Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 206 Yuexuan's Graduation Ceremony

Chapter 206 Yuexuan's Graduation Ceremony

When Tang Pixiu was bored in every possible way, she thought about Tang San again, she didn't quite understand why everyone couldn't be together, a family should be together.

Now Papa is practicing, Ma Ma is also practicing, but they can't meet together.

While Tang Pixiu was meditating, a young woman quickly approached not far away. She had a curvy figure, was also very pretty, and had a unique aura about her.

Tang Pixiu, who was in deep thought, suddenly stood up, "It's Ma Ma who is back!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Wu once thought she was dreaming, but she didn't expect Tang Pixiu to appear in the Star Forest.


After saying those words, Tang Pixiu had teleported into Xiao Wu's arms.

"I miss you so much, Mama."

The little girl really missed Xiao Wu very much, she rubbed against her arms, holding Xiao Wu's neck with her short hands.

And Xiao Wu, whose whole body was stiff, didn't know what to do. She was a little surprised by Tang Pixiu's appearance, but she was more happy.

Immediately, Xiao Wu relaxed and reached out to hug Tang Pixiu tenderly.

"Xiuxiu, why are you here, where is Dad?"

In fact, Xiao Wu didn't see Tang San, so she knew that Tang San probably didn't come, but she still couldn't help asking.

Tang Pixiu continued to lie on Xiao Wu's body, "Papa and Ye also practiced, and also took Papa to a place. Hugh misses you, but he is not at ease. So, I also send Xiuxiu to the dean and the others first." , the dean also came, but he left again."

The little girl still didn't make it clear, but Xiao Wu understood that Flender must have sent her here.

That's right, Flender's cultivation is considered high in the human world, but it's not enough in the Star Dou Forest. If Tang Pixiu is sent in, it may be dangerous.

But Tang Pixiu obviously wouldn't worry about this, as long as her martial spirit came out, no spirit beast would dare to attack her, let alone she could fly.

Even though it was the expected answer, Xiao Wu still felt a little uncomfortable.

It's been almost four years, and I don't know when I will be able to see my brother again.

Soon, Xiao Wu calmed down, she was already very happy and satisfied to see Tang Pixiu, after all, she would not be too sad if she could see Tang San again.

"Xiuxiu, is everyone in Shrek alright?" Xiao Wu asked again.

Tang Pixiu nodded, "Teachers are all well, uncles and aunts are not here, only fat uncle stays in Shrek Academy."

Xiao Wu felt a little disappointed, she didn't expect that everyone had already left, but Ma Hongjun stayed behind.

In the following time, Tang Pixiu stayed with Xiao Wu for a year.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Pixiu bid farewell to Xiao Wu and went to find Tang San.

"Ma Ma, we will meet soon, and Papa will come to see you when he finishes training." The little girl smiled happily.

Xiao Wu's mood is much better now, "I understand, Xiuxiu, you have to protect yourself."

"Oh, Xiuxiu is gone."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Pixiu's figure disappeared.

Xiao Wu stood where Tang Pixiu left, with tears in her eyes.

Brother, are you okay?

In the Heaven Dou Empire, there is an academy with special significance, and it is specialized in court etiquette, named Yuexuan.

Yuexuan is the Academy of Court Etiquette of the Tiandou Empire, and those who can enter Yuexuan to study must have at least a noble title and be no older than 30 years old.

Undoubtedly, this is where the new generation of nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire is cultivated.

Therefore, Yuexuan itself was nothing, but no force dared to reach out to it, not even the royal family.

It was rumored that Emperor Xue Ye had a very close relationship with the owner of Yuexuan, but this has not been confirmed yet.

Whether it is true or not, no one knows.

Tonight is Yuexuan's annual graduation ceremony.

Yes, another group of students is graduating.

Those who were invited were all the parents and elders of these students, but they were undoubtedly important figures in the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, after all, this is an aristocratic academy.

One must know that the number of students Yuexuan recruits each year is only one hundred, for this one hundred places, the nobles of the entire Heaven Dou Empire are almost overwhelmed.

Everyone knows that successfully graduating from Yuexuan is equivalent to being plated with gold. Graduates here are known as true nobles.

The Heaven Dou Empire is different from the Star Luo Empire. The imperial power of the Heaven Dou Empire is relatively scattered, and nobles account for a large part of it.

But the Star Luo Empire is different, it is almost a royal autocracy.

Therefore, for the Heaven Dou Empire, the importance of nobility is self-evident.

And being able to graduate from Yuexuan can also make those nobles have face.

Not to mention anything else, it's just intermarriage between nobles. The stronger party will often ask the weaker party whether the other party's children have been educated by Yuexuan.

This means whether the other party is eligible to intermarry with his corresponding family.

From this it can be seen how much influence Yuexuan has on the upper echelons of the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

Of course, no one knew that Yuexuan's master, Mrs. Yue, Tang Yuehua, who had no power to restrain a chicken, was actually from the world's number one soul master sect - Haotianzong.

Tang Yuehua is Tang Hao's biological younger sister, who also came from the Haotian School. She herself only has level nine soul power, but she has a unique talent field.

It was precisely for this reason that she established Yuexuan as the Court Etiquette Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire.

As the owner of Yuexuan, today's Tang Yuehua is still wearing a silver palace attire, standing at the side of the hall with a smile on his face.

She only nodded her head when her subordinates told her that they were all here.

The graduation ceremony has officially begun!
Boys and girls in silver school uniforms slowly entered the venue from both sides of the hall, and those who came to watch the ceremony also smiled happily, looking for traces of their sons or daughters.

At this moment, the door on one side of the hall opened, and a young man in white walked out slowly with a delicate golden harp in his arms.

This young man's clear blue eyes are clearly visible, and his dark blue long hair hangs over his shoulders, but he doesn't feel disrespectful at all. all in one.

However, there was a special kind of tranquility about him. When he walked out with the harp in his arms, all eyes were on him.

He became the focus of the audience in an instant.

The students who were talking and laughing happily couldn't help but look at this person.

Among them, those female students had even more heart in their eyes, and their eyes moved with the movements of the visitors.

The young man in white put the harp in his hand, then sat down and began to play. The beautiful sound of the harp poured out from his fingertips, making people mesmerized.

Tang Yuehua stood there quietly, listening to the beautiful sound of the piano, wanting to know the state of mind of the player who played it.

Is he as calm as he appears on the surface?
(End of this chapter)

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