Chapter 196 No Eternal Enemy

Not long after, Tang San woke up, except for some dizziness, his body didn't feel much discomfort.

Hu Liena not far away was still in a coma, Tang San hurriedly spoke in a low voice.

"Okay, Xiuxiu, Dad is fine, don't worry."

Hearing Tang San's voice, Tang Pixiu withdrew his divine power.

"Papa, it's very dangerous here, you have to be careful. Besides, there is a somewhat familiar smell of Xiuxiu around here. Although it's faint, it's powerful. Papa, you must be careful. Xiuxiu won't go out to help, or that woman will see you Hugh knows Papa's identity."

The little girl understands a little more now, she knows how to disguise herself, in order not to cause trouble for Tang San.

Tang San was a little surprised, it seems that this place is not ordinary.

"Xiuxiu, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, you go to sleep first. When you wake up, we have already returned outside." Tang San said gently.

Tang Pixiu felt a little nervous and stretched himself.

"Got it, Papa, just go to sleep after going to sleep."

"it is good."

Just as the father and daughter finished speaking, Hu Liena also moved a bit, as if she was about to wake up.

Not long after, Hu Liena really woke up.

At this moment, the eyes of the two also fell on each other.

But Hu Liena's condition was not good, the murderous aura in her body began to become disordered, rampaging through her body, overflowing and scattered.

Tang San saw that Hu Liena released a layer of faint blood mist, the eyes of the whole person had completely turned blood red, and the white ripples around the body continued to increase in fluctuation.

And although she was looking at herself, her body was convulsing violently, as if she was enduring some great pain.

It can be seen that Hu Liena is not having a good time now.

With a sudden movement in his heart, Tang San shouted in a deep voice: "Hu Liena, wake up."

If you are not awake, it is obviously impossible to rush out of this hell road, which is extremely unfavorable to the two of them.

The danger is still unknown, and it is still important to unite now. No one can guarantee that they will be able to retreat on the road to hell.

Thinking of this, Tang San immediately got up, walked to Hu Liena's side and squatted down, raised his right hand, and pressed it on top of Hu Liena's head.

A pure breath of life flowed into the top of Hu Liena's head along the palm, this is also the change that Tang San could feel after the evolution of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Blue Silver Emperor has a unique breath of life, which he has never felt in other spirits.

"Papa, why did you help her!"

Tang Pixiu's voice came, with a hint of displeasure, obviously not sleeping.

It turned out that she said she was going to sleep, but she was still worried about Tang San's safety here.

Unexpectedly, Tang San would actually help Hu Liena wake up.

If Tang San didn't make a move, Hu Liena would definitely die.

"Xiuxiu, there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests, the future of the road to hell is uncertain, one more partner is better than letting her go crazy and pull myself to destroy together." Tang San replied.

He hated Wuhundian in his heart, but he could only force it down.

He wants to be safe on Hell Road, and also wants to obtain the Killing God Domain, so he can only put aside his hatred for the time being, and walk through Hell Road hand in hand with Hu Liena, the soul of the golden generation of Wuhun Temple.

Tang Pixiu fell silent, she felt the hatred hidden by Tang San's calm face.

Perhaps, she misunderstood Tang San, it was impossible for Tang San to have any thoughts about Hu Liena.

That's right, there is hatred between Wuhundian and Tang Hao, and between Tang San.

Ma Ma's departure is also because of Wuhundian!

Tang Pixiu stopped talking, calmed down now, and looked at Hu Liena.

Under the fluctuation of the faint blue light, Hu Liena's trembling body gradually returned to normal, and the blood in her eyes also faded.

Not long after, Hu Liena's eyes became clear, and she also took a deep breath.

Hu Liena said softly, "Thank you."

Hearing this voice, Hu Liena frowned, Tang San was also a little surprised, because now Hu Liena's voice is very hoarse.

When she spoke before, there was a hint of charm in her voice, as if there was nothing, like a yellow warbler out of the valley.

Now, it was hoarse, which sounded a bit uncomfortable.

Tang San got up, his expression was gloomy and difficult to understand.

"Together in the same boat."

Just these four words caused Hu Liena's eyes to have some emotions that shouldn't be there.

As the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall and Bibi Dong's direct disciple, Hu Liena naturally knew that some emotions should not be had. After all, such emotions can easily make people lose themselves and their hearts.

But now, she was unwilling to stop such feelings.

Of course, it would be embarrassing.

Hu Liena looked at Tang San, then looked away, and began to adjust her physical condition.

After fully recovering, she and Tang San observed the surroundings together.

Whether it's Tang San or Hu Liena, they are all very smart people, naturally they won't act impulsively, and they have to be familiar with the situation when they want to do anything.

What's more, both of them have skulls, so naturally they won't do stupid things.

Tang San's Wisdom Skull was prepared by Bibidong for Hu Liena in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition in Wuhun Palace, but Shrek won the championship, and Hu Liena missed this spirit bone.

However, when Hu Liena decided to come to the Slaughter Capital, Bibi Dong gave her another skull.

Bibi Dong really loves this direct disciple.

So now, two people who come here have skulls.

Perhaps in the past, they did not expect that one day the two opponents would cooperate.

As the two of them observed carefully, they couldn't help but gasp. The situation in front of them was much more dangerous than they had imagined. This so-called Hell Road really lived up to its reputation.

It turned out that the place where the two of them were standing was a circular platform with a diameter of about five meters.

After falling down just now, Tang San didn't act rashly even if he woke up.

Now this observation makes me realize how terrifying the surroundings are.

At this moment, a faint layer of blood red appeared around them, lingering around them all the time.

Except for the platform with a diameter of about five meters under the feet, everything is actually an abyss!

If you accidentally drop it, it will be beyond redemption.

Fortunately, beyond this platform, there is a long and dark path.

The path was less than five feet wide, and could only accommodate two feet standing on it at the same time, and it was difficult to see where it led.

But both of them knew very well that this road must be the only way to the outside world.

In other words, you have to walk over it to return to the outside world.

There is no need for words to describe the danger in it. The surrounding abyss is the best explanation, and no one even needs to explain it.

"Papa, it's very dangerous here." Tang Pixiu whispered.

Even in the wishful treasure bag, it couldn't stop Tang Pixiu's perception.

(End of this chapter)

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