Chapter 201 The Exit is Imminent
The cooperation between the two people just now can be said to be an exaggeration to describe it as close to death.

Tang San was very dangerous when facing the Bat King, he almost fell into the abyss and was sent into the magma.

And Hu Liena, who lost the threat, could actually abandon herself and enjoy the victory alone, but she obviously didn't do that, and pulled Tang San back the moment he finished the attack, obviously there was no struggle in her heart.

From this point of view, Hu Liena should not do anything to him in the short term.

Tang San also breathed a sigh of relief, he was always on guard against Hu Liena, and he was very careful.

The grievances and grievances between Haotianzong and Wuhundian are not unknown to the two of them.

Regardless of Tang San's identity as Tang San or a disciple of the Clear Sky School, Tang Yin and Hu Liena should be on the opposite side.

Now that Hu Liena was able to save him regardless of her own life, it was enough for him to let go of the grudges in his heart for the time being.

Through this short period of cooperation, the two of them had a new understanding of each other. Hu Liena trusted the man in front of her even more, and her heart trembled slightly.

Tang San stood up, patted the dust off his body.

"Okay, let's move on now."

Hu Liena shook her head, "It's better to take a rest first, we are both exhausted, and we don't know what kind of danger we will face later. As far as I know, there are three checkpoints in Hell Road. The blood bat just now should It is the first level. But you should also understand that generally speaking, the front levels are relatively easy, and the more you get to the back, the more terrifying the existence is. If we don’t restore it here first, I’m afraid when the time comes It's just troublesome."

Tang San wanted to say something, but Tang Pixiu's voice came to mind.

"Papa, there is a snake in front, a very powerful snake, and one, two, three, four, five, oh, two five, ten heads, which can breathe fire. But those heads didn't come out, like its life Same." Tang Pixiu spoke with his hands on his chin.

It turned out that Tang Pixiu had woken up, but found that Tang San and Hu Liena were still inside Hell Road.

Hey, if only she took Papa out directly.

However, if Papa wants to kill God, what field, he can only kill it by himself.

Tang San didn't speak, but his heart was already alert.

Since Tang Pixiu said that he was very powerful, he was definitely not talking in plain language. He still believed in the little girl's strength.

After a brief hour of rest, Tang San and Hu Liena started to move again.

Tang Pixiu didn't seem to want to sleep either, so he simply reported to Tang San.

Not long after, under Tang Pixiu's report, Tang San saw the enemy facing him.

The first thing that caught my eye was a pair of fiery red eyes.

On the narrow road ahead, a dark red body is crawling there. It seems that this should be the very powerful snake that Tang Pixiu mentioned.

It is still unclear how huge its body is, after all, it is crawling on the path, but through simple observation, it can be found that it should be a snake with its whole body wrapped around the narrow path.

Its eyes were not particularly huge, but the brilliance in those eyes was even more terrifying than the three-headed Bat King before. No wonder Tang Pixiu said it was very strong.

Of course, Tang Pixiu's so-called strength is only for Tang San and Hu Liena.

However, the little girl said that the other party has ten heads, but why does it look like there is only one?
No, not right!

On the snake's head and back, there are a total of nine protrusions, and each protrusion is like a bright red mushroom, with blood flowing inside.

So, what the little girl said is not wrong, one head plus nine bumps, the bumps are the head, and it should also be its weakness.

Hell, it turned out to be a prehistoric beast!
The snake's abdomen was particularly huge, protruding on the narrow road, and its body length was at least over ten meters.

The distance started to get closer from a hundred meters away, and the strange snake made a croaking sound, like a baby crying.

About 20 meters away from Tang San, the strange snake attacked first, a fiery red light burst out from its mouth, with a strong fishy smell, it quickly spread towards the two of them, sticking to it underfoot.

If it was flat ground, they could dodge completely, but in the current situation, it was impossible to dodge at all.

Sure enough, Tang Pixiu got everything right, the snake could indeed breathe fire.

"Papa, this snake is so ugly, Xiuxiu doesn't like it. The smell it emits is stinky and poisonous."

Tang San couldn't help smiling wryly, daughter, dad doesn't like it either, but it's dangerous now, it blocks the way.

Next, Tang San and Hu Liena fell into a bitter fight.

This snake saw that the sarcoma on its body had been destroyed until there were only three left, it was also filled with anger, and even directly spit out the inner alchemy, wanting to die with Tang San and Hu Liena.

"Papa, that fox is insane, Xiuxiu has a solution. Papa, throw Xiuxiu out, and Xiuxiu can pick up that inner alchemy, so that snake will be fine." Tang Pixiu said quickly.

Tang San knew in his heart that the little girl would never do anything uncertain.

Immediately, Tang San threw out the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag.

At this moment, a golden light radiated from the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag, covering the snake's inner alchemy.

In the next moment, Neidan cut off the connection with the snake.

Without inner alchemy, Tang San quickly got rid of the snake.

But just as they were hurrying on their way, the murderous aura in Hu Liena's body went berserk again, and she fell directly into the abyss.

Below, is the magma.

Tang Pixiu had already been put into the 24th bridge by Tang San, and now she was very curious about Neidan, but she didn't notice that Hu Liena fell down.

Tang San rescued him, but fortunately he rescued him safely.

However, he was also knocked out and taken away.

It turns out that the most terrifying thing in Hell Road is not foreign objects, but one's own demons.

What Hu Liena saw just now was her demon Tang San, the opponent she lost to.

Luckily Tang San didn't have any problems, he had the Blue Silver Domain and the Wisdom Skull, his skull was of higher quality than Hu Liena's.

At the beginning, it took him three days to absorb this soul bone, and Tang Hao and Tang Pixiu were there to protect the dharma.

And Hu Liena just absorbed it in an instant, her mental power was not as good as Tang San's at all, but it didn't take much time.

Therefore, the quality of the two skulls is naturally different.

The root of the Slaughter City is to control the people in the Slaughter City with the Huangquanlu formed by mixing the souls of the fallen with toxins.

Tang San dropped a celestial herb, which was specially used to stimulate the toxin in Huangquan, which was also his plan.

It's a pity that Tang Pixiu forgot to remind Tang San about the King of Slaughter, otherwise Tang San wouldn't have acted like this directly.

So, did a wrong thing.

The exit is close at hand.

Tang Pixiu also sensed the location of the exit, so he didn't care about Neidan at the moment, and was very happy.

"Papa, I'm going out!"

(End of this chapter)

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