ate, without the eight spider spirit bones, he seemed to have nothing.

Except for his poison skills, it seems that he has no advantages, and he doesn't know how to be strong.

Could it be that my efforts all these years have been in vain?

Do I really want to give up the Blue Silver Grass?
Footsteps sounded, the door was kicked open, Tang San looked over, and found that he couldn't see who it was against the light.

Just then, someone spoke.

"little monster!"

Tang San blocked his eyes, "Old, old monster?"

Right now Tang San looked pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, his condition looked very bad.

"What's the matter?" Dugu Bo put his hand on Tang San's shoulder to circulate his soul power to convey the soul power, then withdrew his hand after a while, and sat beside Tang San, "Little monster, what's wrong with you, what happened? ?”

For Tang San, Dugu Bo also really likes this year-end friend.

Seeing Tang San like this now, with turbulent spirit power in his body, and a look of loss and pain, he was very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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