Chapter 210
Tang Hao also understood that Tang San and Tang Pixiu felt uncomfortable, he sighed slightly, but his eyes were calm.

"Surprised, aren't you? Don't you always want to know about my past? Come with me, and I'll take you to a place."

After saying that, Tang Hao hugged Tang Pixiu with one hand, and jumped forward, which seemed to have no effect.

Tang San looked at where his father's severed limbs were, tears poured out uncontrollably, the once youngest Titled Douluo turned into an old man in front of him like a dying man.

He is his father!
Even if Tang Hao can still act now, Tang San knows very well that his current strength is not as good as before.

Tang San had too many questions in his heart, he jumped up quickly, and followed his father to the rock.

Tang Hao didn't use his soul power to resist the impact of the waterfall, and let his body get drenched, but Tang Pixiu didn't get any water on his body.

It seems that Tang Hao still protected the little girl in his arms, or the little girl protected Tang Hao.

Seeing Tang San catch up, Tang Hao moved again, swung his left hand, and the three meter long Clear Sky Hammer was released suddenly, soaring into the sky.

The torrent falling in the air rolled back up under the action of huge soul power, and Tang Hao also jumped up closely following his Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San jumped up, he didn't have the thick spirit power of his father, but he had many ways.

The Flying God Claw shot out, and with a little leverage in the air, he had already caught up with his father's figure.

The waterfall has been rolled back more than half of the distance by the Haotian Hammer. Tang Hao's only remaining left hand pressed on the rock wall behind the waterfall, and a rock that seemed to fit perfectly was sunken in like that, revealing a portal.

In a blink of an eye, he had already slipped in.

Tang San never knew there was such a place here, so he quickly followed Tang Hao into it.

The speed of the father and son was not slow. It didn't take long for Tang Hao to come to a place and stop.

Tang San looked at his father's back, the pain in his heart was indescribable, and he couldn't describe his mood at all.

Tang Hao staggered, put Tang Pixiu beside him, and sat down by himself.

In front of Tang Hao, there is a small soil bag.

On the soil bag, a slender blue silver grass is fluttering in the wind.

The blue silver grass looks longer than ordinary grass blades, and the most peculiar thing is the golden fine lines on the grass blades.

"Little San, come here and kneel down, Xiuxiu too... Forget it, just sit down."

Hearing this, Tang San quickly wiped away his tears, went to the place Tang Hao said and knelt down.

Tang San's heart beat violently, he stepped forward a few steps, and knelt down in front of that blue silver grass just as his father said.

Raising his hand, Tang Hao's expression suddenly became surprisingly gentle, and he stroked the blue silver grass leaves with light golden fine lines extremely gently.

"Ayin, I brought my son to see you." Tang Hao continued, "Our son has grown up now. He has inherited your beauty and is better than me. Have you seen it? Our son is here Yes, and bring our granddaughter Xiuxiu. Xiuxiu, this is your grandma, Ah Yin."

Tang San opened his eyes wide, he couldn't believe it, the blue silver grass with dark golden lines in front of him turned out to be his mother!
The little girl's eyes turned scarlet suddenly, a sense of sadness welled up in her heart, she looked at Tang San, and then at the golden blue silver grass.

"Yes, it's very similar to Papa's breath." Tang Pixiu said seriously.

The tears on the little girl's face hadn't dried yet, and her voice was a little nasal at this moment, which looked endearing.

Tang San's heart was shocked, and he stretched out his hand.

It turned out that the Blue Silver Emperor blood in him came from his mother, and his father's lover was also a 10-year-old soul beast.

At this time, Tang San stared blankly at the blue silver grass with golden lines that seemed to be swaying slightly, exuding a gentle aura.

His heart trembled violently, uncontrollably, the Wuhun Blue Silver Grass was quietly released, and it spread out from under him, covering the entire hillside in an instant.

The Blue Silver Domain quietly opened at this time, combined with Tang San's spirit power, forming a very quiet space around.

Tang Hao was shocked, why didn't he think of this.

Tang San's body has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, and under Tang San's soul power, Ah Yin actually transformed into his original appearance.

Could it be that she, Ah Yin, could really come back to life?

Tang Hao watched the blue silver grass growing at a speed discernible to the naked eye, and muttered to himself.

"I, why didn't I think, Ah Yin, Ah Yin, can you really come back to life? Ah Yin?"

Tang Hao couldn't help crying. As the youngest titled Douluo in Douluo Continent, his face was already covered with tears, and he let the tears fall to the ground.

This is also Tang San, who really saw his mother Ah Yin.

Tang Pixiu couldn't help crying again, he couldn't quite understand the current situation in his mind.

She tried her best to restrain her breath, and knew that if she released it a little bit, Ah Yin might disappear.

Wait, disappeared?
Can she keep grandma from disappearing?

It's a pity, that was just an illusion, and soon Ah Yin's body dissipated, and the only thing left was the golden blue silver grass wrapping the master and the wife.

As for why the little girl Tang Pixiu was not entangled, it was because the vines couldn't get close to her at all.


Tang San couldn't bear it anymore, prostrated on the ground and wept bitterly, he didn't expect that his mother was a 10-year-old spirit beast, and half of the blood of the spirit beast also flowed in his body.

At this moment, Tang San finally felt his mother's breath, he finally knew her existence.

The blue silver grass with golden patterns was originally about one foot long, but now it has gradually grown to about two feet.

But it was only two feet, and it stopped growing.

Tang Hao's lips were trembling slightly, and there was actually some excitement, which was a feeling he hadn't experienced in 20 years.

As early as 20 years ago when Ah Yin disappeared, his heart was already dead.

It was Tang San's existence that gave him the courage and determination to continue living.

But now, he has nothing to worry about, and even wants to stay with Ah Yin forever, and it doesn't matter if he dies here.

Regardless of the turmoil outside, he is no longer willing to join the WTO.

Now Tang San couldn't imagine that Ah Yin would grow faster because of his son's breath.

This speed actually exceeded the sum of 20 years!

Feeling the blue silver grass leaves wrapped around his palm, Tang Hao suddenly felt that he was very happy, and his dead heart gradually became more active.

Tang Pixiu silently took off the multicolored stone bracelet from his wrist and put it in his palm.

In the previous battle with Wuhundian, she had already used a five-colored stone.

At that time, her divine power was not as high as it is now. Although she was full of divine power, she could not exert the maximum effect of the multicolored stone.

Now, she has to do one thing!

(End of this chapter)

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