Chapter 211 You Are Excellent
At this moment, the atmosphere of Tang San, Tang Hao, father and son and the golden blue silver grass is quiet and beautiful.

Although the little girl sat on the side silently, she didn't feel any discomfort in her heart at all. She felt that she could understand that Tang Hao and Tang San ignored her for the time being.

Tang San's spirit power remained in the Blue Silver Domain until his spirit power couldn't hold it anymore, the Blue Silver Domain disappeared, and the golden patterned Blue Silver Grass also retracted its vines.

At this time Tang Hao's gaze had become a little dull, and when he sat there, he even showed a bit of a smirk.


Tang San's voice is a little hoarse now because of crying bitterly just now.

Tang Hao looked at Tang San, "Do you understand now?"

Tang San nodded silently, and Tang Hao recounted his past.

The little girl sitting by the side did not break Tang Hao's memory, but her eyes were full of determination.

It turned out that Tang Hao when he was young was as outstanding as Tang San now, even among the direct descendants of Clear Sky School, he was outstanding.

Tang Hao and his elder brother Tang Xiao are the two most outstanding brothers among the immediate descendants of the Clear Sky School. They are also the sons of the previous patriarch. With hard training and talent, they have become the leaders of the new generation of the Clear Sky School. , known as the Haotian double star.

Tang Xiao was 15 years older than Tang Hao, and cared for Tang Hao very much, and he almost practiced under Tang Xiao's guidance.

In terms of talent, Tang Hao is stronger than his elder brother Tang Xiao. He obtained the soul bone inherited from the sect at the age of 20.

But Tang Xiao only got it when he was 30 years old. One can imagine how outstanding Tang Hao is.

At the age of 30, Tang Hao had broken through level 78 spirit power, and Tang Xiao at that time was only level [-]. There was a gap between the two of them compared to the elder's spirit power, but they were considered strong enough.

After that, Tang Hao got the third soul bone. There were only three inherited soul bones in the sect. Tang Hao was designated as the next generation's suzerain, so he got two, and Tang Xiao got one.

Tang Hao's father also had his own considerations. He felt that Tang Hao was more suitable to be the suzerain of the Clear Sky School. After all, Tang Xiao was more than calm but not aggressive enough.

Tang Hao didn't complain about his father's preference.

Relying on their extraordinary strength and the background of the Clear Sky School, the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao quickly broke out their own world in the soul world.

Although the two of them worked very hard and hadn't broken through to level [-], they were still called a double Douluo.

Everyone is very clear that these two people will definitely become Title Douluo in the future.

Tang Hao's father asked the two brothers to practice outside for ten years. In the fifth year, they met Ah Yin.

Ah Yin was the youngest reported at that time, she and the two brothers of the Tang family traveled together to practice, they called her Xiaosan, so Tang San's name came from that.

Three years have passed, and the three of them have traveled to almost every corner of the mainland, fighting for justice and helping the common people, and their friendship with each other has grown deeper.

The eldest brother is like a father. Although Tang Xiao fell in love with the elf-like Ah Yin as deeply as Tang Hao, he still chose to quit.

One night, Tang Xiao quietly left the two of them and returned to the Clear Sky School alone.

That night, Ah Yin and Tai Tang Hao talked a lot.

She has also been hesitating, hesitating about what to do, after all, she is not a human being, but a Blue Silver Emperor who is about to enter maturity.

Tang Hao's love for Ah Yin dilutes everything, and the two of them are still together.

On the day Tang San was born, Tang Hao's spirit power reached level ninety, and Ah Yin also reached maturity.

This day was destined to be extraordinary, because the people from Wuhundian came here.

Ayin desperately used sacrifice, sacrificed himself to Tang Hao, and became his ninth soul ring.

At that time, Pope Chihiro Ji asked his subordinates to stop Tang Hao and kill him directly while he was not used to the 10-year soul ring.

Yueguan and Guimei used their ninth soul skill as soon as they came up, but they were seriously injured by Tang Hao's blow.

In such a short time, Tang Hao has already adapted to the 10-year soul ring.

Chihiro Ji also used the ninth soul skill, Angel Glory.

Tang Hao used the Great Sumeru Hammer to severely injure Chihiro Ji, but did not kill him
Of course, Chihiro Ji was seriously injured and returned to Wuhun Hall.

Perhaps everyone did not expect that the Pope Chihiro Ji of the Wuhun Temple would be pulled down from the altar by someone, and this person was Tang Hao.

It's not that Tang Hao didn't want to kill Qian Xunji, but he thought of Haotianzong.

If Chihiro Ji was directly killed, the Haotian School might also be severely injured, after all Chihiro Ji is their Pope.

Behind Chihiro Ji, there is another frightening person.

If the person from the Clear Sky School is still there, then Tang Hao has no fear of Spirit Hall at all, but the whereabouts of that person are unknown, and his life and death are unknown, so Tang Hao didn't directly kill Qian Xunji.

One person does the work and the other is responsible, so he asked Chihiro Ji to find him directly.

What's more, Tang Hao was also injured at that time.

Also, facing so many Title Douluo, it is impossible for him to retreat completely, let alone protect Tang San in his arms.

Afterwards, Tang Hao planted the seeds of A Yin's sacrifice here, and brought Tang San to live in the nearby Holy Soul Village.

However, Chihiro died of illness, and the people of Wuhundian still forced Haotianzong.

Tang Xiao had no choice but to remove Tang Hao and close the sect, and the Haotian School lived in seclusion from now on.

If he hadn't seen hope from Tang San's twin spirits, Tang Hao would probably have spent his whole life in the holy soul village in a daze.

"You are outstanding, much better than I imagined." Tang Hao said frankly.

In the past, if he heard Tang Hao's praise like this, Tang San would undoubtedly be very happy in his heart.

But now, looking at Tang Hao's body, he couldn't laugh.

"Dad." Tang San choked up.

It turned out that he bore a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred on his body.

"Don't feel sorry for me, I've survived even the most difficult times." Tang Hao sighed softly, "For Title Douluo, limbs can be detached, but the price is equally heavy. My soul power has fallen Level 75."

"Dad, why did you do this?" Tang San was puzzled.

Tang Hao sighed again, "I owe this to the sect. The two soul bones I got from the sect back then were the left leg and the right arm. I failed to inherit the position of suzerain, and I am sorry to my father. Over the years I have always felt guilty. If I had to do it all over again, I would still choose your mother, but I would also return to the sect. After I explain the matter, you can go back to the sect and worship you for me Grandpa, Chihiro Ji is dead, but the revenge of Wuhundian must be avenged, I want you to help the sect rise again."

"Dad, I will definitely do it." Tang San replied.

Tang Pixiu had wiped away his tears at this moment, and walked to the side of the golden-patterned Blue Silver Grass on his short legs.

"Yeah, it's okay for Xixiu to want grandma and Ye, and it's okay for Xixiu to help."

(End of this chapter)

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