Chapter 213 Life Has Been Complete
As for her spirit ring and spirit bone, of course she wants to leave it to the person she loves the most.

The soul ring was given to Tang Hao, and the soul bone was given to Tang San, which was also the best choice.

"Little San, with Xiuxiu's help, my mother is now a human being, and I am no longer a soul beast, completely out of the blood of a soul beast. Whether it is a soul ring or a soul bone, it doesn't mean anything to me. , I can’t absorb it anymore. Xiuxiu’s help to me is not just that simple, it even gives me confidence in cultivating to the title of Douluo. Don’t think that I have completely absorbed her power, in fact I have only absorbed half of it The other half will slowly merge with me as I practice. Xiaosan, if you absorb the spirit bone, mom will feel at ease. In the next time, mom will also practice and adapt to Xiuxiu's power." Ah Yin spoke softly.

Tang San paused, "But, mom, I"

"Okay, kid, quickly absorb, mom is very happy that you can absorb mom's soul bone." A Yin continued.

Hearing what Ah Yin said, Tang San finally stopped refusing.

This is not a simple soul bone, but his mother's love for him.

"Mom, thank you."

When Tang San absorbed the spirit bone, Tang Pixiu in the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag could also feel the breath of life, she opened her eyes, felt her body warm again, and continued to sleep.

Not far away, Tang Hao and Ah Yin sat and chatted together, talking a lot, he told his lover a little bit about Tang San in these years.

Hearing Tang San's suffering, Ah Yin felt even more sad, and couldn't help crying, Tang Hao comforted him gently.

After three days, Tang San finally successfully absorbed the spirit bone, he didn't directly stand up.

Tang San was surprised to see that after absorbing the spirit bone, all his meridians turned into a light blue color, and the space for flowing internal force in the meridians has been geometrically multiplied.

The creek has gradually turned into the Yangtze River, but the meridians have not become thinner at all, but have become stronger.

If it was said that at Tang Hao's request, he had tempered under the waterfall for two years, Tang San's muscles and bones had been polished, and he had completely absorbed the effects of the two great immortal grasses, Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass and Blazing Fire Xingjiaoshu.

Then, at this moment, this 10-year blue silver right leg bone made Tang San's meridians expand to the limit.

Even the absolutely neutral energy will perfectly bond the effects of the two immortal herbs.

After seeing Tang San absorbing the spirit bone, Ah Yin also smiled.

"That's great, Xiaosan. Although my mother has become a human being now, I still have to continue my cultivation. My martial spirit is still the Blue Silver Emperor, but I no longer have the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline. The Blue Silver Emperor bloodline was obtained from you. Continued." Ah Yin laughed.

Tang San thought for a while, "Mom, I know that a place can make plants grow hundreds of times, it is a natural cornucopia. If you want to practice and improve your strength quickly, you might as well go to that place to practice."

Hearing this, Tang Hao was also overjoyed.

"Really? Little San, is there such a place?" Tang Hao was very happy.

Even though Ah Yin has become a human being now, Tang Hao still worries that she won't be able to adapt to the energy given by Tang Pixiu.

No matter what, you have to adapt your body to be safe. Even if Tang Pixiu didn't make it clear, Tang Hao still understood it very well.

Tang San nodded, "Yes, father, I will send you and mother to practice later."

"Little San, when you return to the sect in a few days, remember to hand over the other two soul bones to your uncle. No matter what, I owe the sect this." Tang Hao heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that Ah Yin was by his side, he really felt that his life was complete, even if his arms and legs couldn't recover, it didn't matter.

Furthermore, Ah Yin is now an adult, he must protect her well.

Besides, he had to get the two spirit rings that were invalidated before.

Fortunately, he only used the two worst soul rings at that time, so his configuration of soul rings in the future will be pretty good, two purple, six black and one red.

Tang San couldn't help but said, "Father, no matter what you owe the Zongmen, I will repay you twice in the future. If not, you can go back to the Zongmen with me, we go to worship Grandpa, now you are eligible to go back."

"Good boy, the time has not yet come. I want to accompany your mother to practice here. You also know that your mother has just been reborn and needs to recover. We don't know how long this process will take, but I will always be with her. We have missed each other for 20 years, and now I want to be with her every day." Tang Hao held Ah Yin's hand, then turned around, "But if someone dares to bully my son, I will never tolerate it .”

"I understand." Tang San nodded.

Tang Hao thought of another thing, "This time, you have been completely reborn. I have carefully checked your bones and meridians just now. From the perspective of your body alone, you can definitely rank among the top three in the entire Douluo Continent." If you can't bear the pressure of the twin martial souls in the future, then I don't understand how Bibi Dong did it. Don't worry about training, and when your Blue Silver Emperor reaches the ninth ring, you will boldly go for Haotian Hammer to increase the soul ring. As long as there is no strange feeling in the body, I think you should be able to continue to practice. Moreover, with Xiuxiu by your side, she should be able to sense whether you are safe. If you are really unsure, let Hugh check it out."

Up to now, Tang Hao has unconditionally believed in Tang Pixiu, perhaps just as he guessed, Tang Pixiu might really be a divine beast.

It is almost impossible for a soul beast to become a divine beast, after all, the bloodline was doomed from the very beginning.

Then it is very possible that Tang Pixiu was born with a relatively strong bloodline.

But Tang Hao didn't tell Tang San about this guess, since he couldn't be sure, then don't say it.

Let's talk about it later.


Ten days later, they came to the Sunset Forest where Dugu Bo was, and came to the Eye of Ice and Fire.

Tang Pixiu was still sleeping, but when she reached the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, she turned into a stream of light and went directly into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.


The little girl's laughter came from the surface of the water, and Tang Hao couldn't help being speechless.

Sure enough, the little girl's body is really different.

"Xiuxiu, be careful, your body hasn't fully recovered yet." Ah Yin said quickly.

She could feel that the aura of heaven and earth here was different, and it was indeed something she needed very much. Maybe she could really integrate her body quickly by practicing here.

Tang Pixiu flopped a few more times in the water like a dog planing, before showing his small head.

(End of this chapter)

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