Chapter 207

A year has passed, and a whole year has passed. Tang has changed a lot compared to when he first came here.

Perhaps, he was indeed affected when he came out of the Slaughter Capital, but now it has been washed away.

Maybe it's just his nature.

The person who played the qin was Tang San. During this year, Tang San studied court etiquette in the Yuexuan, and what he learned most every day was playing the qin.

Now he no longer has the murderous aura emanating from his body after training in the capital of killing.

Of course, it doesn't mean that his murderous aura disappeared, but that he has completely controlled it.

When Tang Yuehua taught Tang San the first lesson, she told him that to be a real strong person, one must learn to control everything about oneself, especially emotions and aura.

So this year, Tang San spent in this kind of study.

Even a demanding lady like Tang Yuehua couldn't find Tang San's problem.

For this, she was still very satisfied.

Being able to play here was not because of the identities of Tang San and Tang Yuehua, but because of Tang San's own efforts.

Every graduate, only the most outstanding students have this unique honor.

For other academies, Tang San, a transfer student, was cold at the beginning, and his body was always filled with a cold air, even very gloomy.

Therefore, no one was optimistic about this student, he appeared suddenly like a mystery.

This enigmatic student didn't know the rhythm at all, but he was quickly admired by everyone, and it was even more unexpected that he would become the most outstanding student of this year.

Even those who are jealous of him can't find a reason to attack him, because he is too dazzling.

And he looks very handsome, of course there are many handsome people in the imperial capital, but none of them can compare with him.

Tang Yin, this outstanding and fascinating person.

Sitting under the stage, among the nobles, he was a young man with the most identity. His age seemed to be at the intersection of youth and middle age.

He is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe came here this time for his younger sister's graduation ceremony, and his younger sister was supposed to sit where Tang San was sitting now.

Unexpectedly, the sudden appearance of Tang Yin disqualified her sister from being a representative.

But the younger sister didn't feel annoyed at all, because she admired this young man named Tang Yin wholeheartedly, and she thought she was inferior in all aspects.

Xue Qinghe knew that his sister, as the princess of the empire, had always had her eyes above her head since she was a child, and even he, the prince brother, had no deterrent to her.

Unexpectedly, she would be overwhelmed by a man.

It's just that this man always has a familiar aura about him. Could it be that he, like Tang Yuehua, came from the reclusive Clear Sky School?
After the performance, Tang Yuehua took Tang San to talk.

The aunt and nephew talked for a while, and a little girl appeared out of thin air in the room.


Tang Pixiu held a big chicken leg in one hand, ate happily, and called out to Tang San when he took the time.

Tang Yuehua was taken aback, she didn't know that Tang San had a daughter.

However, it doesn't look like her own daughter.

At this moment Tang San looked joyful, knelt down and hugged Tang Pixiu, not caring about her dirty body at all.

"Xiuxiu, you're finally back. Dad thought you didn't want me anymore."

Tang San hugged his sweetheart, feeling very satisfied.

"Little San, who is she?" Tang Yuehua asked.

"Hello, Auntie, Xiuxiu is Dad's daughter." Tang Pixiu said with a smile.

Tang Yuehua was tickled by Tang Pixiu's milky voice, and when she heard her call herself Auntie, she laughed out loud.

"You little girl, you should call me aunt, I am your father's aunt."

"Auntie?" Tang Pixiu tilted his head and looked at Tang San.

It turned out that besides Grandma Erlong, there was another aunt.

Seeing the little girl's incomprehensible appearance, Tang San couldn't help chuckling.

"Silly girl, you should be called aunt. This is your grandfather's real sister, my real aunt." Tang San immediately looked at Tang Yuehua, "Aunt, her name is Tang Pixiu, she is my daughter, adopted daughter, you Just call her Hugh."

Tang Yuehua nodded, seeing that Tang Pixiu couldn't be Tang San's biological daughter, she was just curious just now.

Still, the little girl looks so cute.

"Have a good rest."

Tang Pixiu grinned, and regardless of his greasy body, he called aunt sweetly.

Just when she was about to go up for a hug, she stopped suddenly.

"Papa, that aunt is here, she is a man pretending to be a woman."

Tang Pixiu could feel that special spirit.

Tang San also understood who Tang Pixiu was talking about. When he was playing just now, he had already found the trace of the other party.

Thinking of the other party's true identity, Tang San looked at Tang Pixiu.

"Xiuxiu, you enter the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag."

If that person saw Tang Pixiu's existence, he would definitely guess his identity.

Tang San didn't intend to tell Tang Yuehua about that person's identity, he didn't want Tang Yuehua to fall into such danger, it was safest not to know.

"Hugh knows."

After the words fell, Tang Pixiu turned into a golden ray of light and penetrated into Tang San's waist.

Although Tang Yuehua didn't know what kind of charades Tang San and Tang Pixiu were playing, she didn't know how to ask, but seeing Tang Pixiu directly turning into a golden light, and the way she appeared just now, she was still a little puzzled .

It seems that Tang Pixiu is definitely not a simple doll. According to what she said, someone is coming from outside.

However, Tang San didn't seem to notice it yet, she knew who the person was, which meant that the little girl Tang Pixiu was still hiding something.

Not long after, a man and a woman walked in.

Tang San looked at the person coming at the door, his whole body remained unchanged, only he knew that he still had hatred in his heart.

However, after studying in Yuexuan for a year, he already knows how to restrain himself.

"His Royal Highness." Tang Yuehua saluted slightly.

Xue Qinghe smiled softly, clasped his hands together, and bowed slightly.

"Aunt Yuehua, junior, I can't bear it."

"Don't keep calling me auntie, am I very old?" Tang Yuehua covered her lips and smiled lightly.

In fact, she doesn't look old at all, only 27 or [-], standing with Tang Hao, no one would think that the two of them are brother and sister.

The one who came with Xue Qinghe was Xue Ke, the princess of the empire, she looked pretty and lovely.

Xue Ke hurried to Tang Yuehua's side, "Brother really can't speak, of course the teacher is not old, you are like my sister."

Tang Yuehua flicked Xue Ke's forehead lightly, with a sincere smile on her face.

"This one is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Your Highness Xue Qinghe." After reading Tang San's introduction, she turned her head to look at Xue Qinghe again, "This is my nephew Tang Yin."

(End of this chapter)

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