Chapter 195 Kazuya's Same Breath
A handsome face appeared in Hu Liena's eyes, she opened her eyes slightly, and blushed again.

Hu Lina left, and actually took the medicine given by Tang San at the door.

It turned out that she just pretended to eat it.

This time Tang Pixiu couldn't help but came out, she didn't want to stay in the wishful treasure bag, she wanted to talk to Tang San face to face.

The little girl's face was full of anger, obviously she was very dissatisfied with Tang San's decision, she just didn't want Tang San to get in touch with Hu Liena.

That girl is so good-looking, what if Papa thinks she is prettier than Ma Ma, so why not leave Ma Ma?
And that woman looks like a badass, and she doesn't like her.

"Xiuxiu, don't be angry. Of course, Dad has his own ideas in doing this. Hell Road can't let you take me out. I want to obtain the Death God Domain by myself. This is also the way I improve my strength. Cooperating with her is indeed a A win-win situation, for me, can also increase the probability of getting through safely, and I can also get the Death God Domain." Tang San smiled and hugged his daughter in his arms.

When the little girl heard the explanation, she was not so angry anymore.

"Then don't forget Ma Ma, she is still waiting for us, this woman is a bad guy, Ma Ma is a good person."

Tang Pixiu raised his small fist and said in the direction Hu Liena left.

Mentioning Xiao Wu, a trace of tenderness flashed in Tang San's eyes.

"Don't worry, Xiuxiu, Dad won't like her, and Xiao Wu is the only one who likes her, Dad promises."

After hearing Tang San's guarantee, the little girl didn't say anything more, and returned to the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag.

Not long after, Hu Liena successfully challenged a hundred games.

Then, Tang San also challenged successfully.

Just after Tang San succeeded in the challenge, the arena also changed, the sky full of red gathered into a ball of light.

Tang Pixiu in the wishful treasure bag moved his little nose, looking at the red light with some puzzlement.

Strangely, it was that smell similar to Papa appeared again.

In the red light at this time, there was an old voice.

"Congratulations, young King Shura."

After the words fell, a man with wings behind him appeared in front of everyone, and many people couldn't help bowing down.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter."

"Papa, this person has nine circles, and he has an aura that is very similar to yours, and he is also very similar to you." Tang Pixiu's words reached Tang San's ears.

It's just that she didn't know how to describe it, so she said it smelled very similar.

And Tang San didn't understand, thought it was murderous intent, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Please invite the messenger of hell." The King of Slaughter said.

Hu Liena came out slowly, Tang Pixiu wanted to talk about that person's martial spirit just now, but now he completely forgot, seeing Hu Liena, he thought she would rob Tang San with Xiao Wu, the little girl was very wary of Hu Liena.

The field fell silent, and the Slaughter King continued to speak.

"Today, two strong men were born on the field. Their powerful strength and terrifying murderous aura make you tremble, don't they?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The people on the field cheered.

The Slaughter King slowly fell from the sky, stepped on the stairs that appeared out of thin air, and walked down step by step.

"King Shura, Messenger of Hell, I have decided to make an exception and bestow upon you the title of God of Killing. Furthermore, I will hire you as guests, second only to me. From now on, you can freely enter and leave the Capital of Killing."

For this result, Hu Liena and Tang San looked at each other, and both understood what the other party meant.

Obviously, you don't need to take the road to hell to get the title of God of Death. It is the King of Slaughter who really doesn't want the two of them to get the domain of God of Death.

Now that it has come, it is natural to obtain the Killing God Domain.

"No need, I am willing to rely on my own strength to pass the test of Hell Road and become a real God of Death." Hu Liena stepped forward and said.

The Slaughter King's expression changed slightly, "I'm afraid you don't know the horror of the road to hell. Messenger of hell, I hope you understand that a person has only one life."

Hu Liena chuckled, "Hehe, the great King of Slaughter, isn't it a bit ridiculous for you to talk about life with me?"

"What about you?" The Slaughter King looked at Tang San.

Tang San also took a step forward, "I appreciate your kindness, please open the entrance to Hell Road, I am willing to pass the test with the Hell Envoy."

"You guys want to join hands to pass the hell road?" The Slaughter King suddenly turned around, "Could it be that you have forgotten your origins?"

"Instead of both of them dying on the road to hell, why not both go out alive and become the real god of killing." Hu Liena didn't care about the words of the king of killing, "you don't need to worry about the affairs between us, please follow the rules of killing." Follow the rules of the capital."

Seeing that these two people were determined by the weight, the Slaughter King also knew that his advice was useless, and the choice of the two of them did not violate the rules, so the Slaughter King could not stop him, let alone stop him.

"In this case, it's a good trip to be a companion on the road to hell." The Slaughter King chuckled.

After speaking, he opened the road to hell.

Sure enough, just as Tang San and Hu Liena guessed, Hell Road was right under the stage.

Except for the God of Killing and the King of Killing, no one has ever seen the opening of Hell Road.

For a while, everyone was very excited.

God, they finally witnessed the opening of Hell Road!
It has been many years, they have never seen the road to hell, nor have they seen anyone to open it, and today they have a chance.

It turns out that no one has seen the road to hell, because everyone who has seen it has become a sacrifice.

But today, apart from Tang San and Hu Liena, others will also become sacrifices to open the road to hell, no one can escape.

The soul power and vitality of the people present were drained at the same time, and all of them were transformed into the energy needed to open the road to hell.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San and Hu Liena were simultaneously entangled and pulled down.

"I wish you good luck on Hell Road." The voice of the Slaughter King came from above, "If you can pass the test of Hell Road and become a new generation of killing gods, please replace me and say hello to your elders."

The Slaughter King's tone became visibly colder, even with a hint of irony.

Is Hell Road really that easy to break through?
Even if you are two people, it is not so easy, after all, the strength of the two of you is not so strong yet.

Before the two could react to the words of the King of Slaughter, they fell heavily.

Tang San's spirit power was released by itself, and on Tang San's body, besides the white ripples made of murderous aura, there was also a faint blue halo.

However, it was still a drop in the bucket, and it didn't take long before he passed out directly.

Tang Pixiu was worried about Tang San, so he injected a trace of divine power from the wishful treasure bag into Tang San's body.

(End of this chapter)

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