Chapter 214 Unwilling to leave
The little girl's eyes were on Ah Yin, and she liked grandma very much in her heart.

It turned out that when she fell from the God Realm, she felt that Tang San's body made her injury better, but it was actually because of the Blue Silver Emperor blood in his body.

It's a pity that Tang Pixiu didn't know at all at that time, otherwise she would have helped Tang San awaken her blood, and she would have recovered faster.

Although she used a five-colored stone this time, she also expended a lot of divine power to help Tang Hao and A Yin recover. In fact, she has very little divine power left, and it will take a long time to recover.

But with Tang San by her side, her recovery speed was much faster.

Again, if I had practiced more in the God Realm back then, it would not be the case here.

Even after recovering her divine power, she still couldn't store much divine power in her body.

In the future, when you go back, you still have to practice seriously.

Tang Pixiu came back to his senses, and looked at A Yin with a bright smile.

"Grandma, Hugh is fine."

After the little girl finished speaking, she got into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi again.

Seeing that Tang Pixiu seemed to be fine, Ah Yin also breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want the little girl to be hurt because of herself, she liked this little girl very much.

Whether it's Tang Pixiu's company with Tang San and Tang Hao for many years, or her help to herself and Tang Hao, Ah Yin is very grateful, so she especially likes it.

Not to mention, the little girl herself is very cute.

"Little San, come here."

In the early morning, Tang Hao called Tang San, who had just finished cultivating the Purple Demon Eye, to his side.

"Okay, Dad." Tang San stood up.

Tang Pixiu was still churning in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, but now her complexion has improved, at least not pale.

Even if the divine power has not been fully recovered, but following Tang San's side, the problem is not too big.

Now her divine power has recovered by [-]%, it is not known how much faster than before, all because of Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor blood.

"Let's go later, I'm here with your mother, you don't need to worry."

Looking at the elegant, tall and handsome son in front of him, and Tang Pixiu, who looked like a little fat fish in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Tang Hao's eyes were full of relief.

Tang San knew that he really couldn't stay here any longer, he still had a lot of things to do, although his parents had already settled down, but the responsibility on his father's shoulders had also been transferred to him.

Haotianzong was going back, and the hatred in Wuhundian was not over.

Chihiro Ji's death, and now Ah Yin's resurrection, does not mean that the hatred between him and Wuhundian is over, these are all on him.

"Father, when can I find Xiao Wu?" Tang San asked tentatively.

Seeing Tang Hao and the current A Yin, Tang San also missed Xiao Wu a lot, he desperately wanted to see Xiao Wu.

Tang Hao smiled slightly, "Go when you need to get a soul ring when you reach level [-]. At that time, she should have almost entered the maturity stage. After entering the maturity stage, as long as she changes her appearance a little, she won't be afraid of being killed by others." Recognize it casually. Of course, before you are strong enough, try not to show up in the Hall of Spirits, and Xiuxiu is best not to appear casually. You know that Xiuxiu has never been able to grow up, and people in the Hall of Spirits should also check I understand. If you are caught by the people of Wuhundian, Xiuxiu will be very dangerous. Also, before you go to find Xiaowu, you must visit the sect and finish the things I told you. You should be warned, I will I have already told you, I believe you will be able to do well. However, there is one thing you have to remember, although Dad has high expectations for you, but your mother and I are just a son like you. "

In other words, in the hearts of the two of them, Tang San's safety is the most important.

Ah Yin also nodded, "Yes, child, your father and I will wait for you here. When you see Xiao Wu, bring her back. Mom wants to see her too."

"Don't worry, Dad, Mom, I have my own sense of proportion."

The meaning in Tang Hao's words naturally made Tang San understand, he actually understood everything.

"Go ahead, don't be in a hurry to come back to see me and your mother, she also needs to practice now, and I also want to improve my strength, the person in Wuhundian is the most difficult to deal with." Tang Hao smiled slightly, looked at A Yin, "With your mother by your side and my protection, you don't need to worry about our safety here anymore."

Not long after, Tang San took Tang Pixiu away.

When leaving, the little girl was still a little reluctant to part with her beautiful grandma, but she was worried about Tang San. After all, she had only left him for a year before, so Tang Pixiu still chose to go with Tang San.

Regarding the choice of the little girl, neither Tang Hao nor Ah Yin had any opinion.

"Papa, where are we going? Are we going to find Mama?"

Tang Pixiu asked in a low voice in Tang San's arms, she especially liked to be on Tang San's body now.

"Now we have to go back to the Clear Sky School first, then we can go to Xiao Wu, I don't know how she is now." Tang San was a little excited.

However, the excitement was soon replaced by the coldness in his eyes.

What Tang San now bears is the hatred of Wuhundian.

Even if An Yin is back now, it is Tang Pixiu who has given his own strength to get her back, which does not conflict with the persecution of Wuhundian 20 years ago.

Not only the mother, but also the misery and pain of the father in the first half of his life, and the despair in the holy soul village were all brought about by Wuhundian.

Tang Pixiu didn't quite understand why he couldn't go to Xiao Wu Mama first.

But if Papa said so, she could only agree.

"Got it, Papa." Tang Pixiu replied crisply.

"Xiuxiu, Dad will be very dangerous in the future, do you want to stay at the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye to practice?" Tang San looked down at the daughter in his arms, "There is a deep blood feud between Dad and Wuhundian, they are countless strong, Dad's strength is not high, and I don't want you to pay for Dad anymore. Even if you die, I don't want anything to happen to you, rest."

This was probably the first time Tang San told Tang Pixiu his thoughts so clearly, the little girl was still a little dazed.

But what followed immediately was a wave of firmness.

"No, Xiuxiu has to follow Papa and Mama."

Seeing his daughter like this, Tang San didn't say anything more, he could only do his best to protect her when the time came.

At this moment, Tang San had already set the only life goal for himself, completely destroying the Spirit Hall in his hands.

Five years ago, when he was less than 15 years old, he was already a leader among the younger generation of soul masters.

Five years later, he will be 20 years old, with three soul bones, twin martial souls, and two major domains. What kind of shock will he bring to the world of soul masters?

What's more, beside Tang San, there is a little girl who has lived countless years.

No matter what happened, Tang Pixiu decided not to leave his papa again.

(End of this chapter)

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