Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 202 Obtaining the Killing God Domain

Chapter 202 Obtaining the Killing God Domain

Tang San nodded, but he was not as happy as Tang Pixiu.

Although the exit appeared, there was no way out for Tang San at this moment, there was a sea of ​​blood red.

When the pool of blood arrived here, it unexpectedly converged into a small lake, blocking him, with bloody aura overflowing and bubbles churning.

The distance of a thousand meters is like a gap that can never be crossed in front of you.

Wisdom Skull and Purple Magic Eyes activated at the same time, the first thing Tang San did was to observe the surroundings, he didn't let go of any details and clues.

At this time, on both sides of the narrow road, there is a wide, empty blood-colored lake with no end in sight.

A kilometer ahead is the exit, and above, you can only vaguely see the black cave roof at a height of about 200 meters.

Tang San couldn't help sighing inwardly, it would be great if Xiao Ao was here.

In the current situation, even if there is a notice of about 200 meters, a flying mushroom sausage can solve it.

Of course, this is just his fantasy, even if Oscar really can't realize it here, after all, he can't use soul skills here.

If there was really no other way, the little girl might have to take him out, since Hu Liena was also in a coma anyway.

But it wasn't until the end, Tang San didn't want Tang Pixiu to come out.

"Papa, Xiuxiu will take you out?" Tang Pixiu's voice came from Tang San's waist.

Now that Hu Liena passed out, the little girl didn't worry anymore and spoke directly.

Tang San shook his head, "No, Xiuxiu, no one knows if the Slaughter City has any other back-ups, it's not safe for you to come out, just leave it to Dad. Don't forget, Dad has the Blue Silver Emperor, and the There are flying claws, and eight spider spirit bones."

Immediately, Tang San showed the eight spider spirit bones, and directly bounced high towards the exit.

The eight spider spirit bones took over the control of Tang San's body, and the sharp spear tip pierced into the rock wall like cutting tofu, hanging Tang San and Hu Liena in the air.

Tang Pixiu, who was still very worried, was slightly relieved after seeing Tang San's eight spider spirit bones.

However, her gaze still closely followed Tang San's actions.

Tang San also knew very well in his heart that staying in this place was undoubtedly asking for hardship. He evenly adjusted the internal force of the Xuantian Kungfu in his body, endured the pain caused by the large output of mental power, and could only control the Eight Spider Lances as much as possible. Then hang upside down on the roof of the cave and quickly climb out.

After climbing for a while, the light of the exit is in front of you.

After going out, Tang Pixiu rushed out immediately.

"Scared to death, I'm going to sleep, Papa is working so hard." Tang Pixiu hugged Tang San and acted like a baby.

During the two years in the killing capital, Tang Pixiu always stayed in the wishful treasure bag.

Although I can see Papa, but I can't touch him. Now I finally got out of that ghost place, thank God.

Before the father and daughter could say a word, Tang Pixiu noticed that Tang San's body was changing, so he hurriedly took a step back.

Presumably, it is the killing god domain.

Tang Pixiu also returned to the wishful treasure bag, waiting for Tang San to wake up.

Right now Tang San's complexion was very pale, and there was an unconcealable evil spirit between his brows.

Tang Pixiu knew that this was a good change, so he didn't worry too much.

Suddenly, an invisible murderous aura swept towards Tang San, Tang Pixiu didn't stop him, with a bright smile on his face.

It's not that she doesn't worry about her papa, but she knows that this murderous aura can't kill her papa.

Sure enough, the murderous aura collided with the Death God Domain released by Tang San, and was directly scattered away.

Tang San's body shook, he opened his eyes, quickly turned around and looked in that direction.

A few tens of meters away, a slim figure stood there.

At some point, she was fully dressed, covering her perfect delicate body.

And her eyes were also staring at Tang San, with unspeakable emotions flashing in her eyes.

Tang San's heart tightened, he was a little worried that Hu Liena would wake up before him, and he didn't know if she had seen Tang Pixiu.

If you saw the little girl, you would definitely think that his identity is not Tang Yin, but Tang San.

Hu Liena walked towards Tang San step by step, with a faint smile on her pretty face.

"Did you feel it? We have the same talent domain." The voice like sounds of nature echoed in Tang San's ears.

Tang San didn't speak, just watched her quietly.

"Papa, don't worry, the fox just woke up, she didn't see Xiuxiu." Tang Pixiu said via voice transmission.

Hearing this, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, how could he have forgotten that the little girl could feel Hu Liena's breath.

Tang San came back to his senses, and then went to observe Hu Liena.

He was surprised to find that the eyes of Hu Liena, who had recovered the ability to use soul skills, became extremely clear at this time, and there was no element of charm in them.

If she used to be like a seductive rose, but now she looks like a fresh lily.

Unexpectedly, after going to the capital of killing, Hu Liena would have such a change.

"I entrusted my life to your hands once, and you also entrusted my life to me once. So tell me, do we even count?" Hu Liena spoke while walking.

Obviously the distance was not too far, but she walked a little slowly.

However, there is still a way to go.

Finally, Hu Liena walked up to Tang San, and stopped only one meter away from Tang San.

Looking at Tang San, Hu Liena's eyes became extremely gentle and tender at this moment, if outsiders saw it, they would definitely see the undisguised friendship in her eyes.

Tang San still didn't speak, just watched her quietly, he didn't know what was going on in the woman's mind, Hu Liena was much more complicated than Xiao Wu, she was simply troublesome.

Xiao Wu is simple and pure, but Hu Liena is deeply confused.

But for some reason, Tang San could feel that she had no killing intent towards him.

A trace of desolation appeared on Hu Liena's stunningly beautiful face, looking at Tang San, there was a hint of helplessness on her charming pretty face.

"Why am I from the Spirit Hall, but you are from the Haotian School?"

The enmity between Wuhundian and Haotianzong was not so easy to resolve.

It can be said that her teacher, Pope Bibi Dong, also has a plan to attack the Haotian School in the future blueprint.

The two of them are destined to stand on opposite sides.

At this moment, Hu Liena felt very sad.

Hu Liena further narrowed the distance between herself and Tang San, her sad eyes were undoubtedly full of stronger allure.

Seemingly a little unsteady, she fell into Tang San's arms.

Tang Pixiu gritted her teeth, she knew that the fox was not a good thing.

Fortunately, the little girl's anger subsided quickly, and she even covered her mouth and laughed.

Just because Hu Liena's plan was not completed.

(End of this chapter)

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