Chapter 175 The little girl is missing

Of the two teams that were all in the stands, only Bibi Dong, who was at the head, looked behind Grandmaster, and then looked at Tang Pixiu.

Bibi Dong is noble and glamorous, even at this grade, she is still so beautiful that people will be enchanted.

Sensing Bibi Dong's gaze, Tang Pixiu couldn't help but stand up.

That person is so strong.

By the way, like Papa, she also has two martial souls, and there is a slightly familiar aura about her, which seems to be related to people from the God Realm.

Even though the breath was not too strong, Tang Pixiu still felt it.

As if thinking that Tang Pixiu was interesting, Bibi Dong turned his eyes slightly, glanced at the Juhua Pass behind him, and whispered something.

Tang Pixiu looked nervous, but no one noticed that everyone was looking at the people from Wuhundian Academy.

At the beginning of the competition, the Wuhundian Academy team easily defeated the Tiandou Royal Academy with just a single Wuhun Fusion Skill, with a speed never seen before.

There is no doubt or any suspense in this match, Wuhundian Academy won.

Their strength is stronger than everyone imagined.

The surrounding people from the Heaven Dou Empire also began to fall into discussions.

"It's really shocking. Only after I saw it today did I realize the horror of Wuhundian Academy. There is no doubt that the final champion must belong to them." Yu Tianxin shook his head.

Everyone fought to the death in the Heaven Dou Empire, only to realize in the end that they still couldn't resist the opponent's blow here.

Lei Dong also nodded, "Although the strength of Shrek Academy was eye-catching last time, compared with Wuhundian"

"Did you see it, did you see it, that's called strength. Once the charm is revealed, what is Shrek's strength called?" The people from Wuhundian Academy shouted.


Salas watched Wuhundian's victory with satisfaction, turned and left.

With the end of the competition, everyone also plans to go back to practice. Wuhundian Academy is really too strong today.

At this moment, Tang San discovered that the little girl had disappeared.

"Dean, teachers, has any of you seen Xiuxiu?"

Hearing Tang San's question, everyone reacted belatedly. Indeed, it seemed that they hadn't seen Tang Bixi for a while.

"I didn't see her. Wasn't the little girl in your arms just now?" The master asked with a frown.

In this place, coupled with Wuhundian coveting the little girl, if the little girl ran out somehow, I'm afraid it would be dangerous.

That person has always been unstoppable.

Tang San shook his head, "Xiuxiu said she was going to find Uncle Mubai for a hug, and just happened to meet the Wuhundian Academy match again, I didn't notice it. Only now did I realize that the little girl went somewhere, we Let's go find it first."

"Okay, let's go right away." Flender nodded.

Just looking around, there is still no sign of Tang Pixiu.

Shrek's people questioned many standing people on the field, but they still couldn't find Tang Pixiu, and everyone didn't even see the little girl appearing.

For this result, Shrek's people naturally couldn't accept it.

Grandmaster looked up, and happened to see Pope Bibi Dong who was smiling meaningfully.

Damn it, the little girl was really taken away secretly by Bibi Dong, right?

Logically speaking, she should not have done such a thing because of her status as the pope, but her eyes were right.

So it can be seen that it was probably taken away by her people.

At this moment, Bibi Dong turned around and left the stand where she was.

"Everyone search separately. If you can't find it, you have to go back to the hotel to meet up in an hour. Especially Xiaosan, you can't just walk around casually, lest they will be against you." The master hurriedly said.

Since they searched separately, he went to ask Bibi Dong.

Tang San frowned, "Yes, teacher."

Dai Mubai stepped forward and patted Tang San's shoulder, "Little San, don't worry, Xiuxiu might just go out to eat. You also know that this little girl always likes to eat, maybe she saw something delicious thing."

That's what I said, but everyone knew very well that the little girl would never run around out of their sight when she was outside.

Therefore, she probably encountered some unexpected situation.

The little girl might have just teleported away.

Since Tang Pixiu's teleportation did not have any fluctuations in soul power, and everyone's attention was on Wuhundian Academy, Tang Pixiu was not noticed leaving.

Tang San was silent, Xiao Wu hugged Tang San's arm, and went with him to find Tang Pixiu.

Everyone dispersed, looking for the little girl everywhere, and asking everywhere.

But Tang Pixiu, who was looking for, appeared in a large hall.

"I didn't tell Papa and Mama, they would definitely be anxious, but Xiuxiu can't get out." Tang Pixiu rubbed his little head angrily.

Around Tang Pixiu, a red light curtain surrounded her.

"Little girl, don't waste your energy, it's because we know you are difficult to deal with, that's why we have so many people guarding you."

On both sides of the main hall, there were actually four old men sitting on each side.

The red light curtain around Tang Pixiu was maintained by the eight people on the left and right.

Tang Pixiu glared fiercely at the old man who spoke, and clenched his small fists.

"Go away, Xiuxiu wants to go back!"

If it weren't for the fact that her strength was only about [-]%, these people wouldn't be able to stop her.

Originally, she wanted to use the five-colored stone, but now her [-]% strength can't exert the full power of the five-colored stone at all. If someone finds out that something is wrong, she may be snatched away.

When he was in the God Realm, when the God Emperor gave Tang Pixiu the multicolored stone bracelet, he told her not to use the power in it lightly, it was a talisman he gave.

The five-colored stone contains powerful energy, and it is very difficult for the little girl to use it when her strength is not fully recovered.

At most, only some fur can be used.

"Little girl, what are you going back for? I can give you what Shrek Academy can give you."

A female voice came in, Tang Pixiu looked up and found that it was the scary woman from before.

"Xiuxiu no, Xiuxiu wants to go back." Tang Pixiu resolutely refused.

The little girl didn't know how to pretend to be false, so she answered Bibi Dong directly in a rough voice, which made Bibi Dong's face a little gloomy.

As if thinking of something, Bibi Dong laughed again.

"Little girl, don't refuse in a hurry, why don't you tell me what you are before I decide whether to let you go or not?" Bibi Dong chuckled.

Tang Pixiu's eyeballs kept rolling, and he couldn't hide it, so Bibi Dong could easily see that she was thinking of an excuse.

Moreover, she will not tell herself the real situation.

"Xiuxiu didn't tell you, but also told Papa, you can't tell me."

Tang Pixiu spoke seriously, his small face was full of seriousness.

PS: The little girl is about to explode~

(End of this chapter)

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