Chapter 176
The little girl's answer was also expected by Bibi Dong, and she didn't expect Tang Pixiu to really tell her her identity.

"You are not a soul beast, you don't have any soul beast breath on your body, but it's impossible for a human child to remain unchanged for eight years, and you don't have any fluctuations in soul power. Before you teleported, I didn't even feel you Your soul power fluctuates, so you must not be an ordinary person." Bibi said.

The little girl turned her face away, as if I won't tell you.

"Smelly girl, don't toast, don't eat fine wine, don't tell the truth, and watch how I deal with you!"

The old man on the side spoke, and looked at Tang Pixiu with a fierce look in his eyes.

Tang Pixiu was not afraid of this man's gaze, and she even turned around and made a face at him.

"Liu Wei Wei, you big idiot, Xiu Xiu just won't tell you!"

The man was furious, and his right hand gathered soul power.

"You are courting death!"

"Okay, what are you fussing about with a little girl." Bibi Dong said lightly.

After hearing Bibi Dong say that, that person withdrew his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope."

Tang Pixiu looked at Bibi Dong curiously. She knew that the person in front of her was very strong, but she didn't understand why she had a very faint aura of the gods.

Tang Pixiu was attracted here before because of the aura on Bibi Dong's body.

But Bibi Dong didn't know, she thought Tang Pixiu came here because of her words.

Just now, she secretly sent a message to Tang Pixiu to let her go, otherwise she would hurt Tang San.

"Xiuxiu wants to go back!"

Tang Pixiu was a little angry. These people have been suppressing her with soul power, hindering her body's recovery, and imprisoning her.

"If you don't go back, I won't let you go back either. Such a talented little girl must be used by my Spirit Hall." Bibi Dong said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang Pixiu was completely enraged, her body rose into the air under the pressure of the eight old men in the Wuhun Hall, her hair was still without wind, and even her eyes began to turn a little scarlet.

"If you don't let Xixiu go back, you will die!"

The golden light on Tang Pixiu's body was so shocked that it directly exploded the golden light curtain that was suppressing her, and she herself disappeared in a teleportation.

Bibi Dong didn't go out to chase, but let Tang Pixiu leave.

"Your Majesty, are you going after that little girl?" one of the old men asked.

Bibi Dong immediately shook her head, "No need, I just want to see the little girl make a move. Now I can confirm that she is not a soul beast, nor is she a human soul master. There is still a chance. But, you eight elders , I’m a little disappointed that I still can’t win a little girl.”

Bibi Dong's tone was obviously calm, but everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard her words.

"I beg the Pope to forgive me for my failure to do this well."

Bibi Dong just snorted coldly, turned and left.

But after she left, the eight elders of Wuhun Hall all spat out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, it was not a serious injury.

On the other side, people looking for Tang Pixiu were scattered around, and everyone was worried about Tang Pixiu's safety.

Dai Mubai just walked to a place, suddenly a familiar small figure descended from the sky above his head.

"I found Xixiu!"

As Dai Mubai shouted, those who were closer to him also followed.

The master looked at Tang Pixiu, who was unconscious. There was still a trace of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth. At this time, her face looked particularly pale, and the golden light on her body enveloped her.

"Go and tell Xiaosan, let's go back quickly."

Originally, the master was going to look for Bibidong, but now that Tang Pixiu is back, he doesn't have to look for it anymore.

Dai Mubai hurriedly carried Tang Pixiu to the hotel, he could feel that Tang Pixiu in his arms seemed to be in a bad condition.

When they got to the hotel, Tang San and Xiao Wu also rushed over, saying in unison.


When Tang San took Tang Pixiu from Dai Mubai's arms, the golden light on the little girl's body suddenly burst forth, and immediately turned into a Pixiu the size of a newborn baby.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Flender turned pale with shock.

How could such a good little girl turn into a beast?
Tang San's eyes were full of distress, "Dean, I'll talk about this matter later, I put Xiuxiu in the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag, it's not safe to put it in the hotel. Xiuxiu will become like this, it is obviously a serious injury, we don't have We can't help her, we can only let her recover slowly."

Hearing Tang San's words, everyone also remembered that there were people who wanted to infuse Tang Pixiu with soul power to heal his injuries or check his body, but without exception, they were shocked back by her.

Putting Tang Pixiu into the wishful treasure bag, Tang San explained to everyone.

"Xiuxiu is not a human being, but a soul beast. I picked it up. I didn't tell everyone before, but I said she was my niece when we first met. It's hard to explain later. I'm really sorry, no Tell everyone about Xiuxiu's true identity." Tang San whispered.

What, Tang Pixiu is a soul beast!

In other words, the little girl is at least a 10-year-old soul beast, otherwise it would be impossible to transform.

Reminiscing that Tang Pixiu has never grown up, he suddenly felt that she was a soul beast, which seemed to explain it.

Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, they didn't expect Tang Pixiu to be a soul beast.

So her so-called martial spirit is her own body?
No wonder the little girl is different from everyone else, it turns out she is not an ordinary person.

"It's just, why doesn't Xiuxiu have soul power fluctuations every time he makes a move?" Dai Mubai was still puzzled.

"I don't know about this either. Maybe Xiuxiu is a relatively rare high-level spirit beast in Douluo Continent. Anyway, when ordinary spirit beasts see her, or if she reveals a little breath, they will make the other party feel scared." Tang San said truthfully. , "Please keep this matter a secret. You are people that Xiuxiu and I can trust, so I will tell you Xiuxiu's true identity."

Oscar rushed to Tang San's side, "Little San, don't worry, we will protect Xiuxiu. No matter what her identity is, she is our Shrek's little princess."

Ma Hongjun also nodded, "Yes, I have never seen such a cute little girl, she is also my junior, I will protect her."

"Third brother, don't worry, Xiao Ao is right. No matter what Hugh Xiu's identity is, she will always be the little princess of our Shrek Seven Monsters. She also helped my father before, so that my father is now promoted to Contra, the overall strength of our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has been enhanced. Therefore, she is also the little princess of our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School."

Dai Mubai also said, "Everyone is right, Xiao San, don't worry."

Xiao Wu was thoughtful, everyone didn't seem to hate soul beasts that much.

Could she also tell everyone about her true identity?

(End of this chapter)

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